Chapter 30 Assassination!

At this moment, Xiao Yixian looked at Ning Luo in shock.

“Ning Luo, you said they didn’t have the plague, they were all poisoned, then, by whom were they poisoned?” Xiaoyixian asked quickly.

Ning Luo smiled and said, “This is a chronic poison, and it won’t be fatal. Moreover, it is disguised as a plague. They are sick, and who is best for them.”

At this moment, Xiao Yixian’s eyes showed a look of horror.

“You mean?”

“Also, why are the people in the entire town poisoned, but you are the only one who has no poison in Wanyaozhai?” Ning Luo continued.

This statement came out.

Xiao Yixian’s eyes were even more surprised.

In fact, Ningluo has already seen from the daytime that the people in Qingshan Town are sick and obviously poisoned by people. This kind of poison is called plague poison, which is very similar to plague, but this plague poison is caused by a kind of poison. People who are sick will have difficulty breathing, but they will not die instantly.

But the strange thing is that no one in Wanyaozhai has this disease, which explains the problem.

Obviously, all this is the conspiracy of that Mr. Yao!

He used this kind of poison to overwhelm the entire town, and when they developed an antidote, they would come and buy the medicine with himself. At that time, he would raise the price of the medicine and make huge profits.

And Ning Luo looked like a rich kid, in such a place, no matter who Ning Luo was.

No one will ever bother to die here.

Therefore, Mr. Yao also wanted to do something against Ning Luo.

“Then…what should we do?” Xiaoyixian looked at Ning Luo in surprise and asked.

Ning Luo smiled and said: “In this case, we will do everything!”

The night is dark and the wind is high.

A good time to kill and overwhelm.

In the extremely quiet night, Ning Luo was lying quietly on the bed. At this time, he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from outside the door.

Ning Luo knew that it seemed that Mr. Yao was about to get ready to do it.

Ning Luo knew that they were going to do something, and had already been waiting for them in the room.

Suddenly, someone secretly opened Ningluo’s door, and Ningluo lay on the bed without moving, waiting for them to approach.

He only heard a few people coming behind him, and they raised their shining knives, and they were about to chop them down towards Ningluo.

At this moment, Ning Luo suddenly opened his eyes.

A punch with his right hand immediately pressed the man in black on the belly.


There was a loud noise, and the man in black suddenly flew out.

He now had the strength of a seven-star fighter, and the people who came to kill him were at most one or two star fighters, so he was killed directly by Ning Luo.

This was Ning Luo’s first murder, and he was a little nervous.

But he understands that this is the Dou Qi continent, the world of The Weak are Prey to the Strong. If he is not ruthless, he will definitely be killed by others.

So Ning Luo quickly adjusted.

At this moment, the remaining black-clothed men looked at Ning Luo in astonishment, and couldn’t believe it.

This Ningluo hit.

Even a one-star fighter is in seconds!

Who is this kid?

How can it be so powerful?

Ning Luo looked at them coldly, and sneered: “Sure enough, you really want to do something to me.”

“Who are you?” At this time, a man in black asked.

Ning Luo smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said, “You don’t have to know, even if you know it, it’s useless, because you are about to die.”

“What an arrogant kid, let’s go together and kill him!”

Suddenly, the remaining three men in black rushed towards Ning Luo.

The dazzling knife flashed a cold light in the dark night, and a big man slashed towards Ning Luo’s small body.

Ning Luo’s feet were close to the end of the world. He imagined these people as Magical Beasts he had killed before, and suddenly escaped the light of the knife. At the same time, a wisp of Sword Qi condensed in his hand!

Aoki Sword Qi.

It was released immediately, directly piercing the heart of the man in black.

The other two slashed towards his flank, Ning Luo smiled slightly, stood still, and stabbed out with a sword.


Suddenly, his Sword intent was released.


There was a loud noise, and the remaining two people were directly bombarded by Ning Luo, hitting the wall, vomiting blood, and it was obvious that they could not survive.

In an instant, Ning Luo killed four people!



A guard came to Mr. Yao.

“Mr. Yao, it’s not good!” The guard quickly said.

“What’s wrong?”

“Mr. Yao, all the guards you sent were killed by that kid!” The guard said.

“What?” Mr. Yao was shocked!

You know, the guards he sent are all one or two star fighters. Although one or two star fighters are not a big deal in the entire continent, they are definitely strong in Qingshan Town. The kid can kill these fighters in seconds. So, this kid is also a fighter, or more than two stars.

In other words, this child is a genius and can cultivate such a genius, then the forces behind this child…

Mr. Yao can’t imagine it anymore.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, he hurriedly said: “Let’s go and have a look!”

At this time, Mr. Yao rushed to Ningluo’s room with a few guards.

Ning Luo sat on the table with her hands in her arms, as if waiting for Mr. Yao to arrive.

“Mr. Yao visited late at night, don’t know why?” Ning Luo asked while looking at him.

Mr. Yao hurriedly flattered: “I heard that my little brother was assassinated on my site. No, I just rushed over without stopping!”

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