Douluo's Fancy Development Blue Silver Grass

Chapter 231 Anecdotes in Heaven Dou City

In Tiandou City, the capital of Tiandou Empire, in a towering white palace, a young woman was sitting in a spacious office, intently reading an emergency report.

She is Qian Renxue, the empress of the Heaven Dou Empire, her brows are tightly furrowed, and a trace of worry flashes in her eyes.

"Did you find traces of those thieves in the jungle on the southern border?" She whispered to herself, and then lightly slid her fingers across the light screen in front of her eyes. She had just received the latest information from the Southern Scouting Regiment.

Scenes of creepy images flickered on the light screen. It was a hidden camp in the jungle on the southern border. It was supposed to be the hiding place of the gang of thieves, but now it has become a hell on earth.

Bloody and dark intertwined, dazzling and terrifying. Countless corpses were piled up on the ground, some had been torn into pieces, and some still kept screaming and struggling.

The air was filled with the smell of rancidity and blood, which made people sick. Swarms of flies and maggots gnawed bloodthirsty on the corpses, as if celebrating their feast.

Looking at these pictures, Qian Renxue felt a chill and disgust in her heart.

She frowned involuntarily and covered her mouth with her hands. Although she had seen many bloody scenes, such a tragedy still made her feel shocked and disturbed.

"Who did this?" She thought to herself. According to the report, most of this group of "thieves" came from the Star Luo Empire in the south, and it was this group of people who were buying food on a large scale. But now they were met with even crueler revenge.

"Could it be the ghosts sent by the Star Luo Empire?" She thought of a possibility that the remnants of the Star Luo Empire's defeated generals organized this operation.

But who was responsible for this horrific carnage? Or maybe it was to cover up some secrets before attacking this group of thieves.

"But even if it's to cover up something? Why did they do it so terribly? Did they want to give us a warning?" The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

She looked for any valuable clues in the picture, but except blood and death, she found nothing.

Even the captain of the experienced scouting group also stated in the report that they were unable to dig out more information from the scene.

"However, I can't focus too much on these places." She shook her head and turned off the screen in front of her.

She knew she couldn't be distracted by these interruptions and that she had more important things to do. She is the empress of the Heaven Dou Empire, she shoulders the fate and glory of the entire empire, she cannot slack off or hesitate in the slightest.

"Since the clues have been cut off, it is enough to maintain the necessary vigilance. Our focus is still to transfer food from various places." She said to the light screen.

As the empress, she immediately made up her mind and announced the content of her future work. Instead of focusing on the small-probability event of finding the storage place of the other party's granary, which has a slim chance, it is better to do what you can do.

And Qian Renxue had to admit it. If it weren't for Mu Zhena helping him like timely rain, it is still unknown whether he can overcome the difficulties.

"Although the order has been gradually issued, judging from the reports sent back from various places, my plan is not going well."

She turned on the light screen. Various data and charts are displayed on the light screen, reflecting various situations inside and outside the empire. She carefully analyzed each report, looking for problems and solutions.

"The Rhodes grain procurement team is constantly spreading around, and it is becoming more and more difficult to be caught." She frowned.

This is good news and bad news. The good news is that her orders are working and control is gradually being restored around the city, the bad news is that her control of the plan is not strong enough.

After all, merchants with a keen sense of smell in major cities have long noticed that the advancing troops have started their own grain purchase plan, so the executives from all over the country can't tell which are the merchants who normally buy grain and which belong to Ross. side forces.

"Your Majesty, I think we can let Wuhundian take charge of your food plan."

A young and enthusiastic voice sounded in the conference room. It was a new strategist, from the staff officer corps who performed well in this war.

"Wuhundian is your most loyal and powerful force. They have unparalleled combat and organizational capabilities. They can ensure the smooth progress of your food plan, and they can also resist any external or internal interference and destruction."

He said with confidence, with admiration and longing in his eyes.

"You make a lot of sense, but you're missing an important point."

Qian Renxue interrupted him calmly. She looked at him with understanding and tolerance in her eyes. These newcomers are a group of ambitious and knowledgeable talents, they just lack some experience and insight, and they need more guidance and training.

The grassroots personnel of Wuhundian have already entered a state of serious shortage after this war.

From the original several provinces, it expanded to control all the land of the two empires. A large number of staff is required, as well as a more efficient organizational structure. These are difficult for Wuhundian who has only been on stage for a few months!

Although there are various kinds of support from Muzhe, such as the decentralized Weidao network and 01, it still takes a long time for this organizational structure to run perfectly.

Hastily dispatching those inexperienced personnel to the countryside, whether to help or cause trouble, Qian Runxue herself did not have the confidence to answer this question.

"Do you know how much power the Spirit Hall has to dispatch and call?" She said in a gentle yet serious tone.

"Very little! Just maintaining the normal operation of the functions of the major cities, even with the assistance of the Weidao network and 01 intelligence from the Little Samsara Academy, these hard-working staff have exhausted almost all their energy."

"As for what you said about letting them be responsible for grain collection, it is indeed a logical suggestion, but under the current circumstances, if we weaken the execution efficiency of the Wuhun Temple in the city and increase the efficiency of grain procurement, I'm not sure it's helpful Still adding to the chaos”

Qian Renxue stood up, left the table and came among the counselors, her beautiful but stern eyes looked gently at the young counselor who was surrounded by embarrassment.

"You still have a lot to learn and grow, and next time I look forward to your thoughtful and big-picture suggestions." She said in a stern and concerned tone.

Qian Renxue walked to his side, patted his shoulder lightly, left the office and walked to the window.

She looked at the sky in the distance, her long silver-white hair was fluttering in the wind, and a long white dress set off her exquisite and majestic figure. Looking at the empire she governed and the bustling crowd, she made up her mind to resolve this crisis.

The Empress of the Empire squeezed his tense brows, and slightly relieved the tension that had arisen since the incident.

She knew that she couldn't make any mistakes at this juncture, every decision she made was closely related to the lives of millions of people in the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Attendant! Put the reports submitted by other provinces on the table!" After slightly adjusting her mood, Qian Renxue continued her work.

On the other side, in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi was also devastated by the current affairs.

He was sitting in the highest-level office of the sect, with various documents and reports in front of him.

He was wearing a gorgeous and solemn robe, but his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were full of worry and fatigue.

Issues at the imperial level are naturally dealt with by the empress, but in terms of business, which he is good at, he still has many issues that need to be judged and studied by himself.

What caused this handsome middle-aged man a lot of headaches was naturally that in this situation, Qian Renxue still had no intention of stopping her currency renewal plan.

Ning Fengzhi felt a little regretful, why he had to instill poisonous chicken soup for his innocent students back then.

A clearly mature ruler can hear the implication beyond the words at a glance, 'These things are really too difficult to handle, let's just give up! ’ Unexpectedly, Qian Renxue, who is a green head, would face these difficulties head-on.

And in such a difficult situation for the empire, there was no immediate plan to cancel this plan. The reason she gave was that if she missed this opportunity, the next one that is so wonderful and seems like a natural gift, probably won't come again.

Thinking of that delicate little face, even though he was suffering under pressure, he still exuded that confident light when he said this sentence. Ning Fengzhi shook his head involuntarily.

Qian Renxue's plan can't be said to be whimsical, at least it is based on reality.

She chose to issue a new currency, and then use the new currency to exclusively sell food, which can indeed promote the credit of her currency in a very short period of time.

After all, for the Heaven Dou Empire, Soto City is indeed the commercial center in the south of the empire at this time. Once this commercial center accepts this new currency, the difficulty of its promotion will be greatly reduced.

It's just that the difficulty is not as simple as that naive Lengtouqing thought. How to ensure the smooth operation of the grain exchange agency in this process, and eliminate the interference of factors such as runs and looting.

There is also how to print and distribute a large amount of currency with anti-counterfeiting marks, as well as the escort of currency, the supply of food, and the monitoring of internal personnel, which is not a big problem.

This scapegoat was taken as a matter of course and handed over to Sect Master Ning Feng Zhi Ning, who was the head of the Heaven Dou Empire's economy.

All the competent officers in the sect have been sent out to solve the tasks of purchasing food and logistics. Currently, the only ones who can help him solve this task are those newcomers in the sect who have returned from studying in the reincarnation palace.

"I hope these newcomers can surprise me. I don't know what Mu Zhe will think when he sees Qian Renxue so tossing around." Thinking of all the difficulties he might encounter in the future, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help rubbing his tense scalp.

He brushed a few strokes and signed his name at the end of the sect transfer order.

With the issuance of the transfer order, the huge Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School began to operate.

And deep underground in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, a seal with the soul power of the holy angelic attribute was placed on a huge soul guide.

As the machine was activated, various rare metals and precious metals such as copper, silver, and gold were continuously poured into the entrance.

The machine made a huge roar, and then sprayed new-style currency printed with patterns of snowflakes and angel wings from its exit.

The plan belonging to Qian Renxue will be officially implemented from now on.

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