Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 145 Brother and sister meet

The Flame of the Hidden Mountain.

Tang San had been standing nearby, listening to his uncle Tang Xiao's praise and respect for the underground beast god.

However, this kind of respect is not a belief, but a relationship between disciple and teacher.

Different from the Tang Xiao in Tang Shenwang's memory, the middle-aged man in front of him was more easy-going and seemed to have an attitude of not taking anything to heart.


Tang Xiao explained: Master Aoun has the power to break the soul master's cultivation talent and even reshape the martial soul.

Are you saying that Ah Yin's condition is fine and that she gets along well with the child and others?

Tang Yuehua has always been looked down upon by his tribe just because he was unable to practice.

Tang Xiao: I won't allow anyone to hurt her, even if that person is Brother Hao!

Just like his grandfather Tang Chen, he really relied on his talent to break the soul master rules of Douluo Continent.

Tang Xiao understood Tang Yuehua's concerns, but he also knew that Yuexuan didn't mean much to his sister.

When Tang Xiao left that year, on the one hand, Ah Yin chose Tang Hao because he didn't want to compete with his brother for a woman.

Suddenly, Tang Xiao paused for a moment, as if he heard something. His face was confused at first, and then a burst of ecstasy.

In fact, even if Luo Chen killed Tang Xiao and wiped out the Haotian Sect, Aoun would still approve of his trial.

Brother, are you planning to take action?

His attitude was extremely resolute, and there was even a bit of complaint and regret in his tone.

The father of the three siblings was angered to death by Tang Hao, and the Haotian Sect was killed and sealed away from the world.

If A Yin could not see the way he looked at Luo Chen and the way he interacted with other women, Tang Yuehua would have spent so many years in Kai Yuexuan in vain.

But, my, my situation

If it were the original Tang Xiao and his younger brothers and sisters had encountered such a thing, he would have taken the sect disciples out of the mountains without saying a word to seek justice for his family.

Tang Yuehua nodded and said, So, brother, what are you going to do?


Aoun didn't care much about this. If it weren't for Luo Chen's divine examination, he wouldn't even want to train him as a priest.

None of the disciples of Haotian Sect can catch Aoun's eyes.

Okay, mistress.

If Ah Yin really wanted to repay his kindness, then Tang Xiao would not stop him under any circumstances.

I know.

And this incident itself was Tang Hao's fault. He failed to protect A Yin and even killed her.

It is true that Tang Xiao cannot interfere with matters on Douluo Continent, but rescuing his family does not fall within this restriction.

After hearing Tang Xiao's words, Tang Yuehua's inner excitement could not be suppressed either.

But the problem is, Ah Yin seems to be doing it voluntarily.

Who are you?

Tang Xiao now only regards Ah Yin as his sister, and he doesn't want to see her sad.


If what happened here was really what Tang Hao said, and it was Targon that forced and threatened Ah Yin, then even if he violated the rules set by Aoun, he would still go to Targon and rescue Ah Yin.

Little sister, although big brother can't make up for the flaws in your martial spirit, he can see where the problem lies.

Tang Yuehua did not expect that his eldest brother would change so much.

He quickly noticed the contradiction in Tang Hao's words.

Of course, from the moment Ah Yin chose Tang Hao, Tang Xiao had already put aside this relationship.


In other words, Tang Xiao could go to A Yin and observe her problems to see if she was threatened.

‘It seems that Ah Yin has discovered it. ’

And looking at the changes in the village, Tang Yuehua doubted whether he could learn the so-called secret technique.

Tang Xiao's talent was limited, but the forging alone was enough for him to study for a lifetime.

This is the girl A Yin I know.

Of course, Tang Xiao wouldn't say anything about Tang Hao.

Tang Xiao looked at Tang San with joy in his eyes: Are you A Yin and Hao Zi's child? Come, let uncle take a good look.

No soul master will give up on a hundred thousand year soul ring.

There is also a hidden sect called Titan Peak.

If, I mean if.


Tang Hao has never hated Haotian Sect, but only felt guilty.

The entire forging technology in Tangjia Village, as well as the self-created soul skills, were Tang Xiao's own decisions and had nothing to do with Aoun.

Now that he had died once and was reborn, Tang Xiao was not surprised that A Yin's attitude towards Tang Hao would change like this.

He almost knew this when he heard that Tang Hao and Qian Xunji fought and A Yin sacrificed.

Tang Yuehua meant that she might not be able to stay in Haotian Sect, because Yuexuan's value was obviously greater than her own.

Little sister, please stay with us.

Perhaps the existence of Mount Targon is very mysterious, but Tang Xiao is not afraid.

Tang Xiao added: After confirming that A Yin's will is not restricted, I will not interfere with whatever she wants to do.

After all, little sister, I have thin arms and legs, so it's really hard for me to forge iron.

Okay, just come back.

As for now, Tang Xiao found that soul rings were not important at all. What a soul master relied on in the end was his own talent.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for the Haotian Sect to save a soul beast, even if she was Tang Hao's wife.


Is it that mysterious strong man?

Even for Tang Xiao, Aoun didn't pay much attention. He was just there to make iron. How much Tang Xiao could learn was his own business.

On the other side, Tang San expressed the doubt in his heart: The people here don't seem to welcome us.

Tang Yuehua has deep feelings for Haotian Sect. This is her home and her destination.

Tang Xiao frowned slightly: 'They resurrected Ah Yin, and as a price, she needs to join their sect and become a member of Titan Peak. ’

If it were not for the protection of her two brothers, her fate would never be much better than Yu Xiao's, or even worse.

As for what to do specifically.

In addition, Tang Xiao also needs to settle down Tang Hao and his son.

Brother, Yuexuan still needs me, Tang Yuehua didn't want to talk about his cultivation talent, so he could only say tactfully: If Yuexuan closes, the sect will be completely disconnected from the outside world.

But I can't interfere too much with the outside world, Tang Xiao said, All I can do is bring Ah Yin back.

Tang Yuehua said truthfully: According to my judgment, my sister-in-law made that choice entirely out of her own will.

Tang Xiao felt worthless for A Yin, and he also guessed the reason why A Yin chose to leave Tang Hao.

And his meaning was very obvious, that is, he hoped that Tang Xiao could work with him to take A Yin back from Luo Chen.

Rationally speaking, Tang Yuehua does not support Tang Hao's continued revenge.

Little sister, you should know the situation within the sect.

If Master Aoun takes action, he can definitely help you solve the defect problem completely.

On the other hand, it was also because Tang Xiao believed that he could not resist the temptation of a hundred thousand year soul ring and was afraid that he would hurt Ah Yin, so he finally left sadly.

Tang Hao is his younger brother, and Ah Yin is also his sworn sister.

If it were him in the past, he would probably still be confused.

Brother, Ah Yin is not dead yet.

Tang Hao stopped what Tang San wanted to say. He hadn't adjusted his mentality yet and didn't know how to face the sect: Let's wait until your uncle summons the elders before we talk about this matter.

My soul power cultivation level has reached level 99, and I am no weaker than grandpa.

On the contrary, it was Haozi and Xiaosan who forced their way in, which triggered the conflict between the two parties?

And there's something I want to make clear first.

Tang Xiao also had feelings for Ah Yin, and like Tang Hao, he once regarded her as his own Bai Yueguang.

Tang Yuehua didn't know much about the conflict between A Yin and Tang Hao.

It is precisely because of this that becoming a soul master has almost become Tang Yuehua's lifelong dream.

It's all my fault dad.

It is true that Tang Yuehua has extremely high talent in ritual and music.

Tang Xiao admired: Master Aoun only taught me the skill of forging, and I only learned a little bit about it, but I made such a huge breakthrough.

In addition, there seems to be another strange thing here, that is, A Yin's attitude towards Tang Hao seems to be very wrong.


Tang Xiao laughed and said, Little sister, do you think that the secret technique taught to me by Master Aoun is just for blacksmithing?

Tang Xiao forcibly suppressed the joy in his heart: If big brother has a way to make you a soul master, will you stay?

The theory of the three demigods is broken, and Aoun is confident to become the strongest!

Brother, don't be impulsive!

However, after practicing with Aoun for a year and a half, Tang Xiao's temperament has become as calm as a mountain.

Tang Xiao said: Master Aoun suddenly notified me just now that there is a person with excellent qualifications who has the same qualifications as me and can personally teach the secret method.

From beginning to end, Ah Yin made no mistakes.

‘No, I know dad you are sorry for the sect, but this is not the case now. ’

'Inform the elders.'

If she could really become a soul master, why would she open a Yuexuan?

Brother, even if I can really become a soul master, given my age and qualifications, my achievements will probably be limited.


If he had known that Tang Hao would do such a thing, Tang Xiao would never have given A Yin to him.

Tang Hao's description contained too many personal emotions, and Tang Xiao couldn't just believe it.

I will never hurt Ah Yin.

‘The Titan Peak, a sect I have never heard of before, is still a restricted area for humans like the Far North. ’

Seeing Tang Yuehua's reaction, Tang Xiao basically knew: How could big brother lie to you?

Unlike Tang Yuehua, their status in the Haotian Sect was very embarrassing, so they were arranged to stay away from the crowd, especially the residence of the five elders.




Tang Yuehua was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting his brother to say such words.

Now, he really regards Ah Yin as his sister, so he loves Wujiwu, and he loves Tang San who is his nephew even more.

Tang San didn't dislike Tang Xiao's messiness and walked directly in front of him.

Tang Yuehua: Is he really a god?


But does she really like this kind of life?

That is a master who can solve the problem with his fists and will never reason with the other party.

At this moment, Tang Yuehua could no longer maintain her calmness. She exclaimed, Is it really okay? Brother, you didn't lie to me?

Tang San has now determined the difference between the two worlds. Tang Xiao in this world may not necessarily help his father.

Tang Yuehua didn't understand what Tang Xiao meant by going there in person. She was about to persuade him, but Tang Xiao's next words left her completely stunned.

Tang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then looked at Tang Hao in surprise: What did you say? Ah Yin is still alive?!

Let's go, I will take you to see Master Aoun now.

He has changed, but not for the worse, but for the better.

Sure enough, in Tang Yuehua's case, Tang Xiao got a completely different result than what Tang Hao said.

I know.

At that time, Ah Yin was carried away by love, and because of the child, she instinctively did not want to think about this aspect.

Born in the Haotian Sect, the daughter of the previous sect leader, and the younger sister of the current sect leader, Tang Yuehua's greatest desire has always been to become a soul master.

‘Could it be.’

Yes, Ornn is so casual.

At the same time, in the room Tang Xiao prepared for his sister.

Little sister you

Afterwards, Tang Hao told his elder brother everything about his encounter with A Yin and Luo Chen in Tiandou City and his fight with them.

The Tang Xiao who was in front of Tang Yuehua at this time was more confident, more stable, and more reasonable than the elder brother in her memory.

Of course, it's too late to say this now.

Become a soul master.

Without waiting for Tang Yuehua to apologize, Tang Xiao continued: Master Aoun's secret method involves various skills, not just forging and creation, but also application and improvement.

He doesn't care and He never asks.

It’s only been a year and a half!

Even though Tang Yuehua couldn't practice, she still knew how fast a soul master's soul power level increased.

That Lord God?

Tang Hao reached level 90, but he still chose not to add a ninth soul ring.

However, Tang Xiao doesn't know the specific details yet.

Tang Xiao knew his brother's temper very well.


Based on the elders' dislike of Tang Hao, Tang San basically expected the failure of this request for help.

Tang Xiao took Tang Hao and his son to their residence, and he used an excuse to leave Tang Yuehua behind, and then specifically asked her for more details.

Tang Yuehua looked at his eldest brother in horror, unable to believe that he could practice so fast.

Let’s not talk about the attitude of the elders in the sect towards Tang Hao. Let’s just talk about Tang Hao himself. If Tang Yuehua hadn’t persuaded him many times, he wouldn’t have even returned to Haotian Sect to seek help from Tang Xiao.

A boy who is less than ten years old, but can fight with you.

But at least A Yin sincerely wanted to repay the kindness of Titan Peak, Tang Yuehua felt that he would not be wrong.

The five elders regarded Tang Hao as a sinner of the Haotian Sect.

Vaguely, Tang Yuehua noticed Tang Xiao's dissatisfaction with Tang Hao.

Quick, tell me what's going on!

I will go there myself.

The strength of Titan Peak is unknown. If Tang Xiao is allowed to take the entire Haotian Sect to seek revenge.

Tang Yuehua was chosen by Aoun and specifically notified Tang Xiao to bring someone there, so he obviously had a special talent.

The reason why there are blacksmiths everywhere in the village now is because they can't even master the most basic soul-forging power.

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