Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 142 Star World Traveling God

you again!!

On the other side, Shura, who had lost contact with Poseidon, looked angry.

He suddenly slapped the table and stood up, and the blood-red divine power around him surged out like the flames of hell.

Again and again.

Doesn't he Shura have a temper? !


This inexplicable scene really shocked the four god kings who were staying aside.

What’s wrong with you?

What happened?

The four God Kings of Destruction, Life, Kindness, and Evil didn't know why Shura was so mad and why he suddenly became so violent.

And according to their understanding of Shura, even though the other party is a law enforcement god, his temper is not that bad.

This attitude now shows how uneasy Shura's heart is at this time.

He's coming.


However, Shura did not answer the God Kings because it was not necessary.


The next moment, several other God-Kings heard the fantastic metal collision sound that seemed to come from deep within their souls.

Their expressions suddenly changed, as they all let go of their spiritual consciousness, trying to capture the source of the sound.

However, no matter how they probed, the sound seemed to come from nothingness and there was no trace to be found.

Such a strange situation made even them, the five great god kings of the god world, feel chills in their hearts at this moment.

Who is it, who is there!

Soon, all the God Kings looked towards a certain location.

There was obviously nothing there, but the God-Kings still had the illusion that the other party was there.

This is not the result of spiritual perception or spiritual perception, it is purely a vague cognitive intuition.


To be precise, it is the intuition that the other person wants them to feel.


The ancient and vicissitudes of music echoed in the meeting of god kings. He did not speak and could not let the other party see him, but the god kings still understood what the other party meant.

[Do not interfere with the trial of the successor]

Who are you anyway?

Shura's face was extremely ugly, but he wanted to take action directly.

But the problem is, they can't even touch each other's shadow, let alone attack.

Shura still can't forget the pressure this guy put on him when he decided to take action against Luo Chen shortly after he obtained his second soul ring.

In just an instant, Shura's spiritual thoughts were completely blocked.

That was a warning, a warning to him not to do that.

【I am, the messenger】

[The kid called me, the Astral Wanderer, Bard]


Astral Wandering God?

The kings of gods looked at each other, as if they didn't understand what the wandering gods and messengers meant.

But soon, they noticed the aura conveyed by Bard, which was the purest origin and will of the universe, even purer than the aura of the Creator God who split the five of them.


How can this be!

This invisible, intangible, and illusory guy in front of me is actually the god of space transformed by the will of the universe itself.

What's even more frightening is that He is not the Space God of a certain universe, such as the Douluo Universe.

The so-called star realm refers to the entire multiverse.

Therefore, He represents the great will of space in a true sense.

An observer and guardian who can travel through all worlds and connect countless universes to each other.

Who is that kid?

All the God Kings, including Shura, were shocked by Luo Chen's power.

The previous creation of Bibi Dong had already made them fearful enough.

But Bibi Dong is not the goddess of creation after all.

As long as this limit is not really broken, the five god kings will still not give in, but will consider how to treat Luo Chen.

But now.

What else do you need to consider?

Behind Luochen stood a monster like Bard, and he was the one who summoned it.

If the Creator God of Douluo World is a higher-level existence than the five divine kings, the universe itself is the state that both the Creator God and the Dragon God long to achieve.

The Bard in front of him has already surpassed the cosmic level, far beyond it.

[Now, I convey to you the motto of great will]

[Don’t destroy the trial, otherwise, your universe will disappear]


As if to make the five god kings more clearly aware of the gap between the two sides, the Astral Wandering God sounded the whistle again.

In an instant, all the god kings felt that the divine power in their bodies had disappeared without a trace, and even their own existence began to become more and more blurred, as if they would disappear at any time.


Shura wanted to resist, but he couldn't.

Not to mention him, even if the five god kings fought together, compared to this power, they would be nothing more than an earthworm shaking a tree, vulnerable to a single blow.

Fortunately, the Astral Wandering God only wanted them to learn a lesson, rather than actually doing anything to them.

what do you want to do?

Realizing the gap between the two sides, several god kings except Shura chose to follow their hearts.

There is no way, this guy is too scary.

They can't beat it at all!

Your Mightiness.

The goddess of life asked: I wonder what your relationship is with that child. Why do you want to destroy our universe?

In her opinion, the Star World Traveling God threatens the entire Douluo Universe, forcing them not to take action against Luo Chen.

It can be seen from this that Luochen has an extraordinary origin and is very important to the wandering god in the astral world.

【I am, Guardian】

Bard is different from Father Time. He is in a higher dimension than Kieran.

From a strength perspective, Bard is the one responsible for combat power in the Second God Test.

As for Kieran.

Father Time plays more of an observer role, and he will not interfere with the real world at will.


The child's guardian?

The kings of gods all looked at Shura. Their intention was very obvious, that is, to ask Shura to stop his dangerous behavior.

Luochen, who was protected by Bard, was no longer someone they could offend.

As long as we don't interfere with the so-called trial, we can live in peace?

People are like swordsmen and fish, and now is not the time to make demands, but to try to appease this terrifying existence and prevent him from harming their world.

[The trial failed, your universe]

[It will also be destroyed]



Shura was speechless: That's nonsense!

Not only him, but also the Evil God King and the God King of Destruction have summoned their own super gods, ready to fight each other desperately at any time.

Wait a moment!

The goddess of life and the goddess of kindness stopped their partners one after another, and then asked: Why? Since you are a messenger traveling through the world, why do you embarrass our world so much?

A trial is a trial.

If you fail the trial, the universe will be destroyed by you. What kind of truth is this?

You really don’t have any principles at all, you’re just making threats, right?

If that's the case, then they might as well come to a death trap.

Anyway, there is still a Luo Chen who can be buried with them, who can trouble such great and unreasonable beings as the Star World Wandering God, so they will be honored even if they die.

[I will not interfere with the natural laws of the universe]

[Crisis, coming from the void]


what is that?

What is void?

God Kings have naturally heard of the word void.

But they are not sure whether the void mentioned by the wandering gods of the astral world is the one in their concept.

Fortunately, according to the Star World Traveling God, it seems that the price of Luochen's failure in the trial did not come from him, but from this thing called the void.


Just when the king of gods was about to ask, a melodious bell fell.

At the same time, an old figure with white hair appeared in front of them. It was the chief priest who had met Luo Chen before and was responsible for his second test, Old Man of Time Jilan.

Everyone, let me explain to you what happens next.

Who is your Excellency?

What happened today is simply more outrageous than the last.

First, a mortal created three god-level spirits, including a creation god level and a god king level.

After finally figuring out the origin of the other party, before deciding how to deal with it, two more incredible bosses appeared.

The power of time.

The God Kings could sense that the power exuded by the old man in front of them was a powerful divine power related to time.

Although there is also a God of Time in the God Realm, and he is a first-level god.

But compared to the big boss in front of me, the God of Time in the God Realm is just like a fake. The gap is too big!

My name is Jilan. Like Bard, I am one of the persons responsible for the little master's trial.

Father Time sat cross-legged in the air, overlooking the five divine kings of the divine world from a high position.

Different from the posture when meeting Luo Chen, what appears here now is a supreme being who can exert the great power of the Star-casting Dragon King's time.

The strength of Father Time depends on who you compare with.

Compared to Bud, Kieran is definitely inferior.

But no matter what, Jilan is also a multiverse-level time incarnation, which is definitely not something that a mere god from the Douluo God Realm can imagine.

One of the Responsible Persons

The God King of Destruction captured the key word: You mean, there are more existences like these two?

Don't worry.

Kieran said gently: The person in charge of the child's trial is divided into external and internal. The old man and Bard are responsible for solving external interference.

The implication is that he and Bard will be responsible for any conflicts that may arise with the divine realm.

As for other sacrifices, they will not interfere with the affairs of the divine world.

Of course, the premise is that they don't go to Douluo Continent.

Those three ancient gods?

The King of Gods knows about the existence of the three gods Orn.

If the battlefield were on Douluo Continent, they would not be confident that they could compete with the three demigods who had been strengthened by their origin.

According to the specifications, Luochen's nine exams can be divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Among them, the first three tests are void, universe and original.

Not talking about the strengths and weaknesses among the three, just talking about the direction they are aimed at, it is actually quite clear.

The original three ancient gods, their mission is to protect Douluo Star and be responsible for Luo Chen's trials in this world.

The Star World Traveling God and the Old Man of Time, who symbolize the universe, put an end to the malice from the outside world against Luo Chen from two aspects: space and time respectively, to ensure the success of the trial.

Finally, the most terrifying part of all divine examinations - the void.

Father Time had not told Luo Chen about the meaning of void before.

In fact, the void appears in order to cleanse all dimensions it can touch.

To put it simply, if Luo Chen fails the divine examination, then the world he lives in will have no value in continuing to exist.

Then, the void officially came and destroyed everything.

The only one who can deal with the void is the fully awakened Star Casting Dragon King, Luo Chen, who has inherited his great power.

Only he can destroy the void.

So in terms of results, no matter whether Luochen succeeds in the end or not, he will become the enemy of Void and suppress it.

The only difference is when to suppress it.

Is it after the void destroys the world, or before it destroys the world.

You may not know what void is.

But I can show you what void is!

After saying this, I saw Father Time opening his arms, and spheres containing the energy of time appeared above the heads of the kings of gods.

And among these light balls, the scene of the confrontation between the void and the God Realm of the Douluo Origin Universe (novel) that Kieran observed was played.


The God King of Destruction and the Goddess of Life looked at the scene like Ragnarok and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

What makes them even more frightened is the composition of the top leaders of the God Realm.

What's interesting is that the leader of the God Realm is a blue-haired young man, and none of the five God Kings present appeared in that battle.

This is the world of gods?

The kings of gods looked at each other, somewhat confused as to what was going on in the scene before them.

Looking at the picture in the light ball, it is obvious that it is Douluo God Realm.

Not to mention the higher-ups of the God Realm, there are many second-level gods and third-level gods among them, who are their friends and subordinates.

However, there are many differences between the divine world in the picture and the present one.

Thinking about Jilan's identity, the God-Kings immediately understood the origin of the scene in front of them——the future!

So, this is the future of the God Realm?

Your so-called void will invade our world, and then a war will break out with the God Realm?

The goddess of life looked at Father Time strangely, wondering what the scene he showed to her and others meant.


Kieran shook his head and said: This is not the future, but what has already happened.

Next, Father Time explained to the God Kings the relationship between the origin of cause and effect and the timeline, and named what they just saw as the ultimate fate of the Douluo God Realm in the origin world.


I have to say that Kieran's words are indeed a bit outrageous.

The three views of the God-Kings were not only shattered into pieces, but they were almost shattered.

They wanted to doubt Kieran, thinking that these images were fake, hallucinations, and a trick he used to deceive them.

Unfortunately, they knew in their hearts that Kieran was not lying.

The void will really come, and has already swallowed up the origin time and space of the Douluo Universe, which is also the originally established past.

According to your wishes, the void will swallow our world one by one in the order of past, future and present.

Goddess of Kindness: And if we want to solve the void, we can only rely on that child?

No, that's not the case.

Jilan's answer was somewhat beyond the expectations of the God-Kings: The little master alone is not enough to deal with the crisis in the void.

If he grows up step by step, the enemy Luochen will eventually face will be quite terrifying.

Star Casting Dragon King Wuhun had told Luo Chen from the beginning that this was a trial, a catastrophe that required him to gather all his strength to survive.

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