Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 130 Li Wu and Han Yue, the new Ice and Fire Dragon King

Absorb these two Dragon King skeletons first.

Luo Chen knew what he was doing, so he summoned the Sun Disk and put the Heavenly Star Crown on his head. Then he channeled Gu Yuena's divine power and began to refine the Ice and Fire Dragon King.

Although the two skeletons are just bones, they were first-level gods and the most powerful dragons during their lifetime.

Therefore, even after countless years, it still contains powerful energy.

Good stuff.

What Luo Chen said might be a bit unpleasant.

However, the Dragon King's skeleton itself is the most advanced material in the world. If a method can be found, the value of the two dragon skeletons is immeasurable.

As a result, under the control of Luo Chen's divine power, the energy in the bones began to be continuously compressed, eventually forming two soul core embryos, one red and one ice blue.

This kind of embryo is the state where the soul bone is about to form, but is not fully formed.

As long as Luo Chen takes one more step forward, the two soul core embryos will become two million-year-old god-level soul bones.

However, what Luo Chen wanted was not as simple as two soul bones.

Although the six soul bones can also improve the soul master's physical fitness, their effect is obviously not as good as the increase of the external soul bones.

In terms of attribute bonuses alone, the benefits brought by the two attached soul bones are even greater than the full set of six soul bones.

It's now!

Luo Chen saw the right opportunity, and he pulled the two dragon souls, which were also in a state of ignorance, to merge with the two soul core embryos.

As expected!

Then, just as Luo Chen guessed, the soul core embryo began to transform.

At the same time, Luo Chen felt a strange resonance coming from the two soul bones in front of him.

With a thought in his mind, he quickly activated the sun disks and poured into them the power of the Star Dragon King.

The preliminaries have been completed, finally.

Luo Chen looked serious. He stretched out his hand to the two soul core embryos in front of him and held them in his palms.

A crack appeared in the palm of his hand, and two drops of blood containing Luochen's origin flowed out.

They are perfectly integrated with the soul core embryo.

Suddenly, seven-colored lights bloomed in this underwater space. Even Gu Yuena was deeply attracted by the bright rainbow light.


The surging divine power shot up into the sky like two pillars of light. Bibi Dong and others who were standing by the lake saw this scene and immediately realized that this was the scene caused by Luo Chen.

What a powerful force.

Bibi Dong secretly sighed: This level of divine power should not be inferior to the angel gods worshiped by thousands of families.

Bibi Dong, who was born in Wuhun Palace, had naturally seen the statue of the angel god's main priest.

And the divine power emanating from it, judging from Bibi Dong's current knowledge, is similar to one of these two forces.

“The God of angels is the Most High God.”

Bibi Dong couldn't believe it: Could it be that the two dragon kings below were resurrected by Xiao Chen?

Regardless of Bibi Dong's speculations and worries, Luo Chen's transformation of externally attached soul bones has reached a crucial point.

The seven-colored light group with red and blue as its core was absorbed by Luo Chen's palms.

Then, streaks of blue gold and red gold stripes were seen extending along Luo Chen's skin, covering Luo Chen's arms in an instant.



Severe pain shot up from Luochen's arms, but he gritted his teeth and did not cry out at all because of the pain of broken bones and recasting.

The poisonous torture he suffered from childhood has already made Luo Chen extremely resistant to pain.

Luo Chen didn't take this torture seriously.

Finally, after nearly ten minutes of arm bone reconstruction, Luo Chen let out a heavy breath.


Seeing Luo Chen calm down, Gu Yuena asked worriedly: Did you succeed?


Luo Chen smiled slightly at Gu Yuena: I made you worry, Na'er.


As he finished speaking, two sharp blades sprouted from Luo Chen's forearms, and instantly turned into two long knives, suspended on both sides of his arms.


With the two swords in hand, Luo Chen only felt a sense of intimacy connected by blood.

These are two weapons similar to Tang knives. They are symmetrical but have different colors. One is crimson and the other is ice blue. The entwining dragon soul can be faintly seen, and both are million-year-old god-level externally attached soul bones.

This is the state before they are fully activated.

Once Luo Chen turns on the giant god mode and his body is filled with divine power, these two knives will also be transformed into real artifacts under the infusion of divine power.



Two childish loli sounds sounded in his ears, and Luo Chen quickly looked at the two knives in his hands.

That sound came from the knife.

I really did it, my external soul bone star spirit!

Luo Chen was extremely happy, and he let go of the hand holding the knife.

The next moment, the two swords turned into two streams of red and blue light, and in front of Luo Chen, they transformed into two little girls wearing palace skirts with a pair of jade-like dragon horns on their foreheads.

Dad~~ x2

They are about five or six years old, pink and jade, very cute.

When she saw Luo Chen at this time, she ran into his arms as if she were a relative, constantly acting coquettishly and cutely.


Listening to the two cute dragon girls calling him, Luo Chen recalled that he was only 9 years old now, and said, Well, how about you call me brother?


The two loli dragon girls tilted their heads, obviously not understanding what Luo Chen meant.

Luochen was helpless and had to work hard to correct their titles.

Fortunately, although the two little guys were immature, they listened to Luo Chen's words and soon started calling them brother.

Yeah, very well behaved.

Luo Chen glanced at Gu Yuena beside him and motioned to her if she wanted to say a few words.

However, Gu Yuena just shook her head slightly, saying that she had no experience raising children at all: Achen, come on, I, I'm not good at dealing with children.

Sure enough, this kind of thing must be left to Luo Chen.

You mean Xiao Wu?

Xiao Wu, that was a special situation.

Compared to Xiao Wu, these two little guys are the real newborns.

Gu Yuena asked herself whether she could handle two babies like this. She was just a girl herself, so how would she know how to take care of them.


Luo Chen shook his head. He didn't ask Gu Yuena too much.

Luo Chen was already very satisfied that she could put forward the opinions she just made and help him develop ideas.

As for these two.

Luochen has always been very popular with young lolita.

This is not the first time for him to be a nanny. There are little foxes, little angels, and little crocodiles. He has not raised any of them with his own hands.

Moreover, the newborn Fire Dragon King and Water Dragon King are really cute.

Let me give you a name first.

Luochen looked at the two young dragon lolita in his arms. Those two pairs of big watery eyes almost made his heart melt.

After thinking about it, Luo Chen named the little guy who was born from the Fire Dragon King Li Wu, and named the other Loli Dragon Girl Han Yue, which exactly corresponded to their postures when they turned into blades.

Li dance is as blazing as the morning sun, illuminating the earth.

The cold moon is as lonely as eternal night, cold to the bone.


Yeah, very well behaved.

Li Wu and Han Yue didn't know what the name was, but the two little guys could feel Luo Chen's affection.

They were born because of Luochen, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are his daughters.


Gu Yuena looked at Luo Chen with two cute little ones in her arms, and was quite envious: How much has your physical fitness improved now?

Huge improvement!

Luo Chen said, directly manifesting his four soul rings: Na'er, look.

I saw that the originally black, black, black, and platinum soul rings turned into seven colors, platinum, platinum, and seven colors.

Yes, two colorful soul rings and two platinum soul rings.

Among them, the seven-colored soul rings came from Gu Yuena and Tianmeng respectively, while the platinum soul rings evolved from Arou and Ayin's ten thousand year soul rings.


Seeing this, Gu Yuena was surprised and said: The external soul bone transformed by the Dragon King has actually improved so much!

The color of Luochen's soul ring is growable and will continue to evolve as his body's endurance increases.

The Ice and Fire Dragon King was a Level 1 deity during his lifetime. According to the definition of the God Realm, he was the ‘Supreme God’.

The Supreme God, second only to the God King, is the main god level existence of the God Realm.

You know, even in the entire God Realm, there are only 18 such strong men.

It is true that the Ice and Fire Dragon King has died long ago and almost all the energy in his body has dissipated, but Luochen's sun disk and celestial star crown are too magical.

The sun disk refined the dragon bones with divine power, while the heavenly star crown gave the two dragon souls rebirth.

The combination of the dragon soul and the dragon bone, coupled with the great power provided by the Star Casting Dragon King, Li Wu and Han Yue are now like first-level gods without a godship.

The two supreme gods merged into Luo Chen's arms, and their souls turned into Luo Chen's companion stars.

The almost endless energy instantly raised Luo Chen's physical strength to the extreme of the Douluo plane.

The only pity is that the talent limit of Ah Rou and Ah Yin is locked, so the soul rings that the two women can give Luo Chen can only reach a million years.

In comparison, Gu Yuena is the Supreme God King, and Tianmeng is also a level 100 god.

Gu Yuena aside, Tianmeng got huge benefits when Luochen fused the two little guys.

Let me explain it here.

It was not the divine power of the two Dragon Kings that enhanced the power of Ah Rou, Ah Yin, and Tianmeng.

To be precise, all the energy of Li Wu and Han Yue was used to enhance Luochen's physical fitness.

As Luo Chen's body's endurance increased, the Star Casting Dragon King's martial spirit was able to unlock more power.

Therefore, what truly promoted the three girls was the power of the Star-casting Dragon King, not the legacy left by the Ice and Fire Dragon King.

Oh oh oh!!

Tianmeng's excited voice echoed in the martial spirit space. She clenched her hands and assumed the posture of a Saiyan transformation: I feel this power. I, Tianmeng, am no longer the shameful person at level 100. Got it!!”

That's right, Tianmeng has become stronger.

From the original hundred-level priest, he suddenly reached the level of the supreme god worthy of a colorful soul ring.

The divine ring, hey, my divine ring.

Behind Tianmeng, seven shining golden divine rings slowly rotated. They were the seven divine rings that symbolized the Supreme God: Did you see it? I, Tianmeng, am now a boss with seven divine rings!

Reaching the sky in one step refers to the dream of heaven at this time.

In terms of level, Tianmeng has now reached level 139.

It's just a little short of breaking through to the 140-level half-step God King realm and condensing the eighth soul ring.


Tianmeng was so proud: Lord Tianmeng, I am indeed the one destined by fate. Even the Great Will (Star Casting Dragon King) favors me so much!


Just when Tian Meng was almost carried away with her pride, a white slap slapped her on the back of the head.

Why are you so happy, idiot.

Gu Yuena struck without hesitation: The divine power has reached the highest divine level, but do you have the corresponding magical skills?


Tianmeng wanted to scold him, Who dares to sneak attack on me?

Unfortunately, before she could continue to show off, Gu Yuena's words struck her to pieces.

Without the divine position, you can't even exert the power to control the corresponding laws.

Gu Yuena continued to pour cold water: Never say that you are from the Star Spirit Clan outside in the future, it is too embarrassing!


To put it bluntly, the process of Tianmeng becoming stronger is a bit like a soul master who directly inherits the divine status, which is an enlightenment.

It's just that there is an essential difference between the two.

At this time, Tianmeng had powerful divine power, but no corresponding skills.

What is the Godhead?

The divine position is like Douluo Universe's recognition of gods, allowing them to mobilize part of the power of laws.

In the same way, gods are also sources of belief.

If you have enough faith, you can create your own god, and the god can continuously absorb faith.

The two complement each other and are an important way for a soul master to continue to become stronger after becoming a god.

So what about Tianmeng, what does she have?

If the 139-level divine power is simply used to overwhelm people with force, then one hundred percent of the power may not be able to be used even two to three percent, which is a pure waste of energy.

When it comes to true strength, let alone a serious first-level god, the current Tianmeng may not even be able to defeat a third-level god.


So, after Gu Yuena's merciless criticism, the joy on Tianmeng's face had faded, replaced by a bitter look on his face: What are you doing, you know how to hit me!

‘Remember it, Master Tianmeng will become stronger sooner or later! ’

From the hundred-level shame to the current shame of the Supreme God, Tianmeng has risen, but not completely.


Ah Rou and Ah Yin couldn't help but chuckle when they saw Tian Meng's deflated look.


This made Tianmeng even sadder.

I won't play with you anymore!

So, an angry Tian Meng hid in a corner and began to silently complain about the three girls Gu Yuena, A Rou, and A Yin: Damn it, is this what little brother Chen calls workplace bullying?

Tianmeng: I'm shaking with breath and coldness. I, Tianmeng, can I stand up after what?

Tian Meng was told by Na'er that his defense was broken again.

Haha, it's not the first time. Just get used to it.

makes sense.

Ah Yin and Ah Rou looked at each other, both amazed at Tianmeng's luck.

This guy Tianmeng has almost never practiced in his life.

From the weakest ice silkworm to Douluo's only million-year-old soul beast, he relied on eating and sleeping, and sleeping and eating.

The whole process can only be described in four words: unlucky luck.

Now, because Luo Chen has absorbed the two dragon kings, his body's endurance has increased, and he has gained the favor of the Star Casting Dragon King, he has inexplicably stood at the top of the ordinary gods.

Well, it's a bit weak, but the realm is here.

As long as Tianmeng works hard, she will be able to master this power sooner or later and become a true supreme god (first-level god).

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