Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 128: Work hard, you two

The first is the fairy grass I picked for Xue'er.

What Luo Chen prepared for Qian Renxue was the cockscomb phoenix sunflower given to Ma Hongjun by Tang San in the original work.

He picked the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower from the medicine garden according to the picking techniques he had seen, and then handed it to Qian Renxue.

Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower.

Qian Renxue held this soft and silky fairy grass in her hands.

The Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower looks very simple, just composed of red grass leaves.

The tops of the grass blades are like rooster crowns, and only the veins of the leaves are faintly emitting red-gold light, attracting Qian Renxue's eyes.

I can feel the pure Yang power contained in this fairy grass.

The Seraph Martial Spirit contains two ultimate attributes, sacred and fire, and no matter which one it is, the cockscomb phoenix sunflower can make it a step further.

And compared to Ma Hongjun, Qian Renxue, who has dual attributes, is obviously more suitable.

Xue'er, your qualifications have reached their peak. After taking Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, I will perform an ascension ceremony for you.

According to Luo Chen's estimation, after this ascension, Qian Renxue's martial spirit should be able to break the shackles of the god-given martial spirit and reach the super-god level.

The super god level is a concept proposed by Luo Chen.

To put it simply, it means that the soul power can be transformed into divine power before reaching the limit.

God-level martial arts are stronger than ultimate martial arts, but the excess is actually in the bonus to the overall strength of the soul master.

Simply comparing the strength of martial souls, there is not much difference between god level, ultimate, and super.

Super Martial Spirit: Strengthen physique, awaken bloodline, innate domain

Ultimate Martial Spirit: Based on the super Martial Spirit, gain ultimate power.

God-level martial arts: Strengthen the soul master's power in all aspects, and after reaching the limit, there is a probability of breaking through to the demigod state.

Super Divine Martial Spirit: You can convert soul power into divine power at any stage, and use divine power as energy to perform soul skills (divine skills).

Theoretically speaking, a super god-level martial spirit is the limit that a martial spirit can reach.


After listening to Luo Chen's explanation, Qian Renxue was shocked: Refine soul power into divine power and make soul skills into divine skills.

Xiao Chen, you just completed your ascension for Dugu Bo, do you need a rest?

She was happy, but Qian Renxue had not forgotten that Luo Chen had just performed the ascension ceremony for Dugu Bo.

Twice in a row, she was worried that Luochen's body couldn't bear it.

It is certainly pleasant to improve one's strength, but if it comes at the expense of Luo Chen being hurt, Qian Renxue would rather do nothing.

It doesn't matter.

Luo Chen smiled and waved his hand: I don't lack the power to ascend now.

Since receiving the divine power of Gu Yuena and Tian Meng, the ascension ritual has become a standing skill for Luo Chen to do as he pleases.

Of course, the two women's magical power is not unlimited.

If he wants to maintain a virtuous cycle and the performance cycle of the Ascension Ceremony, Luo Chen still needs to try it slowly.


Qian Renxue believed in Luo Chen.

She suppressed the urge to take the jelly grass and carefully put away the cockscomb and phoenix sunflower.

Raising his head, the little angel looked at Luo Chen with even more fiery eyes.

If Hu Liena hadn't been watching him, Qian Renxue would have definitely given Luo Chen a hug and told him what a sister's love is.


Luochen found Hu Liena standing aside with an upbeat attitude, obviously she had been waiting for a long time.

‘Oh, what can I do? ’

Hu Liena: ‘The teacher is the head of the family, and Xiaoxue is better than me. ’

'well. ’

Life is not easy, the little fox sighed.

Okay, let Nana take care of you for the rest of the time, right?


Hu Liena hummed softly, but her hands were tightly holding Luochen's arm. She showed no dissatisfaction.

Little Fox: What else can I do, of course, forgive him.

Xiaochen, my potential is not as good as the teacher and Xiaoxue, can you think of a way for me?

Hu Liena knew that she did not have the potential of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, and the Ultimate Martial Spirit Nine-tailed Sky Fox was already her limit.

She didn't dare to think about surpassing Bibi Dong.

But Hu Liena also wants a god-level martial spirit.

Even if it was just the most ordinary god-level martial spirit, Hu Liena was satisfied.

What do you think, Nana?

How could I forget you?

Luo Chen smiled and stroked the little fox's head, and the latter nodded repeatedly: I knew that Xiao Chen was the best to me.

bring it on.

There were three fairy grasses that Luochen prepared for Hu Liena, namely the eight-petal fairy orchid, the narcissus jade muscle and bone that appeared in the original work, and the Wangchuan Autumn Water Dew.

Among them, the eight-petal fairy orchid can help Hu Liena reshape her foundation and stabilize her cultivation.

Narcissus jade moistens muscles and bones, and can dredge the eight extraordinary meridians, making future practice smoother.

The final look through the autumn dew will greatly improve Hu Liena's mental power. Just like Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, it is a qualitative change in the ultimate spirit.

As long as this gap is opened, Luo Chen can use the sun disk to let the little fox's nine-tailed sky fox evolve again!

The eight-petal fairy orchid is taken directly. The narcissus jade muscles and bones only eat the petals. Finally, the stamens are sucked, and the soul power is required to stimulate the absorption.

Luochen told Hu Liena one by one how to take the three fairy grasses: Then there is the Autumn Water Dew. Nana, you only need to drop the dew into your mouth, and the whole flower will wither.

I remember.

Hu Liena also put away the three fairy grasses. Seeing this, Bibi Dong asked slightly worriedly: Xiao Chen, is it okay to take so much at one time?

Don't worry, teacher.

Luochen explained: First of all, these three strains are grass jelly, which is not toxic. At most, it will make the body develop some drug resistance.

Secondly, what I want is to enhance Nana's potential, rather than really needing the effects brought by these three fairy grasses.

According to Luo Chen, the side effects caused by taking large amounts of grass jelly can be directly eliminated by the ascending power of the sun disk.

When judging the potential of the Sun Disk, the only thing it looks at is the comprehensive talent of a soul master's foundation, understanding, and qualifications.

This is like stacking buffs. What Hu Liena lacks is a data that meets the threshold for ascension.

To be honest, if these three jelly grasses are not enough for Nana to achieve a breakthrough, I will let her take more.

Even though it would be a waste, Hu Liena is Luochen's little fox, and if the fairy grass is not given to her, then what use are they?

Thank you, Xiaochen.

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Hu Liena's eyes turned red, and her eyes turned red.

Fortunately, the little fox had long been accustomed to Luochen's love.

‘Xiaochen is so good to me. ’

Hu Liena held Luochen's hand and pressed hard again: 'What else can the little fox do besides being obedient and being as naughty as possible? ’


Bibi Dong sighed helplessly, she felt that this little fox was completely hopeless.

Even the person and the soul were seduced away by Luo Chen.

But thinking about it carefully, Bibi Dong felt that if she had met Luo Chen when she was young, she probably wouldn't be much better than Hu Liena.

'hehe. ’

Qian Renxue expressed disdain for Bibi Dong's confidence: Mom, you don't have to be young anymore. Even now, you are no better than Nana. ’

The three women laughed at each other in their hearts, forming a perfect triangle of contempt.

By the way, Xiaochen, you prepared the fairy grass for us, what about you?

The person who cares most about Luo Chen is indeed Bibi Dong: What kind of fairy grass are you going to take?

my words

To be honest, Luochen's talent has already exceeded the range that the fairy grass can affect: The fairy grass here is of no use to me.

Immortal grass is, to put it bluntly, a thing from the divine realm.

People in the lower world can increase their life level by taking jelly grass, until they are comparable to gods.

However, does Luochen still need to be comparable to the gods?

It is obvious that the gods want to look up to Luo Chen.

It's no use?

Bibi Dong's face darkened, and when she looked at the surrounding fairy grass, she no longer looked as happy as before.

In her opinion, she doesn't matter at all.

Only treasures that are useful to Luochen are good treasures.

why is it like this.

Qian Renxue and Hu Liena also felt sorry for Luochen: We took the fairy grass, but Xiaochen got nothing.

Ha ha.

Luo Chen smiled and grabbed the two women's small hands and said casually: The immortal grass is useless to me, which means that my talent is beyond the reach of even the gods. Isn't this a good thing?

And if you take the fairy grass and become stronger and help me later, what's the difference between you using the power of the fairy grass for me?


The three women looked at each other, knowing that Luo Chen was trying to comfort themselves.

It is precisely because of this that they have strengthened their belief in becoming stronger, and are determined to give Luo Chen greater help after improving their strength.

We must not let Luo Chen down!


In the spirit space, Gu Yuena sneered with disdain from the top of the chain of contempt.

Gu Yuena: I'm just looking at you, three useless stupid women.

Achen, have you forgotten the remains of the Dragon King under the two-color spring water?

Na'er, what do you mean?

While Luo Chen was asking, Gu Yuena walked out of the martial spirit space.

Humans are too useless and can't help you at all. In the end, it will be our soul beast clan's turn.

Gu Yuena just stood opposite the three women, her eyes full of teasing: But I don't blame you, who said humans are just weak creatures from the lower world?

You can't come up with anything good, and you have no ability. You are of no use to my Ah Chen. Isn't this normal?

Ah la~~

Gu Yuena imitated the queen's mockery in Luo Chen's memory: I'm sorry, it's my fault for having expectations for stupid women like you.


Being provoked by Gu Yuena in front of her almost made the three Bibi Dong girls angry to death.

Especially the beautiful pope and the little angel. The mother and daughter exchanged glances quickly, and both saw the anger towards the soul beast clan in each other's eyes.

‘When I become a god, I will definitely make this obscene dragon pay the price! ’

‘Well, I’ll help you, Mom! ’

No matter how much conflict there is between mother and daughter, they must act unanimously in front of a foreign enemy.

‘What qualifications does a mere beast have to always be by Xiao Chen’s side? ’

This is Bibi Dong, and she really hates soul beasts.

‘Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully young girls into poverty! ’

This is Qian Renxue. She wants to defeat the evil Dragon King in an upright and fair manner and take back Luochen that belongs to her.

As for Hu Liena.

Xiao Chen, it turns out that the treasure that will help you is in the water?

Hu Liena did not directly intervene in this fight between women. She was the weakest and had the least potential among those present.

So the little fox decisively shrank into Luochen's arms, and asked while acting timidly and cutely.


Luo Chen raised his eyebrows, and then rubbed Hu Liena into his arms very naturally: I almost forgot about this, thanks to You Na'er for reminding me.

While she was saying thank you to Gu Yuena, her body was hugged by a certain little fox.

Obviously, Luo Chen was slapping the three girls not to quarrel, otherwise they would be careful about their family affairs.


Hu Liena: 'Look at me, the little fox. I am well-behaved, sensible and can act cute. Only in this way can I gain Xiaochen's favor. ’


Gu Yuena was not angry enough to be angered by Hu Liena.

She just saw that Luo Chen was so good to Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, so she couldn't hold back and came out to say a few words.

Na'er, I told you not to be so radical!

Yes, yes, our soul beast clan is already very powerful. To say it is too much is too much.

A Yin and A Rou were advising Gu Yuena behind the scenes. They knew that Gu Yuena was noble, powerful, and deeply favored by Luo Chen.

But it would be unwise to provoke Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue rashly.

Well, I understand.

I will pay attention to it in the future.

Gu Yuena took a deep breath. She thanked her two sisters in her heart for their teachings, and at the same time stepped forward to pull the little fox out of Luo Chen's arms.


Hu Liena looked confused: ‘What’s going on? Just caught me out like that? ’

Achen is going to jump into the spring of the Ice and Fire Eye later, Gu Yuena said confidently, Your physique is not strong enough to get close there.

The implication is that she, Gu Yuena, is the woman who will bathe with Luo Chen later!

Let's go, Ah Chen.

Gu Yuena held Luo Chen's hand, and the latter didn't resist. He just turned around and gave the three women an apologetic look.

Bibi Dong smiled slightly and waved her hand, signaling Luochen to do her own thing.

And when Luo Chen and Gu Yuena jumped into the spring, Qian Renxue asked: Mom, how strong is that woman?


Bibi Dong had to admit that Gu Yuena was indeed the strongest among them.

Then us

Don't lose your temper, Xiaoxue!

Bibi Dong said in a serious tone: She is stronger than us now, but she will not always stand above us!

She is the Pope of Wuhun Palace and will become the empress who unifies Douluo Continent in the future.

No matter how powerful Gu Yuena was, Bibi Dong didn't think she would lose.

The strongest woman around Luo Chen must be her, Bibi Dong!


Seeing such a mother, Qian Renxue once again felt the admiration that she had hidden in her heart.

‘As expected of my mother, I will never admit defeat no matter what kind of opponent I am. ’

Thinking about herself again, Qian Renxue suddenly felt that she was so useless and that she was far behind her mother.

Teacher, after Xiaochen's ascension ceremony, isn't there another ascension ceremony?

Hu Liena asked: Is it possible that after we all become gods, we still can't deal with her?

You don't understand, Nana.

Bibi Dong shook his head and said: We are both gods, and we have strengths and weaknesses.

She has already stood at the pinnacle of the god level, Bibi Dong said with emotion: But we have not even truly entered the door of the god level.

Thinking about the gap between them, it is really disappointing.

But this is fine.

Bibi Dong clenched the papal scepter in her hand, and her heart was boiling with enthusiasm: With such a strong person waiting for me to catch up, I will definitely not be bored in the future.

And you two.

Bibi Dong raised her other hand and gently patted her biological daughter and the disciple who was similar to her daughter on the head: Give me the time to practice.

When you reach the god level, if you dare to embarrass me, I will beat your butts!


The little angel and the little fox were naturally afraid of Bibi Dong.

Hearing what she said, the two women didn't have the guts to talk back. They could only subconsciously cover their backs and cheer themselves up silently.

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