Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 117 Tianmeng VS Tang Hao

Hoo ho!

That day, Tianmeng put his hands in his pockets, not knowing what his opponent was.

Tang Hao?

Tianmeng glanced at the slovenly middle-aged man in front of him, and with his mental perception, the other person's information was almost clear at a glance.

‘Age around 47 years old. ’

‘Soul power level 92, titled Douluo. ’

‘With a lot of hidden wounds on his body, he cannot fight for a long time at all. ’

‘Final review. ’

There was a hint of disdain in Tianmeng's eyes: 'The talent is good, but it's just that. ’

what are they doing?

It seems that person stopped them.

At this time, the surrounding pedestrians had been attracted by the movement here, and more and more pedestrians noticed them.

There will be no shortage of people in any world, especially when a man stops a bunch of women, including three children (including Tian Meng), no matter who they are, they will think that Tang Hao is the evil person.


Tang Hao obviously didn't take these ordinary people seriously. He was shocked by his soul power and scared everyone to flee.

Even if there were a few soul masters among them, they fled away after feeling the soul power that far exceeded their own, not daring to make an enemy of such a strong person.

Are you releasing your soul power randomly to make you look powerful?

Tianmeng calmly resisted Tang Hao's soul power, and at the same time set up an isolation barrier for the girls behind him.

Why, do you have any dissatisfaction with my sect?

Tianmeng stepped forward, his attitude suddenly became much worse: We saved Ah Yin, and she joined the Titan Peak to repay her. What's the problem?

Giant God's Peak is indeed a sect to Tianmeng, but the leader of this sect is Tianmeng himself.

Luochen will be the pope of Wuhun Palace in the future. Giant God Peak is actually similar to the Enshrinement Palace.

The former belongs to star spirits like Tianmeng and Gu Yuena, while the latter is a place of retreat for the worshipers.

Luo Chen had already discussed this with Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu, and they supported Luo Chen in going to the far north to expand territory.

Anyway, from now on, whether it is Wuhun Palace or Giant God Peak, Luochen will be the main one.

By then, these two forces may disappear, leaving only the Douluo Empire that unified the continent.


Ah Yin is from my Haotian Sect!

She will never join any sect!

Tang Hao didn't give in at all. He absolutely couldn't let Ah Yin join another sect.

In Douluo Continent, men are inherently superior to women. When a woman gets married, her husband should be the main priority.

This also means that Ah Yin is naturally a member of the Haotian Sect.

How can a person who has already joined a sect join another sect?

Haotian Sect?

Tian Meng looked at Ah Yin, who sneered subconsciously and asked directly: Why don't I know what Haotian sect I have joined?

Ah Yin you

Tang Hao didn't expect A Yin to say this.

He wanted to make a few excuses, but saw Ah Yin's cold eyes.

For some reason, Tang Hao felt that Ah Yin in front of him was so strange, as if he was a different person: A Yin, you, what happened to you?

I am a disciple of the Haotian Sect, so naturally you are too.


Suddenly, Tian Meng interrupted Tang Hao: Are you a disciple of the Haotian Sect? Why is this different from what I heard?

By the way, haven't you been expelled from the Haotian Sect?

If Tang Hao could still use A Yin's hatred of him as an excuse in the previous sentence, then this sentence would directly rub salt into Tang Hao's wounds.

Or is it true that you quit the Haotian Sect and deceived the Spirit Hall?

Tianmeng didn't know much about Tang Hao, but he only knew that he had plotted against Ah Yin.

Tang Hao could not accept her current remarks no matter what, otherwise his choice to distance himself from the Haotian Sect would be completely in vain.

Regarding the death of the previous pope of Wuhun Palace, Tang Hao believed that if the other party found an excuse, he would definitely attack Haotian Sect.

‘No, absolutely not! ’

Tang Hao did not hesitate at all. He could only grit his teeth and admit: Yes, I am indeed not a disciple of the Haotian Sect now, but Ah Yin.

It's okay if it's not.

Tian Meng's words were like a knife falling on Tang Hao's heart: Let me tell you, even you are an abandoned disciple of the sect. What relationship does A Yin have with the Haotian Sect?

You are really loyal enough.

Tianmeng was unreasonable and continued to output wildly: They have been kicked out, and you are still defending the Haotian Sect like this.

Let me think about it, by the way, you are the so-called sect slave, right?

The sect has abused me thousands of times, but I treat the sect like my first love.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's really quite lickable.

When Tian Meng said this, both Tang Hao and Tang San were instantly filled with anger.

Both of them regard their sect as an honor.

For them, glory is above all else and is something that cannot be blasphemed by others.


Tian Meng: As long as you are allowed to be loyal to your own sect, A Yin is not allowed to get close to my Giant God Peak?

Hey, Ah Yin, what did you say?

Tang Hao.

Ah Yin took half a step forward. She looked at Tang Hao, who was getting more and more embarrassed because of Tianmeng's insult, and said, You go, I will not betray Giant God Peak (Luochen).

Ah Yin!!

Tang Hao couldn't bear it anymore. He summoned the Clear Sky Hammer and pointed it at Tianmeng and others: What kind of ecstasy soup did they give you?

Yes, Ah Yin is so kind and gentle, she would never talk to herself like this.

It must be this giant mountain that controls Ah Yin!

'threaten? ’

‘Yes, it must be a threat! ’

Tang Hao noticed that Ah Yin never managed Tang San's finances from beginning to end. This was too abnormal and completely inconsistent with his impression of Ah Yin.

After confirming that the woman in front of him was Ah Yin, the only thing Tang Hao could think of was that Ah Yin had some clues that fell into the hands of the Titan Peak, forcing her to sever the relationship with him.

Ah Yin, tell me, did they do anything to you?

Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I will never let anyone hurt you!

As everyone knows, Tang Hao's words completely aroused A Yin's inner dissatisfaction and resentment.

Once upon a time, Tang Hao told her the same thing.

But the result?

She was forced to sacrifice, and the child's body was invaded by evil spirits from outside.

The man whom he originally placed his hope on drank alcohol all day long and ignored his children, only treating him as a tool to revitalize the sect.

Yes, Tang San was not their child.

But Tang Hao didn't know.

In Tang Hao's eyes, Tang San was their biological son.

However, even if he is the child whom Ah Yin protects to the death, how does Tang Hao treat him?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ah Yin would never have believed that the man he once loved could be such a person.


Ah Yin didn't want to talk nonsense to Tang Hao anymore. She was no longer the same person as him.

Tianmeng, I don't want to be involved with them anymore.

After saying that, Ah Yin turned around and returned to Ah Rou and Xiao Wu. No matter how Tang Hao called, she no longer responded.


It's all you. If you hadn't bewitched my Ah Yin, how could she have become like this?!

At this moment, Tang Hao didn't care about the kindness of Ah Yin's resurrection. He only knew that the people from Titan Peak had led his Ah Yin to ruin.

These people deserve death! !


Tian Meng was very dissatisfied with Tang Hao's shouting: That's enough for you. Didn't you hear A Yin say that he doesn't want to care about you?

Shut up!

Tang Hao had endured Tianmeng for a long time. Why should this garrulous little girl get in the middle of the conflict between their husband and wife?

Hey, you are so arrogant.

Tianmeng smacked her lips and raised her sleeves at the same time. She looked back at Ah Yin: I'll cripple him, is that okay?

what ever.

Ah Yin's reply not only made Tang San feel incredible, but even Tang Hao found it a little unbelievable.

Ah Yin?

Tang Hao stared at Ah Yin with burning eyes: I will definitely do it.

It's so noisy!

Tianmeng's eyes bloomed with blue-gold light.

In an instant, a torrent of energy rushed out of Tianmeng's body and turned into a substantial storm sweeping all directions.

Gela la!

The earth shattered, the houses shook, and even the clouds in the sky were completely blown away by this force, leaving only the blood-red sky.

This power was so powerful that even the extremely proud Tang Hao was a little frightened.

'This is? ’

Tang San's pupils shrank, and he stared at Tian Meng in horror, his eyes full of horror.

'Impossible, she, how could she master divine power? ’

Tang Hao didn't know what this energy was, how could he, Tang San, not see it?

The feeling of Tang Shenwang in the memory inheritance is exactly the same as now.

That is divine power, a power that can only be mastered by demigods who have broken through level 100, or who have been gifted by the gods.

But is Tianmeng a demigod?

‘Such a power is definitely not that of a demigod! ’

Tang San's face was extremely gloomy: 'At least, he is also a powerful man at the priest level. ’

If this was the era of the Tang Shenwang, he would naturally look down upon mere priests.

But now Tang San is just a little great spirit master who has never even reached level 30 spirit power.

Not to mention a hundred-level expert, even a Soul Saint could make the current Tang San flee.

Let's not talk about unnecessary nonsense.

Tianmeng was gearing up, she couldn't wait to torture Tang Hao violently and vent her anger on Ah Yin: Next, grit your teeth, don't worry, I won't beat you to death!


Tang Hao felt solemn. He really didn't expect that this twelve or thirteen year old girl would be so strong.

Tang Hao had only experienced that heavy power, as if being pressed by a mountain on his shoulders, from his grandfather Tang Chen.

‘Peerless Douluo? ’

‘Impossible, how could there be such a young Peerless Douluo! ’

When Tang Hao thought of this, he immediately denied his guess. He clenched the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and prepared for a battle with the opponent.

Ah Yin is his, even if it is a peerless Douluo, he, Tang Hao, will still take it back with his fists!

Don't say I bully the small.

Tian Meng's words were astonishing. His condescending attitude did not take Tang Hao seriously at all: I can give you a hand in this battle.

It's too much!

Tang Hao gathered soul power at his feet, and rushed towards Tianmeng like an arrow from a string: Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique!

He felt ashamed and angry, but the attack in his hand was not chaotic at all. In such a short time, the superimposed power of the chaotic cloak had reached an extremely high level.

Go to hell!!


The Clear Sky Hammer, packed with surging soul power, smashed down on Tian Meng's head, not regarding the other person as Ah Yin's savior.


The Clear Sky Hammer, which originally seemed capable of destroying heaven and earth, now inexplicably stagnated in mid-air.


Tang Hao's pupils shrank. He felt the power coming from the Clear Sky Hammer, and when he looked at that white and tender finger, it felt so unreal for a moment.

This is impossible!!

Tang San subconsciously exclaimed, staring at the scene in front of him.

Faced with such a terrifying blow, Tianmeng simply raised his finger and blocked it easily, preventing Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer from getting closer.

How is this impossible?

The gap between you and me is bigger than you can imagine!

Tianmeng snorted coldly. She didn't know why Tang Hao could be so arrogant. Couldn't he see the strength and weakness of both parties?

Obviously so weak.

I almost regret giving you a hand.

After Tian Meng finished speaking, he flicked his finger, and the huge force directly sent the Haotian Hammer and Tang Hao flying backwards for more than ten meters.


With the astonishing strength, Tang Hao's feet made two dents on the ground, and he was able to stabilize his body.


Tang Hao obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He felt that he had made a mistake. The girl in front of him was not a little girl at all, but an old monster who looked young but actually lived for who knows how many years!

Who are you?

Tang Hao had also fought against Qian Daoliu, and he had also seen the power of a level 99 Peerless Douluo.

But even Qian Daoliu was far from as exaggerated as the Tianmeng in front of him.

One finger, just one finger, blocked his random cloak hammering technique.


Just an insignificant star spirit on Mount Titan.

Tianmeng said, holding out a finger: But even the weakest star spirit can beat you to a waste, it's still more than enough.


Tang Hao also belittled himself in this way when he was expelled from the sect.

But that’s just self-deprecation!

How could Tang Hao, such a proud man, bear such humiliation?


Following Tang Hao's loud shout, the God of Death domain directly enveloped Tian Meng and the others. The murderous aura was as real as if it was about to drag everyone present into the bloody abyss.

Huh, what a small skill.

Tian Meng smiled disdainfully, and before this power could affect Xiao Wu, A Rou and others, he added another layer of mental protection to the barrier, which easily completely isolated Tang Hao's murderous intent.

Of course, this kind of protection is limited to one's own family.

As for Tang San

What's wrong with the boy's frustration? Tianmeng is doing this for his own good!


On the other side, nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black, and red appeared around Tang Hao.

Especially the ninth soul ring, which is as red as blood. If there were no one around, it would probably attract countless eyes in an instant, and then marvel at the soul master who has obtained the hundred thousand year soul ring that countless people dream of.

One hundred thousand years

Oh, is it very rare?

Unfortunately, Tang Hao met Tianmeng this time.

Showing off the red soul ring in front of the million-year-old soul beast, Tianmeng just wanted to say: 'Boy, you have no idea what real power is! ’

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