Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 96 Qian Renxue Arrives

The uninvited guest came to the main gate of the Worship Hall, and with a flash of light, he transformed into a graceful woman with a beautiful face and extraordinary temperament. The whole person exuded an unattainable elegance.

Two slender jade hands pushed open the two heavy doors, and seven tall people stood behind the door. These seven were the seven great worshipers who guarded the Worship Hall all year round, and they were also the symbol of the top combat power of the Spirit Hall.

The great worshiper Qian Daoliu stood in the front, and the two sides behind him were the second and third worshipers, and the last four were the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh worshipers.

"Hello, young lady!" In addition to the great worshiper Qian Daoliu, the other six worshipers said in unison.

"Haha! Xue'er, welcome back to the Spirit Hall." Qian Daoliu laughed heartily, opened his arms and said very happily.

"Grandpa!" The woman was delighted, and quickly came to Qian Daoliu and threw herself into his arms.

The uninvited guest who came to the Spirit City was Qian Renxue, whom Duan Yufan had met three years ago.

A few days ago, Qian Renxue received a message from Qian Daoliu asking her to go back.

Coincidentally, Qian Renxue had also broken through to Soul Saint not long ago, and obtained her seventh soul ring in the Sunset Forest, a 60,000-year soul ring, reaching the 72nd level of Soul Saint.

Qian Renxue was still brooding over the battle with Duan Yufan three years ago, so after breaking through to Soul Saint this time, she wanted to come to Wuhun City to compete with Duan Yufan again, vowing to decide the winner.

After all, it can be said that Qian Renxue did not get any benefit in the battle three years ago, and with Qian Renxue's unyielding character, she was unwilling to stop there.

So when Qian Renxue received Qian Daoliu's letter, Qian Renxue just happened to go back to Wuhun City to compete with Duan Yufan again, and came all the way to Wuhun City after obtaining the soul ring in the Sunset Forest.

"Grandpa, how did you know I was back so soon." Qian Renxue hugged Qian Daoliu intimately for a while and said.

"Oh, the Spirit Hall is so small, so of course Grandpa knows everything." The Great Priest Qian Daoliu said in a matter-of-fact way.

"Long time no see, all the priests." Qian Renxue greeted the other priests.

The other priests also greeted and went back to their rooms, leaving the Great Priest Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue in the Priest Hall.

"Xue'er, how many days will you be back this time?" The Great Priest Qian Daoliu brought Qian Renxue to his yard to chat.

"Grandpa, as for how many days you will stay, it's not certain, but it won't be more than ten days. After all, it's inevitable that you will be exposed if you leave Tiandou City for too long. Elder Thorny Porpoise and Elder Snake Spear are still in Tiandou City." Qian Renxue said helplessly.

"Hey! Can't you give up the plan? You just come back and concentrate on inheriting the throne and start the assessment. With Grandpa's escort, you can perfectly inherit the throne of the Angel God within ten years." In fact, Qian Daoliu didn't want to force Qian Renxue, otherwise Qian Daoliu could bring Qian Renxue back to Tiandou City anytime and anywhere.

"Grandpa, you know, I have spent so many years in Tiandou City, just to prove to her that I want to perfectly complete a task she entrusted to me." Qian Renxue said with a sigh.

"Okay, okay! Since this can make you happier, Grandpa will not force it. Anyway, the throne of the Angel God is guarded by me, and no one dares to covet it. Wait for you to complete this task at any time and come back to inherit the throne. Grandpa can live a few more years." Qian Daoliu said with a doting smile.

"Well, thank you Grandpa." Qian Renxue said happily.

"By the way, three years ago, the elder Snake Spear sent me a letter to tell me about the general situation of you and Xiaofan. You two actually released a martial soul fusion skill while fighting. How is it." Qian Daoliu personally asked about the situation three years ago.

"Grandpa, I don't know either. The martial souls inexplicably merged with each other. It should be that you should be in tune with each other and work together for many years to complete the martial soul fusion skill." Speaking of this, Qian Renxue also knew only half of it.

"Haha, it means that you and Xiaofan are 100% compatible. There is no need to practice. After all, your martial spirits are the same as Xiaofan's. They are both from the same light. You and Xiaofan are a natural match." Qian Daoliu explained to Qian Renxue, and finally teased her.

"No, he was very rude, which made me want to teach him a lesson, but at that time, I couldn't do anything to him, a soul king, at the level of soul emperor. It was too abominable. Isn't he a support martial spirit?" Qian Renxue said unhappily.

"It seems that Xiaofan has left a good impression on you. Xiaofan is a good person with a good personality, but a little gentle. However, it is this personality that makes people in Wuhun City very close to Xiaofan. It is quite in line with the purpose left by the angel god. In recent years, Xiaofan has improved the good image of Wuhun Hall." Qian Daoliu has a high opinion of Duan Yufan.

"No, no, I hate him very much. I came back this time not only to see grandpa, but also to fight him. Three years ago, we didn't win or lose. Not long ago, I broke through to Soul Saint. My strength has greatly improved and reached the level of ordinary Titled Douluo." Qian Renxue said proudly.

"Well, I know that our six-winged angel martial soul is just an ordinary top-level martial soul before Soul Saint. After obtaining the seventh soul ring, it is a true god-level martial soul. The attributes are greatly improved, and more abilities are also improved accordingly. The angel field has also evolved."

"But I don't know if Xiaofan has reached the Soul Saint level. Two years ago, Xiaofan reached the Soul Emperor level." Qian Daoliu didn't know the information that Duan Yufan reached the Soul Saint level. After all, it hasn't been long.

"That's only two years. It's impossible to reach the Soul Saint level in such a short time. Since returning to Tiandou City three years ago, I have been practicing day and night. It took three years to improve the soul power level to level eight." Qian Renxue said with some teeth gritting.

"Oh, be gentle to Xiaofan. You are too strong. How can you snatch him away? Xiaofan and her senior sister were together the day before. I saw them holding hands and admiring flowers in Elder Ju's garden." Qian Daoliu said helplessly to Qian Renxue, putting a little pressure on Qian Renxue.

Duan Yufan could only say that the old man was very bad when he heard Qian Daoliu's words.

"Grandpa, what does this have to do with me? If they are together, then they are together. Why do you want me to snatch this shameless guy from her? Hum." Qian Renxue said arrogantly.

"Aren't you anxious? You should know that you have completed the martial soul fusion skill." Qian Daoliu said with a smile and deep meaning.

"No, I came back this time just to complete what I didn't complete last time. After defeating him, I will go back to Tiandou City with peace of mind. I don't care who he is with." Qian Renxue still said stubbornly, and no one knew what she was thinking.

"Yes, my Xue'er is so noble, no one is worthy of her, not even Duan Yufan who has an angel martial spirit." Qian Daoliu said with a smile.

"I will go find him later and beat him up to make her feel sorry for her most satisfied disciple." Qian Renxue said stubbornly.

"Xue'er, her mentality has changed a lot because of Duan Yufan, and I guess she has officially accepted the assessment of the Rakshasa God. Her strength should have reached the 99th level of Extreme Douluo. I can't see through her."

The "she" that Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue were talking about was naturally Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue's mother.

Two chapters a day, no more manuscripts saved,... I'm really drunk... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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