Duan Yufan and Hu Liena arranged for Zhu Zhuqing to stay, and Duan Yufan came to the Pope's Palace to meet Bibi Dong.

"Xiao Fan, it's so late. If you don't go to bed, why are you here?"

Although Bibi Dong had already guessed it, she still asked about Duan Yufan's purpose.

"Teacher, look at how Zhu Zhuqing, the second young lady of the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire, will be arranged. I think her talent is pretty good and her training is pretty hard. I feel that she already has level 26 soul power."

Duan Yufan had better come to seek Bibi Dong’s opinion first.

"You can handle this matter yourself. Our Spirit Hall does not ask about one's origin. Anyone who is a spirit master can join, and it would be good to have one less pair of Netherworld White Tigers in the future."

Bibi Dong naturally also knew this information.

"Teacher, I still have a lot of fairy grass on hand. I plan to give her a fairy grass. I think she is worth cultivating. She should be able to become a titled Douluo after eating the fairy grass."

Duan Yufan expressed his thoughts, and if Duan Yufan felt that he wanted to help, he would help him to the end.

"Xiancao, Xiaofan, you can do whatever you want. After all, a little girl can't make waves. However, she needs to be warned appropriately." Bibi Dong had no idea and let Duan Yufan make the decision.

"Teacher, I understand."

After Duan Yufan finished speaking, he turned around and left the Pope's Palace, returning to his courtyard.

Hu Liena was still sitting in the yard when she saw Duan Yufan coming back and stood up.

"Xiao Fan, what did the teacher say?"

"Teacher, I don't have any opinion. It's all up to me."

Duan Yufan told Bibi Dong because Bibi Dong was the head of the Wuhun Palace family. Although it was not impossible for him to make decisions privately, Duan Yufan always felt a little bad if he didn't tell Bibi Dong.

"Xiao Fan, how are you going to help this Zhu Zhuqing and give her fairy grass? Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up with someone like Dai Mubai." Hu Liena said, still a little angry when talking about Dai Mubai.

"Well, that's what I plan to do. Otherwise, in two years' time, Zhu Zhuqing will be at the Soul Master level, and how will she be able to arm-wrestle with her sister."

Duan Yufan also had to admit that the innate soul power limited the people of Douluo Continent. There was basically no special cultivation method, just a relatively primitive unified meditation cultivation method.

Therefore, this also leads to the fact that for the same innate soul power, the soul power of different ages is also very different, especially in youth, which widens the distance between soul power levels, unless there are other special opportunities.

"That's good, it's getting late, so I'll go back first, and Xiaofan will have a rest early." Hu Liena saw that it was getting late and planned to go back to the next door.

"Well, senior sister, please go to bed early and call Zhu Zhuqing tomorrow. Bring her to me and give her some fairy grass." Duan Yufan did not forget to remind her.


It is said that Zhu Zhuqing did not fall asleep at all after staying in the guest room under Duan Yufan's arrangement. In addition to years of vigilance habits, there was also an unfamiliar environment, and he was even thinking about what Duan Yufan said.

In fact, Zhu Zhuqing was quite uneasy when he came to Wuhun City's Wuhun Hall to find Duan Yufan. After all, they were not relatives and had only met him once.

And Zhu Zhuqing really couldn't figure out how Duan Yufan could allow himself to participate in the elite competition against his sister in two years' time.

Although Zhu Zhuqing refused to admit defeat, he had to admit that his sister would definitely reach the late Soul Sect level in two years, and he might be at the highest Soul Sect level in two years.

After thinking about it, Zhu Zhuqing slowly fell into a deep sleep. Zhu Zhuqing fled from the Star Luo Empire to the Tiandou Empire without stopping for a moment, crossing half of the Douluo Continent. He was really exhausted, so he finally fell asleep in a strange place. .

The next morning, Zhu Zhuqing was awakened by the sound of the door opening. He sat up as a conditioned reflex. It was not until he saw Hu Liena walking into the room that he relaxed his vigilance.

Hu Liena also arrived early in the morning as promised, before the sun came up, and came to the room where Zhu Zhuqing was resting.

"You're awake, did you wake me up? I'm sorry, I thought you were awake a long time ago." Hu Liena walked into the room and saw Zhu Zhuqing sitting on the bed, looking wary and said a little embarrassed.

"No, I just woke up."

Zhu Zhuqing stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, put on her black boots and high heels, spoke calmly, and then sat quietly without saying a word.

"Zhu Zhuqing, right? How old is he this year?" Hu Liena also sat on the bedside to talk to Zhu Zhuqing.

"Holy girl, I am exactly 12 years old this year." Zhu Zhuqing replied to Hu Liena's words.

"Calling me Saint is too polite. My name is Hu Liena. I'm a few years older than you. If you don't mind, just call me Sister Nana." Hu Liena introduced herself.

"Yes, Sister Nana." Zhu Zhuqing replied quietly.

"Well, don't worry, your sister doesn't dare to mess around in Wuhun City. Although I don't know what your impression of Wuhun Palace is, most of them are orphans who were destroyed. In fact, my brother and I, Even Xiaofan is an orphan who was persecuted by the evil soul master, so don’t worry about being bullied in the academy.”

"Of course there may be a duel between soul masters, but this is also a competition for common progress. Just stop there. After all, blind cultivation cannot make people progress. The actual combat of soul masters is also very important, and they can also find their own shortcomings. "

Hu Liena comforted Zhu Zhuqing and briefly introduced some situations at Wuhundian Academy. After all, Zhu Zhuqing still had to go to school at his age, so Hu Liena vaccinated Zhu Zhuqing in advance.

"Sister Nana, I understand. After entering the academy, I will work hard to improve my strength." Zhu Zhuqing nodded firmly and said.

"It's a good habit to work hard, but sometimes you have to combine work and rest. I know you're under a lot of pressure, but life is not just about practice. You can get familiar with Wuhun City and have fun when you have time. Wuhun City also has many fun things." Hu Liena enlightened Zhu Zhuqing.

"Well, Sister Nana, I will try my best to accept new things." Zhu Zhuqing said with a calm face.

"Well, but these are not urgent. The main reason I came here this morning is to give you a treasure. This treasure can increase your practice speed several times." Hu Liena changed the subject and explained her purpose.

"Oh! Is there such a thing?" Zhu Zhuqing said with some surprise.

"Well! Get up and go to Xiaofan's yard. It's probably up now. Xiaofan is sometimes too lazy and often sleeps in." Hu Liena complained, but her eyes were full of love.

"Sister Nana, you love the Holy Son very much!" Zhu Zhuqing is not stupid, and she also saw the obvious change when Hu Liena mentioned Duan Yufan.

"Well, is it obvious? Xiaofan sometimes acts like a child, and sometimes acts like an adult like an elder. Both of us were accepted as disciples by the teacher."

"When Xiaofan was six years old, the village was also massacred by the evil soul master. In the end, he was found by the people of the Spirit Hall and brought back to the Spirit City. So Xiaofan is a very kind person. Even if he became the Son of God, he still treats everyone in the Spirit City as kindly as always."

"Let's go, I won't say anymore. You will slowly understand the situation of the Spirit Hall."

When Hu Liena talked about Duan Yufan, she talked too much and couldn't stop at all. She revealed a lot of information to Zhu Zhuqing.

"Well, Sister Nana!"

Then Hu Liena brought Zhu Zhuqing to Duan Yufan's yard.

Hehehe*^_^* How about letting Zhu Zhuqing's spirit evolve into a dark night cat demon.

It can improve speed and attack power, and also make Dai Mubai lose the summoning of spirit fusion skills

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