Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 87 Soul Saint Duan Yufan

This time, Duan Yufan and Bibi Dong have gained a lot from the God Test.

Especially Bibi Dong, who broke through to the level of 99th level Douluo in one fell swoop, and unlike in the anime and the original book, she had to use part of her strength to suppress the power of Rakshasa even though she had the strength of 99th level.

Unlike now, she has mastered the power of Rakshasa and can also exert all her strength of 99th level Douluo.

"Forget it, forget it, you can't use common sense to talk to you. It's not bad to get two skills." Bibi Dong is no longer surprised by Duan Yufan.

"Haha, disciple congratulates the teacher for breaking through to the level of 99th level Douluo, invincible in the world." Duan Yufan reacted and congratulated Bibi Dong on her breakthrough and promotion.

"Not invincible yet, by the way, how long have we been here? I received the Rakshasa baptism in the Rakshasa Secret Realm, and I really didn't feel the passage of time." Bibi Dong asked Duan Yufan how long he had spent in the secret room.

"Teacher, I didn't notice it either. There is no sun or moon in the cave. After I was sent out of the Rakshasa Secret Realm, I have been meditating in this hall, but I think it has been more than a day." Duan Yufan also didn't notice the passage of time.

"In this case, we should go out. The matter of the divine test has come to an end. You too, your soul power level has risen a little too fast in the past few days. Let's settle down for a while after going out." Bibi Dong reminded Duan Yufan.

"Yes! Teacher." Duan Yufan also felt that he had risen a little too fast in the past few days.

The first successful comprehension of the Tai Chi realm increased by several levels. Now he has absorbed two hundred thousand year soul rings and increased by four levels. Duan Yufan himself also felt that he should settle down and adapt to his own soul power.

When Duan Yufan and Bibi Dong came out of the secret room and arrived at Bibi Dong's study, it was pitch black outside, with only the lights on at night.

"Teacher, it's dark. I don't know how many days have passed." Duan Yufan looked out the window and said to Bibi Dong who was closing the passage of the secret room.

"Well, I know! I'll ask Yue Guan later and find out how many days have passed." Bibi Dong closed the secret room passage and walked out of the room, and Duan Yufan hurriedly followed.

However, a sneaky person noticed Duan Yufan and Bibi Dong, standing on the top of the worship hall building.

This person was naturally Qian Daoliu. Although he might not be able to sense the situation in the Rakshasa Secret Realm, the fluctuation of the breath of the 100,000-year soul ring condensed by Duan Yufan in the secret room hall was still sensed by Qian Daoliu, the great worshiper.

"What's wrong with these two masters and apprentices? Why did this kid come out of her room with her? I heard from my second brother that this kid and this woman haven't appeared in the Pope's Palace for three days."

"Moreover, the breath of both of them has changed. Has Bibi Dong successfully obtained the Rakshasa power of the Rakshasa God?"

Qian Daoliu stood on the top and thought to himself that Duan Yufan's breath change was naturally due to the change of Tai Chi artistic conception, and Bibi Dong's breath changed because of the power of Rakshasa, as Qian Daoliu guessed.

"It seems that Xue'er can't be delayed in the Tiandou Empire any longer. She must be arranged to accept the assessment of the Lord Angel God as soon as possible." The Great Priest Qian Daoliu returned to the Priest Hall.



Ju Douluo, who was lying in his yard admiring the flowers, was startled by the sudden sound and stood up quickly, just in time to see Duan Yufan and Bibi Dong jumping over the wall from outside.

"Your Highness the Pope, Your Highness the Holy Son, you scared me." Ju Douluo said, patting his chest in surprise.

"Elder Ju, I remember you didn't seem so timid." Duan Yufan smiled and joked.

"Holy Son! I was admiring these flowers and was about to meditate and fall asleep. And Your Highness the Pope and the Holy Son, you two are so quiet, and you are getting weirder than the old ghost." Ju Douluo calmed down at once and defended himself.

"Okay, Yueguan, Xiaofan and I have something to do and we are in seclusion together. I hope we don't have anything to do during the seclusion." Bibi Dong directly asked the purpose of this trip.

"Your Highness, you and the Holy Son didn't have anything to do during your retreat three days ago, but the Holy Lady came over. I told her that the Pope took the Holy Son to get the seventh soul ring." Ju Douluo responded to Bibi Dong's words.

"Then my senior sister knows that I have reached the Soul Saint level, and she wants to prepare a surprise for her." Duan Yufan said with some regret.

"Holy Son, have you really reached the Soul Saint level? Three days ago, when I saw the flowers blooming in my yard, I knew that the Holy Son might have some understanding, so I just told the Holy Lady about it." It turned out that Ju Douluo didn't know that Duan Yufan had reached the Soul Saint level.

Duan Yufan was also wondering how Ju Douluo knew that he had broken through to the Soul Saint level. It turned out that he guessed, but he guessed it right.

In fact, Ju Douluo also saw that Duan Yufan's aura changed a lot that day, and the flowers blooming in his yard were abnormal. After all, Duan Yufan had lived in Ju Douluo's yard for a long time.

"Surprise? Xiaofan, are you sure you didn't give Nana a scare?" Bibi Dong couldn't help asking when she heard Duan Yufan's words.

"That's right! Saint, I thought it was a shock too. That day I told Saint that you had reached the Soul Saint level, and Saint went back to the academy to practice. Saint! People of your generation are really under a lot of pressure. A 14-year-old Soul Saint never thought about it." Ju Douluo also said, sighing.

"It's okay! I'll go to the academy to find my senior sister tomorrow and comfort her. Teacher! Then I'll go back first." Duan Yufan said helplessly.

"Well, you go back first. You've made Nana and the other three a little crazy. They practice almost every day. Take your senior sister for a good walk." Bibi Dong instructed Duan Yufan.

"Got it, teacher! Good night." Duan Yufan teleported back to his own courtyard.

"Yueguan, why do you think this little fan doesn't understand sometimes? Nana is already 18." Bibi Dong disappeared instantly after saying that.

"Uh, this, I don't understand either." Ju Douluo was left alone to talk to himself.

The next day, not long after the sun came out, Duan Yufan came to the Wuhun Academy.

"Your Highness, please come in." The guard at the gate of the academy saw Duan Yufan and let him in.

"You are busy!" Duan Yufan responded to the guard and walked in.

There were basically no people when he arrived at the academy compound. Those who were in class were all in class.

"Dean Si, long time no see." After Duan Yufan arrived at the academy compound, he teleported directly to Svenda's office.

"Who! It turned out to be Your Highness, Your Highness, Svenda meets Your Highness, Svenda, and I am sorry for not welcoming you." Svenda said respectfully after seeing Duan Yufan clearly.

"Dean Si, don't be like that. I used to be his student. Although I rarely come to the academy now, I don't think I have applied for a graduation certificate yet." Duan Yufan said politely.

The Wuhun Academy managed by Swenda is not bad. From graduating as a teacher to the current dean, he has been teaching at the Wuhun Academy and has cultivated many good seedlings for the Wuhun Hall. He has basically no faults. Moreover, Dean Swenda seems to be a soul fighter at level 89, but it is too difficult to break through to level 90.

"It's mainly because His Highness the Holy Son has contributed to the Wuhun Hall since he was a child. He has rarely come to the academy since he was eight years old." Swenda said slowly.

"Dean Si, I'm here to see my senior sister today. I don't know where she is in the academy." Duan Yufan asked about Hu Liena's location.

"Saint, I've been in the simulated training field these two days. I don't know what stimulated me. I practice hard every day and night." Dean Swenda sighed.

Duan Yufan knew that his reason stimulated Hu Liena, and he also knew Hu Liena's location. Duan Yufan rushed over immediately.

Hehe. . . . . .

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