Duan Yufan originally wanted to deal with the thousand-year soul bone left arm and one million gold soul coins after leaving the Great Soul Arena, but since the Star Luo Emperor asked, Duan Yufan had to tell his plan in advance.

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, the emperor. As for the prize, I have already made plans." Duan Yufan responded to the Star Luo Emperor.

"Sun Chuantao, you are a weapon spirit strong attack system, this thousand-year soul bone left arm is for you, I hope you don't mind the age." Duan Yufan called Sun Chuantao who had the Dark Moon Scimitar and gave the soul bone given by the Star Luo Emperor to this team member.

"Thank you, Holy Son, why would I mind the soul bone." Sun Chuantao took the left arm soul bone handed over by Duan Yufan with a happy expression.

"As for the one million gold soul coins, which were earned in the Star Luo Empire, then, Bishop Ma, this one million is left to you to manage and use on the refugees and villagers of the Star Luo Empire. I believe you will definitely make good use of this one million and use it on the villagers without a penny less." Duan Yufan took out the purple gold card and called the platinum bishop Matthew Dun.

"I thank the Holy Son on behalf of the villagers. I will definitely live up to the trust of the Holy Son." Platinum Bishop Matthew Dun solemnly took the purple gold card handed over by Duan Yufan.

"The Holy Son is so kind-hearted at such a young age. I admire him." Seeing Duan Yufan's distribution, the Emperor of Xingluo couldn't help but say something.

"No, no, I just did my best. I hope the emperor won't mind that I hit too hard and hurt the eldest prince of Xingluo." Duan Yufan said modestly.

"How could it be? In the competition, how can you not get hurt? It can only be said that your strength is not as good as others. Besides, it's good this way. This setback will make him grow faster. People who grow up smoothly are too fragile. I have to thank the Holy Son for teaching me." The Emperor of Xingluo said without caring. As for whether it was the same as what he thought in his heart, no one knew.

"Okay, no more, congratulations again on winning the championship of this session. This session of the Elite Competition of Advanced Soul Masters Colleges across the Continent has also come to a successful conclusion." After saying this, the Emperor of Xingluo took the guards back to the palace.

The Continental High-level Soul Master Academy Elite Competition came to a successful conclusion. The participating academy teams also left the Great Soul Fighting Arena in an orderly manner, and the Soul Master Academy on the Tiandou Empire side also gathered at the hotel to return to the Tiandou Empire.

Duan Yufan did not go to see Qian Renxue, and Qian Renxue did not come to say goodbye to Duan Yufan, because Duan Yufan now only looked like Xue Qinghe, and there was no reason for a Soul Master to say goodbye to someone who was the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire as a Soul Master.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, Duan Yufan and the Soul Master team members had already gathered outside Xingluo City.

Although the last finals, plus various big and small times, took about an hour, and it took almost an hour to return to Xingluo Temple, and then gathered outside Xingluo City to return to Soul Master City.

"Son, Saint, why don't you play in Xingluo Temple for two days?" Platinum Bishop Matthew Dun tried his best to keep Duan Yufan.

"No, it's been almost seven days since I came out. It's time to go back. The purpose of this trip has been achieved. It's time to go back and rest and continue the next training." Duan Yufan refused the request of the platinum bishop Matthewton.

"Well! Holy Son, don't worry, I will definitely use this million properly. Also, please ask the Holy Son to say hello to His Holiness the Pope on my behalf." The platinum bishop Matthewton solemnly promised this time.

"Well! Bishop Ma, it's getting late, and we should also set off to return." Duan Yufan turned around and got on the carriage after saying that, and did not stay any longer.

"Farewell, Holy Son! Holy Lady."

Platinum bishop Matthewton said with other bishops and other members of the temple.

The leader of the Odyssey Temple Knights sat on the horse, waving his sword to command the two hundred Temple Knights.

"Let's go."

The mighty convoy headed towards the direction of Wuhun City.

"Senior sister, are you tired? Do you want to take a nap?" Duan Yufan asked Hu Liena as soon as he sat on the carriage.

"Okay! But there is no place to lean on." Hu Liena said meaningfully.

"I'm really tired! Then let me lend you my shoulder to lean on." Duan Yufan said casually, but he didn't expect Hu Liena to answer tired.

"Then I won't be polite! Hehe." Hu Liena quickly sat next to Duan Yufan and really leaned her head on Duan Yufan's shoulder.

"Okay!" Duan Yufan saw that Hu Liena really leaned on his shoulder and closed her eyes, so he could only sit straight, smelling Hu Liena's elegant body fragrance, and also closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Hu Liena was really tired. Since she saw Qian Renxue, she tossed and turned every night, couldn't sleep, turned over and over, and had random thoughts, and never had a good rest.

So now Hu Liena leaned on Duan Yufan, smelling Duan Yufan's breath, Hu Liena soon fell asleep comfortably.

But after nearly an hour, Hu Liena leaned on his shoulder and wanted to fall forward. Duan Yufan was quick and caught Hu Liena's leaning body.

Duan Yufan saw that Hu Liena hadn't woken up yet, and wanted her to sleep more comfortably, so he had to gently put her head on his thigh.

Then Duan Yufan tidied up Hu Liena's messy hair. Hu Liena had a lot of soft hair. Duan Yufan also saw a smile from Hu Liena, and he didn't know what she was dreaming about.

After about six or seven hours, it was already late, and Hu Liena woke up faintly. She opened her eyes dazedly and found herself lying on Duan Yufan's thighs, and there was a trace of saliva in her mouth. She quickly wiped it with a shy blush.

"Hehe, senior sister, you are so cute when you sleep, and you drool at the corners of your mouth when you sleep." Duan Yufan said with a smile.

"Don't say it, I didn't, you are drooling, there must be something wrong with my sleeping position, by the way, why am I lying on your legs." Hu Liena said cunningly and puzzledly.

"Of course you were uncomfortable leaning on me, and you almost rolled down my feet, so I had to put it on my thigh." Duan Yufan answered truthfully.

"Junior brother, thank you for your hard work, how long have I slept, it's dark." Hu Liena asked, looking at the darkness outside the carriage.

"Senior sister! I slept for almost seven hours, my thighs are numb, your head is so heavy." Duan Yufan cried.

"No way, it's that long, okay, okay, dear, I'll help you massage your legs." Hu Liena answered Duan Yufan's words and started to get started.

The same journey, it also took two days to reach Wuhun City.

Along the way, Duan Yufan and Hu Liena teased and bickered with each other, and returned to the west gate of Wuhun City with concern for each other.

At the west gate, Bibi Dong, who had already received the news, was waiting here with Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

Because they knew the approximate time of Duan Yufan's arrival, Bibi Dong and the other two did not have to wait long before they saw the team of the Knights of the Palace.

The leader of the Knights of the Palace, Odysseus, rode in front on a horse, with four carriages in the middle, two rows of Knights of the Palace, and four Knights of the Palace at the end of the carriage.

It didn't take long for them to reach the West City Gate. The soldiers saw them and let them pass. Bibi Dong waited behind the gate.

"Odysseus has met His Holiness the Pope. Fortunately, this trip has fulfilled his mission."

"Hello, His Holiness the Pope!" The Knights of the Palace also said.

"Get up! Keep going to the Wuhun Hall Square." Bibi Dong said lightly and instantly came to Duan Yufan's carriage.

"Lord Son of God has returned from the competition."

People on the street looked at the carriage team and knew that it was Duan Yufan who came back. People on the streets of West City greeted Duan Yufan one after another.

Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, don't be anxious,

Take your time, take your time.

The protagonist has grown up almost, and it's time to pretend to be cool and slap his face.


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