Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 71 Qian Renxue reveals her true form

Duan Yufan and Hu Liena followed Xue Qinghe all the way, and soon they walked out of the city. After walking for a while, they came to a small forest outside Xingluo City.

"Haven't we arrived yet? I'm going back." Duan Yufan didn't know what Xue Qinghe was going to do.

"Why, are you scared? But this place is almost the same. Let's just stay here." Xue Qinghe walked in the small forest for a while and stopped.

"I told you to find a quiet place, not a remote place." Duan Yufan said speechlessly.

"Because I don't like you, I want to teach you a lesson, so I have to find a good place. Well, this place is good." Xue Qinghe turned around and said jokingly.

"Unless you let the two of them attack together, otherwise you, I'm not bragging, ten more of you are not my opponent." Duan Yufan was naturally not polite, and began to mock Xue Qinghe in an exaggerated way.

"Haha! You are the only soul king, and you are also a support soul master, but you are good at talking. Is it because of your talking that my grandfather and her treat you so well?" Xue Qinghe didn't get angry when he heard it, and asked lightly.

"Soul king? Haha, many years later, I am still beaten by a soul emperor at the level of soul saint." Duan Yufan secretly complained about Qian Renxue.

"That can't be done. I am a real person. Maybe it's because of my personality charm, or because I was cute when I was a child." Duan Yufan said shamelessly.

Although Hu Liena didn't understand what the two were talking about, she felt that even she couldn't help rolling her eyes at what Duan Yufan said, and she deserved a beating.

"I heard from my grandfather that you are already soul king level 57, 11 years old, and you are indeed qualified for me to look at you. Let me see how much you are." Xue Qinghe's eyes changed, and he looked at Duan Yufan fiercely.

"What do you mean, my Xiaofan is a support system, if you want to fight, fight me." Hu Liena was unhappy when she heard it, although she didn't know who the opponent was, what kind of martial soul, and how much soul power.

"You are her other disciple, right? You are indeed the most talented among your peers, but a little worse than us." Xue Qinghe looked at Hu Liena with a little contempt.

"After saying so much, you are still talking to us like this? It's so rude. Your grandfather told me everything." Duan Yufan was looking forward to what the person who was called the most beautiful woman in Douluo Continent looked like.

"I want to know! Well, show your strength," Xue Qinghe was still pretending to be mysterious.

"Xiaofan, after saying so much, who is he? Why am I still confused?" Hu Liena asked very curiously.

"She! She is the granddaughter of the great worshiper Qian Daoliu, the daughter of the previous pope, Qian Renxue, the first god-level angel martial spirit, and the innate full soul power is level 20." Duan Yufan introduced Xue Qinghe to the curious Hu Liena, oh no! It is more appropriate to say Qian Renxue now.

"Ah! It is also a god-level martial spirit, and the innate full soul power is level 20, so how did he become the prince of the Tiandou Empire?" Hu Liena exclaimed.

"This is the teacher's arrangement. We shouldn't ask too much." Duan Yufan answered Hu Liena and the other two.

"Okay!" Hu Liena stopped asking questions when she heard that it was Bibi Dong's arrangement.

"I am an auxiliary martial soul. Aren't you afraid that I will tell your grandfather and my teacher that you bullied me?" Duan Yufan said shamelessly.

"You...! Just say it, angel possession." Qian Renxue couldn't bear it anymore. Six golden and gorgeous wings appeared behind her. She rose into the air and stopped when she rose to more than ten meters. At the same time, six soul rings surrounded her body, yellow, purple, and black. She was only a level 62 soul emperor.

The two guards behind him saw this. This place was always near Xingluo City. In order to prevent being discovered, they jointly blocked the breath of soul power fluctuations here.

Duan Yufan was speechless. Why can other people's angel martial souls fly after being possessed, but his can't.

"Senior sister, please retreat a little. My martial soul is also light attribute, which can offset her attacks in large quantities." Duan Yufan said to Hu Liena.

"Xiao Fan, is there any problem? She is actually a level 62 Soul Emperor." Hu Liena looked at Qian Renxue with some surprise. She was indeed worthy of being a level 20 soul power.

"It's okay, senior sister. My soul power is not lower than hers. Although I don't have as many offensive means as her, I have more defenses." Duan Yufan asked Hu Liena to relax.

"Okay!" Hu Liena didn't say anything else and stepped aside. After all, she was the granddaughter of the great priest and shouldn't do anything to Duan Yufan.

"Okay, I'm coming." Qian Renxue looked down at Duan Yufan.

"What are you in a hurry for? Are you so impatient? With your current strength, I'm not bragging, you are really not my opponent, haha!" Duan Yufan continued.

"Humph! You are quite good at talking. The first soul skill is Angel Assault." Qian Renxue didn't wait any longer and released her soul skill directly, coming towards Duan Yufan.

Qian Renxue concentrated the sacred light energy of the angel martial soul and condensed it on her fist. At the same time, there was a layer of light shield in front of her, which had both offensive and defensive soul skills.

"Third soul skill, holy light protection." Duan Yufan saw Qian Renxue attacking without any nonsense, and he also summoned his martial soul in an instant, releasing the third soul skill. A ray of light enveloped Duan Yufan, forming a protective shield.

"Well, this breath is the breath of martial soul fusion skills."

When Duan Yufan and Qian Renxue released their martial souls at the same time, they sensed the message from the martial soul rebuttal.

"Humph, who wants to do martial soul fusion skills with this kid." Qian Renxue thought to herself, and did not stop attacking.

With a clang, Duan Yufan's protective shield fluctuated, but did not break.

"Didn't you eat? You are too weak." Duan Yufan stood in the protective shield and mocked Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue found that the melting and suppressing effects of her sacred light energy had no effect on Duan Yufan.

"Hmph, take another punch from me, I don't believe that you can't break a turtle shell." Qian Renxue said, and increased the strength of her soul power and continued to punch.

Duan Yufan naturally increased his soul power output, so the protective shield was never broken.

"You can't do this, this is still a level 62 soul emperor's god-level martial soul." Duan Yufan continued to taunt, pulling up Qian Renxue's fighting spirit value.

"Damn it! The fourth soul skill, the sky feather falling blade." Qian Renxue saw that the first soul skill attack was fruitless, and immediately changed the soul skill.

After Qian Renxue retreated not far away, she condensed six golden giant swords in front of her.

"The second soul skill, the blessing of courage, the third soul skill, the holy light protection." Duan Yufan continued to increase his defense.

Blessing of Courage plus Holy Light Guardian, two defensive soul skills, Blessing of Courage can offset 80%, Holy Light Guardian can offset 60%, and completely take on the attack of the fourth soul skill.

So Duan Yufan completely offset the attack of Qian Renxue's fourth soul skill, unscathed.

"Damn, my holy light is the same as his, and the attack power is greatly weakened." Qian Renxue thought helplessly.

"Why did you stop, is it no longer possible!" Duan Yufan looked at Qian Renxue who stopped attacking.

"Humph! How is it possible, the fifth soul skill, the Holy Sword."

Duan Yufan saw Qian Renxue emitting a huge light, and the outer shell of Xue Qinghe's vest was broken.

After a while, a tall figure with a graceful posture, wearing a golden palace dress, the long dress is a one-piece, without too many patterns and decorations, simple and elegant.

There is a stand-up collar on the snow-white and slender neck, and the golden long hair is casually scattered behind her.

The whole person has skin whiter than snow, a straight nose bridge, similar to phoenix eyes, and a majestic and peerless face.

Holding a huge white flame sword transformed by the fifth soul skill, she flew towards Duan Yufan lightly, her skirt fluttering in the wind.

There was a small six-winged angel mark between her eyebrows, and she stared at Duan Yufan with a bit of anger in her golden eyes.

Qian Renxue is here, your wife.

Hehe, thanks for reminding me of the typos

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