Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 7 Return to the Spirit Hall

The Douluo Hall in the Wuhun City symbolizes the highest honor. In the innermost of the Douluo Hall is a magnificent room with a stone sculpture of a six-winged angel that is the same as the gate of the Pope's Hall and the sculpture on the square.

Qian Daoliu was kneeling in front of the six-winged angel statue with his eyes closed devoutly, looking relieved.

Qian Daoliu initially thought that Duan Yufan was an illegitimate child of his son Qian Xunji, because the angel martial spirit had never been heard of or seen awakened anywhere in the continent except the Qian family for hundreds of years.

It was not until the Angel God explained the doubts that Qian Daoliu was relieved, but a little disappointed.

The Angel God replied that my energy is to receive the violent power of the sun, the blazing, judgment, fighting angel.

But the sun also has a soft and warm side, and Duan Yufan's angel belongs to the soft and warm side, so it tends to be healing and auxiliary! Not a fighting angel.

Finally, the Angel God asked Qian Daoliu not to intervene, and Duan Yufan's angel martial spirit would lead his host to grow and find his own destination.

Qian Daoliu got his answer, stood up and walked out of the room where the angel statue was worshipped.

"Brother! You've been in there for more than two days! How are you?" The old man with white hair also exuded a tiger's aura.

"Golden Crocodile, second brother, it's okay! I have got the answer. I didn't expect that this child would be chosen. Has Yueguan come back?" Qian Daoliu sighed and asked.

"Not yet, it's been three days. It may be difficult to find a suitable spirit ring!" said the man called Golden Crocodile.

Golden Crocodile, the second worshiper of Douluo Hall, Golden Crocodile is just the name of Titled Douluo, his martial spirit is the Golden Giant Crocodile, and his spirit power level is 98-level peak Douluo.

There are seven Titled Douluos worshipping the Douluo Hall, all of whom are above level 96. Only those who reach level 96 or above in the Spirit Hall are qualified to become worshipers, and the rest of the Titled Douluos are called elders.

"It's also a god-level angel martial spirit. I don't know if this kid has the same characteristics as Xue'er. Second brother, have you told Xue'er about the situation here." Qian Daoliu told the second worshiper of Golden Crocodile about notifying Xue'er.

"Brother! I have informed Xue'er! But there is no reply yet!" The second Golden Crocodile Worshiper had already informed Xue'er when Qian Daoliu entered the room with the angel statue.


At this time, there was a young man with short golden hair on the other side, reading a letter in a gorgeous room.

"A congenital level 20 auxiliary angel martial spirit?" The short-haired young man said softly.

"Reply to grandpa and tell him I know!"

"Okay, young master." A voice responded to the short-haired young man's words.

After obtaining two spirit rings, Duan Yufan and Ju Douluo were on their way to Wuhun City. After less than four hours, they entered Wuhun City.

Entering Wuhun City from the west gate, passing by Steward Mo's house, Duan Yufan entered the house and found that Steward Mo and his wife were ready for dinner.

"Uncle Mo! Aunt He, they are eating!" Duan Yufan said after entering the house.

"Xiaofan! Come and sit down and eat together." Aunt He greeted him quickly.

"No, Aunt He, we still have to go back and report to His Holiness the Pope, and I have already obtained the spirit ring. After returning, I will go to the academy. I may not have much time to come here later. I need to practice." Duan Yufan came over and said.

"Xiaofan, congratulations on awakening a powerful martial soul, and you are still full of innate spirit power. You have become the disciple of His Holiness the Pope. You really need to go to the academy to practice well, and don't let His Holiness the Pope down." Deacon Mo congratulated.

"Moreover! His Holiness the Pope has already found me. Because of you, I have been upgraded to the level of vice bishop." Deacon Mo continued.

"Congratulations, Uncle Mo! I am also very grateful that you and Aunt He are so kind to me and brought me back from the village." Duan Yufan said with sincere gratitude.

"Okay! You go to the Pope's Palace first, and come back to play when you have time later." Deacon Mo said.

"Okay! Then I'll leave first!"

Duan Yufan left the house and continued to walk towards the Pope's Palace. After more than ten minutes, he arrived at the gate of the Pope's Palace, and the guards let him in respectfully.

Pope Bibi Dong and Ghost Douluo were in the hall, and saw Duan Yufan and Ju Douluo coming in.

"Your Holiness, this trip went smoothly. The soul skills obtained by the Holy Son are beyond my imagination." Ju Douluo spoke respectfully first.

"Greetings, teacher!" Since Bibi Dong recognized him as a disciple, Duan Yufan had to change his words.

"Oh! It surprised you, which means that the soul skills obtained are very good. Tell me, Elder Ghost, call Nana!" Bibi Dong looked at the two of them indifferently.

"Yes!" Ghost Douluo disappeared in a flash.

"Teacher! Thanks to Elder Ju for trying his best to find a suitable soul beast for me, but there are too few light attribute soul beasts, and it took five days to find two soul rings." Duan Yufan said to Ju Douluo in a cute voice.

"It's all what I should do. These five days were not wasted, and it's all because of the Holy Son's good talent that he can absorb soul rings beyond the age limit." Ju Douluo saw Duan Yufan mentioning himself and praised him.

"Teacher! Are you looking for me?" At this time, Hu Liena followed Ghost Douluo to the Pope's Palace.

"Junior brother! I'm back!"

"Okay, Xiaofan, you can tell me now, why is the soul skill so mysterious." Bibi Dong rarely showed a hint of intrigue, but no one noticed it.

Duan Yufan saw that it was almost done, and released the martial soul cross, and one yellow and one purple appeared instantly.

"Second Ring Thousand Years! Level 25 soul power, although it is only lavender, it is already very impressive, where is the soul skill!" Bibi Dong began to look forward to seeing the lavender soul ring.

Hu Liena felt a sense of frustration when she found that Duan Yufan's soul power had reached level 25. You know, he was only six years old. She was ten years old and only had level 28 soul power.

"The first soul skill is called healing prayer, which can heal injuries and purify various abnormal control states." Duan Yufan then explained in detail the amplification effect of the first soul skill.

"Oh! Not bad, you release the first soul skill like me." Bibi Dong heard the effect of purification and asked Duan Yufan to release the soul skill to herself.

"Yes! Teacher, the first soul skill is healing prayer." The same release method as the second soul skill.

A burst of white light merged with Bibi Dong's body. Bibi Dong only felt a magical power that made her mind clear a lot. The influence of the Rakshasa power on her thoughts was not so great.

"Very good! It is worthy of being an auxiliary of the god-level martial soul level. Where is the second soul skill!" Bibi Dong continued to ask.

"Second soul skill, Blessing of Courage." Duan Yufan continued to release soul skills when Bibi Dong spoke.

A total of three white lights attached to Bibi Dong, Hu Liena and Ghost Douluo, and introduced the abilities of soul skills.

"Teacher, I can add the second soul skill to ten people at the same time. My current soul power can last for five minutes, but the first soul skill can be released twenty times a day." Duan Yufan introduced his two soul ring skills.

"It is indeed worthy of being a god-level auxiliary martial soul, which is far beyond the assistance of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect." Qian Daoliu observed the situation in the hall outside, sighed and left.

"Very good! Put it away!" Bibi Dong spoke, and Duan Yufan put away the martial soul.

"Nana, arrange a room next to you for Junior Brother Xiaofan to stay. You will take Xiaofan to report to the academy early tomorrow morning." Bibi Dong arranged Duan Yufan and said.

"Yes! Teacher."

Then Hu Liena took Duan Yufan out of the Pope's Hall.

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