A frail, white-haired, childlike figure, wearing a silver-gold robe, the special uniform of the Platinum Bishop.

He bowed slightly to Duan Yufan and Hu Liena.

"Son of God, Saintess, two adults, I am the Platinum Bishop Matthew Dun of Xingluo Temple. I have received the order from His Holiness the Pope. During the stay in Xingluo City, all members of the Xingluo Temple will protect the safety of the two adults, the Son of God and the Saintess."

"Greetings to the Son of God and the Saintess."

The other bishops and soldiers standing behind the Platinum Bishop Matthew Dun also saluted after the Platinum Bishop finished speaking.

"Bishop Ma, no need to be polite. We, the team members, will trouble you during the competition." Duan Yufan took two steps forward and said to the Platinum Bishop Matthew Dun of Xingluo Temple with a smile.

Duan Yufan knew that the Platinum Bishop Matthew Dun's salute to him was nothing more than the name of a Saint of the Wuhun Hall, and although the Platinum Bishop Matthew Dun looked like a frail old man, he was a real Soul Douluo level.

Duan Yufan naturally returned the gift politely. In this world of the survival of the fittest, what Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun respected was the title of the Son of the Spirit Hall, not Duan Yufan, who was only at the Soul King level.

"You are too polite, Lord Son. I believe that both Lords, the Son and the Saint, must be tired from the long journey. Xingluo Temple has prepared rest rooms for several Spirit Hall elites. Please come in." After saying that, Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun brought Duan Yufan and nine others to Xingluo Temple.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon when Duan Yufan and his party arrived in Xingluo Empire. The building area of ​​Xingluo Temple was similar to that of the temple in Tiandou City. As soon as they arrived at Xingluo Temple, Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun ordered others to prepare dinner.

"Bishop Ma, you have been in Xingluo Empire for many years. How is the overall strength of the academies participating in the Xingluo Empire this year? Are there any more interesting opponents, or talents with better talents?"

At the banquet, all members of the Spirit Hall team were eating and chatting, and Hu Liena asked about Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun.

"Replying to the Saint, the strength of the contestants of the Advanced Soul Master Academy in this Xingluo competition is average, ranging between Soul Master and Soul Sect, neither up nor down. The contestants with better talents are all from Xingluo aristocratic families, and there are too few talented civilian soul masters." Platinum Bishop Matthew Dun was not optimistic about any of the advanced soul masters in the Xingluo Empire.

"Is the Xingluo Royal Academy also mediocre, or is there no genius?" Duan Yufan asked Matthew Dun casually after hearing the answer.

"If you say there is! There are two princes in this generation of Xingluo Royal, whose martial souls and innate soul power are both level eight. What's more, two girls appeared in the Netherworld Zhu family at the same time. It can be said that this generation of Xingluo Royal has two sets of Netherworld White Tiger martial soul fusion skills. No matter which prince takes the throne, there will be a set of Netherworld White Tiger martial soul fusion skills." Matthew Dun was obviously a spectator, and said with a look of being ready to watch the lively show soon.

"That's really interesting. I heard that the battle for the imperial power in the Xingluo Empire is very cruel. The battle between the two Nether White Tiger martial soul fusion skills is really worth watching." Duan Yufan knew who Bishop Platinum was talking about.

"What the Holy Son said is right. It is indeed very intense. The eldest prince of Xingluo and the eldest lady of the Zhu family have already jointly put pressure on their younger brother and sister. It is a one-sided advantage. The main reason is that the eldest prince is a few years older. The current eldest prince is 18 years old and has a soul master of level 41, while the second prince is only 13 years old and has a soul power of level 32. The second lady of the Zhu family is even younger, less than nine years old, and has a soul power of level 18." Bishop Platinum Matthew briefly introduced the situation.

"Then it's a sure loss. There is no suspense." Hu Liena said with a bored look on her face. She was originally looking forward to it.

"Haha, if there is no accident, it is indeed a sure loss." Bishop Platinum said with a chuckle.

"There is indeed no accident. The two fairy herbs, Qirong Tongtianju and Shuixian Yujigu, have been eaten. What else can there be?" Duan Yufan took a bite of the dish and thought lightly.

The banquet ended with everyone chatting, and everyone returned to their rooms to meditate.

The next morning, Duan Yufan took Xie Yue and Yan to find Hu Liena.

"Senior sister, let's go and see what fun there is in the imperial city of Xingluo Empire." Duan Yufan said to Hu Liena who had just left the room.

"Okay! It's a rare opportunity to come here."

Because there are still two days before the competition, it can be regarded as an adjustment time for the players who came from afar.

Then Duan Yufan and the other four walked out of the Xingluo Temple, but saw the platinum bishop Matthew Dun.

"Haha, Holy Son, Holy Daughter, His Holiness the Pope has instructed his subordinates to take you to visit Xingluo City. I have been in Xingluo City for most of my life, and I know every corner here clearly." The platinum bishop said with a smile.

"Okay! Then trouble Bishop Ma." Duan Yufan and the others really need someone to take them. Xingluo City, as an imperial city, covers a large area, and it is impossible to travel around without a few days and nights.

"Where do the Holy Son and Holy Daughter want to go to play?" Bishop Matthew Dun asked.

"It is the most distinctive place in Xingluo Empire. If there is anything unique, my sister and I can bring it back to show the teacher." Duan Yufan thought for a while and said.

"Son, you are thoughtful. Please follow me." Bishop Matthewton took the lead and walked in one direction.

"You have no objection, right?" Duan Yufan said while looking at Hu Liena and the other two.

"Of course I have no objection. Wouldn't it be better if someone takes the lead in introducing it?" Yan said first.

"Then follow me."

Bishop Platinum Matthewton led Duan Yufan and the other four to an ancient street. There was no such scenery in Wuhun City. There were quite a lot of people on the street early in the morning.

Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun led the way and explained the situation of the street.

Duan Yufan and Hu Liena were between Xie Yue and Yan, while Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun chattered on the left, introducing various things.

When passing a street alley, a black shadow appeared on the right and rushed towards Duan Yufan and his four companions.

"Who are you?" Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun changed his fragile state and appeared on the right in an instant, with eight soul rings released, overwhelming the black shadow with a powerful momentum.

"Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun of the Wuhun Hall." It turned out to be a little girl who was chased by four people. When the four people saw Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun, they immediately recognized her.

"It turned out to be someone from the Zhu family. What! Do you want to use your second lady's matter to assassinate our Wuhun Hall?" Bishop Platinum Matthew Dun also saw the uniform uniform of the Xingluo Empire's Netherworld Zhu family.

"Bishop Platinum, misunderstanding, we just wanted to find the second lady according to the order of the eldest lady, but we didn't expect to meet Bishop Platinum!" One of them said with a smirk.

"Since it's a misunderstanding! Let's go!" Duan Yufan looked at the little girl and immediately said to the four people of the Zhu family.

"Yes, yes, we'll go now." The four people left after saying that, leaving the little girl behind.

Duan Yufan looked at the little girl wearing a purple and black tights, her tender face was a little cold, there was blood at the corners of her mouth, there were two cat ears on her head, and there was a solemn tail behind her. It was obviously in the state of being possessed by the martial spirit, and she was half squatting with one hand on her chest.

Duan Yufan didn't expect that the competition between the prince of the Xingluo Empire and the two heirs of the Zhu family was so cruel, and they suppressed the other person openly in broad daylight in Xingluo City.

Chapter 2 is here. Since your Zhu Zhuqing is so popular, I will help casually. As for the choice, it depends on Zhu Zhuqing.

As usual, please remind me if there are typos so that I can correct them.

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