Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 65 Qian Daoliu Arrives

Duan Yufan returned to his room and slept comfortably for three days and three nights. During this time, Bibi Dong and Hu Liena came to see Duan Yufan, but they did not disturb him because he was sleeping so soundly.

After Duan Yufan lay down, he did not take any precautions, believing that no one would come to the Spirit Hall to assassinate him.

Of course, Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan had slept for more than a day. Duan Yufan and the other two had been in the Death Canyon for too long, so they naturally felt relieved to rest and relax when they returned to the Spirit Hall.

Duan Yufan woke up on the morning of the fourth day, opened his eyes dazedly, and a figure came into his sight.

"Oh! Who are you! Oh, it's you!" Duan Yufan was startled, and when he opened his eyes completely, he found that it was the Great Priest Qian Daoliu who was looking at him with a smile.

Duan Yufan felt that Qian Daoliu's smile was a bit vulgar, and he didn't know what he was planning.

The Great Priest Qian Daoliu's dress had not changed much from five years ago, with snow-white hair and a pale white robe.

"Haha! I haven't seen you since you awakened your spirit. Five years have passed in a flash. I heard that you came back from the Death Valley two days ago and broke through to the level of Soul King. You are 11 years old. Not bad, not bad, you are worthy of being a god-level angel spirit." The Great Priest Qian Daoliu chuckled and looked at Duan Yufan with admiration.

"Speaking of this, thank you for your light holy tiger spirit bone, which helped me a lot in the Death Valley." Duan Yufan stood up and stretched, saying politely.

"It's a small thing, it's a pity! I only have this spirit bone that suits you, otherwise it would be fine to give you two more." The Great Priest Qian Daoliu said very approachable.

"Grandpa! What's the matter with you suddenly looking for me? I don't believe you just came to see me." Duan Yufan asked with a puzzled face.

Duan Yufan really didn't know what Qian Daoliu's sudden arrival was about. You should know that except for the Titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall, no one else knew about Qian Daoliu's existence and he had been living in seclusion in the Priest Hall.

"Haha, it's nothing, I just think that you have grown up, and it's almost time for you to meet my granddaughter. My granddaughter is very beautiful." Qian Daoliu has been smiling since Duan Yufan woke up.

"What? Are you going to introduce Qian Renxue to me?" But Duan Yufan just thought about this in his mind.

"Your granddaughter? Grandpa, why haven't I seen your granddaughter!" Duan Yufan was very curious about how Qian Daoliu would praise Qian Renxue.

"My granddaughter is much prettier than your senior sister. She has the same angel spirit as you and a congenital spirit power of level 20. However, for some reason, she went to the Tiandou Empire to carry out some plan to steal the country, and neglected to practice. She is seven years older than you and is only at the Soul Emperor level."

"It's a pity that my granddaughter has a strong personality. She wants a proof and is reluctant to give up her plan and return to the Spirit Hall to practice. Otherwise, with her age and my help, she would have been a Soul Saint or even Soul Douluo level. But she is still my granddaughter, so I let her play around. Anyway, there is no rush."

Duan Yufan just wanted to say that Qian Daoliu was too Versailles. Seven years older than him means he is an 18-year-old Soul Emperor, and his talent is better than that of Hu Liena and the other two who ate the fairy grass.

"By the way, my granddaughter is Qian Renxue. I will match you up when the time comes. Both of you have angel spirits. You two are a perfect match made in heaven. Your children will definitely have higher talents when the time comes." Qian Daoliu said a lot in one sentence, and even thought about their children.

"Uh! This is not good!" Duan Yufan was embarrassed. He didn't expect Qian Daoliu to think of the child. He was only 11 years old.

"Nothing is wrong. You should be able to see her around the Xingluo Competition. She knows your existence!" Qian Daoliu said straightforwardly, not hiding anything in front of Duan Yufan.

"Uh, grandpa, you said she is planning to steal the country in the Tiandou Empire. Could it be the prince I met in the Qibao Liuli Sect last time!"

"Yes, it's her. It seems that you have seen my granddaughter. How is it!"

"Uh! Qian Daoliu is confused. How can I know if a woman disguised as a man is like this." Duan Yufan complained.

"I was saying, how come the Tiandou prince has a similar aura? It turns out that she is grandpa's granddaughter, but she doesn't seem to be very good. She is dressed like a boy, not as handsome as me, and not as pretty as my senior sister."

"Nonsense, my granddaughter is fair-skinned and beautiful, she bounces easily, has beautiful blonde hair, and is taller than you are now. Oh! I forgot, she should have been in a disguise at that time, but don't worry, I will inform her, and when I meet you in Xingluo City, let her secretly reveal her true appearance to you."

Qian Daoliu reacted as he spoke, Qian Renxue in the Qibao Liuli Sect should have been in a disguise, but immediately another idea came up.

"It's unnecessary, grandpa, what if she is exposed." Although Duan Yufan also wanted to see this Qian Renxue, he didn't know what to say.

"It's better to be exposed. She made a fuss in the Tiandou Empire. She is only at the Soul Emperor level at the age of 18. If it's up to me, let her take the Angel God's Divine Examination as soon as possible. After becoming a god, all these problems will not be a problem." Qian Daoliu said domineeringly.

"Hehe." Duan Yufan could only laugh awkwardly.

"Hmm, what are you doing in Xiaofan's room?" Bibi Dong said coldly to Qian Daoliu as she walked into Duan Yufan's room.

"Hehe, nothing, I'm leaving, you think about it." Qian Daoliu saw Bibi Dong coming, said to Duan Yufan, and disappeared in a flash.

"Uh!" Duan Yufan was speechless, he ran really fast.

"Xiaofan, what did this old guy say to you in your room early in the morning?" Bibi Dong saw Qian Daoliu running away, and her face became warm again as she said to Duan Yufan.

"Teacher, he said he wanted to introduce his granddaughter to me." Duan Yufan directly said Qian Daoliu's purpose.

"Don't listen to him, the old man is very bad, his granddaughter has a bad temper and is too strong-willed. Xiaofan, you can't control her, it's better to have your senior sister, Nana is much better than her." Bibi Dong persuaded Duan Yufan with a look of disdain for Qian Renxue.

"My teacher, is it okay for you to say that about her." Duan Yufan thought secretly.

"Teacher! Don't worry, I will practice well and protect my senior sister and teacher. Anyway, I haven't seen the grandpa's granddaughter, how can I want to meet her." Duan Yufan said with a smile, and was naughty.

"Well! That's more or less, but just protect your senior sister. In five years, your strength has surpassed your senior sister. I can only say that your talent is beyond the reach of people all over the continent." Bibi Dong smiled and sighed when she heard Duan Yufan's words.

"Hey, teacher, you are here too, Xiaofan, you finally woke up. You slept for three days and three nights. I admire you." Hu Liena heard the voice and came to Duan Yufan's room.

"Uh, really! Why do I feel like I only slept for more than a day?" Duan Yufan really didn't know how many days he slept, but when he woke up, he was more energetic than ever.

"Okay! Since you two are awake, have breakfast together. Xiaofan, you have slept too long, you should get up and stretch your muscles." Bibi Dong said and took Hu Liena out of Duan Yufan's room first.

Because Duan Yufan hadn't put on his clothes yet, he was still wearing warm yellow pajamas.

To be honest, I don't know much about Qian Renxue. After all, Qian Renxue only appeared in the later period, and I didn't see Qian Renxue's appearance in the anime.

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