The fifth soul ring of Duan Yufan's cross martial spirit is the masterpiece of this person.

The soul ring of the sickle martial spirit was just an accident. When Duan Yufan was extremely angry, he awakened the ability to declare sin. The sickle martial spirit accidentally absorbed the dark red mist accumulated in the Death Canyon for many years to form a soul ring.

The good god king has a kind-hearted artifact, and the evil god king also has a similar artifact - the scale of judgment.

When Duan Yufan stimulated the ability of the seven deadly sins of the savior, the scale of judgment of the evil god king also sensed the existence of Duan Yufan and found that he was in a place of assessment of gods.

"Death God!"

In front of the figure of the dark red world, a black-haired evil-looking demon appeared, wearing a black and gold robe, and called the figure's name directly.

"Evil God King!" The exclaimed by the so-called death god, who did not expect the evil god king to come to his place.

"Is this kid in your assessment place your successor to the throne?"

That's right, the evil god king, one of the five great god kings in the God Realm, found the most mysterious death god among the first-level gods.

"Replying to God King, I also want him to be my successor to the throne, but a trace of the power of the Good God King appeared in his body, I am afraid he is already the successor to the throne of the Good God King." The Death God said with a face full of regret.

"What! The power of kindness, I don't believe it, I want to see." The Evil God King was shocked when he heard the name of Kindness, and hurriedly observed Duan Yufan carefully again, and found that Duan Yufan still had nine traces of the power of kindness.

"Hehe! It's true, Kindness actually hid it from me and secretly found a successor to the throne, and I am afraid that he has already completed the second test of the God of Kindness. If it weren't for the fact that this kid has another dark power in his body, which resonated with the Judgment Scale, I am afraid it would not be discovered." The Evil God King chuckled and sighed.

The successor to the throne of the Evil God King is also the same as that of the Good God King. The requirements are very strict. It is necessary to resonate with the Judgment Scale to perfectly inherit the throne.

"But what's wrong with this kid? He can resonate with the Judgment Scale and the Kind Heart at the same time. Hey! No matter, it's a bargain for him." The Evil God King waved a dark gold power to cover Duan Yufan.

The Evil God King knows Kindness very well. Evil believes that this person must have resonated with the Kind God King's kindness, so he designated him as the successor to the throne.

At the same time, Duan Yufan, who was treating Hu Liena and the other two, received a voice.

"The first test of the nine tests of the Evil God: Complete the first test of the Kind God King, and reward 15% of the evil affinity and reward the martial soul field-the evil field."

"The first test of the Evil God has been completed. The second test of the Evil God: Complete the second test of the Kind God, the time limit is ten years, and reward 15% affinity and reward the God-given soul ring."

The Evil God King was very willful about Duan Yufan's divine test, that is, completing the Good God Test is to complete the Evil God Test.

"Uh! The test of the Evil God King, what's the situation, and I inexplicably completed the first test of the Evil God King." Duan Yufan couldn't help but stop what he was doing.

"Primary evil domain: open the domain, improve yourself by 70%, and weaken the enemy's attributes by 30% in the domain at the same time, fall into a state of fear, and the domain can grow."

"Uh, is this evil god king so willful? It's too careless. Why must it be completed together with the good god test?" Duan Yufan was confused, and he obtained a domain just like that. At the same time, a balance mark appeared next to the good angel flower mark.

I thought that my sickle martial soul would attract the attention of a god, but I didn't expect it to be the god test of the evil god king, and I didn't expect that this god test seemed a bit unserious.

Duan Yufan shook his head and stopped thinking about the god test of the evil god king, because Hu Liena woke up at this time.

"Senior sister! You woke up, are you okay!" Duan Yufan hugged Hu Liena and asked with concern.

"Ahem... Junior brother Xiaofan, are we all dead?" Hu Liena opened her eyes and asked slowly.

"It's okay! Senior sister, we are not dead, the dark claw purple demon dragon is dead."

Duan Yufan and Hu Liena were sticking together, and Xie Yue and Yan also woke up.

God Realm, Death's Residence...

"Evil! What are you doing! How dare you snatch my heir?" A delicate voice, the petite and cute God King of Kindness, appeared in front of the God King of Evil and the God of Death with an angry face.

"God King of Kindness! It's over." The God of Death was helpless. These two big guys came to me at the same time and wanted to destroy my house.

"Kindness, you are here! Listen to me..."

"What are you talking about? Take my punch." The God King of Kindness punched the God King of Evil directly.

Suddenly, the God Power of the God of Death's residence was scattered, destroying many of the God of Death's residences.

The God King of Evil followed the God King of Kindness's punch after punch.

"What are these two crazy about." The God King of Destruction felt the power fluctuations of Kindness and Evil.

"Who knows, who cares, it's not the first time, it will be quiet in a while." The God King of Life standing next to the God King of Destruction didn't care.

"The God King of Goodness and the God King of Evil are fighting again. Why are they in the Dark Red Palace of the God of Death?"

"Let's go, I'm going to move away."

The fight between the two God Kings caused other gods near the residence of the God of Death to avoid them.

The God of Death looked at his palace and wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to go up to stop the fight between the two brothers and sisters. He could only watch his palace and garden being destroyed bit by bit.

Not long after, the God King of Goodness finally stopped.

"Evil, what else can you say."

"Let's go, go to my place first, and I'll explain it to you."

"Hmph! I want to see how you can quibble."

The Good God King and the Evil God King left the residence of the God of Death after saying that.

"Uh! He ran away like that, what should I do, the two big brothers and sisters, they won't play tricks on me, right?" The God of Death stood on the ruins of his palace with a face full of resentment.

Then he could only summon his subordinate priests to rebuild the palace and garden together.

A dark gold realm, a dark gold palace, the Good God King and the Evil God King appeared here, this is the residence of the Evil God King.

"Speak!" The Good God King said coldly.

"Look, I can't do anything, you know, my Judgment Scale has also resonated with this child, I've been waiting for hundreds of thousands of years, this opportunity can't be missed." The Evil God King took out the Judgment Scale and said to the Good God King.

"Hey! I knew that where there is goodness there must be evil. I didn't expect that this child could also arouse your scales of judgment. These are all fine, but why do you do this in your divine examination?"

"Hehe, I'm just trying to catch up with you."

"I'm so annoyed! Humph."

"Don't leave! Let's talk more."

Death Canyon. . . . . . .

"We didn't die! Xiaofan, how did you do it?" After Xie Yue woke up, he found that he and Yan were not dead, and said with curiosity.

"I don't know either. Before you were knocked unconscious by the Dark Claw Purple Demon Dragon, I summoned the second martial soul in anger, and accidentally absorbed the energy of the dark red mist in the sky to condense a soul ring on the second martial soul, and then killed the Dark Claw Purple Demon Dragon, and then my cross martial soul also successfully obtained an identical soul ring." Duan Yufan showed his soul rings separately.

"And, I'm already a level 55 soul king." Duan Yufan smiled and said.

"What! Another breakthrough, but this Death Canyon is really weird, it's really hard to figure out." Yan said jokingly, looking like he was hit.

Then Hu Liena and the other two recovered their soul power on the spot. Although Duan Yufan treated their injuries, his soul power still did not recover.

Just a casual chapter, and at the same time Duan Yufa received the divine test of the evil god king.

Will this cheat be very big? How can Tang San still play?

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