Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 58 The Secret of Training

Under the help of Duan Yufan's first soul skill, Xie Yue, who was almost overdrawn, recovered a lot of soul power, and his pale and weak appearance gradually faded.

"How is it! Are you okay? You have restored 20% of your soul power." Xie Yue's face looked a little better.

"Let's go and help them." Duan Yufan looked at the other side not far away, where Hu Liena and Yan were retreating step by step under the full-strength attack.

Yan had already used the fourth soul skill to roast the black-backed golden scorpion, and the scorpion's shell was burning with a sizzling sound.

And Hu Liena used the ability of the skull soul bone to interfere with the scorpion's speed. When using the head soul bone, Hu Liena's hair turned into a fiery red color, adding a touch of color to her originally beautiful appearance.

"Soul bone soul skill: Holy Light Cross." Duan Yufan hit it as soon as he arrived.

He slapped the scorpion on the black back and smashed it on the ground. The black-backed golden scorpion was completely unable to move, allowing Yan's third and fourth soul skills to burn it. After a while, it burned and smelled burnt.

"Yan, stop! It should be almost dead. Save as much soul power as possible." Yan stopped attacking under Duan Yufan's persuasion.

The whole black-backed golden claw scorpion was burned black, and Yan's soul power was not much left. After stopping the attack, he simply sat on the ground.

"Xie Yue, add another knife to cut off the head and scorpion tail. Just in case, we need to take a short rest here for two days." Duan Yufan said.

"No problem." Xie Yue took the moon blade and chopped at the head and tail. Xie Yue recovered about one layer of soul power because of Duan Yufan's first soul skill treatment, and the defense of the black-backed golden claw scorpion was much lower than that of the horned viper sand python except for the two large claws.

The battle against the black-backed golden claw scorpion has ended. Duan Yufan and the other four have almost exhausted their soul power, especially Duan Yufan. After ten minutes, he assisted three people at the same time, which consumed the most than Xie Yue, Yan, and Hu Liena. Fortunately, Duan Yufan's soul power was a little deeper than the three, so he assisted the three to finish the two giant scorpions.

"Are you all right?" Duan Yufan said as the four of them gathered together after Xie Yue finished what Duan Yufan said.

"It's okay, but I've consumed too much soul power, so I can only spend a few days here." Xie Yue sat next to Yan, a little weak.

"Well! If these beasts have territories, with the two black-backed golden scorpion corpses here, it may be safe for a few days." Duan Yufan speculated.

"There is another thing, I always feel that the intelligence of this black-backed golden scorpion is a little higher than the horned viper sand python and soul-eating rat we encountered before." Hu Liena said her guess.

Duan Yufan recalled the previous defensive actions and roars of the black-backed golden scorpion, as well as the previous sneak attack on Xie Yue, and it did seem to be a little smarter.

"Well! This place is too weird, but we can only explore the Death Canyon slowly. Now, it's important for you to recover your soul power first, especially Xie Yue and Yan. I'll watch first, I still have 30% of my soul power." Duan Yufan still planned to let Xie Yue and Yan recover their soul power first.

"Okay then." Xie Yue and Yan were not hypocritical people, and they immediately sat down to meditate.

"Sister, you should also recover." Duan Yufan saw that Hu Liena was not ready to meditate.

"Let's take care of them together first. My soul power consumption is not big. One person each." Hu Liena did not consume much. Just now, she was interfering with the black-backed golden scorpion, and the main attack was still Yan.

"Okay then!" Duan Yufan was in front of Yan, and Hu Liena was behind Xie Yue, observing the front and back.

In this way, although Duan Yufan and Hu Liena did not meditate deeply, they also closed their eyes to rest and regulate their breathing, and used their mental power to observe the surroundings.

In this way, about an hour passed, and Xie Yue and Yan's meditation to recover their soul power caused the black-backed golden scorpion to change.

Duan Yufan and Hu Liena's mental power noticed that there was a trace of energy fluctuation on the black-backed golden scorpion that had been dead.

"What's going on? I feel that there is energy on the black-backed golden scorpion. Sister, do you feel it?" Duan Yufan stood up, and Hu Liena also stood up.

"I have it too. Should we wake them up?" Hu Liena said what she felt.

Two black-backed golden scorpions were lying at the entrance and deep in the Death Canyon, and Duan Yufan and his men were between the two scorpions.

"Wait a minute! I feel it was caused by their meditation." Duan Yufan stopped Hu Liena from wanting to wake up Xie Yue and Yan.


Duan Yufan and Hu Liena stared at the black-backed golden scorpion intently.

After a while, about four or five minutes, under the gaze of Duan Yufan and Hu Liena, the flesh and blood of the black-backed golden scorpion slowly disappeared, revealing a pale skeleton.

The flesh and blood did not disappear, but turned into two balls of dark red energy, one ball and one ball, and entered the bodies of Xie Yue and Yan respectively as the soul power flowed.

And this is not over yet. After entering the bodies of the two, a soul power fluctuation increased from the two.

"Uh, it's upgraded." Duan Yufan felt that Xie Yue and Yan were filled with soul power. As the soul power level increased, the soul power of the two also successfully returned to the peak state.

Xie Yue and Yan opened their eyes at the same time and looked at each other, feeling very puzzled.

"What happened? We both upgraded our soul power at the same time, and my current state is the same as before I entered the Death Canyon." Xie Yue stood up and asked Duan Yufan immediately.

"We don't know either. We only know that after you meditated for an hour, the flesh and blood of the two black-backed golden scorpions turned into a ball of dark red energy and entered your bodies, and you woke up as a result." Duan Yufan repeated what happened just now.

"I did feel a stream of energy entering my body, and as a result, my soul power level, which showed signs of a breakthrough, was directly upgraded by one level." Yan looked at the white skeleton next to him.

"It's the same for me! And it seems to purify its own soul power." Xie Yue felt his own situation again and said slowly.

"This! Is this the reason why we came here to train? These beasts are dark red energy bodies? Killing the beasts can absorb these dark red energies?" Duan Yufan made his bold guess.

"Xiaofan, your guess is not unreasonable. Otherwise, how can we explain that two ten-meter-long black-backed golden scorpions turned into a ball of energy in an instant." Hu Liena tended to agree with Duan Yufan's guess.

"Or, let's go back and see if the horned viper sand python is still there." Xie Yue suggested.

"That makes sense. Let's go back first." Yan also echoed Xie Yue's words.

"Then let's go."

When the four people retreated, they had no worries, so they moved quickly. After more than ten minutes, they arrived at the place where they met the horned viper sand python before. What they saw was just a skeleton of more than ten meters.

"This horned viper sand python has also turned into a skeleton."

The four people surrounded the horned viper sand python, and Yan said in surprise.

"Maybe there is a time limit. It can only be absorbed within a certain period of time after killing it, otherwise it will turn into dark red energy and rise into the fog in the sky after a certain period of time." Duan Yufan looked at the fog in the sky and said confidently.

"Well, it feels that our guess is reasonable, otherwise why would His Holiness the Pope ask us to come to the Death Canyon for training."

"No more talking, wait for Senior Sister Nana and I to recover our soul power first, and then continue to move forward. At that time, we will experiment again, and our guess will be verified successfully." Duan Yufan suggested.

"Okay! You and Nana recover your soul power first." Xie Yue said.

Duan Yufan and the other four came to the cave of the horned viper sand python again, and Duan Yufan and Hu Liena began to meditate.

Here it comes, today's second chapter.

So, tell me how you want to see the posture of bullying Tang San.

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