Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 55 The training begins - Soul-eating rat

Duan Yufan and the four of them adjusted their breath for about ten minutes. Feeling that they had reached their best state, they stood up one after another.

"Okay, we are all ready." Duan Yufan said to the two elders Ju Douluo when he saw that the three of them were awake.

"Well! Then let's go and go in. I have a small suggestion. Don't go too deep after entering. You can adapt to the environment and atmosphere of Death Canyon not far from the entrance." Ju Douluo mentioned at this time. A suggestion for four people.

"Well, we will remember it." Duan Yufan finished speaking and started walking towards the entrance of Death Canyon.

Hu Liena and the other three immediately walked side by side with Duan Yufan.

When they reached the entrance and were only two steps away from walking out, a cold wind blew across the four people's faces, and a pungent smell made Duan Yufan feel a little uncomfortable.

“Everyone works together, come on!”

Duan Yufan said as he stretched out a hand, Xie Yue and Yan Hu Liena understood each other and put their hands on the back of Duan Yufan's hand one by one.

"Come on!" Four people shouted at the same time.

Then he walked into the Death Canyon. When Duan Yufan stepped into the Death Canyon, his biggest feeling was as if he had entered another world, a cold and desolate world. The atmosphere was completely different from the outside. The light red mist in the sky was condensed and lingering, and the sun was shining brightly. The light can only reveal a trace of afterglow through the fog.

But this kind of peripheral vision can also allow the four people to distinguish between day and night.

"Old ghost! Let's go back too!" Ju Douluo said to Ghost Douluo next to him.

"Let's go!" Ghost Douluo said very little.

"Hey! I forgot to remind them that the later it gets, the more dangerous it is." Ju Douluo said and sighed.

"Forget it, after two days in there, they will find out about this." Ghost Douluo said and started to move.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo quickly left and went back to Wuhun Hall.

Duan Yufan walked into Death Canyon for about tens of meters. A faint smell of blood filled the air. The deeper he went, the darker it became. However, in the peripheral vision, he could still see various pale bones on the ground. There are also more bones.

The surroundings were deathly silent, except for the howling of the cold wind from time to time.

"It's such a terrible place. The environment is even worse than what the teacher said." Xie Yue said solemnly, looking at the white bones that could be seen everywhere in front of her.

"I took a look at both sides of the Death Canyon. It's at least a hundred meters high, and the distance between the two sides is about forty meters." Duan Yufan said what he observed.

The canyon walls on both sides slope outward, almost like a V shape. The canyon walls are uneven, with stone platforms and some caves.

"Well, it's still noon outside, when the sun is at its brightest, but here there is only some residual light, so we can barely see the surroundings. Then it will be completely dark here at night." Yan Ye said aloud.

"That means we must find a suitable hiding place to spend the long night before the sun sets." Hu Liena also mentioned.

"There are some caves on the cantilever. Then we can find a relatively safe and hidden cave to spend the night and cross the canyon during the day."

Duan Yufan and the four of them immediately made arrangements with a few words each and formulated a general method for walking in the Death Canyon.

"Now that everyone is sure, our current experience has officially begun."

After Duan Yufan and the others finished observing, they began to move slowly deeper. There were more and more bones in the ground, with bones of different sizes. It was even possible that Duan Yufan and the others were walking on the weathered ground where bones were piled up like mountains.

They walked slowly like this for nearly thirty minutes, and the entrance behind them gradually became invisible. Duan Yufan and the others also walked more than a hundred meters.

"It's been more than thirty minutes since we came in. Everyone is on alert." Duan Yufan stood in the middle to remind him.

The four people's positions were the same as before in the Star Dou Forest, with Xie Yue in front, Yan and Hu Liena on the left and right, forming a triangular formation, but this time the four people were not too far apart, about one meter apart.

After advancing for nearly forty meters, at the bottom of the canyon walls on both sides, there were some small holes of different sizes. The largest was as big as a basketball, and the smallest was as big as a male adult's fist. There were more than a hundred small holes.

In fact, Death Canyon has existed for so many years, and the soul beasts inside have gradually formed their own territories.

A pair of dark red eyes stared at Duan Yufan and the four of them at the entrances of these small caves. Then, pairs of dark red eyes filled the entrances one after another, and soon they quickly left the cave.

"Be careful, there are too many small holes and something is wrong. There is something inside." Duan Yufan watched the number of small holes increasing and quickly warned him.

Duan Yufan didn't remind him for long. Many dark red eyes appeared nearby, quickly surrounding Duan Yufan and the four of them from all directions.


Everyone could see clearly that they looked like mice, but they were a few times bigger. They were about the same size as a football. They had dark purple fur, and each one had the same dark red eyes.

"This is the soul-eating rat! It has been extinct outside for many years. It can devour the soul power of soul masters and even the soul skills released by some soul masters. It can be said to be one of the types of martial souls awakened by evil soul masters. Unexpectedly, death There are so many soul-eating rats in the canyon," Xie Yue introduced in a shocked voice after seeing them clearly.

"Hurry up and don't get entangled with the soul-eating rats. There are too many." Xie Yue immediately ordered again.

"No! We're going to be surrounded." Yan shouted.

"Don't panic, Yan, use the least amount of soul power to release the third soul skill to clear the way forward. I think these soul-eating rats are also afraid of fire. Hu Liena will release the third soul skill behind her to delay time." Duan Yufan made the best plan at present.

"Third soul skill, hellfire." Yan heard Duan Yufan's arrangement and immediately released a flame area several meters wide in front of him. Sure enough, these soul-eating rats that surrounded him avoided it.

"Third soul skill, pink mist." Hu Liena released mist behind her.

"Third soul skill, holy light protection, let's go." Duan Yufan released four protective shields. Because there were still soul-eating rats coming from the side, they bounced off as soon as they were touched, but some soul-eating rats immediately opened their mouths and bit the protective shield.

The protective shield formed by the soul energy was actually bitten out by the soul-eating rat, but the characteristics of the protective shield immediately made up for the gap, but the protective shield was a bit weak and the defense was reduced.

Yan released the third soul skill and Xie Yue took care of the side together, and Yan took out a long dagger and killed the soul-eating rats that came forward together with Xie Yue.

"Is this the Soul-Eating Rat? It can even bite my protective shield." Duan Yufan was shocked and said unexpectedly.

However, a gap appeared in front of him because of Yan's flame area.

"Take advantage of this moment and hurry up." Duan Yufan shouted immediately after seeing a gap.


Move quickly through Yan's flame area and run forward.

Squeak... The Soul-Eating Rat chased closely, bypassing the flames and continuing to chase Duan Yufan and the other four.

"What should I do? This is not okay. It's dangerous to continue running like this! I can't get rid of it." Hu Liena said while running.

At this time, a huge snake appeared, and its tail swept towards the four people.

"Be careful!" But he couldn't dodge in time and was hit hard by the snake's tail.

"Puff." The four were knocked back and hit the canyon wall at the same time.

The Soul-Eating Rat chasing the four people was swept up and eaten by the snake. Seeing this, the remaining Soul-Eating Rat hurriedly retreated.

Here it comes.

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