Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 50 Hu Liena's Charm

Amid cheers and whistles, Duan Yufan and Hu Liena appeared and walked to the edge of the ring.

"Wow! It's a goddess!" The host immediately explained after seeing Hu Liena's appearance.

"Wow! Goddess."

"Charming ability!" Flanders looked at Hu Liena on the stage, and Oscar and Ma Hongjun were fascinated by her just like when she was in the Star Forest.

After Hu Liena's spirit awakened the demon fox at the age of six, she began to train her charm. With the bonus of the demon fox spirit, she was born with a unique advantage. The speed of training charm can be said to be unmatched, so Hu Liena is extremely confident in her charm.

Although Hu Liena is an enemy of the charm power, in fact, Jie Ai herself is just a girl next door in front of Duan Yufan, Bibi Dong, Xie Yue and other acquaintances.

Hu Liena may not be the most beautiful in Douluo Continent, but she can attract the attention of others and rank among the top three in the entire continent.

Today, Hu Liena is wearing a light pink dress, which is attractive in itself, and with her own charm, it makes people even more crazy.

"Ah! I have hosted the Soto Grand Soul Arena for so many years, and I have never seen such a charming girl. She looks about 13 years old at most. Could she be a Soul Sect?" The host explained passionately.

Duan Yufan, who was behind Hu Liena, was completely ignored by others at this time. Although he saw Hu Liena for the first time in the audience, the audience who originally supported the Gemini combination turned to Hu Liena's side.

The Gemini combination, which was originally fighting, also looked at Hu Liena on the opposite side with shining eyes. The Gemini combination is a pair of twins, who look about 30 years old, with long black hair and light blue robes.

The enthusiasm of the audience was higher than when Xie Yue and Yan fought. After all, beautiful women have advantages, and people of Hu Liena's level are more popular.

"Ahem! Don't forget the business, now is the time for the doubles competition. Everyone knows the Gemini combination, a 49-level Soul Sect, with soft sword and hard knife martial spirits, and everyone is waiting to see what kind of strength the newcomer Milk Fox combination has. The competition begins." The host immediately announced the competition after coming back to his senses.

"My name is Yuan Xing. Although you are very beautiful, this is a competition, and we have to decide the winner." Yuan Xing, holding the soft sword martial spirit, introduced herself, and then released the soul ring and said, yellow and purple, the best configuration.

"My name is Yuan Xin, yes, my brother is right." The same configuration as Yuan Xing.

Hu Liena on the stage, at this time, has already charmed, charming, and gracefully took two steps forward.

"Haha! Go ahead, martial spirit possesses." Hu Liena smiled charmingly, and after the martial spirit possessed, a big pink fox tail appeared behind her, and a layer of pink halo emanated from her body.

After the martial spirit possessed, Hu Liena was more charming and more beautiful, making the audience on the stage shout louder screams, all saying goddess.

The twins lost their minds for a while, but they still had some perseverance to cultivate to the level of soul master, and they recovered after a few seconds.

"The third soul skill is as smooth as flowing water."

"The third soul skill is to cut through the air."

After the twins came back to their senses, they immediately released their soul skills and attacked from the left and right sides.

"Well! The first soul skill is the power of charm." Hu Liena made a very attractive move and smiled charmingly.

"Brother! No, this girl's charm is too great, and I lost my mind without realizing it." Yuan Xin complained to his brother. Because he lost his mind for a while, the attack of the third soul skill was interrupted, and the same was true for Yuan Xing.

"Brother, use the last move to defeat the enemy." Yuan Xing and Yuan Xin retreated to their original place.

"What's going on! The soul skill attack of the Gemini combination was interrupted. This goddess has a strong control ability. If it were me, I would not be able to do it." The host continued his commentary.

"Goddess! Whoever dares to hit the goddess, I will fight him to the death."


I didn't expect Hu Liena to gain a crazy fan in just a few minutes.

"What a strong control ability, interrupting the soul attack without knowing it, and the soul power is also level 44, how can it be so coincidental." Flanders analyzed Hu Liena coldly.

"If the opponent has no trump card, I probably don't need to take action. Senior sister's charm is really strong. Fortunately, I am familiar with her. If it is the first time I see Hu Liena, I guess I will be addicted." Duan Yufan thought secretly behind Hu Liena. Hu Liena is completely different when fighting and when she is not.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill, Swords and Swords Dance." The twins actually used a rare soul skill such as Martial Soul Fusion Skill.

"I didn't expect that the new team Milk Fox combination actually forced out the strongest trump card martial soul fusion skill of the Gemini combination." The host explained unexpectedly.

"This momentum definitely reached the attack level of a high-level soul king. It turns out that no one can be underestimated." Duan Yufan saw this and could only release the martial soul cross, and the four yellow, purple, purple and black soul rings were put on his waist.

"What, there is a soul king behind the goddess, and this is the first time I have seen a martial soul. No, it's not a soul king, it only has four soul rings, it is a soul master beyond the best configuration, the yellow, purple, black configuration is unheard of." The host thought Duan Yufan was a soul king when he saw the black soul ring, and he suddenly realized it when he saw the number of soul rings.

"Who is this! This is the first time I have seen a second soul ring of a thousand years, and the fourth soul ring is a ten thousand year soul ring."

"I don't know! Didn't a master say that the second soul ring limit is a hundred years, and the fourth soul ring limit is a thousand years? Is he lying to us?"

"Damn, I have heard it too. Is this master true or not? Who knows where this master is? I want to find him to argue."

The audience on the stage caused a discussion because of Duan Yufan's configuration.

"This is impossible! Absolutely impossible. The second soul ring can absorb the thousand-year soul ring, but with the strength of level 40, the fourth soul ring can never absorb the ten-thousand-year soul ring." Flanders felt that his cognition was overturned, and the degree of surprise was the highest in his life.

No wonder, people with some knowledge and strength know that absorbing the ten-thousand-year soul ring level will cause a kind of soul shock, which will attack the mental power.

In addition, the development of mental power in Douluo Continent is small. Everyone's mental power increases with the level of soul power. It is also possible that some people are born with higher mental power, but they can't cross the difference of ten levels of mental power.

"Now I can be sure that what they said about them being from Canghui Academy is all bullshit. They really played tricks on me before. Could it be someone from the Wuhun Hall?" Flanders said with certainty, but he could do nothing. After all, there were strong people around the four people to protect them secretly.

"The third soul skill, holy light protection, the second soul skill, courage blessing." Duan Yufan didn't care what others thought, he just wanted to release the soul skill to protect Hu Liena from harm.

"He is actually an auxiliary spirit master. It is even more impossible for the fourth spirit ring to absorb the spirit ring of the ten thousand year level." Flanders was really puzzled.

Hu Liena's defense at this time can be said to be impossible to break at the same level. It can only be said that Duan Yufan's auxiliary skills are too amazing.

Duan Yufan's second spirit skill, the charge, increases the attack and has the effect of increasing defense. The protective shield of the third spirit skill can reduce the attack by half.

At this time, the martial soul fusion attack of the twin star combination is completely irrelevant.

"Damn it! Such a strong auxiliary bonus, our sword dance is useless." He said while attacking.

"Second spirit skill, fox tail assault." Hu Liena's only attack spirit skill, after seeing the flaws of the twins' martial soul fusion skills, the tail behind Hu Liena changed into a circle again, breaking the martial soul fusion skills of the two.

"Puff!" The twins vomited blood at the same time, fell to the ground, and said to the host after getting up.

"We admit defeat."

... . . . . . .

Today is the last day of 2021, so I will try to write today, and try to update a chapter at 12 o'clock midnight next year, and meet together for the New Year's Eve, hehe

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