Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 45 Scythe Spirit First Blood

The leader of the hunters stood in front of the tent with a gloomy face. Because it was dark and there was a little distance, Duan Yufan and the other four did not notice the expression of the leader of the hunters.

"What bad luck! It's all over the ground. Let's go over there." Yan looked at the blood on the ground.

"Indeed!" Duan Yufan looked at the corpse on the ground.

"I'm sorry, senior, I was a little heavy." Duan Yufan and the other four came to the hunters, and Xie Yue spoke to the leader.

"No! They didn't know their own strength and dared to kill and rob. There's nothing we can do about it. It's just that they are too greedy." The leader said ruthlessly and didn't feel sad for them at all.

"Oh! Aren't you sad, senior?" Duan Yufan looked at the leader's ruthless face and said unexpectedly.

"I'm dissatisfied with you little brothers. In fact, we didn't form a team for a long time. We were temporarily formed for the Fire Lion Family to capture soul beasts. It's just because my soul power level is higher than theirs, so they call me big brother. We simply call each other according to the soul power level ranking." The leader explained with a relaxed face.

Duan Yufan did not pursue whether what this person said was true or false.

"Then, senior, can our cooperation still proceed? If we continue to cooperate, I will pay you the remaining 50,000 gold soul coins as promised." Yan said to the leader with a smile.

"Of course! After receiving your deposit, I will take you to the activity range of the Purple Heart Holy Flame Lion when it gets light." The leader smiled, obviously keeping his previous promise.

"Okay! Do you want to rest? We will set up a new tent next to your tent." Yan said and took out two tents again.

"Hey! I can't sleep after such a thing happened. Do you mind if I go over to get something?" The leader sighed and planned to go over to where the four people were lying on the ground.

"Haha! It's up to you." Xie Yue said and helped Yan to set up a new tent.

Duan Yufan and the other four prepared several tents, and the previous tent was splashed with blood, so of course it was impossible to put it away again.

The leader walked to the side of his brothers, looked at the four who were cut in half and lying on the ground with a serious face, and silently took out the four bags of gold soul coins that were distributed to them before.

"Brothers! Why didn't you listen to me? Why were you so anxious? Now it's good. I don't have the luck to enjoy it. It's a bargain for me." The leader sighed with four bags of gold soul coins.

Then he piled the four people together and took out a piece of cloth to cover them.

Duan Yufan and the other four built the tent silently. They looked at each other and obviously didn't believe the hunter's nonsense, but they still needed the hunter to lead them to find the soul beast.

"You rest first, I'll guard the second half of the night." Yan looked at the tent and said to Duan Yufan and the other two.

"Okay! Pay attention." Duan Yufan said and walked into the tent.

Leaving Yan sitting next to the fire, the leader came to sit next to the fire after he finished.

"The brothers are really young talents, young and promising, and they are also extraordinary in Tiandou City." The leader chatted with Yan in a low voice.

"No! It's all because of the good teaching of the teachers in the academy. Oh! By the way, we are members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team. The three of them saw that I had broken through to level 40, so the teacher asked them to accompany me to the Xingdou Forest to obtain soul rings, and also as a field training. It just so happened that I have a fire attribute beast martial spirit, and I couldn't help but speak when I heard your words." Yan also replied casually.

"Oh! So you are the elites of the Tiandou Royal Academy. No wonder you are at the level of Soul Sect when you are about teens, and you have a tacit cooperation. No wonder you would trade with me. The Purple Heart Holy Flame Lion is indeed one of the best choices for fire attribute martial spirits." The leader said so. As for whether to believe Yan's nonsense, only he knows.

"I have also been in Xingdou Forest for three days. I have been looking for a fire attribute soul beast for a long time. Thanks to the blessing of the senior, I don't know how long it will take to find it." Yan continued to talk nonsense.

"It's all fate! However, why doesn't your academy send someone to protect you, so you don't worry about encountering a chance." The leader said curiously.

"I'm not satisfied with what you said. Actually, there are many competitors in the academy. Tiandou Royal Academy is full of geniuses. A position of a team member may be replaced by others at any time, so we rejected the guard arrangement in the academy." Yan said it sincerely, making the leader wonder whether what Yan said was true or false.

"Oh! That's really amazing. Chihuo City also has a Chihuo Advanced Soul Master Academy, which is inferior to Tiandou Royal Academy in comparison. It is worthy of being named Royal Academy." The leader praised Tiandou Royal Academy.

The second half of the night passed quickly. The hunter did not make any moves and passed it without any incident.

It was about eight o'clock in the morning. Everyone packed up casually. The hunter led Duan Yufan and the other four to find the Purple Heart Holy Flame Lion.

The Purple Heart Holy Flame Lion is a snow-yellow lion, but there is a purple patch at the heart. The whole body exudes white flames, so it is called the Purple Heart Holy Flame Lion.

Duan Yufan and the other four followed the hunter for about two hours, during which time they passed the ant nest that had been destroyed before.

Of course, the four people following the hunter Duan Yufan kept a watchful eye, in case they were taken to other dangerous and desperate places by the hunter, they would not know how they died.

After going a little deeper in the direction of the ant nest, the hunter finally stopped.

"This is where the Purple Heart Holy Flame Lion is active. The Purple Armored Gold Devouring Ants disrupted our previous plan, so we returned empty-handed." The leader said after stopping.

"Oh! Why didn't I see it." Yan looked at the quiet surroundings and couldn't help but say something.

"Why are you panicking? Look around. I don't think this senior has any reason to lie. You and Yue Ren will look around on the left, and I and Yao Hu will look on the right." Duan Yufan assigned them, and then took Hu Liena to one side.

"Okay!" Xie Yue took Yan to the left.

"I'll help you look too!" The leader of the hunters said and followed Duan Yufan.

As they searched, Duan Yufan and Xie Yue had already distanced themselves and could no longer see their figures.

"Haha! You two are both talented and beautiful. You are auxiliary and control spirit masters, right?" The leader said with a smile.

"Senior, you have a unique vision and observe very carefully." Duan Yufan turned around, put his hands behind his back, and said to the leader lightly.

"Where! Didn't I see you two releasing spirit skills last night? Oh! Pay attention to the movement ahead." The leader suddenly looked at him and exclaimed.

"Where!" Duan Yufan was also ready to turn around.

Looking at Duan Yufan who was about to turn around, the leader smiled sinisterly.

"Fourth soul skill, long sword goes straight in." Seeing the opportunity, the leader immediately summoned one of his long sword martial souls and released the soul skill to attack Duan Yufan.

"Ha!" But the leader did not notice that Duan Yufan showed a smile.

"Guillotine!" Duan Yufan had already released his second martial soul sickle in his hand, and released the guillotine skill to be invincible for one second.

"Twin martial souls!" The leader was shocked.

"Haha! Fourth soul skill, seduce the soul." Hu Liena also released the fourth soul skill to seduce the leader.

"Double cut!" Duan Yufan is another basic skill of the martial soul sickle.

"Puff!" The leader was awakened by the pain under Hu Liena's charm, fell to the ground, and his whole body was almost broken into three pieces.

Duan Yufan's double cut cut two huge wounds deeply, and the leader's body was almost broken.

"How is it possible!" The leader lay on the ground unable to move, with an unbelievable look on his face.

"Hook the neck!" Duan Yufan didn't explain, but coldly put the sickle on the leader's neck, hooked the head hard and dropped it, the leader died with his eyes wide open.

I was busy from morning till night, fortunately I wrote half of it last night.

By the way, is there an introduction to the Death Canyon where Ren Xieyue and Yan experienced in the anime in the original novel? If not, I made it up.

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