Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 41: Burning the Ant Nest

Three days after Hu Liena obtained the fourth soul ring, Duan Yufan and the other four did not find soul beasts that matched Xie Yue and Yan. Either they did not find any, or the soul beasts they found were too old.

"It's all Yan's fault. He said that we were lucky and would soon find a suitable soul beast. But on the fourth day, hey! Why do I feel thinner? It's all because there are too many mosquitoes in the forest." Hu Liena muttered while eating bread.

Early in the morning, Duan Yufan and the other four sat around the fire and ate breakfast. There were three tents behind Duan Yufan.

"In addition to the difficulty of practicing, it's also difficult to find a soul beast. It's all because the Xingdou Forest is too big." Yan said helplessly.

"Okay! It's only been four days. The teacher gave us a month. It's still early. We must ensure that it is the most useful soul ring for ourselves. We can't be careless. This is also a matter of great importance to us." Duan Yufan drank a sip of milk leisurely.

Since Hu Liena absorbed the fourth soul ring, her soul power has reached the level of Soul Master 44. The Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone Immortal Grass has increased Hu Liena by 6 levels and one soul ring.

This made Xie Yue and Yan full of expectations, and they were eager to know whether they could surpass Duan Yufan after absorbing the fourth soul ring.

"There are more than 20 days left, why don't we make a mark! Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to go around in circles. Although there is a map, the terrain in this forest looks almost the same." Xie Yue suggested.

"It's a good idea. I agree. I can't tell the surrounding area." Duan Yufan was a little dazzled. The vegetation in the Star Dou Forest was too rich.

Next, he cut down a similar tree every day as a mark wherever he went, and another ten days passed quickly.

It was already the thirteenth day in the Star Dou Forest.

"Woo! I'm numb! I'm quickly becoming a savage." Hu Liena screamed faintly.

"Haha! No, the demon fox is also the most youthful and beautiful girl in the Star Dou Forest." Duan Yufan praised, otherwise who knows how long Hu Liena will keep talking about it.

"Really?" Hu Liena asked happily.

"Really!" Duan Yufan and the other two looked at each other and answered in unison.

"Wait! There is a soul beast not far ahead." Duan Yufan felt a sporadic sound.

"What is it?" Yan asked hurriedly.

"Won't we know if we go over and take a look?" Xie Yue thought for a while.

"Let's go!" Duan Yufan led the way to a small rockery not far away.

"This seems to be an ant nest!" There were many dense small holes on the rockery, and Hu Liena looked at the rockery.

"For an ant nest like this, there should be a very strong queen ant under the rockery. In such a place, there are no other soul beasts around, which means it is a very strong social soul beast ant type." Duan Yufan said while concentrating on looking at the rockery in front.

"Come closer." Xie Yue said and took a few steps forward.

"How is it! Did you see it clearly?" Yan also came forward to Xie Yue's side.

"It's a purple-armored gold-eating ant. There are at least tens of thousands of them in this nest. They live from ten to a thousand years. There must be a queen ant, which may be close to the ten-thousand-year level." Xie Yue looked tangled, because this is one of the soul rings that suits him, but he can't afford to offend it.

"Oh! So you know, is it a soul beast that suits you?" Duan Yufan and Hu Liena came to Xie Yue and asked after hearing Xie Yue's words.

Under the sunlight, you can see the purple reflection on the ant's armor.

"Well! This ant likes hard metal very much, but the corners of its mouth are very sharp, and it can bite anything. The whole body is black and purple, so it is called a purple-armored gold-eating ant. I guess it can give it two abilities: a powerful blow or amplify the attack power of the martial soul." Xie Yue explained the type of ant in front.

"Then what are you waiting for! Let's get started." Yan shouted hurriedly.

"So I'm tangled! You know, this rockery is not big, but there are at least tens of thousands of purple-armored gold-eating ants underground. Although most of them are about a hundred years old, they can't withstand the siege of so many purple-armored gold-eating ants." Xie Yue explained hurriedly.

"Tens of thousands! It's a bit difficult. Flame, your third soul skill, how wide is the area?" Duan Yufan asked Yan beside him.

"When you fully activate the soul power, it will be about twenty square meters." Yan estimated and replied to Duan Yufan.

"What about the demon fox? Can your charm work on soul beasts?" Duan Yufan turned around and asked Hu Liena.

"Soul beasts are conscious, so it's definitely possible. What do you want to do?" Hu Liena also answered Duan Yufan.

"That's good! I mean, let's fight. Flame releases the third soul skill, demon fox, you control the purple-armored gold-eating ants into the hell flame soul skill released by Flame, and have an ant barbecue feast." Duan Yufan said his thoughts.

"This method is feasible. Anyway, with your auxiliary skills, you can still run away even if you can't beat it." Xie Yue agreed.

"Then let's start! Yueren, you first cut open the rockery to attract the ants out, then Flame connects to the soul skill, and finally the demon fox controls the ants to jump into the fire pit. Perfect! I wonder how the ants taste." Duan Yufan said the order.

"Second soul skill, Blessing of Courage, third soul skill, Holy Light Guardian." Duan Yufan said and took the lead to add status to the three people.

"Understood! First soul skill, Slash." Xie Yue received Duan Yufan's auxiliary bonus, and the two moon blades quickly cut the rockery.

One after another, purple-armored gold-eating ants crawled out. After a while, the rockery was densely packed with purple-armored gold-eating ants of different sizes, a few centimeters, more than ten centimeters, and dozens of centimeters.

"Third soul skill, Hellfire." Yan followed up with his group attack soul skill, and the flames instantly covered the area near the rockery.

The smaller purple-armored gold-eating ants were instantly turned into ash when they came into contact with Yan's hellfire. The older ones did not resist for long and were also burned to ash. The remaining purple-armored gold-eating ants that were not burned were running around.

"The first soul skill, the power of charm." Hu Liena summoned the demon fox. A pink fox was behind Hu Liena, releasing pink charm power all over its body to control the purple-armored gold-eating ants to crawl towards Yan's hellfire area.

Suddenly, the scene was filled with crackling sounds of ant shells bursting, accompanied by a strong meaty smell.

I don't know how many died, anyway, the soul rings of the purple-armored gold-eating ants were countless above the hellfire, and the white, yellow and light purple soul rings gathered together to emit light and illuminate the surroundings.

"It smells so good!" Xie Yue couldn't help swallowing his saliva while standing beside him.

"Ah! It smells really good, but this time the noise is too loud. I hope the purple-armored gold-eating ant queen will appear soon, otherwise it will attract the surrounding soul beasts. If they come after hearing the noise, they can only run away." Duan Yufan instead paid attention to whether there were soul beasts around.

"Be alert! Demon fox." Xie Yue shouted hurriedly.

"It's okay, Demon fox, keep controlling the ants, I'll observe the surroundings and be ready to run away at any time." Duan Yufan continued to answer hurriedly.

After burning for about ten minutes, almost hundreds of thousands of soul rings gathered together and strong soul power fluctuations swept around.

"The queen ant is about to come out, Yue Blade is ready to make up a knife at any time." Duan Yufan felt the movement and hurriedly reminded Xie Yue.

After a while, an ant head as big as Duan Yufan's head poked out from the middle of the rockery.

Then the whole body appeared, a giant purple-armored gold-eating ant about 80 centimeters long appeared.

Xie Yue immediately released the first soul skill to attack, but with a clang, the queen ant bit the Yue Blade martial spirit.

Please remind me if there are typos! I will correct them.

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