Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 37: Outskirts of the Star Forest

The four of them discussed it and decided on the nickname, and then they bought supplies on the streets of South City.

Duan Yufan bought a lot of barbecue seasonings, a few sets of clothes, and most importantly, a large box of milk to move into the soul guide space props.

Duan Yufan sighed at this time, it was really good to have such soul guide space props.

"Well! I am now in the best stage of physical growth, buy some milk to supplement nutrition." Duan Yufan saw Hu Liena and the other two looking at him with strange eyes, and explained calmly.

"I understand!" Xie Yue understood.

Duan Yufan was helpless! Isn't it said that people in Douluo Continent grow fast? Why was he only 1.5 meters at the age of eight, Hu Liena was almost 1.7 meters, and Xie Yue and Yan were already 1.8 meters.

Boys of the same age are almost 1.6 meters or more.

"Since everything is ready, let's go!"

After saying that, Duan Yufan glanced in the direction of the Pope's Palace.

Duan Yufan didn't believe that Bibi Dong wouldn't send someone to follow him, but unless it was a life-or-death situation, the person who was secretly protecting him wouldn't take action.

It was already 1pm when they set out from Wuhun City, and it was already 7pm when Duan Yufan and his four companions arrived at the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

The outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest is very large, and there are hotels built in several directions.

"Ah! I'm so miserable. I was on the road every day the past two days and yesterday, and today is another day of rushing on the road." Duan Yufan looked at a brightly lit hotel not far ahead and sighed slightly.

"Don't sigh! Hurry into the hotel, or you'll cry if there's no room later." Hu Liena hurriedly grabbed Duan Yufan's arm and walked towards the hotel.

The four heard noisy sounds coming from the hotel before they arrived.

Duan Yufan and his four companions seemed to have changed their faces, putting on a cold and indifferent look. They could laugh and joke in front of their own people, but they were cold soul masters outside.

Xie Yue and Yan walked in front, and Duan Yufan and Hu Liena walked into the hotel behind them. Xie Yue was the oldest, so the three of them left the socializing to Xie Yue.

"Boss, come to three rooms." Xie Yue said coldly to a middle-aged man at the hotel bar.

"Little brother, four of you! No problem, there are just three rooms left. If you come too late, they will be gone. Ten silver soul coins for each room." The boss introduced with a kind smile.

"Here are thirty silver soul coins. Take a look." Xie Yue took out the silver soul coins from the soul guide as soon as he heard it.

"No problem, here's the key. It's on the third floor. The three rooms are connected together. The room number is on the key. By the way, little brother, dinner is extra. There are basically all kinds of food." The boss continued to introduce.

"Thank you!" Xie Yue took the key, and the few of them went to the third floor of the hotel first.

"Demon Fox, this is yours, in the middle, Daddy, this is yours, I'll just sleep with Flame." Xie Yue handed the key to Duan Yufan and Hu Liena.

The nicknames agreed on took effect from the moment they entered the hotel.

Several people checked the state of their rooms. The whole hotel was made of wood and was ancient and clean. Maybe everyone who came here came to the Star Forest to hunt soul beasts, so the owner cleaned it well.

Half an hour later, Duan Yufan and his four friends came down to the hotel lobby to eat something casually. They had been traveling for a day.

Xie Yue was asked to order food again. Duan Yufan and his three friends found a relatively remote table. After a while, Xie Yue came over after ordering.

"Yue Ren, what delicious food did you order?" Duan Yufan asked.

"I just ordered a little." Xie Yue answered casually.

"I saw that you didn't buy milk. Do you want some?" Duan Yufan brought out milk and drank it.

Hu Liena and the other two covered their heads helplessly, saying that they didn't know Duan Yufan.

"It's sweet if you like it." Duan Yufan took a big sip.

"Wow, brother, you still brought milk. Can you give me a bottle?" At this time, a chubby little boy dressed in red came to Duan Yufan. His dressing style was very similar to Yan.

"Sure, one silver soul coin." Duan Yufan stretched out his hand to ask the fat boy for it. After all, they were strangers, so Duan Yufan did spend one silver soul coin for each bottle.

"Ah! One silver soul coin, I don't have it. I'll ask the dean for it later." The fat boy hurriedly ran to another table. There were three people, two elders and a boy the same age as Duan Yufan.

"Dean, I want to drink milk, one silver soul coin." The fat boy said to one of the middle-aged men with glasses.

"Didn't I ask the hotel owner, there is no milk, and you want one silver soul coin." The dean with glasses said with a glare.

"But there is a boy over there who is also drinking milk. He said he wants one silver soul coin for each bottle." The fat boy continued to talk. It turned out that he saw Duan Yufan drinking milk when he came in from the toilet.

"I say, little fat boy, you can't do this. You are more than six years old and you still want to drink milk." The boy who is a little older than the fat boy said.

"Daddy, haha! There is actually someone as old as you who likes to drink milk." Yan laughed out loud.

"What's wrong with me drinking milk? I want to grow taller." Duan Yufan took another sip. A bottle is about 500 milliliters.

"Okay! You are only eight years old, and you are still childish." Hu Liena looked at him with a bitter smile.

"Please, Dean, I feel unwell." The fat boy said to his dean.

"Okay! After you get your first soul ring, register with the Spirit Hall and collect the money. I will keep it for you." The dean of the fat boy suggested.

"Okay! Dean." The fat boy agreed.

Then he brought the fat boy to Duan Yufan and others.

"Little brother, do you still have milk?" The dean of the fat boy asked Duan Yufan.

"Yes! One bottle for one silver soul coin." Duan Yufan looked at the dean of the fat boy and felt that he looked familiar.

"How about this! How about ten copper soul coins, I will take you into the Star Dou Forest. I guess you are here to hunt for soul rings." The dean of the fat boy continued to propose.

"No need! We will enter the Star Dou Forest by ourselves. Do you want a silver soul coin? If you don't want it, forget it." Xie Yue coldly helped Duan Yufan refuse.

"Young man, don't be so impulsive. It's good to make new friends when you go out. Besides, the Star Dou Forest is very dangerous. I don't know which academy you four are from." The dean of the fat boy continued to fight for it.

"Uncle! I really didn't lie to you. I also spent one silver soul coin on this bottle of milk. It's impossible for me to lose money to you. As for you taking us into the Star Dou Forest, you don't have to." Duan Yufan was a little annoyed with this middle-aged man with glasses. Although he looked familiar, he didn't know him, which meant that he must be an insignificant person.

"Okay then! Give my student a bottle." The dean of the fat boy heard Duan Yufan's impatient tone, and since the four people were dressed in extraordinary clothes, he didn't say anything more.

"Here! Here you go." Duan Yufan took out a bottle and handed it over, and also took a silver soul coin in his hand.

"Little fat boy, take it!" The dean of the fat boy checked that it was brand new and unopened, handed it to the fat boy, and then took the fat boy back to his table.

"What a strange combination." Hu Liena muttered.

After a while, the food ordered by the four people was served, and they immediately started eating, not paying attention to what just happened.

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