Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 27 Poison Douluo enters the Spirit Hall

"Is she the Pope? Dad said that the current Pope is extremely scary, and the Holy Son is said to be above the Soul Master level at the age of eight." The young man Yu Tianheng thought to himself.

"Why did the Pope and the Holy Son come to Sunset Forest? Could it be that the Holy Son came to obtain the fourth soul ring? I heard that the Holy Son has excellent talent and was at the Soul Master level a year ago." Qin Ming thought uncertainly.

"What should I do? According to the Holy Son, is the Pope coming for the place where my grandfather practices?" Dugu Yan thought about Duan Yufanwen's words.

"Your Highness, my students have also obtained the soul rings they want. If there is nothing else, we will go back to the academy first." Qin Ming, as the leader, said goodbye.

"Well! You two go, but we still have something to do with this girl." Bibi Dong looked at Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng, asked them to leave, and left Dugu Yan behind.

"Uh! Your Highness, this is not appropriate. If his grandfather knew that we left Xiaoyan alone, he would probably cause trouble for us." Qin Ming showed an embarrassed face.

"Oh! Would I hurt a little girl?" Bibi Dong asked Qin Ming.

"That's not the case. I'm just afraid that if Du Douluo asks, we won't be able to explain." Qin Ming looked embarrassed.

"That's perfect! Dugu Yan, right? Go and call your grandfather! You two stay. That's fine, right?" Duan Yufan saw that Qin Ming was going to continue talking, and hurriedly said to Dugu Yan, because Bibi Dong was getting calmer and calmer, the calm before the storm.

"Uh! All right then! Xiaoyan, go find your grandfather, we'll stay here." Qin Ming had to agree with Duan Yufan's words.

"No need! I'm here." Dugu Bo came from a distance. Seeing the signal flare, Dugu Bo rushed over immediately and saw this scene.

Another figure approached quickly. It was Ju Douluo, who also arrived and came to Duan Yufan's side.

"Qin Ming, Yu Tianheng, you go first! Yan'er and I have something to do." Dugu Bo's old voice instructed Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng.

"Well, Tianheng, let's go back first. Your Holiness, Senior Dugu, we'll go first." Qin Ming saw Dugu Bo say this, so he had to say it tactfully, and then took Yu Tianheng away from here.

"Teacher Qin Ming, Xiaoyan and the others will be fine, it seems that they came for Senior Dugu and the others." After the two left, Yu Tianheng couldn't help but say.

"It shouldn't be! Even if there is something, we can't do anything now." Qin Ming sighed helplessly.

Yu Tianheng also fell silent, and continued to follow Qin Ming out of the Sunset Forest.

"I don't know, what does Your Holiness want to find me for." Dugu Bo saw Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng leave, and began to ask.

"I didn't expect you to be able to endure it for a year. I thought that after telling you that I can remove the poison, you can't help but come to the Spirit Hall to find me within a few months." Duan Yufan spoke first.

"I did think about looking for you, but after joining the Spirit Hall, there are too many restrictions. We are used to freedom." Dugu Bo said helplessly.

"Oh! Don't you think about your granddaughter? Look at your granddaughter. The poisoning condition of her is even darker than a year ago." Duan Yufan continued to speak, and Bibi Dong and Ju Douluo just looked at her without saying anything.

"Grandpa, why don't you agree? Every time it's rainy and late at night, my chest has been a little painful for the past two months." Dugu Yan whispered to Dugu Bo.

"What! Yan'er, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Dugu Bo didn't even know Dugu Yan's condition.

"Before, I thought it was due to the transition of cultivation, so I didn't care. But it's normal on sunny nights, but it hurts on rainy days, and there are several times when I don't practice on rainy days and it hurts." Dugu Yan continued to talk about her own situation.

Dugu Bo's face looked ugly, and he didn't expect that Dugu Yan's green phosphorus snake venom would show signs of attack so early.

"Old poison! You also heard what your granddaughter said. Don't regret it when it's too late and the Holy Son can't save you." Ju Douluo saw that Dugu Bo was still hesitant, uncertain, and couldn't make a decision, so he spoke.

"Okay! Your Holiness, Holy Son, Yan'er and I will join the Spirit Hall." Dugu Bo finally bowed his head and compromised for his granddaughter.

Why did Duan Yufan always want Dugu Bo to join the Spirit Hall? Because the strength of a Titled Douluo is worth recruiting, and Dugu Bo is the most threatening talent to low-level spirit masters and the army. In some ways, he is more useful than a 96-level Titled Douluo. Try to recruit him as much as possible.

"Very good! Since you have decided to join the Spirit Hall, I will grant you the status of honorary elder. Since you like to be free and are close to Prince Xuexing of the Tiandou Royal Family, I will arrange for you to stay with them." Bibi Dong took out an elder token and handed it to Dugu Bo, and instructed.

"Thank you, Your Holiness, I will do my part." Dugu Bo took the token handed to him by Bibi Dong.

"If there are any abnormal situations, you can discuss it with the platinum bishop Skoda in the Wuhun Temple of Tiandou City. Be careful not to let Prince Xuexing know that you have joined the Wuhun Temple and maintain a relationship with Prince Xuexing." Bibi Dong arranged Dugu Bo's affairs lightly.

"Old Poison, congratulations on making the right choice." Ju Douluo said to Dugu Bo with a chuckle.

"I know, Your Holiness, how did the Holy Son treat the poison of the green phosphorus snake that Yan'er and I had." Dugu Bo quickly began to care about the detoxification method.

"Why do we need to remove your green phosphorus snake venom? This is the advantage brought by your martial spirit. If the green phosphorus snake venom is removed, you will be useless." Duan Yufan said lightly.

"I have thought of a better way, which can not only eliminate the side effects of the green phosphorus snake venom, but also improve your strength. However, I need to borrow your medicine garden." Duan Yufan saw that Dugu Bo was getting anxious, and continued.

"Medicine garden? It's just some poisonous flowers and plants. It looks good, but it's poisonous." Dugu Bo said unexpectedly.

"Do you still want to improve your strength and eliminate the green phosphorus snake venom? Just take us there. I have my own way." Duan Yufan couldn't tell Dugu Bo clearly.

"Old Poisonous Creature, lead the way! I know all the flowers and plants in the whole continent, so you don't have to worry about this." Ju Douluo is very confident. In this regard, Ju Douluo can be said to be the best in the continent.

"Okay! I'll take you there. It's not far from here." Dugu Bo took the lead and walked in the direction they came from before.

Duan Yufan and the other two also followed Dugu Bo. After more than ten minutes, they arrived in front of the poison barrier, a dark green poison.

"It's in the poison barrier. This poison barrier is natural, and I can't dispel it. When passing through the poison barrier, you need to use soul power to give yourself a protective shield." Dugu Bo said while looking at the poison barrier in front of him, and then took Dugu Yan into the poison barrier.

"Teacher, Elder Ju, let me try the third soul skill." Duan Yufan said.

"Then I'll trouble the Holy Son." Ju Douluo said.

"The third soul skill, holy light protection."

Duan Yufan emitted three platinum lights to cover the three people to form a protective shield.

Ju Douluo first entered the poison barrier, and after no problem, he asked Duan Yufan and Bibi Dong to go in as well.

After passing through the thick five-meter poison barrier, they finally came to a valley. The air here is fresher than outside the poison barrier, and the soul power is much thicker.

Oh my goodness, it's getting busier and busier at the end of the year.

If you can update two chapters, then two chapters, if you can update one chapter, then one chapter.

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