Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 21 The villagers incident ends

One year later... . . . . .

Duan Yufan has been in Douluo Continent for two years. Half a year ago, he had cured all the villagers outside the city. His soul power has reached level 37, but the first test of the Good God King has not been completed because Duan Yufan did not hear the prompt.

"What's going on? The Good God King did not prompt that the first test has been completed." Duan Yufan stood on the west wall and looked at the empty wall in front of him. It used to be a gathering place for villagers.

At this time, Duan Yufan's soul power was already level 40, but he had not obtained the fourth soul ring. A year later, Hu Liena was only level 37, and Xie Yue and Yan were level 38.

The gap between Duan Yufan and Hu Liena was obvious. Because of Duan Yufan, Hu Liena and the other two were stimulated. They were several levels higher in soul power than the age group in the original book. No one was willing to fall behind, but often the difference in talent was one point, and the results were completely different.

"Could it be that there are still infected people who have been missed? No, it's not right. We have been looking for half a year. If there are still infected people, they should have been discovered long ago, or they should have died of the disease long ago. There should be some steps that have not been completed." Duan Yufan continued to talk to himself.

"Sir, the Pope has sent a message for you to go back." At this time, a guard came to Duan Yufan quickly and said respectfully.

In this year, the villagers regarded Duan Yufan as a savior, and they almost worshipped him at home, but under Duan Yufan's persuasion, the villagers gave up.

"Okay, I know, thank you for your hard work." Duan Yufan smiled and responded to the guard.

"Sir, you are too serious. I am just doing my duty and watching the West City Gate." The guard said hurriedly.

Duan Yufan got off the city wall and walked on the street. The West City slowly recovered its former prosperity, and there were more people on the street.

Everyone who met Duan Yufan on the street greeted Duan Yufan, and Duan Yufan responded one by one, and soon came to the West Palace.

In addition to Bibi Dong, Ju Douluo, and Ghost Douluo, there are also the bishop of the West Hall, Lin Zhengguang, the deputy bishop, Mo Lin, and the deacon of the West Hall.

Bibi Dong sat in the middle, and the others stood. Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo stood on both sides of Bibi Dong as usual, and then the bishop, deputy bishop, and deacon were arranged like the ministers of the imperial palace.

Duan Yufan walked into the hall and passed the deacon position first, then crossed the bishop and deputy bishop, and stood in a row with Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

"Teacher, why did you call me here?" Duan Yufan saluted and said.

"Xiaofan, today is the last batch of villagers to return to their own villages. After the work is done, this infection incident has come to an end. Although you have a high reputation in Wuhun City after this incident, it is time to go back to the academy to learn knowledge."

"I am not worried about your soul power training, but you still have to learn other knowledge besides soul power. Although you have read books frequently this year, some of the experiences taught by teachers in the academy are not in the books." Bibi Dong said a lot to Duan Yufan solemnly.

"I understand, teacher. I will go back to the academy after I settle the villagers today." Duan Yufan agreed with Bibi Dong's serious words.

It turned out that half a year ago, Duan Yufan cured all the villagers one by one, and then put the villagers in a place in the west city for observation for two months.

Then he looked for any missed infected people, and arranged to distribute various daily necessities, materials, and crop seeds to the first cured villagers, and distributed 100 gold soul coins to each household.

Because the Wuhun Hall had already burned all the supplies in the village in order to prevent infection.

In order to ensure that the returning villagers had daily needs in the next few days, they arranged materials, or crop seeds, and 100 gold soul coins.

It happened that there were only the last 1,000 villagers left one year later, and the materials were distributed at noon.

At noon, outside the west gate of Wuhun City, the soldiers were ready and had prepared all the materials for the villagers today.

Duan Yufan participated in it and handed the materials to the villagers with the soldiers.

"Thank you, Lord Saint, thank you!" The villagers said one after another.

"You're welcome, auntie, uncle." Duan Yufan responded with a friendly smile.

He was busy until three o'clock in the afternoon, and finally sent away the last villager.

"You have worked hard! Everyone is very tired this year. You can have a good rest and vacation in the next month." After the villagers left, the soldiers gathered to listen to Bibi Dong's speech.

Duan Yufan also returned to Bibi Dong's side.

"Long live the Spirit Hall! Long live His Holiness the Pope." The soldiers shouted in unison.

"Okay, let's all go!" Bibi Dong said and walked down the city wall.

The soldiers who replaced the guards of West City have been arranged, and they will start to replace them immediately after the vacation.

"Bishop Lin! Vice Bishop Mo, West City will continue to be managed by you. I hope it will be restored to its previous prosperity as soon as possible. By the way, you should also send people to the village from time to time. It is best to do it once a month, which will last for about half a year. It must be consistent." Bibi Dong solemnly and seriously instructed the two persons in charge of the West Hall.

"Remember the teachings of His Holiness the Pope. Bishop Mo and I will do our best." Bishop Lin Zhengguang promised solemnly.

"Okay! Then we go back! If there are any difficult issues, report them as soon as possible." Bibi Dong said and took Duan Yufan, Ju Douluo, and Ghost Douluo to the center of Wuhun City.

"Farewell, His Holiness the Pope!" Bishop Lin Zhengguang and Vice Bishop Mo Lin said respectfully at the same time.

After more than 20 minutes, they returned to the Pope's Hall in Wuhun City.

"Yueguan, Guimei, you go back to your own yard first and take a rest! Xiaofan and I still have something to discuss." Bibi Dong said to Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo indifferently.

"Yes! Your Holiness, let's go down first." Bibi Dong spoke, and Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo had to go back to their own accommodation first.

"Okay! Xiaofan should talk about it. In addition to the sense of responsibility, there must be other reasons for the hard work of treating the villagers this year, such as the coming of the divine test." At this time, Bibi Dong showed a sickle mark on her forehead.

"Teacher! You saw it!" Duan Yufan knew that he could not hide it from Bibi Dong. After all, Bibi Dong had already accepted the test of the Rakshasa God.

"Well! When you were treating a hundred soldiers a year ago, I happened to see the light from the sky entering your forehead, and there was a mark on your forehead, so I guessed that you were chosen by the god."

"In fact, the teacher is not surprised that you can get the divine test. After all, with your talent, no one in the whole continent can compare with you. It is only a matter of time for the gods to take notice of you. What is unexpected is that it came so early. Tell me, which god chose you? I was busy before and didn't have time to ask you." Bibi Dong smiled and looked at Duan Yufan.

Duan Yufan also showed the mark of the kind god king Tiannuhua.

"Haha, teacher is really smart. He was indeed chosen by a god. He was tested by a god king, named Kind God King. Teacher, I wonder how strong this Kind God King is." Duan Yufan pretended not to know the strength of Kind God King.

"What, God King!" Bibi Dong condensed, because Luosha God told Bibi Dong about some basic information about the God Realm.

This includes the level of gods. Bibi Dong didn't expect that this precious disciple was chosen by a god king. Bibi Dong only guessed that it might be a test of a first-level god, and never thought it would be a test of a god king.

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