"Two big brothers, call me next time you want to spar!" Duan Yufan saw that he could no longer release his first soul skill, so he prepared to practice in the simulated training environment.

"Haha!" Xie Yue and Yan watched Duan Yufan walk away in silence.

"Holy Son! How come you came back so quickly after hunting for soul rings? I thought you would be delayed for a few days." Xie Yue was lying on the ground in surprise.

"You still said that! I said we would spar in hiding, but you insisted that the Holy Son would not come back so quickly and spar in a conspicuous place." Yan said to Xie Yue with a look of despair.

Duan Yufan was also very surprised. Neither of the two professions had the ability to release soul skills to others and feed back their own soul power. Duan Yufan could only attribute it to the system.

"This system has been in use for a year, and there is no response. It seems to be completely scrapped. Fortunately, there is a method of practice like this left." Duan Yufan secretly complained about the system that appeared a year ago. It has not appeared since the last time.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed since Duan Yufan came back from hunting for soul rings.

Recently, Bibi Dong encountered a very difficult incident. Many people in several villages west of Wuhun City were in low spirits, with yellow faces, purple and blue, high temperature, repeated coughing, and a kind of weakness.

At first, this situation occurred in a village, not many, dozens of villagers. Because the village was not far from Wuhun City, the village chief reported to the Wuhun Hall West Hall Branch. Wuhun City West Hall sent an auxiliary teacher to the village for treatment. I felt better, but the symptoms reappeared a few days later.

In just two months, the villages near this village strangely showed the same symptoms, and one spread to ten, ten spread to a hundred, and even the earliest batch died.

"What's going on! Didn't you go to the village to treat the villagers? Why is the situation getting worse and worse? Now there are even a few in the West City." Lin Zhengguang, the bishop of the West Hall, shouted angrily at several auxiliary therapists of the West Hall. Deputy Bishop Mo was also here.

"My Lord Bishop! We did go to Liuguang Village. We saw with our own eyes that the villagers had recovered before we came back. Moreover, there were more than a dozen people when we went the second time. They were also cured. However, they appeared again a few days later." The assistant who led the team said in a deep voice.

"Could it be the evil soul master's method? It is strange and difficult to prevent. An evil soul master appeared near Wuhun City a year ago. My Lord Bishop, the most urgent thing is to report this matter to His Holiness the Pope and rescue the villagers." Vice Bishop Mo suggested in a deep voice.

"It is indeed necessary to report this matter to His Holiness the Pope. We in the West Palace can no longer control this matter. Vice Bishop Mo, go to the Pope's Palace and tell His Holiness the Pope about this matter truthfully!" Bishop Lin Zhengguang sighed helplessly. Maybe his position as bishop will end this time.

"Yes! My Lord Bishop!" Vice Bishop Mo walked out of the hall after receiving the order.

"Have you controlled the few people who appeared in the West City?" Lin Zhengguang said to the five assistants.

"My Lord Bishop, it has been controlled, but I'm afraid it's too late. It seems that this disease will be transmitted to others. However, there are many soul masters in the city, so it should have no effect on soul masters." The captain of the team said.

"Hurry up and order them to check for me, and gather all the people who have contacted these people for investigation together." Bishop Lin Zhengguang said hurriedly.

"Yes! My Lord Bishop."

Vice Bishop Mo came to the Pope's Palace and was stopped by the guards.

"Stop, what's the matter with you coming to the Pope's Palace!"

"I am the vice bishop of the West Palace, and I have something important to report to His Holiness the Pope! It's urgent." Bishop Mo took out the token to prove his identity and handed it to the guard.

"Please wait a moment, I will go in and report." The guard checked it and entered the gate without any problem.

"Report to His Holiness the Pope! The vice bishop of the West Palace has something important to report to His Holiness the Pope." After the guard came in, he knelt on one knee and said to Bibi Dong.

At this time, there was only Bibi Dong in the hall, and her two right-hand men, Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo.

"Oh! Bring him in." Bibi Dong told the guard calmly.

"Yes! Your Holiness." The guard stood up respectfully and stepped back, and turned around and left after a few steps.

"Mr. Archbishop! Your Holiness invites you!" The guard said immediately after coming out.

"Thank you!" Archbishop Mo said, and walked into the door.

"Greetings to Your Holiness!" Archbishop Mo also knelt on one knee and said.

"Get up! Tell me what you want to do when you suddenly come to the Pope's Palace." Bibi Dong let out Deacon Mo, whom she had met a year ago.

"Thank you, Your Holiness!" Bishop Mo said respectfully, stood up, and continued to speak.

"Reporting to His Holiness the Pope, a disease suddenly appeared in several villages near the west of Wuhun City. It seems to be poisoning, and it can also be transmitted to others."

"At first, more than a dozen people in Liuguang Village showed this symptom. We received a request from the village chief a month ago, so we sent out the auxiliary therapists in the West Hall."

"We went to Liuguang Village that day and saw with our own eyes that the villagers recovered as before, and then returned to Wuhun Hall. But seven days later, the village chief of Liuguang Village came to the West Hall again, and the village chief had the same situation. We cured the village chief."

"I followed the village chief to Liuguang Village again, and the symptoms reappeared in those who had been treated before, and half of the people in the village had the same symptoms. This repeated, and we received requests from five or six villages in a month. Recently, several people with the same symptoms have appeared in West City."

"So I suspect that the evil soul master gave the villagers some unknown poison, and the news spread from one person to ten, and from ten to a hundred, and the West Palace couldn't control it, so it came to disturb His Holiness the Pope." Vice Bishop Mo reported the situation in the past month truthfully.

"Ghost Elder, organize ten Soul Saint-level auxiliary system soul masters with healing ability to treat the villagers. Remember, isolate them uniformly after treatment, continue to observe the situation, and report to me at any time if there is any situation." After listening to Vice Bishop Mo's words, Bibi Dong made arrangements immediately.

"Also, we must organize a team to search for the traces of the evil soul master in Wuhun West City and the surrounding areas of the village. We must catch the evil soul master who likes to hide in the dark. Elder Ju, you also go to help find the evil soul master." Bibi Dong continued to instruct Ghost Douluo.

"Yes! Your Holiness the Pope!" The two elders took the order and immediately arranged it.

Although the villagers were indeed treated, they relapsed about seven days later, and the situation of the great soul master level was also infected.

Another month passed, and the entire village west of Wuhun City began to break out with symptoms, and even spread to Wuhun XC District. Bibi Dong immediately stopped all people from the West City from coming to the other three Wuhun Districts.

Bibi Dong had to call Duan Yufan in the academy, because Bibi Dong thought of Duan Yufan's purification ability and wanted to try to solve the poison.

Duan Yufan did not receive this news. It was originally inconvenient to transmit information, and Duan Yufan meditated in the mimic training field from time to time, which took several days.

"Teacher, what's the matter with calling me suddenly?" Duan Yufan asked puzzledly.

"Xiaofan, can your first soul skill purification ability solve any poison?" Bibi Dong said with a frown on her face.

"It should be, teacher!"

Then Bibi Dong told what happened in the past two months.

"What! Plague." Duan Yufan immediately knew the situation when he heard it.

Duan Yufan was very surprised that there would be such a thing as plague in Douluo Continent.

The contract was sent out for a few days, why hasn't the status been changed yet!

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