Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 10 Meeting Poison Douluo

Duan Yufan and the other two met a small group of Pink Queen spirit beasts, about thirty or so Pink Queens, walking upright like humans. Among them, the leader of this group of Pink Queens was about 1,300 years old.

"Senior Sister Nana! You are lucky. I have read in a book that the Pink Lady Soul Beast is very suitable for your Sky Fox Martial Soul. I guess the soul ring gives you the power to strengthen your charm." Duan Yufan whispered softly and hid. Talking to Hu Liena behind the trees.

"Really! I thought only the fox spirit beast could strengthen my martial spirit." Hu Liena said ecstatically, overjoyed that Duan Yufan recognized her charm.

"Elder Ju! Let's take this Pink Lady as my third soul ring." Hu Liena immediately said to Ju Douluo.

"Holy girl! In that case, I will capture this pink empress." Seeing that the two of them had made their decision, Ju Douluo no longer shied away.

"The third soul skill, breath barrier."

Duan Yufan only saw Ju Douluo releasing his martial spirit in his hands. Duan Yufan was also very emotional. A plant martial spirit actually made Ju Douluo become an offensive combat spirit master.

Under the powerful soul power of Ju Douluo's aura barrier, a group of pink empresses, the leaders of centuries and millenniums, were unable to move at all.

Ju Douluo walked towards the leader of the Pink Empress with a faint smile, grabbed the Pink Empress by the neck, and then walked over to Duan Yufan and Hu Liena.

The Pink Lady could only watch helplessly as her leader was taken away, unable to do anything.

Ju Douluo used his huge soul power to severely injure the leader of the Pink Empress, and then also released Ju Douluo's third soul skill, breath barrier.

The Pink Empress was finally able to move and attacked Duan Yufan and the others.

"Looking for death! Get out of there." Ju Douluo saw that the remaining hundred-year-level Pink Empress dared to charge forward, and immediately released nine soul rings. Pink Empress also realized it, took one last look at the leader, and ran away. , Ju Douluo did not stop Pink Empress from escaping.

Duan Yufan believes that the Pink Empress will definitely choose a new leader soon.

"Saint Girl, all the eyesores are gone, hurry up and absorb the soul ring." Ju Douluo said to Hu Liena after watching the remaining Pink Empresses run away.

"Thank you, Elder Ju!"

After Hu Liena finished speaking, she cut the pink empress' neck and immediately died. A purple soul ring appeared. Upon seeing this, Hu Liena sat cross-legged and absorbed the soul ring.

"Such a powerful soul power fluctuation, but this soul power aura seems a bit familiar, Yan'er, let's go over and have a look." Someone not far away sensed the soul power aura released by Ju Douluo, and came over to Duan Yufan.

"Yan'er, don't say anything later! We can just take a look from a distance!"

"Don't worry, Grandpa."

Soon an old man and a young man came to a position where they could see Duan Yufan, hiding behind a big tree and peeking.

"Hmm! Juhua Pass, there is also a purple soul ring. This girl is about the same age as Yan'er and is level 30? She is actually absorbing the thousand-year soul ring." The old man obviously recognized Ju Douluo's identity and thought to himself.

Ju Douluo's ears twitched, and he obviously found something, but he didn't make a sound, because Hu Liena had already absorbed the purple soul ring into her body, and it was about to be transformed into her own soul ring. At the critical moment, Ju Douluo didn't want any interference.

After more than ten minutes, Hu Liena finally completed the final transformation, and then opened a pair of charming eyes.

"Junior Brother Xiaofan, I succeeded!" Hu Liena immediately said to Duan Yufan.

"Hush! Saint." Ju Douluo shouted, making Duan Yufan and Hu Liena look at him at the same time.

I saw Ju Douluo condensing a blade, suddenly turning around and throwing it towards a tree.

"You little thief, how dare you peek." Ju Douluo shouted softly as he threw the blade away.

"Yan'er! Be careful!" The big tree immediately fell apart, and the person hiding in the big tree was exposed.

There was an old man dressed in blue clothes with gray hair and beard, and a girl similar to Hu Liena, dressed in blue clothes except for her hair, and her eye makeup and mouth were a bit purple and black.

"Old poisonous creature, it's you! Isn't it because you are hiding behind him to secretly release poison?" Ju Douluo recognized the old man and said with a soft smile.

"Juhua Pass! I didn't expect to meet you here. Didn't you Spirit Hall all go to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for soul rings? Why did you end up in the Sunset Forest?" The old man who was called Old Poison by Ju Douluo immediately immediately responded.

The old poisoner, Duan Yufan knew at a glance that he was Poison Douluo Dugubo, who claimed to know all poisons, but he couldn't detoxify his own poison, and his granddaughter Dugu Yan.

Duan Yufan narrowed his eyes slightly when he looked at Dugu Bo Poison Douluo, and then remembered a very important prop in Douluo Continent.

Dugu Bo Poison Douluo appears in Sunset Forest, and may already know the location of the props.

"Where are we, Spirit Hall, hunting for spirit rings? It seems we don't need to report to you, an old poisoner!" Ju Douluo said softly.

"Of course! You Spirit Hall can go anywhere on the continent wherever you want." Dugu Bo Poison Douluo replied to Ju Douluo.

"Oh! Elder Ju, do you know each other? Why don't you introduce me?" Duan Yufan asked knowingly.

"Holy Son and Holy Lady, this person is a master of poison. He is a level 91 Titled Douluo. He is also known as Poison Douluo. He is a casual cultivator. He has refused to join the Spirit Hall." Ju Douluo expressed his respect to Duan Yufan and Hu Liena. The tone shocked Poison Douluo.

"The Holy Son and the Holy Daughter! I've only heard of the Holy Daughter, but I've never heard of the Spirit Hall having a Holy Son! I didn't expect that the Holy Daughter reached the 31st level Soul Master at the age of ten, and the Holy Son looks younger than Yan'er, could he have reached the 20th level?" Dugu Bo Poison Douluo thought to himself without revealing his expression.

"Oh! Elder Ju, are you sure he is a poison master? I think the Poison Douluo and the girl you mentioned are both poisoned. It's a pity for a Titled Douluo, and his life is coming to an end. Summoning him to the Spirit Hall will only mean that there will be one more grave in the Douluo Hall in the near future." Duan Yufan threatened Dugu Bo Poison Douluo in a faint voice.

"Oh! Holy Son, why didn't I see that?" Ju Douluo looked at Dugu Bo curiously and said.

"My Spirit told me." Duan Yufan found an excuse.

"Oh! Then I understand." Ju Douluo believed Duan Yufan's words when he heard that it was because of the Spirit.

"Be careful what you say, kid! Who told you that I'm poisoned? Believe it or not, I'll poison you first." Dugu Bo was exposed and said to Duan Yufan angrily.

"Old poisoner, you dare to threaten the Holy Son, you can try to poison the Holy Son, otherwise you don't have to poison yourself, and tomorrow I will destroy your Green Phosphorus Snake family." Seeing Dugu Bo threatening Duan Yufan, Ju Douluo immediately said something serious to Dugu Bo.

"Elder Ju, forget it, his granddaughter is still here!" Duan Yufan smiled slightly and didn't take Dugu Bo's words to heart.

"Poison Douluo, right? If you are willing to join the Spirit Hall, I can help you detoxify. Otherwise, your granddaughter will definitely die before you. After all, your granddaughter does not have such a huge soul power as you to suppress the poison."

"As the poison increases day by day, when the poison explodes, what can you use to resist your granddaughter's poison? Think about it carefully. Anyway, we are not in a hurry. After thinking it over, you can find the bishop of Tiandou City to send a message to our Spirit Hall headquarters. Elder Ju, Senior Sister Nana, let's go back."

Duan Yufan said a lot to Dugu Bo indifferently.

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