Not only did Uncle Li not feel insulted by being led by Guanglong to make such a fuss, he felt extremely lucky.

This is the helplessness of the common people at the bottom, who are exhausted just trying to survive.

Before everyone left, Uncle Li solemnly expressed his gratitude to everyone again. Although he is not a soul master himself, he has lived for so many years and has a clear mind. He knew that because of the intervention of Yu Nanyuan's seven people, at least Guanglong would not trouble him again for a long time in the future.

"Uncle Li, thank you for your hospitality tonight. Let's go back first." Xie Xie deliberately stayed behind everyone and chatted with Uncle Li alone for a few words. Uncle Li and this shop have special meaning to him.

Uncle Li touched Xie Xie's head affectionately, with a warm and kind smile on his face.

"It's getting late, you all should go home early. Remember to get along well with your friends."

"Yes!" Xie Xie nodded vigorously and quickly followed the others.

Yu Nanyuan looked back at Xie Xie.

There are too many injustices in this world, and people are born unequal. It was like this before and now, and it will be like this in the future. No one can completely change this situation. All they can do is try their best to protect the people close to them.

On this night, Donghai City ushered in the first snow of winter. Snowflakes all over the sky were dancing in the wind, and the light and shadow overlapped under the dim light of the street lamps.

Everyone strolled on the streets and returned to Donghai College on foot. The atmosphere is warm and harmonious.

Xie Xie chuckled and asked everyone in a good mood: "Have you figured out what to do during this month's vacation?"

"Meditate and practice." Gu Yue replied coldly, cherishing every word like gold. And as soon as she opened her mouth, she was instantly silenced.

Yu Nanyuan livened up the atmosphere at the right time and said: "I will also take advantage of this holiday to meditate and practice, preparing to hit the bottleneck of level 30."

"You and Gu Yue are practicing together?" Zhang Yangzi blurted out almost subconsciously. The eyes of everyone present were focused on Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue. Especially Xu Xiaoyan, who was catching snowflakes with his palms and playing with them, suddenly felt that this was no longer interesting at all.

And Gu Yue's cold and indifferent strong aura made everyone feel that the atmosphere at the scene had dropped to freezing point.

Zhang Yangzi realized that he had said something wrong and said quickly: "Well, I didn't mean that..."

But to his surprise, Gu Yue didn't say anything this time. It seems like it's the default?

At this moment, Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie looked at Yu Nanyuan in disbelief, as if they had discovered some shocking secret.

Yu Nanyuan knew that something might happen if these two guys continued to misunderstand, so he had no choice but to tell his plan.

"I will leave Donghai City during this vacation and go to other places to practice in seclusion."

"Where are you going?" Xu Xiaoyan's voice came from behind.

Yu Nanyuan said two words calmly.

"Dragon City."

Hearing this, the slight taste of food that was still in Xu Xiaoyan's heart instantly disappeared, and he opened his mouth hesitantly. The Xu family and the Yu family are family friends. Although Xu Xiaoyan has never met Yu Nanyuan's parents, she knows some of their secrets.

Gu Yue keenly noticed the strangeness between Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan, and there was a strange brilliance in her deep eyes.

"Dragon City seems to be in the northernmost part of the mainland. I heard some things about Dragon City from my father." Wang Jinxi said thoughtfully.

"Dragon City is the first-tier city in the Sun-Moon Federation closest to the Far North. It is said that the interior of the Shengling Platform there simulates not the environment in the Star Forest, but the Far North. If we have the opportunity in the future, we can go to Dragon City We have experienced the Spirit Ascension Platform several times. Fighting with the soul beasts in the Far North will definitely further hone our practical experience. And deep in the Far North, there are still some powerful ice attribute soul beasts surviving. Maybe we will have a chance to meet in the future.”

Tang Wulin listened carefully. He had never had any way to learn this information since he was a child. He was full of interest in this unknown far north land.

After hearing Wang Jinxi's words, Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie's focus finally shifted.

Then they returned to Donghai College and everyone parted ways one after another.

Gu Yue was picked up by a black soul guide car that had been waiting at the main entrance of Donghai College to the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda, and Xie Xie also went home on his own.

Yu Nanyuan, on the other hand, returned to the dormitory of Donghai College after sending Xu Xiaoyan home.

The next morning.

Along with the low whistle, soul trains entered the station one after another. The Sun-Moon Alliance has a clear stipulation that all soul trains departing from the eastern cities of the Sun-Moon Federation must be dark blue.

In the waiting hall, Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi quickly found the soul train they needed to take, and said goodbye to Yu Nanyuan with smiles on their faces: "Nanyuan, we are leaving first. If you have time in the future, you can come to our Linghai City. Let’s have some fun.”

They all have storage soul guides on them, so they don't need to carry any luggage. They look very light.

"No problem, see you in a month." Yu Nanyuan waved with a smile and watched the two of them get into the car.

Linghai City is not far from Donghai City, and they are both cities in the Tianhai Alliance. There are many trains going back and forth every day. On the other hand, the train Yu Nanyuan needs to take is only once a day from Donghai City to Dragon City in the northernmost part of the mainland. On the way, we will pass through several big cities, including Tiandou City, and it will take two days and one night to arrive.

Yu Zhen seemed to be relieved that he was going to Dragon City alone, and he didn't even come to see him off in person today. He just asked his personal driver to drive him, Zhang Yangzi, and Wang Jinxi to the East China Sea Soul Train Station.

Not long after, the train Yu Nanyuan needed to take also entered the station. With Yu Zhen, his grandfather who is the dean of Donghai College, he has never had the concept of saving money deliberately since he was a child. What you buy directly is the top VIP seat.

Like ordinary carriages, there is an aisle in the middle of the VIP carriage. However, there are only three seats in one row, and even this carriage only has two rows of six seats. Not only is the space spacious, the environment is also very quiet.

In the corner of the carriage, there are also rare flowers that are pleasing to the eye. It looks like a small living room, comfortable and comfortable.

The conductor who was responsible for receiving distinguished guests brought Yu Nanyuan in very respectfully, with a particularly gentle voice.

"Dear distinguished guest, if you need anything next, you can inform me at any time through the soul communicator next to your seat. Before arriving at Tiandou City, you will be the only passenger in the top-level VIP carriage. I wish you a pleasant journey. "

After the conductor with a delicate appearance and decent temperament said this, he bowed to Yu Nanyuan again and saluted, and then walked out of the VIP carriage calmly.

Yu Nanyuan chose a window seat, then crossed his legs and closed his eyes. He kept thinking about what Yu Zhen had said to him before, and he was also a little concerned about the person who came to pick him up from Longcheng.

As time went by, Yu Nanyuan, who was relieved, gradually entered into meditation practice.

It wasn't until the train arrived at Tiandou City that the silence was broken by an old man and a young man who came to the VIP compartment.

The girl walking at the front had a pretty face, and her appearance was not much inferior to that of Xu Xiaoyan. She has shoulder-length dark green short hair, her eyes are a strange green, and her whole body exudes a dark aura that is chilling.

The thin old man following the girl had a much more restrained aura. His beard and hair are gray and white, and he looks like an ordinary kind old man. Only the faint green eyes of the girl occasionally flashed an undetectable sparkle.

Entering the VIP carriage, both the old man and the girl noticed Yu Nanyuan's presence.

Yu Nanyuan nodded politely, and the old man smiled at Yu Nanyuan in the same friendly way. On the contrary, the girl raised her snow-white jade neck proudly, and her eyes paused for a moment on Yu Nanyuan.

At this moment, Yu Nanyuan's eyes suddenly condensed. He suddenly discovered that after the old man and the girl entered the VIP carriage, the flowers in the corners of the carriage showed signs of withering.

"A poisonous spirit?!"

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