The strength test does not test the body's bearing capacity or stress, but the attack power of the fists.

After all, in the process of fighting, only this most direct attack power is more meaningful to the soul master.

The order of the strength test is also from low to high, Xu Xiaoyan is the first.

As a weapon soul master, except for the increase brought by soul power, her strength is almost the same as that of ordinary people. And she seemed a little afraid of pain just now, so she deliberately held back her strength.

Seeing Wu Zhangkong's cold expression, Xu Xiaoyan immediately cowered and hid behind Yu Nanyuan.

In her eyes, this dance teacher is even more powerful than her father.

Wu Zhangkong frowned, but didn't say anything. After recording Xu Xiaoyan's data on the form, he said calmly: "Next, Zhang Yangzi."

"Bang!" Left hand, sixty-one kilograms.

"Bang!" Right hand, sixty-nine kilograms.

Although Zhang Yangzi possesses a beast martial spirit, he takes the route of control and agile attack. He relies more on his own speed and powerful dark attribute abilities, but appears to be relatively weak in terms of strength.

Of course, this is based on Wu Changkong's standards.

Next is Gu Yue and Xie Xie.

What made Zhang Yangzi feel ashamed was that as an elemental soul master, Gu Yue's fists' power exceeded one hundred kilograms. As for Xie Xie, who has the twin martial soul enhancements, the power of his fists is only slightly stronger than Gu Yue's.

However, being able to surpass Gu Yue in terms of strength finally gave Xie Xie some confidence.

Then it was Wang Jinxi’s turn.

The slender Wang Jinxi raised his head and glanced at Yu Nanyuan and Tang Wulin, then took a deep breath and began to brew his breath and strength.

"Bang!" Left hand, 423 kilograms.

"Bang!" Right hand, 468 kilograms.

It is completely beyond the abnormal data of the same level of attack system soul masters. Wang Jinxi's power is probably not inferior to that of a purely powerful soul master. This is the innate advantage brought by top martial arts.

Wu Zhangkong's expression did not change at all. From the promotion match a few days ago, he had already had a rough idea.

"Next, Tang Wulin."

When Tang Wulin came to the strength testing instrument, a strong desire arose in his heart, and his eyes became brighter. After absorbing the first layer of seal energy from the Golden Dragon King, he also wanted to know how far his power could reach.

Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, and Xie Xie also paid special attention to Tang Wulin's situation. Wang Jinxi had personally experienced Tang Wulin's terrifying power, while Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie witnessed the scene where Wang Jinxi was repelled by Tang Wulin's claw at close range.

With Wang Jinxi's strength data as a reference, in their opinion, the strength of Tang Wulin's fists would never be less than 500 kilograms.

Tang Wulin clenched his fists subconsciously, and all the bones in his body made a crackling sound.

"Bang!" Left hand, 1,142 kilograms.

"Bang!" The right hand weighed one thousand three hundred and fifty-six kilograms.

The expressions on the faces of Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie froze instantly. Wang Jinxi felt better because he had already guessed the power gap between himself and Tang Wulin. In the previous promotion match, he was possessed by a martial spirit. The Bone Dragon King's martial spirit can innately produce a huge increase in his power, but Tang Wulin's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit naturally does not have this amplifying effect.

If it were under normal conditions without using martial arts, the power gap between him and Tang Wulin would only be wider.

Wu Zhangkong did not let Tang Wulin go back, but continued: "Add golden scales to your right hand and test it again."

"Yes." Tang Wulin raised his right arm again, a faint golden light lit up, and a layer of fine diamond-shaped golden scales quickly covered it.

The rich aura of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline swept across, causing Wang Jinxi's expression to change. But this time, he didn't seem to feel the strong sense of trembling or even surrender that he had when he faced Tang Wulin on the competition stage.

Tang Wulin's current aura can indeed have a certain suppressive effect on him, but it will not make him unable to resist.

Wang Jinxi had a feeling that if he faced Tang Wulin now, he would still be able to exert at least 90% of his strength.

How is this going? Is it my misunderstanding?

Two obviously different feelings made Wang Jinxi begin to doubt himself.

At this time, Tang Wulin had also completed the test.

"Boom -" Two thousand seven hundred kilograms!

Xie Xie and Zhang Yangzi were completely numb inside.

Is this guy an animal that grew up eating grass?

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by Tang Wulin again, Yu Nanyuan slowly raised his head, as if staring at the ceiling wrapped in silver metal plates.

Generally, the martial soul of a weapon soul master is released from the body, and the same is true for Yu Nanyuan. However, because his Wuhun Void Chain has special spatial attributes, his Wuhun can also appear directly from the void.

Just as he felt Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon King bloodline aura, his martial soul suddenly felt like it was out of control and wanted to be released. It was he who finally forcibly suppressed this instinct and made the martial spirit hide in the void, so that Wu Zhangkong didn't notice anything strange at all.

The void chains shuttled through the void, absorbing the power of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline aura in Tang Wulin's body. This is also the reason why Wang Jinxi did not feel as strong pressure as last time.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and one incident after another had already made him realize the extraordinary nature of his martial spirit. It's like inheriting the will of the world and possessing the miraculous power of being favored by God.

And the power of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline aura is still constantly feeding back to Yu Nanyuan's body through the void chain. Although these feedbacks have slowly improved his physical fitness and strength, they have been a subtle transformation.

In other words, as long as Tang Wulin uses the Golden Dragon King's ability in front of him in the future, the Golden Dragon King's bloodline power aura will be absorbed by his martial spirit void chain, and then fed back to him with pure energy.

Wu Zhangkong recorded the data with a slightly raised brow, then turned to look at Yu Nanyuan.

"Yu Nanyuan."

Yu Nanyuan calmed down and stepped forward. There was no need to hide his clumsiness, he was showing his truest strength.

"Bang!" Left hand, 896 kilograms.

"Bang!" Right hand, 932 kilograms.

Although the power of Yu Nanyuan's fists is not as terrifying as Tang Wulin's, compared to weapon soul masters of the same level, it is already quite abnormal. However, because Tang Wulin was in front, his performance did not have such a strong impact on everyone.

"The next item is the reaction test." Wu Changkong's eyes paused on Yu Nanyuan for a moment before continuing.

There is no doubt that Yu Nanyuan came out on top again because of the characteristics of the space attribute martial soul and his powerful mental power. Wu Changkong couldn't help but marvel at Yu Nanyuan's amazing talent. At least with his harsh eyes, he couldn't find any flaws or shortcomings in Yu Nanyuan.

Mental strength and reflexes are directly linked. The person who came second in the reaction ability test was still Gu Yue, whose mental strength was second only to Yu Nanyuan.

In the following series of tests, Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue basically took the top two spots, including the final test of soul power cultivation.

Yu Nanyuan's level 27 soul power cultivation is the highest, while Gu Yue's level 23 is the highest. Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi were at level 22, Xu Xiaoyan and Xie Xie were both at level 21, and Tang Wulin was at the bottom with level 13 soul power.

After a comprehensive evaluation, Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie, who had always been arrogant, found that their talents seemed to be relatively mediocre among everyone.

What Wu Zhangkong said next hit their pain point even more.

"This is the end of the test. Today's test is mainly based on physical ability, which does not represent everything. Martial spirits are equally important to soul masters, and some students do not need to be discouraged. Tomorrow there will be a practical class at the Spirit Ascension Platform of the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda. You can Prepare in advance. That’s it, disband.”

After saying this, Wu Zhangkong left without looking back, leaving only a cool figure behind him.

Zhang Yangzi and Xie Xie looked at each other, and the mild hostility between the two seemed to have been quietly resolved.

Some students, who are they talking about?

Explode some gold coins?

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