Given Ji Hongyu's character and knowledge, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"A mutated martial spirit with spatial attributes?!"

He has known Yu Zhen since he was a child, and he is extremely familiar with the silver chain martial spirit inherited by the Yu family. The Silver Chain Martial Spirit itself does not have any special attributes, but the Clear Sky Hammer, which is also a top-level weapon Martial Spirit, has almost the ultimate power attribute.

It is for this reason that the Silver Pattern Chain is always inferior to the Clear Sky Hammer in terms of martial soul quality.

However, the mutated martial soul awakened by Yu Nanyuan completely broke the rules. His martial spirit was obviously the result of a benign mutation. On top of the original silver-patterned chain, it was added with the mysterious and unpredictable spatial attributes. I am afraid that among all the weapon souls possessed by soul masters in the entire continent and even on Douluo Planet, it is difficult to find a more powerful existence than him.

Ji Hongyu naturally had basis for making this judgment. Yu Nanyuan's martial spirit could travel through space when it first awakened, which is enough to explain everything.

From ancient times, ancient times to modern times, there have been some martial spirits with spatial attributes in the world of soul masters. Among the martial arts with all attributes, the space attribute martial soul is the most mysterious and the most versatile. It has almost no shortcomings and will not be restrained by martial arts with other attributes.

As the master of the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda, Ji Hongyu once learned some secrets at the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters. The martial spirit of the one in the Poseidon Pavilion of Shrek Academy seems to be a mutated martial spirit with spatial attributes. That one once broke into Mingdu single-handedly, and with one shot, the entire space above Mingdu was almost torn apart. If it hadn't been for that one person to hold back, the only two super-large cities on the Douluo Continent would have been swallowed up by the collapsing space.

But even so, when that person first awakened his martial soul, he had never heard that his martial soul could travel through the void.

Yu Zhen, who had always been calm and elegant, was also shocked, but compared to Ji Hongyu, he was more excited.

"Nanyuan, you really brought a big surprise to grandpa."

Yu Nanyuan was still immersed in a wonderful feeling. This silver chain is like a part of his body, and every part of it is controlled by him like an arm.

However, every time he penetrates the void, his soul power will be consumed. Although the soul power consumed each time was not large, it could not withstand the frequency of his own martial soul traveling through space. After all, many sections of this chain are hidden in the void.

The feeling of weakness caused by excessive consumption of soul power made Yu Nanyuan quickly withdraw his martial soul, and raised his head to meet Yu Zhen's pleased gaze.

"Grandpa, my martial spirit is called Void Chain. Just like Grandpa Ji said, it should have the ability to possess spatial attributes innately."

"Okay, okay!" Yu Zhen stepped forward, dropped his right hand, and rubbed Yu Nanyuan's head. Then with a proud smile, he said to Ji Hongyu beside him.

"Old Ji, help Nan Yuan test his innate soul power."

"No need to test, Nanyuan must be born with full soul power. Lao Yu, don't you know?" Ji Hongyu didn't know what his old friend was thinking, so he smiled and shook his head.

"Although our Donghai City is far away from the center of the continent and the overall strength of the soul masters is weak, it is not that there have been soul masters with innate soul power in Donghai City in recent years. However, the aura of these people is far less thick than that of Nanyuan Ning. And I I just felt it carefully and found out that Nan Yuan’s spiritual power has also reached the spiritual realm.”

"Lao Ji, are you sure?!"

The little thought of showing off in his heart was exposed by Ji Hongyu, and Yu Zhen just smiled and said nothing. But when he heard Ji Hongyu say that Yu Nanyuan's mental power had reached the spiritual realm, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The realm of spiritual power is divided into six levels from low to high: Lingyuan Realm, Lingtong Realm, Linghai Realm, Lingyuan Realm, Spiritual Realm Realm and the legendary Shenyuan Realm.

In the Lingyuan realm, the beginning of one yuan, everything is renewed. As soon as everyone is born, they possess the spiritual power of the Lingyuan realm, which is also the most basic spiritual power. The spiritual power of the Lingyuan realm is divided into four stages: primary, intermediate, advanced and peak.

At the initial level of the Lingyuan realm, the mental power is only enough to carry the lowest level white ten-year soul. Only at the intermediate level of the Lingyuan realm is it possible to successfully fuse the yellow hundred-year soul. Of course, you can also choose to fuse two white ten-year souls.

The state of spiritual communication is the ability to communicate with the mind and realize thoughts. Once you reach the psychic realm, the control of mental power is considered the entry point. You can truly control your own mental power for your own use, and can carry two yellow century-old souls or one purple thousand-year soul.

Yu Nanyuan's mental power has reached the spiritual realm, which means that as long as his body is strong enough, he can even directly fuse with a thousand-year soul.

Leaving aside his talents in martial arts cultivation, Yu Nanyuan's talent in mental power alone is enough to be called shocking.

Unless one possesses a special method of cultivating spiritual power, a soul master's spiritual power will increase on its own as his own cultivation level improves. Just like innate soul power, the higher the initial mental power intensity when awakening the martial soul, the faster the subsequent mental power will improve, making it easier to reach the next few realms and truly have the potential to become a top powerhouse.

Yu Zhen's spiritual power realm is only at the third level of the spiritual sea realm, while Ji Hongyu has already entered the threshold of the spiritual abyss realm.

Ji Hongyu turned his gaze away from Yu Nanyuan, met Yu Zhen's eyes, and said somewhat speechlessly: "Old Yu, didn't you realize that Nan Yuan controlled the spirit to travel through the space just now by releasing his mental power to lock it? Did it come true?”

Yu Zhen looked slightly startled, but his mood quickly returned to calm. As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos, but it was difficult for him to stay truly calm with Yu Nanyuan.

The outward release of mental power is the most obvious feature of reaching the spiritual realm. Previously, Yu Nanyuan was able to control his martial spirit void chain to shuttle through a space of fifty meters in diameter. This shows that it is not as simple as entering the psychic realm for the first time.

But the one who felt the most excited at this time was Yu Nanyuan himself. Even though he had memories of his previous life and was born with precocious intelligence, he felt somewhat uneasy today. But the goddess of luck once again favored him, giving him the talent to look down on his peers.

Yu Nanyuan clenched his fists, his mouth curved slightly, his eyes filled with desire and determination for strength. The smile on his delicate face seemed to have a different kind of appeal, no longer as false and empty as before.

Ji Hongyu nodded to Yu Zhen and said, "I have already made arrangements for Nanyuan to test his mental and physical strength in detail. With Nanyuan's talent, he naturally has to find someone with the best quality and fit. Soul."

This is the advantage of innate full soul power. Once the martial soul is awakened, it can immediately fuse the soul or absorb the soul ring to advance to become a soul master. And the financial resources controlled by Yu Zhen, the dean of Donghai College, are enough to provide Yu Nanyuan with such support.

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