After this time, Gu Yue did not cause too much trouble in Donghai Academy, but practiced step by step under the guidance of Wu Changkong. However, she still kept a distance from Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and others, and never even got close to anyone.

The only exception is Yu Nanyuan.

Although Gu Yue has always looked cold and indifferent, and she did not take the initiative to talk to Yu Nanyuan for a period of time, anyone with a discerning eye can see that she has a special attitude towards Yu Nanyuan.

On the other hand, Yu Nanyuan's life in Donghai College has also become dull and fulfilling. There are classes during the day and meditation practice at night. On public holidays or occasionally on a few nights, I would go back to the laboratory at home to study knowledge about mecha manufacturing.

In fulfilling days, time always flies by. More than two months have passed by in a blink of an eye. The first game of the promotion competition will begin next week, initiated by the fifth class of freshmen, challenging the fourth class of freshmen.

Some time ago, Ye Yingluo also started special training for Yu Nanyuan, Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, and Wei Xiaofeng because of the upcoming promotion match. The content of special training mainly focuses on actual combat and running-in.

Ye Yingluo was paying attention to Wu Zhangkong all the time and collected some information about the participating teams of the fifth class of freshmen in advance. If nothing else, it should be the trio of Gu Yue, Xie Xie, and Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin and Xie Xie were both first-level soul masters, and Tang Wulin's soul ring was only a white ten-year soul ring. Tang Wulin and Xie Xie were not a threat in her eyes, but the girl named Gu Yue was the one that deserved her attention.

A two-ring great soul master, and possesses two yellow century-old soul rings. Although this talent is far inferior to that of Yu Nanyuan, it can be regarded as a genius on the same level as Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, and Wei Xiaofeng.

However, for Ye Yingluo, having Gu Yue join the team of freshman class five actually fulfilled her wish. She just wanted to see the wonderful expression on Wu Zhangkong's face when the team from the fifth class of freshmen fought all the way up and were completely crushed by the team from her class.

The three-person team she planned to send was none other than Yu Nanyuan, Zhang Yangzi, and Wang Jinxi. Because of Zhang Yangzi's own martial arts characteristics, to be more precise, he actually followed a special route that combines control and agile attack. Use the powerful dark attribute ability to control the field, and use the flying martial spirit's innate speed advantage to defeat the enemy.

Coupled with Yu Nanyuan, who is a control-type battle soul master, and Wang Jinxi, who is a power-attack type battle soul master, this is an almost perfect trio.

The last remaining one, Wei Xiaofeng, served as a substitute for the three of them. Wei Xiaofeng himself had no doubts about this. After all, Yu Nanyuan and the others were indeed stronger than him, and Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi also had martial soul fusion skills.

A combination like Yu Nanyuan's trio would probably have no problem directly penetrating the entire intermediate department of Donghai College.

It is worth mentioning that Yu Nanyuan's soul power cultivation level broke through the bottleneck again about half a month ago, reaching an astonishing level twenty-seven. And he is only nine and a half years old now. According to his cultivation speed, he will definitely be able to break through to the third-ring soul master realm at the age of ten.

Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi were also inspired by Yu Nanyuan. After months of hard training, they both made breakthroughs in soul power cultivation, and both reached level 22.

As for Wei Xiaofeng, starting from the second-level soul master level, the inferiority in the quality of his martial soul gradually became apparent. His current cultivation speed is no longer comparable to Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi, and the gap will become wider and wider in the future.

The reason why he was one step ahead of Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi in terms of soul power cultivation was entirely because the soul he fused was the century-old green shadow snake that was the same as his own martial soul. The perfect fit between the martial soul and the soul allowed him to cross the process from the first ring to the second ring in a very short time.

Donghai City is located in the north-eastern part of the mainland. Although it is close to the sea, the four seasons are very distinct. It is now late autumn, and the temperature has dropped significantly.

Today's weather is even more gloomy and gray. The icy autumn wind caused the crowns of the tall trees in Donghai College to sway violently. Being in a classroom with soft lighting, warmth and comfort, one cannot help but feel a strong sense of happiness.

The crisp bell rang, and Ye Yingluo hugged the lesson plan habitually and announced the end of get out of class. From the twisting arc of her waist and brisk steps, we can see her joyful mood.

Wu Zhangkong, what if there is a two-ring great soul master in your team? ! There are three two-ring great soul masters here!

Three against one, the advantage is mine!

Zhang Yangzi sat next to Yu Nanyuan, smiled mischievously and whispered: "Nanyuan, look at Teacher Ye's proud look, he is not in a hurry to go on a date."

After several months of getting along with each other and becoming truly familiar with each other, Zhang Yangzi's true character was directly exposed.

"Yangzi, it's better not to arrange teachers in the back from now on." Yu Nanyuan stood up and shook his head. Wei Xiaofeng and Wang Jinxi were sitting behind them, forming a small group of four.

Wei Xiaofeng stepped forward and suggested: "I saw this morning at the dining window in the cafeteria that they would provide meat from century-old silver-grained deer in the evening, which can be eaten in a rinse to warm up the body. And the soup base seems to be stewed with various vintage medicinal materials. Fungus soup."

"Then hurry up and go." Zhang Yangzi stopped continuing the previous topic and nodded at the same time as Yu Nanyuan. Wang Jinxi remained silent as always, following behind the three of them.

But just after walking out of the classroom, Yu Nanyuan suddenly received a call from Xu Xiaoyan. Under the gazes of Zhang Yangzi and the others, he didn't cover up anything and just connected directly.

"Hello, Xiaoyan?"

"Is it true that if I don't take the initiative to call you, you won't take the initiative to call me?" Xu Xiaoyan's resentful voice came from the soul guide communicator, and there was even a hint of crying at the end.

"I am now at the gate of Tunghai Academy. I want you to come to me immediately!"

Zhang Yangzi and the other three stared at Yu Nanyuan in shock, as if they had discovered some shocking secret. Not only the three Zhang Yangzi, but also other students in the freshman class did not leave the classroom at this time. The eyes of everyone in the room instantly focused on Yu Nanyuan.

The expression on Yu Nanyuan's face also became extremely exciting. He was so familiar with Xu Xiaoyan, so why didn't he know that Xu Xiaoyan was acting like a drama queen just now?

But just when he was about to say something, Xu Xiaoyan on the other side had already hung up the soul communicator.

Facing the weird looks from everyone present, Yu Nanyuan took a deep breath and said with a somewhat helpless expression: "I may have to go out for a while today. You guys go to eat first."

"Go ahead, we all understand." Zhang Yangzi patted Yu Nanyuan's shoulder with a deep expression.

"What do you know?" Yu Nanyuan replied angrily, and then walked out of the classroom.

At the same time, a black soul car was parked at the main entrance of Donghai College. Xu Xiaoyan sat on the left seat in the back row, looking through the car window in the direction of the Intermediate Department teaching building, and hung up the soul communicator in his hand with a smile. She just deliberately waited until the bell rang for the end of get out of class before calling Yu Nanyuan.

The weather is getting colder, so today Xu Xiaoyan put on a long floral dress that covered her arms. The white silk pantyhose with excellent texture highlighted her perfect leg shape. A pair of soft light blue twin ponytails slid from the shoulders to the chest, delicate and cute.

In the front row of the soul car, in addition to the driver responsible for driving, there was also a young man with a cold and arrogant face sitting in the passenger seat. It was Xu Xiaoyu, Xu Xiaoyan’s brother.

With the improvement foundation of the ten-thousand-year-old ice dragon soul bone, Xu Xiaoyu, who was only seventeen years old, had officially broken through to the realm of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect not long ago. In the eastern part of the Sun-Moon Federation, which is relatively peaceful, he can be regarded as a quite outstanding genius.

Xu Xiaoyan smiled and asked Xu Xiaoyu: "Brother, that girl should have been in contact with Nanyuan that one time."

"I'm not with the Intermediate Department. All I know is what I just said." Xu Xiaoyu stroked his forehead helplessly. If Xu Xiaoyan hadn't been pestering him to ask about Yu Nanyuan, given his character, he would definitely not He will gossip behind his back.

Xu Xiaoyan rolled his eyes at Xu Xiaoyu and said with a groan: "If I find out that you lied to me, I will tell my father that you bullied me."

"I've already said that I don't know much about these things." Xu Xiao is now one of two adults, and he really can't do anything about his sister.

At this moment, Yu Nanyuan walked out of Donghai College.

Xu Xiaoyan smiled sweetly and opened the door on the right side of the rear seat of the soul guide car, then stretched out her little hand and patted the soft seat.


Shu family army, accompany Shushu to charge again!

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