The stars and moon are bright and clear, and the starlight and moonlight fall from the night sky to the world, as if they have cast a silver veil over the world.

Deep in Donghai Park, Tang Wulin woke up in a daze and looked at his right hand blankly. He seemed to have had a dream just now. He dreamed of a huge golden dragon. The golden dragon has five claws, its body is covered with huge golden diamond-shaped scales, and it has antlers and a snake body.

It seems to be different from the dragon spirit beasts on Douluo Continent. It has no wings on its back and five claws on its abdomen.

Then another figure formed by a golden light told him that he must find three things before he was ten years old. Although he couldn't see the person's specific appearance, he seemed to have an inexplicable sense of conviction in him.

But all this was too unbelievable. Tang Wulin always felt that it was just a bizarre dream.

"No, you are not dreaming. The blood power of the Golden Dragon King is indeed sealed in your body." A cold voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Tang Wulin was immediately startled, but after all, he was only nine years old, and his curiosity about this was far greater than his fear.

"Who are you?"

"I am just a spiritual consciousness, a spiritual consciousness specially used to guide you. It is also the golden figure you saw before." The voice seemed a little weak.

Tang Wulin thought for a moment and couldn't help but ask again: "You said I didn't dream just now. Does it mean that the golden dragon really exists? It's in my body?"

"It's okay for you to say that. That's the Golden Dragon King. To be more precise, it's the essence of the Golden Dragon King. The essence of the Golden Dragon King is a double-edged sword for you now. Absorbing it will make you Become stronger, but if you become stronger too slowly, you will die once the seal cannot suppress its power. Remember to find those three things before you are ten years old, then I will appear again to help you unlock the first A seal.”

"What three things are they?" Tang Wulin asked quickly. His previous memory was too vague and he could no longer remember clearly.

"A hundred-year-old red flame fruit, a hundred-year ice crystal fruit, and ten drops of blood from a hundred-year-old soul beast with dragon bloodline..." The voice became weaker and weaker at the end.

Tang Wulin had too many questions in his mind, but the voice had disappeared.

However, his character is inherently tough and stubborn. When he heard that he might die, instead of giving up on himself, it inspired him even more. And that person also said that as long as he can successfully absorb the essence of the Golden Dragon King, he will become stronger.

Becoming a powerful soul master and mecha master has always been his dream.

"But where should I find these three things?" But Tang Wulin then lowered his head in distress.

The names of the Centennial Red Flame Fruit and Centennial Ice Crystal Fruit are extraordinary, as well as the ten drops of blood of the soul beast with dragon bloodline. In today's spirit age, spirit beasts are already on the verge of extinction. It is not easy to obtain the blood of a century-old dragon spirit beast.

After calming down his emotions, Tang Wulin stood up and touched his right shoulder, and found that the wound stabbed by Xie Xie's Guanglong Dagger had completely healed.

Although he didn't know what happened next and both of them fainted, but before losing consciousness, he still clearly remembered that Xie Xie had some reservations about him.

Thinking that Xie Xie's nature was not bad, Tang Wulin bent down and picked him up on his back, and then ran quickly in the direction of Donghai College.

Donghai Academy has strict rules and regulations, and there are penalties for staying out at night. What he fears most is the fine. And now it seems that it is impossible for him to go to the Blacksmiths Association to take over the task today.

With Tang Wulin's strength, even carrying Xie Xie on his back would not be a burden to him. In less than a quarter of an hour, he saw the gate of Donghai College from a distance. Not long after Tang Wulin walked into Donghai College, Yu Nanyuan also walked over.

After this period of thinking, Yu Nanyuan became much calmer. If the Silver Dragon King really wanted to take action against him, he would not have waited until now. What he couldn't understand was why the Silver Dragon King did not meet Tang Wulin as he remembered in his previous life, but still came to Donghai City and seemed to have split the two personalities of Gu Yue and Na'er.

With such doubts in mind, Yu Nanyuan returned to his dormitory. The moment he opened the dormitory door, three eyes fell on him.

Zhang Yangzi asked with a gossipy face.

"Nanyuan, how are you?"

The three of them running away in advance were not really unloyal. They accidentally hurt a girl. It was too embarrassing for them to be here. It was enough to leave Yu Nanyuan alone to apologize and explain.

Maybe Yu Nanyuan and that girl will have an indissoluble bond from now on.

As soul masters, they are exposed to a wider range of things than ordinary people, and they are also more precocious.

"How about what? What do you think it can do?" Yu Nanyuan rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Wei Xiaofeng nodded with deep understanding.

"That girl is just average-looking and has a cold face. She acts like everyone owes her money. I wouldn't like her either."

"Then what kind do you like?" Wang Jinxi, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed at the lower right, looked at Wei Xiaofeng with a faint look in his eyes, and rarely interjected.

Wei Xiaofeng's face turned red instantly. To be honest, he also had little experience and was just pretending to understand out of habit. But he still spoke harshly.

"I think the senior students in our intermediate department are very good."

"Xiao Feng, among the senior students you mentioned, are two of them named Mu Xi and Ouyang Zixin?" Zhang Yangzi said with a smirk on his face.

"These two are the two most beautiful girls in our intermediate department. However, the senior named Mu Xi is usually too arrogant, and her popularity in the college is slightly lower than that of senior Ouyang. Nanyuan, you They are locals from Donghai City, so they must know them, right?"

"We know each other." Yu Nanyuan responded casually, then took off his shoes and came to his bed. He and Zhang Yangzi were in the upper bunk, while Wei Xiaofeng and Wang Jinxi were in the lower bunk.

Hearing the other meanings contained in Yu Nanyuan's words, Zhang Yangzi and Wei Xiaofeng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Nanyuan, please elaborate."

The four of them were chatting animatedly in the dormitory. Yu Nanyuan and Wang Jinxi were fine, but Zhang Yangzi and Wei Xiaofeng became more and more enthusiastic. It wasn't until late at night that they finally gave up and entered into a state of meditation and practice.

In just two days of getting along, the relationship between the four of them has been drawn into a lot of things invisibly. Friendships can be formed so easily during the innocent and ignorant teenage years.

The head teachers of the freshmen class were in class today, and they basically focused on understanding the martial soul abilities of the students. Starting tomorrow, the formal course will begin. Compared with junior colleges, courses at intermediate colleges are not that easy.

In the ordinary but fulfilling study life, the five classes of this freshmen are silently preparing for the promotion competition three months later.

But on the third day of school at Donghai College, an episode occurred.

A slender black-haired girl walked slowly from the direction of the school gate to the middle school playground. As she walked, her steps seemed to have a special rhythm, and her strange aura instantly attracted Wu Zhangkong's attention on the playground.

Wu Zhangkong was currently giving physical fitness lessons to the students in the fifth class of freshmen. Those students were already on the verge of collapse. Wu Xia paid attention here.

Wu Zhangkong asked the girl, "Aren't you a student of Donghai College?"

"Not yet, but I hope to be admitted to the freshman class." Facing Wu Zhangkong's aura, the girl said calmly without any stage fright.

"The first class of freshmen?" Wu Zhangkong was stunned when he heard this, and then said in a cold voice: "This is the Soul Master Academy. If you want to go to school, you need to rely on your ability. I don't have the authority to let you enter the first class of freshmen, but if you have the ability With my approval, I can temporarily accept you into my freshman class five."

"Freshman class five?" The girl frowned and thought for a moment, then finally nodded.

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