For the whole afternoon, Yu Nanyuan was in a meditative state in the back seat of the soul guide car, absorbing and integrating the spiritual power in his body.

Although the soul guide car is parked at the main entrance of the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Tower where people come and go, it is equipped with a special soul guide sound insulation system inside, which can give him a meditation practice environment comparable to a quiet room.

A layer of golden light quietly appeared on the surface of his body. As he circulated the soul power in his body, it created a special resonance with his body.

It was not until dusk that Yu Nanyuan finally ended his meditation. His golden eyes opened and closed, and his whole temperament seemed to have undergone some subtle change.

The energy from the increased age of the soul ring fed back into itself, and his height increased by at least three centimeters, reaching nearly 1.6 meters, making him look more like an eleven or twelve-year-old boy. The originally fair and delicate skin had an extra layer of gleaming luster, which complemented the brilliance in his clear eyes.

Not surprisingly, Yu Nanyuan also easily broke through the bottleneck through this meditation practice, and his soul power reached level 26. And his current age is only a little over nine years old.

"It's time to come to an end regarding the increase in the life span of the soul ring." Yu Nanyuan felt a little helpless in his heart as he felt the changes in himself.

Compared to the rapid growth of his mental power, his physical strength obviously couldn't keep up. This was also the main reason why he had not been in a hurry to let Yu Zhen take him to the intermediate spirit-ascension platform to hunt higher-level spirit beasts to quickly increase the life of the spirit ring.

After all, he was not blessed by the blood of the Golden Dragon King like Tang Wulin.

It seems that next, we still need to place our hope in finding the treasures of heaven and earth that can improve the soul master's physique.

Xiao Li, the driver who was protecting Yu Nanyuan outside the soul guide car, saw that Yu Nanyuan had finished practicing, and quickly lifted the soul guide soundproofing in the car. He bent over and leaned against the window and asked softly: "Master, it may be too late now." , Do you still want to go to Wutong College?"

"Uncle Li, let's drive there." Yu Nanyuan supported his chin with his right hand and said with a headache.

"After all, I made an agreement with Xiaoyan a long time ago. Although it took some time, I can't break my promise."

The elders in the family loved Xu Xiaoyan too much and were never willing to let her suffer a little injustice. Even going to school was based on her own wishes, and she only went to Wutong Academy, which did not have a soul master class.

However, Wutong Academy is not ordinary. It contains a junior department, an intermediate department and an advanced department. It has always only admitted female students, and the tuition fees are extremely high. It can be regarded as an alternative aristocratic college. In addition to daily cultural classes, the most important thing is to learn the etiquette of various high-class occasions.

Many ladies from all walks of life in Donghai City and even the entire Tianhai Alliance graduated from here.

Like many others of his age, Xu Xiaoyan's studies in the Junior Department of Wutong College are coming to an end. Xu Xiaoyan asked Yu Nanyuan to pick her up because she wanted to hear Yu Nanyuan's thoughts and decide whether to directly advance to the intermediate division of Wutong College or go to Donghai College to work towards becoming a powerful soul master.

Wutong College is located in the south of Donghai City and is named after its proximity to Wutong Mountain. Although Nancheng is not as prosperous as the city center, the environment is obviously better. Various administrative departments in Donghai City are located here.

The soul guide car arrived steadily at the main entrance of Wutong College. Through the black car window, Yu Nanyuan saw Xu Xiaoyan, who had been waiting here for a long time.

Three years have passed, and Xu Xiaoyan has changed a lot. Soul masters are nourished by soul power and usually develop better than ordinary people. Nine-year-old Xu Xiaoyan is over 1.4 meters tall. Her delicate and beautiful blue skirt highlights her fair and jade-like skin. The two light blue braids back then have long grown into two smooth long ponytails, making people want to grasp them.

But only Yu Nanyuan and a very few people knew that beneath her soft and cute appearance, there was a strange heart hidden.

"Xiaoyan." Yu Nanyuan pressed down the car window and greeted Xu Xiaoyan with a smile.

Looking up and seeing Yu Nanyuan, Xu Xiaoyan couldn't help curling his lips. Seeing that he was obviously not punctual, but looked like he was fine, I started to feel a little emotional inside. However, she has always been shy in public places where there are many outsiders, so she just sat on the other side of the back seat of the Soul Guide car with the protection of the driver Xiao Li.

Yu Nanyuan leaned on the soft and comfortable seat and explained to Xu Xiaoyan beside him: "I gained some insights after going to the Shengling Platform to practice at noon, so I wasted some time."

"You might as well just tell me that you made a breakthrough in your soul power and that's why you delayed it." Xu Xiaoyan rolled her eyes cutely, and her true nature was revealed instantly in front of Yu Nanyuan. One can't help but wonder if her previous shyness was a deliberate act.

Yu Nanyuan nodded calmly.

"My soul power has indeed broken through to level twenty-six."

Xu Xiaoyan was stunned when he heard this and looked at Yu Nanyuan carefully. Only then did he realize that Yu Nanyuan's temperament seemed to be a little different from some time ago. But what followed was another period of silence.

Yu Nanyuan gently grabbed one of Xu Xiaoyan's ponytails and laughed.

"What are you thinking about?"

Xu Xiaoyan, who was already in a bad mood, felt aggrieved and said: "You bullied me again. I will tell Grandpa Yu later."

Not only did Yu Nanyuan not let go, but he grabbed Xu Xiaoyan's other ponytail even harder, his eyes becoming deep and gentle.

"Xiaoyan, everyone should have the right to make choices. You don't have to force yourself to live a successful life defined by the world. Just follow your own heart."

Yu Nanyuan naturally knew what Xu Xiaoyan was thinking.

Xu Xiaoyan, who was born timid, experienced the life-and-death crisis caused by the ten-thousand-year-old ice dragon, and deep down he had a strong resistance to becoming a soul master. She even gave up the soul bone to her brother Xu Xiaoyu.

But with the awakening of her martial soul ability, she was forced to bear some pressure within the family. With the innate soul power and the Star Wheel Ice Staff that reappeared hundreds of years ago, it is impossible for the Xu family not to value such a talent.

The soul guide car drove smoothly along the mountain road to the top of Wutong Mountain. The altitude of Wutong Mountain is not high, only about one thousand meters, and the vegetation is extremely dense. Darkness fell, and the soul-guided street lights on the roadside lit up on their own, reflecting on the faces of Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan.

Yu Nanyuan did not disturb Xu Xiaoyan, who was lost in thought, and asked the driver Xiao Li to drive the soul car to the top of the mountain.

The sky is very good tonight, the bright moonlight is as white as snow, and the stars are like gems dotted in the night sky. The waves on the eastern sea surface are undulating, reflecting the beautiful scenery of stars and moon. The sounds of seabirds blend into the sea breeze, soft and natural.

Perhaps due to the filter called time, this scene seems different from what they remembered in the past.

Xu Xiaoyan stood next to Yu Nanyuan, looking up, his light blue eyes filled with light.

"Nanyuan, can I really follow my wishes?"


I overslept and updated late, sorry. The next chapter will enter the plot of Donghai Academy. From now on, I will update two chapters at noon every day to make the plot more coherent. I read the original work carefully and found that Xu Xiaoyan is really innately full of soul power, so I'd better follow the settings of the original work. Just take a screenshot in the comment section

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