After such an incident, the dinner party could no longer continue.

The president of the Donghai Chamber of Commerce personally came forward to express his most sincere apology to everyone present and promised compensation. Among the people who attended this dinner, the soul masters were relatively good, but many of the ordinary people were frightened to a certain extent. Some people even fell directly into the sea. If Yu Zhen hadn't subdued the thousand-year-old ice dragon in time, what kind of tragedy might have happened.

The compensation promised by the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce is mainly aimed at these people. Of course, everyone did not forget to express their gratitude to Yu Zhen.

For safety reasons, the original plan to sail in offshore waters was terminated, and the cruise ship turned around and returned. Fortunately, this cruise ship did not go too deep into the sea, and it only took one to two hours to return to Donghai Port. What doubled the sense of security for everyone on the cruise ship was that they were escorted by a black-level mecha on the way back.

Yu Zhen controlled the mecha to fly above the cruise ship. Below the mecha, there were chains connected to the ten thousand-year ice dragon that was suppressed by the lightning chain cage.

From time to time, everyone cast their eyes with envy and awe.

Yu Nanyuan had already asked the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake to send him and Xu Xiaoyan to the wide deck in front of the cruise ship. Xu Xingwei and Xu Xiaoyu immediately greeted them.

Xu Xiaoyan didn't say a word, just sniffed hard, and the crystal tears couldn't stop falling from the corners of his eyes, almost soaking most of Yu Nanyuan's coat. No wonder girls are said to be made of water.

"Xiaoyan is probably just too frightened." Xu Xingwei, the chief financial officer of Donghai City, who was serious and rigid in front of outsiders, also showed a tender side in front of his own daughter. He gently wiped Xu Xiaoyan's tears, and then used his soul power to make him fall into a coma.

"Xiaoyu, please take Xiaoyan back to the room to rest for a while."

"Yes, father." Xu Xiaoyu took Xu Xiaoyan from Xu Xingwei's arms with a concerned look, then turned and walked towards the guest room of the cruise ship.

As soon as Yu Nanyuan took off his soaked coat, Xu Xingwei stepped forward and patted Yu Nanyuan's shoulder affectionately, making no secret of his appreciation for Yu Nanyuan.

"Nanyuan, thanks to you, Xiaoyan didn't have any accidents."

"Uncle Xu, these are what I should do. When I was very young, I knew that I had to take good care of Xiaoyan." Yu Nanyuan's smile was warm and sincere. Although he is used to hiding his emotions in front of outsiders, he actually does so to prevent those close to him from worrying about him.

On the contrary, Yu Nanyuan pays more attention to feelings than many openly enthusiastic people.

"Good boy." The admiration in Xu Xingwei's eyes became more intense. Even for his talented son Xu Xiaoyu, he had never praised him so much. He knew very well that Yu Nanyuan's character, temperament, and talent, combined with these various conditions, were destined to be extraordinary.

Yu Nanyuan smiled considerately and said: "Uncle Xu, you should also go and accompany Xiaoyan. Grandpa is here, I have no problem."

"Okay, I'll go over first." Xu Xingwei rubbed Yu Nanyuan's head affectionately without saying anything more polite.

After watching Xu Xingwei leave, Yu Nanyuan put his coat into his storage soul guide and raised his head to feel the sea breeze blowing in his face. His mid-length silver hair was flying messily, and his golden eyes also had a strange look of determination.

Although his talent is very good, he is still too weak at this stage. The feeling of powerlessness when facing that thousand-year-old ice dragon was hurting him deeply.

There is no grand and noble reason, and he does not want to be the so-called savior of this world. His original intention of pursuing power was just to protect himself and those close to him.

"Hey!" A slender hand gently patted Yu Nanyuan's shoulder. He turned around subconsciously and saw that Ouyang Zixin had appeared in front of him at some unknown time. There is a charming smile on her pretty face, and there is a hint of playfulness in her gentleness.

Yu Nanyuan's expression returned to normal and he greeted Ouyang Zixin.

"Sister Zixin."

"I didn't expect you to be quite brave Nanyuan. You could still think of protecting Xiaoyan at that time. Now I'm a little impressed with you." Ouyang Zixin bent down with a smile, stretched out her hands and pinched Yu Nanyuan's cheeks. .

Yu Nanyuan's skin is very good, fair, delicate and very elastic. She will basically do this every time she meets Yu Nanyuan.

Yu Nanyuan and Ouyang Zixi were so familiar that they didn't show any shyness or restraint, and said with a smile: "If it were Sister Zixin, I would definitely protect you, Sister Zixin, just like I protect Xiaoyan."

"You are a kid." Ouyang Zixin tenderly tapped Yu Nanyuan on the head, then folded her hands behind her back and came to Yu Nanyuan's side. She also looked at the sea in the distance, with a smile on her pretty face. .

"But I look forward to the day when I can be protected by Nanyuan."

What Ouyang Zixin didn't know was that while he was talking to Yu Nanyuan, Mu Xi happened to come over to find her.

Hearing Ouyang Zixin's words of praise for Yu Nanyuan, Mu Xi, who had always been arrogant, suddenly blushed with shame on her cheeks.

When she faced Yu Nanyuan before, she looked like she was above her head, but she never thought that Yu Nanyuan was innately full of soul power, and the soul he obtained was even more powerful. Yu Nanyuan's talent is far stronger than hers. Moreover, when the cruise ship was attacked by the ten-thousand-year-old ice dragon, she acted in a very embarrassed manner, and only gradually calmed down with the support of her father.

Comparing the two with each other, a judgment can be made instantly.

Although Mu Xi knew that Ouyang Zixin was not deliberately mirroring her, with her shallow face, she was too embarrassed to come to Ouyang Zixin again.

Through the released mental power, Yu Nanyuan discovered Mu Xi who had come and returned, and the expression on his face became a little strange. However, he understood and said nothing, saving Mu Xi's face.

As time goes by, the night gets darker. The cruise ship also arrived at Donghai Port on time.

After a series of handovers were completed, everyone parted ways one after another. Xu Xingwei and Xu Xiaoyu left first with the sleeping Xu Xiaoyan.

Yu Zhen asked the driver Xiao Li to send Yu Nanyuan back first, while he controlled the mecha to control the thousand-year-old ice dragon to the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

The top floor of a high-rise building in the center of Donghai City.

Returning to the empty home, Yu Nanyuan seemed to have made up his mind and opened the door to the room that he had not entered for a long time. This room is about the same size as Yu Zhen's study, but the overall layout is closer to that of a laboratory.

Various high-end instruments used to make soul guides are placed on matte metal tables. The profession of soul master originated from the Sun and Moon Empire and has a history of tens of thousands of years. The Yu family is a soul master family with a long history, and many of their ancestors have even entered the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Master Academy for further studies.

Under Yu Zhen's deliberate teaching, Yu Nanyuan showed extraordinary talent in making soul tools at a very young age. He also firmly believes that if he works hard to learn how to make soul tools, he will one day be praised by his parents like other peers.

But Yu Heng and Nan Xi never came back. The disappointments again and again made him disheartened, and finally gave up completely on becoming a soul engineer.

It was also from that time that Yu Nanyuan began to learn to disguise his emotions and always showed a false face to others. It wasn't until today that he decided to pick up these things again and lay a solid foundation for becoming a powerful combat armor master in the future.

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