Even with the eyesight of Mu Chen, an Eight-Star Saint Craftsman, when he saw that the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce actually took out a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone for auction, the expression on his face was somewhat astonished.

With the soul beasts on the continent on the verge of extinction, soul bones are more cherished than ever. The vast majority of soul bones are in the hands of major forces and soul master families, and ordinary soul masters have no way of accessing them.

It seems that the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce successfully hunted a sea dragon with ten thousand years of cultivation in the sea, and was lucky enough to obtain such a soul bone.

Thinking of this, Mu Chen subconsciously looked at his daughter Mu Xi beside him.

If he came across a soul bone suitable for his daughter, he would naturally spend a lot of money to get it. After all, with such a soul bone to lay the foundation, Mu Xi's future cultivation journey will be smoother. Thousand-year-old soul bones can truly improve a soul master's talent.

It's a pity that the properties of this soul bone completely conflict with their martial souls.

According to legend, the Sea Dragon was originally a branch of the Water Dragon King. Later, with the decline of the Dragon Clan, it was forced to move into the sea and controlled powerful water-attribute talents. After countless years of reproduction, many other races with sea dragon blood gradually appeared in the sea, and other branches began to evolve.

Judging from the intense cold air emanating from the pale blue right arm soul bone, it was clear that the sea dragon that produced this soul bone was a different species of ice dragon from the sea dragon clan. On the basis of water attributes, ice attribute abilities have been mutated.

Mu Xi and Ouyang Zixin were also shocked. This was the first time they had seen the legendary soul bones up close. However, the properties of this soul bone do not match their martial souls. Compared to Xu Xiaoyu, they are more able to maintain a normal mind.

After a brief pause, the host standing on the auction stage spoke again.

"Dear guests, our East China Sea Chamber of Commerce has specially asked someone to identify it. This soul bone should come from the Ice Dragon Clan among the sea dragons. Although this soul bone has not solidified the Ice Breath, the most powerful talent soul skill of the Ice Dragon Clan, But it must also be able to bring a powerful ice attribute soul skill to the fusion. Its starting price is 300 million federal coins, and each increase in price must not be less than 10 million federal coins."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place suddenly fell into silence. The price of 300 million federal coins is undoubtedly an astronomical figure, and it is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

You know, the prices of many thousand-year souls sold in the Spirit Transferring Tower are generally between 50 million federal coins and 100 million federal coins. Only those ten-thousand-year-old souls with particularly noble blood and great potential can sell for such high prices.

In fact, for ordinary soul masters, the value of a ten-thousand-year soul is much higher than that of a ten-thousand-year soul bone. Thousand-year soul bones can indeed greatly improve the abilities of soul masters, but they cannot help them break through bottlenecks. But the ten-thousand-year soul is enough to attach four black ten-thousand-year soul rings to the soul master.

Only a large family of soul masters with a profound foundation would choose the former between ten thousand year soul bones and ten thousand year souls. Because they have enough background support, they will not be like those ordinary soul masters who only have one chance to choose in their lifetime. Even ordinary soul masters may not even have a chance to choose.

Among the big soul master families in Donghai City, the Xu family is the only one who has such a foundation and whose martial soul attributes match this soul bone.

The Xu family is a large family of soul masters with a very ancient heritage. Xu Xiaoyan's family is actually just the main lineage of this generation of the Xu family.

After the silence, everyone present turned their attention to Xu Xingwei and Yu Zhen.

Yu Zhen frowned slightly and was keenly aware of something. For tonight's auction, the Donghai Chamber of Commerce may have come just for the Xu family. To be more precise, it was because of the convenience that Xu Xingwei, the chief financial officer of Donghai City, could provide.

"Xingwei." Yu Zhen reminded in a deep voice.

"Uncle Yu, I understand."

Xu Xingwei's frown slowly relaxed, and then he stood up and looked at the host who was carrying out the auction process according to the procedures with a solemn face, and said in a calm tone.

"Five billion federal coins."

Xu Xingwei's courage once again shocked everyone present. With the Xu family's thousands of years of experience, spending these 500 million federal coins is probably the limit. Many people present also knew the reason for Xu Xingwei's price increase.

Judging from the expression on the host's face, it was clear that something was unexpected. Just as Yu Zhen guessed, the Donghai Chamber of Commerce held this auction for a certain purpose.

"Just announce the auction results." A deep voice came from the headset, and the host calmed down and announced loudly.

"Five hundred million federal coins! Is there any VIP with a higher bid?! Five hundred million federal coins for the first time! Five hundred million federal coins for the second time! Third time, deal done!"

Xu Xiaoyu couldn't help but have a dreamlike feeling at this moment. He knew that Xu Xingwei took the picture of this soul bone for himself and his sister. But soon, the excitement in his heart was diluted.

Because there is only one soul bone.

At this moment, a huge roar sounded, and the ship shook violently.

"Rumble--" followed by another strong aftermath, and frightened screams instantly filled every corner of the luxury cruise ship.

The soul guidance shield activated on its own, and huge spiral water columns shot out from the sea, slamming hard on the soul guidance shield that had caused ripples.

By coincidence, at Yu Nanyuan's instigation, Xu Xiaoyan was bravely standing on the open-air balcony of the dessert shop on the second floor of the deck, looking at the stars in the sky. She was thrown out by the tilting cruise ship, and her face turned pale. Because of the extreme fear in my heart, I couldn't even make a sound.

Faced with this unexpected change, Yu Nanyuan was also unexpected. He instinctively stabilized his body at the first moment and exclaimed anxiously in his heart.


"Crash-" The void chains blooming with dazzling silver light were released instantly, the silver light flashed, and his figure instantly appeared in the sky outside the cruise ship deck. Because of the violent energy fluctuations, his external mental power could not determine Xu Xiaoyan's specific location at all, and he could only observe it with his eyes.

Fortunately, with the buffer of the soul shield, Xu Xiaoyan was not far away from being thrown out. At this time, it was falling toward the sea below along the tall side hull of the cruise ship. The strong sense of fear made her feel extremely depressed, her breathing became difficult, and even her consciousness became a little blurry.

In a daze, Xu Xiaoyan saw a silver chain running down from the void. Yu Nanyuan controlled the chain with one hand and ran along the hull of the cruise ship, approaching her quickly. Before she could react, she fell into a warm embrace.

The feeling of weightlessness disappeared, and a strange snake with transparent silver wings on its back penetrated the void. Its head protruding from the void supported the bodies of Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan, and then suddenly lifted into the air.

It was Yu Nanyuan's first soul, the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake.

After its cultivation reached more than six hundred years, the body length of the Silver-Winged Void-Breaking Snake has also grown to six meters away, and the fine scales covering its body have become more angular, like sharp saw teeth. The deep black eyes give people a majestic and mysterious feeling. That coercion is completely unlike an ordinary century-old soul.

After communicating with each other, Yu Nanyuan held Xu Xiaoyan in his arms and let the silver-winged Void-Breaking Snake fly toward the banquet hall on the top deck. With Mu Chen and his grandfather here, this place should be the safest.

And out of the corner of his eye, he also saw the culprit behind this incident.

It was an existence that was over twenty meters long and shaped like a sea snake. However, there is a raised ice-blue horn on its forehead, which is crystal clear. Round blue scales covered the whole body, and a pair of huge bright yellow eyes locked the figures of Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan coldly.

Yu Nanyuan made the right choice, but they became the targets of this soul beast as they ascended into the air.

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