Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 194 Challenge the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy

A silver soul-guiding car sped past on the soul-guiding highway. The slender body was covered with a light white soul-guiding shield to reduce wind resistance as much as possible.

The convenience of a soul-guided car is that you can spend money to recharge it at a specific place, or the soul master can directly inject soul power into it.

On this basis, the soul-guiding car customized by Yu Nanyuan also added some other functions. For example, the soul guidance shield that is released now.

Except that this soul-guided car cannot fly and does not have soul-guided weapons, it is almost equivalent to a weakened version of the yellow-level mecha. When the power is fully turned on, the speed is comparable to that of a soul guide train.

According to the prompts on the navigation system and driving at this speed, they will arrive in Mingdu in about twelve hours.

The soul guide car drove very smoothly, not only because of its excellent performance, but also because of Yu Nanyuan's superb driving skills.

Gu Yue used Yu Nanyuan's soul communicator to send a text message to all the students in Grade 1, Class 1, and soon received replies from some people.

"Xu Yucheng and Luo Guixing are also in Mingdu. They have completed the rendezvous with Wu Siduo and are waiting for us to pass. The other people who are relatively close to Mingdu are also rushing towards Mingdu now."

The students who can be admitted to Shrek Academy are all the proud ones from all over the mainland. We are all smart people. Although the defeat of Tang Wulin and Xie Xie caused Shrek Academy to fall into a storm of public opinion, it was a rare opportunity for everyone.

Now Shrek Academy and Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy have become the focus of attention from all walks of life. If they can rise to the top by stepping on the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, they will definitely enter the sight of Shrek Academy's senior leaders.

Yu Nanyuan chuckled.

"It seems that Xu Yucheng and Luo Guixing are not sure, so they are waiting for us."

"The martial soul fusion skills of the two female students from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy are very compatible. They are at least much better than the ice and snow forest of second-year Zhou Hanyou and Zhou Tian'er. It's not just them who are unsure, but also Wu Si. Duo." Gu Yue said lightly.

Although Gu Yue acted calmly, there was inevitably a hint of competitiveness in her tone. Especially when it comes to outstanding girls of the same age like Wu Siduo and Yuanen Yehui.

Naturally, Yu Nanyuan would not continue, and changed the subject with his usual expression.

"Gu Yue, please also contact Wulin and Xie Xie."


However, Xu Xiaoyan showed hesitation and couldn't help but remind: "Nanyuan, Sister Gu Yue. Should we contact Teacher Wu or the academy?"

"No need. Since the college didn't take the initiative to contact us, it probably just wanted us to solve it ourselves." Yu Nanyuan knew in his heart that this matter might be included in Shrek College's final assessment.

"It seems that this is really possible." Xu Xiaoyan's eyes suddenly widened, and a pair of white and straight calves were swaying.

"Forget it, never mind. I don't want to worry about this anyway. I will listen to you no matter what you do. Hehe, it's good to be a carefree little princess."

Xu Xiaoyan's emotional intelligence and character are actually not bad, but she is used to Yu Nanyuan helping her arrange everything, and her weak temperament is a bit cowardly.

It is undeniable that this part of the reason for the escape that night did exist. Living in your comfort zone for a long time makes it really difficult to get out.

"Being carefree does not mean being careless. You will suffer from this in the future." Yu Nanyuan said with a smile.

Xu Xiaoyan couldn't help rolling her eyes, puffing out her small breasts and humming cutely.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Xu Xiaoyan was completely immersed in his own world, but Gu Yue on the side noticed the loneliness deep in Yu Nanyuan's eyes through the rearview mirror in the car.

She remembered that Yu Nanyuan told her that the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy was the academy where his father graduated.

When her eyes met Yu Nanyuan's, Gu Yue's eyes couldn't help but soften a lot.

Among the three of them, Xu Xiaoyan seemed to be the only outsider, but she didn't know it. Qiao smiled sweetly and looked out the window, admiring the scenery along the way.

Perhaps due to over-exploitation of resources, the western region with Mingdu as its core looks a bit desolate compared to the central region of the continent.

But for Xu Xiaoyan, this felt like a novelty.

Mingdu is the most modern city on the Douluo Continent. It is not only the core of the entire West, but also the headquarters of the Sun and Moon Federation.

When Yu Nanyuan drove the soul car near Mingdu, it was already late at night that day. The endless towering buildings in Mingdu are as far as the eye can see, and they are even more shocking at night.

If Shrek City is a combination of classical and modern, then Mingdu is a pure high-tech steel forest. Each building has its own characteristics, and many buildings look strange and eye-catching.

The lights are bright and the traffic is busy.

In the sky of Mingdu, there are also soul-guided cars that are floating and flying by, but these soul-guided cars have no wheels and are more like special aircraft.

Xu Xiaoyan was already a little tired from the continuous rush, but when he saw the flying objects in the sky, he was instantly resurrected with full health and screamed.

"Sister Gu Yue, is that a high-altitude flying car?"

"It should be so. I heard the teacher say that the high-altitude flying car is currently only being tested here in Mingdu." Gu Yue stared out the window, a hint of coldness passing deep in her eyes.

This is the technology of the human world. In just ten thousand years of development, their soul beasts' living space has been squeezed out to very little.

"Gu Yue, please contact Wu Siduo and the others. We'll go find them right away." After verifying his identity at the highway exit, Yu Nanyuan drove the soul car into Mingdu.

In terms of city size, Mingdu may not be as good as Shrek City, but in terms of building density and population, it is definitely far greater than Shrek City.

Through the location sent by Wu Siduo, Yu Nanyuan and the others traveled around Mingdu for more than an hour.

Xu Xiaoyan, who was very interested in Mingdu at first, soon lost his enthusiasm. He pouted and said, "It's too depressing and too fast here. I still prefer our environment in Donghai City."

After entering Mingdu, both Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue seemed very silent.

While Xu Xiaoyan was talking, they finally found the hotel where Wu Siduo and others were staying.

Whether Wu Siduo, Luo Guixing and Xu Yucheng, they all come from big families. Although the hotel I chose to stay in was not particularly luxurious, it was still in the mid-to-high-end category.

There were specialized staff who helped Yu Nanyuan drive the soul car into the underground garage, and they came to the magnificent hall on the first floor of the hotel. The decoration style of the hotel in Mingdu is also biased toward the metallic style. Special rare metals are incorporated into many places, and strange cloud patterns are imprinted on them.

In the seating area in the corner of the hall, a stunning-looking girl was sitting. The girl has long wavy brown-red hair hanging down her back, her arms are folded across her chest, and she has a cold temperament, giving her a feeling that strangers are not allowed to enter her.

As soon as they entered the hotel, Yu Nanyuan and the others noticed this girl.

"Wu Siduo?"

"Come with me." Wu Siduo glanced at Yu Nanyuan first, then turned his attention to Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan behind him, and nodded gently.

"We booked a dedicated conference room in this hotel."

Wu Siduo personally led the three of Yu Nanyuan into the soul elevator in the hall.

In the slightly narrow elevator space, four people looked at each other.

Wu Siduo's figure was already tall, basically on the same level as Gu Yue. However, in terms of capital somewhere, Gu Yue lost quite completely.

In Xu Xiaoyan's horizontal line of sight, he would always inadvertently catch a glimpse of the fullness of Wu Siduo's chest.

Usually when I'm with Gu Yue, the contrast isn't that obvious. But looking at Wu Siduo in front of her, she was really hit this time and muttered to herself.

"Can normal people really grow that big?"

Gu Yue was also examining Wu Siduo, but Wu Siduo was looking at Yu Nanyuan from beginning to end. It's like a complex four-corner relationship between men and women.

In this weird atmosphere, the expression on Yu Nanyuan's face became unnatural.

Fortunately, the soul elevator rang in time.


The metal doors of the soul elevator opened and closed on both sides, reaching the sixteenth floor of the hotel.

Yu Nanyuan coughed lightly.

"Wu Siduo, take us there."

Only then did Wu Siduo look away from Yu Nanyuan and walked out of the soul elevator. Yu Nanyuan and the other three followed Wu Siduo and finally walked into a spacious conference hall.

Luo Guixing, Xu Yucheng, Tang Wulin, and Xie Xie sat on both sides of the conference table, clearly separated from each other.

Tang Wulin and Xie Xie both lowered their heads dejectedly. They came to challenge the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy but suffered a disastrous defeat. It was definitely a big blow to them.

Once the psyche is frustrated, it will have a huge impact on future development.

Xu Yucheng's face was stern and his expression was indifferent, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. Luo Guixing smiled, tapping the index and middle fingers of her right hand gently on the table.

Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing, Luo Guixing and the others looked over subconsciously.

Under the gaze of everyone, Yu Nanyuan naturally sat at the main seat of the conference table. Before he could say anything, it was as if an invisible aura swept over him.

This was the momentum Yu Nanyuan had accumulated from continuously defeating his opponents over the years, and it instantly suffocated the entire audience.

Gu Yue and Wu Siduo sat in the first place on both sides of Yu Nanyuan. Xu Xiaoyan could only sit next to Gu Yue, and on the other side of her was Xie Xie.

Luo Guixing's expression changed slightly, but returned to normal after a moment. He said with a smile: "Squad leader, I think you should already know what happened this time. What do you think we should do?"

"I'm here to know what you think." Yu Nanyuan also smiled and looked at Luo Guixing.

Xu Yucheng said with a cold face: "Of course I'll call you back."

"Xu Yucheng, I remember that you were a student of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy before." Yu Nanyuan turned to look at Xu Yucheng.

Xu Yucheng's expression was calm and he shook his head.

"This does not affect the world. After all, strength speaks for itself. If the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy beat us, they will naturally get a corresponding reputation. On the contrary, if the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy loses, it will not be surprising. who."

"You're right, this world will ultimately speak for itself with strength." Yu Nanyuan nodded slightly, and Xu Yucheng's thoughts coincided with his.

"So, Wu Siduo, you also have this idea?"


Facing Yu Nanyuan's gaze, Wu Siduo's beautiful eyes were full of determination and heat, and a strong fighting spirit rose deep in her eyes.

Yu Nanyuan looked around at everyone and said with a smile: "In that case, let's go directly to the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy tomorrow."

"How many people are we going to fight?" Luo Guixing asked the question that concerned him most.

In Yu Nanyuan's view, as long as he plays, there will be no suspense in tomorrow's showdown. However, Luo Guixing took the initiative to ask him this question, and he also gave an affirmative answer.

"Just the six of us."

"Then should we make a tactical arrangement now? Xu Yucheng has a certain understanding of the most outstanding students in the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy."

Hearing this, Luo Guixing's eyes suddenly lit up.

He knew that the six people Yu Nanyuan mentioned were the four members on the young genius list plus Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan. Facing the elites of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, their team definitely needs a strong enough attack-type soul master to be at the front.

Although Wu Siduo possesses the power-attacking beast spirit White Tiger, her major is the ghost spirit cat spirit.

The only perfect candidate who is most suitable to block the front is Yu Nanyuan. In this way, he can naturally serve as the main controlling soul master in the team.

"It's up to you, but I will be the main attack this time." Yu Nanyuan was well aware of Luo Guixing's thoughts.

As expected, Luo Guixing clenched his fists excitedly. After suffering that setback, he had been waiting for such an opportunity to regain his confidence. And this time it is very likely that it will also emerge in the sight of Shrek Academy's senior officials.

Next, Xu Yucheng told everyone some of the information he knew.

The most outstanding students of the younger generation of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy are called the Seven Glorious Stars. There are seven of them in total. The senior management of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy had high hopes for them, hoping that they could represent the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy to compete with Shrek Academy in the future.

After the discussion ended, Wu Siduo, Xu Yucheng, and Luo Guixing left the conference hall one after another. At this time, only five people from Donghai City, Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, Xie Xie, and Tang Wulin, were left in the conference hall.

As losers, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie knew they were not qualified to interrupt, so they were extremely depressed.

After pondering for a moment, Yu Nanyuan suddenly asked the two of them: "Why do you think of coming to challenge the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy?"

"This was my idea." Tang Wulin said shyly.

"I think this final assessment is an experience for us. We not only need to complete the assessment, but also really get something from the assessment. So I thought of challenging the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, which is our academy's old enemy."

The ideals are beautiful, but they don’t have the ability to match them. This created such an embarrassing situation.

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