Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 192 The defeated dog Xu Xiaoyan

The battle between Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyu perfectly explained what a true young genius is.

Xu Xiaoyu looked at Yu Nanyuan opposite him blankly, feeling as if he was in another world. Although they were both on the competition stage, the distance between him and Yu Nanyuan was so far away.

The rays of the morning sun fell on Yu Nanyuan's face, highlighting the gentleness in his smile.

Nodding slightly to Xu Xiaoyu, he turned around and walked off the competition stage.

At this moment, everyone present seemed to be waking up from a dream.

Xu Xiaoyan couldn't help but roll her eyes at Yu Nanyuan, and said with a groan: "Now you are pretending to be fake again. I don't think you will be at ease anywhere."

"Am I not cooperating with the college's publicity?" Yu Nanyuan's tone was helpless.

"Besides, I have to save some face for Brother Xiaoyu, so I can only do what I did just now."

"His lack of strength is his fault. Why do you need to save face for him?" Xu Xiaoyan said with disgust.

"Haven't you heard a saying, face must be earned by oneself, not given by others."

If Xu Xiaoyu was strong enough, Mu Xi might not pay so much attention to Yu Nanyuan. In short, Xu Xiaoyan attributed all the problems to his brother.

"Okay, let's go." Yu Nanyuan reminded, and then looked sideways at Gu Yue.

"Get ready, you will set out in the next few days to complete the remaining tasks of the final assessment. I have planned the route in advance. Let's start from the Tianhai Alliance first, and then go all the way west to Mingdu in the west. Open the soul guide directly If you drive there, it will be easier to find suitable opponents in the city."

"Okay! We can just stop by and have some fun. Except for our Donghai City and Shrek City, I haven't been to other cities yet." Xu Xiaoyan's eyes lit up and he said enthusiastically.

"Just look at the arrangements."

Gu Yue seemed relatively calm, but did not raise any objection.

A smile appeared in Yu Nanyuan's eyes.

Since Gu Yue can talk to her, it means that her mood has almost calmed down now.

On the other side, Yu Zhen stared at Yu Nanyuan's back gradually disappearing from sight on the rostrum.

Unlike others present, he somewhat saw the clue in Yu Nanyuan's shot.

Yu Nanyuan did not use the soul ring skill, but that shot clearly incorporated the effect of the soul bone skill. During this period, there were even special soul power fluctuations caused by the operation of the soul core.

These were things Yu Zhen didn’t know about beforehand.

In one year, Yu Nanyuan can be said to have undergone a radical change.

For the first time, Yu Zhen felt unfamiliar with his grandson, but the main reason was because Yu Nanyuan's growth was out of his control.

If Yu Nanyuan insists on doing something in the future, he may not be able to stop it.

At the end of the competition, a series of speeches are indispensable to achieve the effect of motivating students and promoting publicity.

But these things have nothing to do with Yu Nanyuan and others.

Arriving at the underground garage, Gu Yue still sat in the back seat of the soul guide car and said in a calm tone.

"Send me to the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda."

Xu Xiaoyan didn't wait to get into Xu Xiaoyu's car, he opened the door naturally and sat next to Gu Yue. From Gu Yue's behavior and words, she was certain of one thing.

Gu Yue mentioned asking Yu Nanyuan to send her to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, which meant that Gu Yue did go to the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda last night as she thought.

"Sister Gu Yue, let me take you over there too." Xu Xiaoyan sat on the soft seat, smiling and shaking her white calves.

If there were only two people, Yu Nanyuan and her, she would definitely sit in the passenger seat. But now that Gu Yue is here, she naturally needs to sit with her best friend.

Xu Xiaoyan held one of Gu Yue's arms affectionately.

Xu Xiaoyan's right arm was held in his arms, and the strange touch made Gu Yue look slightly sideways. Everything she saw was barren, and the expression on her face couldn't help but become subtle.

There is sympathy and closeness.

"Okay, let's go there together."

From Gu Yue's perspective, Xu Xiaoyan was like a harmless pet that would not pose any threat to her. And such people happen to be excellent candidates for allies.

When dealing with Na'er in the future, joining hands with Xu Xiaoyan may be a good choice.

Yu Nanyuan drove the soul guide car out of Donghai Academy with ease and went straight to Donghai Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

Along the way, he told Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan in detail the arrangements for completing the final assessment.

"There are many intermediate soul master academies in the Tianhai Alliance. It should be no problem for my grandfather to say hello to the deans of those academies. But if the Tianhai Alliance comes out, we need to find our own opponents, or find an The local soul master academy came to visit."

"Let's go to the Spirit Pagoda after that. I'll ask my teacher to help us make arrangements." Gu Yue replied. From her brisk tone, it was obvious that her mood had improved a lot.

Xu Xiaoyan chuckled.

"Sister Gu Yue, does this count as a back door? If the college asks us to write a final assessment summary, I think we might as well just write about my grandfather, the dean, and my deputy tower teacher."

Although Xu Xiaoyan said so, looking at her look, she didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed.

While driving, Yu Nanyuan said with a smile: "According to the academy's point of view, personal connections also belong to one's own abilities, and there is nothing wrong with doing so. However, Tianding Starry Sky Soul Master Academy over there in Tianding City still has to go according to the original plan. One trip. There is a special star observatory in that academy, which can absorb star power from the outer starry sky. Xiaoyan, your martial soul should be able to absorb that star power, thereby improving your soul power. You should try to do it early. Breakthrough, after all, if you want to fuse the bearing battle armor, under normal circumstances, you need at least a fourth-ring soul sect or above."

"Yeah, I'll work hard." Xu Xiaoyan nodded repeatedly. Her ability in mecha design has almost reached level four during this period. With Yu Nanyuan's help, it is not difficult to complete the design drawings of the one-word battle armor. All she lacks now is her soul power cultivation.

She had long wanted to have her own battle armor like Gu Yue, and it was a battle armor made by Yu Nanyuan himself.

At this moment, the screen of Yu Nanyuan's soul communicator suddenly lit up.

Yu Zhen seemed to know that he was driving Gu Yue off, so he just sent a text message.

"Nanyuan, what's going on?" Xu Xiaoyan asked casually with a puzzled look on his face.

Yu Nanyuan frowned slightly, and then slowly relaxed it, with a vague guess in his mind.

"Grandpa is going to hold a Donghai College alumni gathering at the Donghai Hotel tonight, and he specifically asked me to attend that evening. But I think grandpa probably has something to tell me."

"Donghai College Alumni Association?" Xu Xiaoyan opened her red lips in surprise, and her light blue eyes were filled with light.

"You need to dress up for such an occasion, and I want to go too!"

As a girl, who doesn’t like to look her best in a beautiful dress?

"Sister Gu Yue, are you going?" Xu Xiaoyan asked Gu Yue impatiently.

Gu Yue glanced at Yu Nanyuan first, and then gently shook her head.

"I won't go. I have other things to do in the evening."

Yu Nanyuan made eye contact with Gu Yue through the rearview mirror in the car. He knew that Gu Yue wanted to leave him some time alone with his grandfather and grandson. However, there was also a hint of warning deep in Gu Yue's eyes.

Yu Nanyuan understood clearly and gave Gu Yue a reassuring look.

"Hey? Sister Gu Yue, aren't you going?" Xu Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then he realized what he was doing and his expression was moved.

Is Sister Gu Yue deliberately creating opportunities for Nan Yuan and me?

They will always be best friends for life!

Xu Xiaoyan's slightly red eyes made Gu Yue confused, but before she could say anything, the soul guide car arrived at the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

After separating from Gu Yue, Yu Nanyuan sent Xu Xiaoyan back home.

Xu Xiaoyan attaches great importance to tonight's social gathering and has been preparing for it since the morning.

Yu Nanyuan took advantage of this gap to go to the Mecha Master Association.

This time when he left Donghai City, he planned to bring his own mecha. Not only will Shrek Academy offer a special mecha control course next semester, but it may also be useful when traveling to Star Luo Continent a year later.

As night fell, the Donghai College Alumni Association was held as scheduled in the grand banquet hall on the top floor of the Donghai Hotel.

The spacious hall is splendidly decorated and can accommodate thousands of people dining at the same time. Because it was a social gathering, all the tables, chairs and benches had been removed. Only some high tables remained in the hall, with many exquisite snacks and drinks placed on them.

Such an occasion is undoubtedly the best platform for exchanging contacts and resources, and with alumni connections, it is even more natural for them to talk to each other.

Almost all the graduates of Donghai College within the Tianhai Alliance gathered here. Everyone dressed up and entered, and the hall quickly became lively.

Yu Nanyuan was also wearing formal clothes and was surrounded by a circle of people.

No matter what the occasion, he is the one that attracts everyone's attention.

Yu Nanyuan's height has long exceeded 1.8 meters. He has a tall and straight figure, slender but not slender, and has long silver hair. The close-fitting silver dress and starched trousers had no luxurious decorations. With his perfect appearance and temperament, there was no need to use clothes to highlight anything.

He was smiling and talking to the people around him, and he was coping well.

Xu Xiaoyan stood glumly in the corner of the banquet hall, looking at Yu Nanyuan as if he were holding the moon from the stars.

Her outfit today is also stunning, wearing a light blue knee-length dress. The upper body looks like a simple off-shoulder dress, and the lower body is a pleated skirt decorated with little gold stars.

There were many people chatting with Xu Xiaoyan tonight, but she had no such intention because she only wanted Yu Nanyuan's attention. In the end, she simply found a corner and sulked alone.

During this period, even if Xu Xiaoyu came to look for her, she didn't pay much attention to him.

There were many familiar faces at this sorority. Not only Xu Xiaoyu, but also Ouyang Zixin, Mu Xi, and Yu Zhen's direct disciple Yin Luan were all there.

After greetings, Yu Nanyuan and Yinluan completed the handover and took the initiative to approach Xu Xiaoyan.

"Go outside and get some fresh air." Yu Nanyuan smiled slightly, grabbed Xu Xiaoyan's fair wrist, and walked toward the open-air balcony.

"I don't mean to ignore you. In fact, I don't really like such occasions."

"I think you enjoyed it just now." Xu Xiaoyan snorted cutely, but all the dissatisfaction in her heart dissipated instantly when Yu Nanyuan put on the dress for her.

The silver moon is bright and clear, hanging high in the night sky.

Xu Xiaoyan hugged the silver dress that was warmed by Yu Nanyuan's body with both hands, with a charming blush on her cheeks.

After taking off the dress, Yu Nanyuan's slim-fitting white shirt was revealed, with pleats on the chest from top to bottom. He put his arms on the balcony and looked up at the night sky. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly turned around and stared at Xu Xiaoyan with burning eyes.

"Xiaoyan, who do you think I am to you?"

"You...what did you say?!" Xu Xiaoyan was completely stunned. He couldn't help but feel flustered and dared not look directly into Yu Nanyuan's eyes.

Yu Nanyuan continued to ask in a deep voice with a serious face: "You understand what I mean, I want to know what you are thinking."

Xu Xiaoyan had imagined various situations between her and Yu Nanyuan in the future, but Yu Nanyuan's questioning of her tonight was something she had not expected at all. Her thoughts were very confused now, and her instinct drove her to choose to escape.

"I don't know!" Xu Xiaoyan ran away in panic.

On the open-air balcony, a series of steady footsteps sounded, and a hand was placed on Yu Nanyuan's shoulder.

Yu Nanyuan raised his head, saw his grandfather, and forced a smile.


"Nanyuan, let's have a good chat tonight." Yu Zhen took off his gold-rimmed glasses, his deep eyes full of kindness.

That night, the grandfather and grandson talked for a long time, and no one left until everyone in the banquet hall left.

For the first time, Yu Nanyuan revealed his feelings in front of his grandfather, not only about Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue, but also about the change in his attitude towards his parents. From the initial anticipation, to numbness later, and now resentment.

Yu Zhen finally had the opportunity to tell Yu Nanyuan completely about Yu Nanyuan's parents. He felt that Yu Nanyuan should at least let Yu Nanyuan know the cause and effect.

But the final result was that Yu Nanyuan still did not change his mind. The only thing he concealed was his obsession.

After staying in Donghai City for two days, Yu Nanyuan drove Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan out of Donghai City in a soul guide car, preparing to complete the final assessment task.

Xu Xiaoyan pretended to be stupid and confused what happened that night, and Yu Nanyuan didn't take the initiative to mention it again.

After getting through the initial uncomfortable period, Xu Xiaoyan gradually returned to the way he used to get along with Yu Nanyuan, and everything seemed to be so at ease.

But this time she was doomed to become a loser.

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