Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 162 Two soul bones that are infinitely close to one hundred thousand years old

Yalisu waved her hand lightly, and a soft golden holy light fell, interrupting Yuanen Yehui's fourth soul skill of ten thousand years.

Yuanen Yehui's injuries and soul power were also rapidly recovering, and under the influence of the aura of Yali's praying angel martial spirit, he was forced to release the possessed state of the fallen angel martial spirit.

"Crash-" The silver chain in the sky merged into the void again, and Yu Nanyuan's figure floated to the ground.

Le Zhengyu was a little unlucky. Although he was no longer bound by the Void Dragon Locking Formation, his martial soul and soul power continued to remain dormant for some time. It wasn't until he was about to fall to the ground that he regained control over his martial soul and soul power, and staggered to steady his body.

Looking at the elegant and calm Yu Nanyuan in front of him with a calm face, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

He found that since he met Yu Nanyuan, he had basically become a backdrop to Yu Nanyuan every time.

"The first grade class won this team battle, and this competition is over." Yali looked at the competition arena, and her peaceful voice echoed throughout the audience.

No one present raised any objection to the results of the competition announced by Yali.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yu Nanyuan absolutely suppressed Yuan En Yehui from the beginning to the end.

Even Yuanen Yehui herself didn't feel that using the fourth soul skill of the Fallen Angel Martial Spirit was enough for her to win this game. She just wasn't willing to give in and wanted to make a final fight, even though she might have to pay a certain price for it.

It was precisely because Yali saw this that she stopped Yuan En Yehui in time.

The powerful strength displayed by Yu Nanyuan once again made the students in Class 1 of the first grade and Class 1 of the second grade feel a deep sense of powerlessness. The ability to control the Holy Angel's martial soul through unknown means adds a bit of mystery to Yu Nanyuan.

Under Yu Nanyuan's brilliance, any proud man will look dim.

At this moment, Yali's figure floated up without a trace of fireworks, and smiled at Yu Nanyuan.

"Nanyuan, come with me."

"Yes, Master." Yu Nanyuan responded respectfully, jumped off the sparring ring and quickly followed Yali.

"Master's wife?!"

Listening to Yu Nanyuan's name for Yali, many people's eyes suddenly widened.

Yali's status in Shrek Academy is obviously much higher than that of Mr. Cai, the dean of the outer academy. Such a titled Douluo with unfathomable cultivation is actually Yu Nanyuan's junior wife?

Is Yu Nanyuan's teacher the one from Poseidon Pavilion? !

Such thoughts appeared in everyone's minds invariably, and most of them were consistent.

The person who felt the most astonished was Xu Xiaoyan, who had grown up with Yu Nanyuan. She stared blankly at the backs of Yu Nanyuan and Yali gradually disappearing from sight, feeling that her brain was a little out of use.

When did Nanyuan gain such a master wife? Why doesn't she know anything?

There was another thing that Xu Xiaoyan was particularly concerned about, and that was why Yu Nanyuan didn't tell her about it.

They are childhood sweethearts, and they must be honest with each other without any reservations!

Wu Zhangkong, Shen Yi and the two head teachers of Class 1 of Grade 2 announced the disbandment on the spot.

The competition is over and classes will continue from tomorrow.

Everyone dispersed in droves.

Le Zhengyu looked at Yuan En Ye Hui with a frown. As a direct descendant of the Holy Angel family, he recognized the origin of Yuan En Ye Hui's fourth soul skill at a glance.

The fallen angel martial soul coupled with this extremely dangerous soul skill will definitely bring disaster to the mainland in the future.

According to his family rules, when encountering such a person, he must be captured immediately, or at least his cultivation level must be abolished.

However, from Holy Spirit Douluo Yali's attitude towards Yuanen Yehui, Le Zhengyu knew that there must be some inside story.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally suppressed his thoughts.

The faces of the three Poseidon Pavilion elders, Mr. Cai, Zhuo Shi, and Feng Wuyu, were also extremely solemn.

Mr. Cai looked at Yuan En Yehui with slightly changed eyes.

"This little girl has inherited her mother's bloodline and talent."

"That soul skill just now should be the Gate of Hell." Zhuo Shi said in a deep voice.

"Her talent is probably even higher than that of her mother. The Gate of Hell is the real power of the devil. The power of the devil is not that easy to use. If your own will is not firm, your soul may be affected. Eventually he became the agent of evil walking in the world."

"Are you, old man, Zhuo Shi, scared?" Feng Wuyu curled his lips disdainfully.

"With the Pavilion Master here in the academy, what else can go wrong? Besides, that little girl's cultivation is far from the realm of a Titled Douluo."

After saying that, Feng Wuyu disappeared in a flash.

Where Zhuoshi couldn't see it, the disdain on his face instantly turned into a sly smile.

"I have taken over that little guy named Tang Wulin. Hey, you old man, just wait and stare at him in troubled times."

After Yuan En Yehui's mother broke through to the realm of Titled Douluo, she possessed the fallen angel spirit and became the coordinate of the demon plane connecting to the Douluo plane. The invasion of the demon plane caused heavy casualties to the Yuanen family. In the end, Qingtian Douluo led the strong men from Shrek Academy to support and survived.

Cai Yue'er, Zhuo Shi, Feng Wuyu and other elders of Poseidon Pavilion had all participated in the original operation.

On the way to Poseidon Pavilion, Yali also told Yu Nanyuan from beginning to end the disaster that happened to the Yuanen family.

On the clear mist-shrouded Poseidon Lake, Yu Nanyuan and Yali walked side by side towards Poseidon Island.

Yali walked on the waves, looking like she was strolling in the garden, as graceful as dancing. Yu Nanyuan stepped on a silver chain that seemed to extend infinitely, walking steadily.

When talking about Yuanen Yehui's life experience, Yali couldn't help but sigh.

"In order to quell the hatred within the clan and to protect Yuan En Ye Hui and her father, Yuan En Ye Hui's mother finally chose to commit suicide. After learning the news, Yuan En Ye Hui's father also committed suicide without hesitation. He obtained the soul core and prepared to follow his mother. But fortunately, your teacher and the patriarch of the Yuanen family finally took action and finally saved his life. Later, due to various reasons, the Yuanen family sent Yuanen Yehui to Sent to the academy, where it remains today.”

Yali was deeply touched by the deep relationship between Yuanen Yehui's parents, but Yu Nanyuan's thoughts at this time were completely opposite to Yali's.

"Master Wife, isn't this all because of Yuanen Yehui's father's incompetence?" Yu Nanyuan raised his head and looked at Yali, seeming to have returned to his usual gentle smile.

"He had no ability to stop and protect his wife, and later he surrendered and evaded his responsibilities as a father. In this case, he should not have selfishly married Yuanen Yehui's mother from the beginning. All this was because he could not recognize Knowing his own abilities has led to such a tragedy. Such a person is destined to be a complete loser."

Yali suddenly held Yu Nanyuan's hand, her gentle and pitiful smile seemed to be able to heal the wounds deep in people's hearts.

"Nanyuan, no one is born perfect. A person will always have things beyond his ability. Even me, or your teacher, can still muster the courage even when he knows that he is beyond his capabilities. , to face it resolutely, isn’t this the greatness of human beings?”

Facing Yali's gaze, Yu Nanyuan shook his head firmly.

"No, Master Wife. I was born perfect and can do anything."

Yali looked slightly stunned and was speechless for a long time, her mood was very complicated.

But this was also the first time that Yu Nanyuan revealed his feelings to her. Now she can only hope that through future enlightenment, Yu Nanyuan's paranoia will be gradually resolved.

While the two were talking, Poseidon Island was already in sight.

Yali smiled slightly, grabbed Yu Nanyuan's wrist and jumped up.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Your teacher is waiting for you at the Poseidon Pavilion. Let's go there first."

The light and shadow changed, and in the next moment Yali brought Yu Nanyuan to the open space in front of the Poseidon Pavilion.

Yun Ming, dressed in white robes, stood quietly in the center of the open space, not showing any breath, but he stood between the sky and the earth like a divine spear, making it insurmountable.

"Teacher." Yu Nanyuan stepped forward and saluted Yun Ming.

With Yun Ming's cultivation, he could explore every part of Shrek Academy with just a thought.

He knew everything about what happened in the previous sparring match and the conversation between Yu Nanyuan and Yali.

"Yes." Yun Ming nodded slightly, and then looked at Yali, but did not mention the obsession in Yu Nanyuan's heart.

"I want you to come here this time because I have two things to give you." As he said that, two strange bones with silver light appeared out of thin air and floated in front of Yu Nanyuan.

The two bones are completely transparent. At first glance, they seem to be integrated with the surrounding space. If it weren't for the mysterious runes that shine with bright silver light on the surface of the bones, you wouldn't even be able to detect their existence.

Each rune seems to contain the truth of heaven and earth, and is densely covered on the surface of these two bones, thus outlining its original shape.

These are two identical soul bones of both arms.

At the same time, Yun Ming explained the origin of these two soul bones to Yu Nanyuan. This is how he always behaves.

"These two soul bones were obtained when I traveled overseas. They were produced from a very rare elemental soul beast. An ancient alien species, a void beast."

"Void beast?" Even with Yu Nanyuan's experience, he had never heard of such a soul beast.

Yun Ming seemed to see Yu Nanyuan's doubts and continued to explain: "Elemental soul beasts are different from ordinary soul beasts. Only in places with extremely abundant energy of the same element can such a powerful existence be bred. Simple. Generally speaking, elemental soul beasts are bred directly from this world. The Ice Sky Snow Girl, who ranked third among the top ten ferocious beasts in the mainland ten thousand years ago, is an ice elemental soul beast born from heaven and earth. And the void beast is It’s a space elemental soul beast.”

"The void beast I met overseas was preparing to break through the 100,000-year realm and survive the first thunder tribulation. But perhaps because of the rules of the Douluo plane, the more unique the soul beast, The more difficult it becomes to survive the thunder tribulation. The void beast eventually fell and merged again between heaven and earth, leaving only these two soul bones. In other words, the age of these two soul bones is infinitely close to one hundred thousand years. , and there are certain specialties. According to my judgment, once these two soul bones are fused by a soul master, they should be naturally promoted to a real hundred thousand year soul bone. But correspondingly, the soul bones Evolution will consume the internal energy, so fusing these two soul bones will basically not improve the soul power."

"Originally, I was planning to wait for you to condense the soul core before handing these two soul bones to you, because the soul skills attached to these two soul bones are too overbearing and have extremely high requirements for the control of the power of space. Otherwise, it will cause irreversible damage to the soul master's body. However, with that martial soul talent, you can perfectly control even the power of the Holy Angel's martial soul. The soul skills of using these two soul bones should not exist. what is the problem."

Yun Ming smiled and patted Yu Nanyuan's shoulder.

"This can be regarded as a late apprenticeship ceremony for you."

This is the treatment that the heirs of top powers should enjoy, and they will get two top-quality soul bones in one move.

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