Consciousness is immersed in darkness and then quickly returns.

Yu Nanyuan, who was lying flat in the metal cabinet, slowly sat up, and the suction cups attached to his body fell off on their own. Because of his strong mental power, he did not feel the discomfort caused by his conscious separation from the illusory world of Ascension Platform, and he hardly needed any buffering time. Everything that happened in the Ascension Platform before was still vivid in his mind, and even every move he made was clearly imprinted in his mind.

The light surrounding him was a bit dazzling, causing him to squint his eyes subconsciously. Looking sideways, he found that Yu Zhen and Ji Hongyu were in front of him. Lu Binzhou came out of the metal cabinet one step ahead of him and was standing respectfully behind Yu Zhen and Ji Hongyu.

"Binzhou, you go back first." Ji Hongyu told Lu Binzhou.

Lu Binzhou saluted Ji Hongyu and Yu Zhen, smiled innocently and nodded slightly to Yu Nanyuan, then turned around and took the soul elevator to leave the metal room.

Yu Zhen seemed to have guessed Ji Hongyu's intention, but he just watched with a smile as Yu Nanyuan emerged from the metal cabinet and came to them.

Ji Hongyu asked in a serious tone: "Nanyuan, are you willing to join our Spirit Transferring Tower? Remember, it is not the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Tower, but the entire Spirit Transferring Tower organization. With your talent, as long as you are willing to join The Spirit Transferring Tower will definitely receive the highest level of attention from the Spirit Transferring Tower. I can guarantee that you will directly enter the Spirit Transferring Tower headquarters and be given the best treatment for training. Even if it is a priceless treasure like a soul bone, you will have great potential. Opportunities gained. These are things your grandpa couldn’t provide you.”

Yu Zhen's expression seemed very calm, and he sighed secretly in his heart.

Choosing to join the Spirit Transferring Tower is indeed a perfect choice. The Spirit Transferring Pagoda's influence in the Sun-Moon Federation is only stronger than that of Shrek Academy, and it can also maximize Yu Nanyuan's talent and potential. More importantly, if you join the Spirit Transferring Tower, you don't have to face the threat of the abyss like the Blood God Legion.

This is what Yu Zhen is most worried about. He doesn't want Yu Nanyuan to follow the same path as his son and daughter-in-law. His only hope now is for Yu Nanyuan to live a safe and happy life. Why not be selfish in these matters?

No matter what the purpose was, he had no reason to stop Yu Nanyuan from joining the Spirit Pagoda.

Yu Nanyuan also fell into silence when he heard Ji Hongyu's words. To be honest, he was not surprised that Ji Hongyu would invite him to join the Spirit Transferring Pagoda. But in today's turbulent era, Spirit Transferring Pagoda may not be the most suitable choice for him.

After all, in the not-too-distant future, the Spirit Transferring Pagoda has confirmed its collusion with the group of evil soul masters from the Holy Spirit Sect.

Yu Nanyuan shook his head.

"Grandpa Ji, I don't want to leave Donghai City just yet. Can't I just stay in Donghai College to study?"

"Yes, you are still young, and it is indeed too early to say these things. The resources and financial resources controlled by your grandfather are enough to support your current practice." Ji Hongyu was startled when he heard this, with a serious expression on his face Relax. But he then added with a change of tone.

"But if you have the idea of ​​joining the Spirit Pagoda in the future, you can come to Grandpa Ji at any time."

Yu Zhen didn't know why, but suddenly felt relieved. Maybe he actually didn't want the young Yu Nanyuan to leave Donghai City early like his son Yu Heng. With a kind face, he put his right hand on Yu Nanyuan's shoulder and said to Ji Hongyu with a smile on his face.

"Old Ji, let's put this matter aside for the time being. It's not too late to wait until Nanyuan is older before making a choice, but there is no need to rush. Isn't President Luo of the Tiandou City Mecha Master Association going to visit with his grandson now? , Nanyuan and I should also go see them."

"I forgot about the matter between you and President Luo." Ji Hongyu laughed dumbly, and the expression on his face became a little weird.

Yu Zhen is not only the dean of Donghai Academy, but also the president of the Donghai City Mecha Master Association. He even owns a powerful black-level mecha. It is for this reason that the Advanced Department of Donghai Academy has a course dedicated to the development of mecha masters. In recent years, many outstanding mecha masters have been trained, and they have a considerable influence in the entire eastern region. fame.

As the presidents of the Mecha Masters Association in the same big city, Yu Zhen and President Luo from Tiandou City naturally knew each other. It's just that the relationship between Yu Zhen and President Luo is not harmonious. Tiandou City is one of the top cities in the Sun-Moon Federation, and it even once served as the capital. This resulted in the extremely arrogant temperament of President Luo of Tiandou City. Although President Luo would not show it openly, anyone could feel his contempt.

Tiandou City? Your surname is Luo?

Yu Nanyuan looked thoughtful. Listening to the conversation between Yu Zhen and Ji Hongyu, he couldn't help but think of something.

In his past life memory, Luo Guixing, who was ranked seventeenth on the Young Genius List, seemed to come from Tiandou City. It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Not long after, Ji Hongyu and Yu Zhen took Yu Nanyuan back to the first floor hall of the Spirit Transferring Tower in the soul elevator. The staff of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda were receiving two figures, an old man and a young man.

The leader was a gray-haired old man. He looks quite young, but his face is very rosy, energetic, and his pair of dark blue eyes are particularly bright. It was President Luo of the Tiandou City Mecha Masters Association.

As soon as he saw Ji Hongyu's figure, President Luo stood up from the sofa and greeted him warmly.

"Master Ji Tower."

Ji Hongyu waved to the staff at the Spirit Pagoda to step back, with a polite smile on his face.

"President Luo is here. I apologize for my poor hospitality."

"Master Ji, you're welcome." President Luo smiled and waved his hand. Then he noticed Yu Zhen and Yu Nanyuan behind Ji Hongyu, and his eyes instantly froze. In particular, he felt the special spiritual power fluctuations emanating from Yu Nanyuan's body.

With his identity and knowledge, how could he not know its significance. This person had clearly just entered the Spirit Ascension Platform and absorbed a large amount of spiritual power.

"It turns out President Yu is here too."

"Nanyuan, say hello to President Luo." Yu Zhen said to Yu Nanyuan beside him with a smile.

Through simple observation of words and expressions, Yu Nanyuan also guessed some of his grandfather's thoughts. At that moment, he saluted President Luo politely. The smile on his face seemed to be carved from the same mold as Yu Zhen.

"Hello, President Luo."

President Luo nodded to Yu Nanyuan with an undiminished smile on his face. Although he felt as if he had eaten a fly, there were still some people in the city who could not express their emotions or anger.

"Guixing, you also say hello to President Yu."

At President Luo's instructions, the little boy behind him, who was about the same age as Yu Nanyuan, also stepped forward and bowed to Yu Zhen.

"Hello, President Yu."

Luo Guixing stood in front of Yu Nanyuan. He had fair skin, a delicate face, and blue hair and blue eyes that had a texture like glass. Both of them were looking at each other.

"Guixing, you and Nanyuan are similar in age. You can communicate more if you have the opportunity in the future."

Yu Zhen also nodded with a smile, and then led Yu Nanyuan directly out of the first floor hall of Chuanling Pagoda.

"President Luo, we won't bother you too much here. I hope that Lingsun can also obtain a soul that satisfies him here."

Chairman Luo frowned, while Luo Guixing had a flash of inspiration and suddenly turned his head, staring at Yu Nanyuan's back in disbelief.

How can it be? He is also innately full of soul power?

The expression on Ji Hongyu's face became more and more weird. Thinking of President Luo's goal here, he couldn't help but ask.

"President Luo, are you sure you want to choose that century-old void insect as the soul for your grandson?"

President Luo calmed down and thought that Ji Hongyu meant that the void insect was too old, and then said seriously: "Although the void insect is not good at fighting, it possesses several extremely magical space attribute soul skills, which are just suitable for our Luo family. Space element martial soul. Gui Xing will definitely take the route of a control-type battle soul master in the future. I have also found some natural and earthly treasures for Gui Xing to improve his physical fitness in the past few years. It is not a problem to successfully absorb them. "

Ji Hongyu said no more. Since President Luo insisted, he could only obey.

When Luo Guixing heard that he could immediately fuse with the ancient alien void insect as a soul, his inner emotions became extremely excited, and he withdrew his gaze arrogantly.

"Do you know? There is a huge difference between the same innate full soul power."

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