Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 88 Tang San uses whatever means necessary (please subscribe and vote monthly)

Han Yu in the audience was ready to take action at any time.

Once Zhu Zhuqing and the two are defeated, he can use Fallen Heart Yan Zihuo to make one of them gain strength instantly.

However, he would not do this until Zhu Zhuqing and the two were completely unable to fight back.

On the soul fighting stage.

Although Lingxiao was no match for Tang San, her constant pulling and consumption had left many scars on Tang San's body.

Even if she was really eliminated, with so many injuries, Tang San would definitely not be easy. In the end, just let Zhu Zhuqing finish the battle.

Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ning Rongrong, who were thrown off the Soul Fighting Stage but were not injured, did not leave.

After seeing Tang San suddenly explode, they also prayed silently in their hearts, praying that Tang San could win.

As for Yu Xiaogang, after seeing this scene, the corner of Yu Xiaogang's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Xiao Wu was Tang San's forbidden wife, and the Huang Dou team actually injured Xiao Wu, so let's wait for Tang San's punishment.

Yu Xiaogang was even still imagining what the expressions of those in the family who looked down on him would be like when Yu Tianheng returned to the family and revealed that Tang San was his disciple.

Lingxiao endured the flight for one minute.

Tang San fell back to the ground, and seeing that he couldn't touch Lingxiao, he immediately aimed at Zhu Zhuqing!

"The third soul skill, instant kill with shadow!"

The moment the third soul ring lit up, Zhu Zhuqing's figure turned into a ball of black smoke and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already behind Tang San.

Her claws quickly grabbed down, leaving deep visible bone scars on Tang San's back.

"No, her martial spirit is not a ghost civet." The moment he saw Zhu Zhuqing's spirit skill, Dai Mubai discovered the clue.

Normally, the first three soul skills of the Zhu family are fixed.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, all three soul skills have changed. Dai Mubai had known her first two soul skills for a long time. Now that they have changed, there is only one possibility - her martial soul has changed.

"How is it possible? Can the martial spirit still evolve?" Dai Mubai was a little dumbfounded.

However, Zhu Zhuqing would not explain anything to him.

Facing such injuries, normal people would definitely not be able to hold on, but Tang San managed to hold on.

Turning around, his white jade-colored hands quickly grabbed Zhu Zhuqing, and then, using the technique of controlling a crane and capturing a dragon, he threw Zhu Zhuqing out.

"Use the strange fire I gave you. You are injured now. It will not be good for you to use it for a long time." Han Yu, who analyzed the situation, sent a message to Zhu Zhuqing.

The latter looked stunned for a moment, and then a delighted smile appeared on her face.

The teacher is here as expected. I can't let the teacher down.

As if he had motivation in his heart, Zhu Zhuqing quickly shouted: "Xiaoxiao, follow the method taught by the teacher!"

Lingxiao nodded in agreement, and at the same time, a colorless flame appeared again in her palm.

"Falling Flame Palm!"

The two of them moved in tandem, and their attacks fell on Tang San at the same time.

"You guys, all die!" Tang San was like a man possessed, regardless of his injuries, he forcefully attacked Lingxiao.

"Humph, that's it." Lingxiao smiled.

She is originally a fire attribute soul master, and her control over strange fire is better than Zhu Zhuqing and others.

Following her thought, a fire in Tang San's body was born.

Even Tang San couldn't bear the pain that hit his heart.

With a plop, Tang San fell to his knees, completely losing his fighting ability.

"Xiao Gang, give up quickly. If this continues, Xiao San will lose his life." Looking at the situation on the field, Flanders suddenly became extremely anxious.

Yu Xiaogang had already been stunned on the spot. Tang San, who was good at creating miracles, actually lost this time!

"Wow, I didn't expect the situation to turn around again. Player Senju Shura didn't defeat the Imperial Fighter Team in one go. The only two remaining members of the Imperial Fighter Team actually teamed up to defeat him. It's simply unbelievable!" Doudou exclaimed! .

For the audience, this battle of spirits has been reversed twice in a row. It is already a wonderful match that has been rare in several years and is worthy of continued reflection after the game.

"Team Shrek, surrender!" With no other choice, Flanders shouted these words feebly.

"Lost, I actually lost!" Tang San fell to his knees, somewhat unwilling to accept this reality.

"Lingling, let's go rescue people quickly!" Duguyan said quickly.

Qin Ming was missing, and they didn't expect Qin Ming to pick them up.

The two of them quickly rushed out of the lounge and ran straight towards the Soul Fighting Stage.

On the other side, Qin Ming looked at this scene stupidly.

He didn't expect that Zhu Zhuqing and Ling Xiao, who were usually inconspicuous, could actually lead the team to a comeback!

"Teacher Qin, that's the end of the matter, let's leave first." The nobles behind him left one after another.

In this game, the odds of Shrek's victory were very high, and some nobles placed bets on both sides in order to be safe. Now that the soul fighting is over, they have only suffered a small loss.

As for Qin Ming, it has lost its use value to them, and there is no need to see him again in the future.

"Tianheng, how are you!" Dugu Yan said anxiously.

There were many hidden weapons stuck on Yu Tianheng's body. Even though Dugu Yan carefully removed them, it still caused Yu Tianheng endless pain.

"There is nothing we can do. These weapons are in the fatal parts. Sister Yanzi, be careful."

Although they won, everyone in Huangdou was not very happy.

On the other side, Dai Mubai ran up to the spirit fighting arena and pulled Tang San up, "Xiao San, let's go."

The latter's eyes were dull. When he passed by the Huangdou team, he saw Ye Lingling who was treating everyone.

As a former beneficiary, he naturally knew the effect of Ye Lingling's treatment.

"Yes, Xiao Wu, let her treat Xiao Wu."

So, Tang San threw Dai Mubai away, regardless of his own injuries, he took out a dagger from the soul guide, came behind Ye Lingling, and quickly put the dagger on her neck.

"Teacher Ye, I am Tang San. Please treat Xiao Wu quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for not remembering our old friendship."

Old love? Ye Lingling sneered in his heart.

Back when she was at Notting Academy, Tang San's master and apprentice had often tricked her.

Now, he actually wants to hold her hostage. Do he really think she is a vase?

Falling Flame Palm!

Ye Lingling smiled coldly, and the flames of the Fallen Heart condensed in her palms.

With one palm push, Tang San, who was already seriously injured, was struck by a sudden blow and passed out.

Yu Xiaogang, who was just about to take Tang San back, saw this scene and immediately scolded: "Ye Lingling, you bitch, Tang San was once your student, and you treated him like this! Flanders, you are still stunned What are you doing, Tang San is going to be beaten to death."

Flanders saw the scene just now.

It was Tang San who kidnapped Ye Lingling first, and now that he was killed, he couldn't use this as an attack. After all, the audience in the Great Soul Fighting Arena has not dispersed yet. If this ignites public opinion, Shrek and the others will not be able to survive.

However, Yu Xiaogang still refused to give in. He walked up to Ye Lingling and pointed.

His mouth must be as stinky as it is, and he didn't even mention Tang San's first move.

Wan Geng offers, please give me monthly votes and recommend votes.

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