Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 86 Ma Hongjun was brutally murdered (please subscribe and vote monthly)

"Boss Dai, follow the plan; Xiao Ao, prepare your flying mushroom intestines. When the opponent's agility attack spirit master breaks through, you quickly take off."

As soon as the spirit fighting began, Tang San quickly made arrangements.

If the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit had not weakened, with the help of the Purple Demon Eyes, he would have the confidence to block the opponent's attack.

"Don't worry, mistress." Oscar took the initiative to stand in front of Ning Rongrong.

In the spirit fighting arena, food-based spirit masters are not prohibited from preparing food before the game.

For this reason, Oscar used up almost all his soul power to make sausages before the game started. Even now, he still has not returned to his best condition.

"The first soul skill, White Tiger Protective Barrier!"

The first soul ring lit up, and a white soul barrier appeared around Dai Mubai. Then, he took the initiative to find Zhu Dazhi.

Yu Tianheng was restrained by Ao Feng, and he had to quickly deal with Zhu Dazhi to relieve the pressure on their back row.

As for the consumption of soul power, he didn't need to worry. Oscar stuffed him with a lot of big sausages before the game, which was enough for him to do it from beginning to end.

In the audience, Han Yu looked at Dai Mubai, who was chasing and beating Zhu Dazhi, and couldn't help but sneer, "If you count Dai Mubai's highlight moments in detail, it seems that every time he is abusing, abusing, abusing. Even if He rarely has a complete victory against opponents of the same level. Tsk tsk, he only bullies the weak, which is really in line with Dai Mubai's style."

However, Zhu Dazhi was not someone who could be manipulated by him.

The bloodthirsty porcupine's own defense was strong enough, and now with the blessing of the alien fire, he was fully capable of pulling out Dai Mubai's tiger fangs.

As for Yu Tianheng, Han Yu simply ignored him.

Ao Feng's martial spirit can only be said to be average, not powerful. But he can perfectly hold Yu Tianheng and Osluo down.

Not to mention how strong he is, but he is really good at containing people.

"This is a talent."

Now that the new college is about to start construction, the search for teachers for the college should also be put on the agenda.

Ao Feng relied on this one-handed control technique, no matter what his soul power level was, he was enough to become a teacher in the Advanced Soul Master Academy.

Apart from anything else, Han Yu couldn't do this kind of restraint anyway.

Moreover, even if he is replaced by Yu Tianheng, there will be no other way to defeat the enemy except using hard power to suppress the opponent.

Flanders also had the same idea as him, "Xiao Gang, this Ao Feng's containment method is really unique. How about we recruit him into the academy?"

Yu Xiaogang sneered: "Flender, when will cats and dogs be able to enter Shrek Academy? If nothing else, with his level 39 soul power, is he qualified to be the teacher of the little monsters?"

Hearing this, Flanders closed his mouth angrily.

He didn't expect that Yu Xiaogang would have such a big reaction. In this case, this matter can only be dropped.

Yu Xiaogang's inner thought was to let Ao Feng become a teacher. When Tang San and the others won the Soul Master Competition, wouldn't this be taking away his credit for no reason? Moreover, who is Ao Feng, and is he qualified to teach his precious disciple?

Lingxiao used a flaw to give Ma Hongjun some advantages, and the latter couldn't wait to say:

"Hehe, I heard your name is Lingxiao, how about you be my girlfriend."

"Are you worthy of Shrek's red-haired grass chicken?" Lingxiao sneered, and the first soul ring at Lingxiao's feet suddenly lit up.

"Who are you calling a loser?" Ma Hongjun was furious.

His martial spirit is the pride of their Caoji Village. The phoenix coming out of the henhouse naturally takes this aspect very seriously.

"The second soul skill, Phoenix of Desire; the first soul skill, Phoenix Fire Wire!"

With the blessing of the fire attribute of the second soul skill, the power of his first soul skill has increased a lot.

Ma Hongjun, who has no ability to fly, can only stand on the ground and spit fire.

"You're just a freewheeling chicken, but you dare to call yourself a phoenix!"

Lingxiao sneered and said: "The second soul skill, ignite the prairie fire!"

With the enhanced fire attribute ability of her first soul skill, the power of her second soul skill became even more powerful.

Her target was not only Ma Hongjun, but the flames of the ranged attack also burned all the blue silver grass that Tang San had filled throughout the spirit fighting arena.

"Fat man, back off!" Tang San shouted quickly.

He knew the temperature of Ma Hongjun's flame. And Lingxiao's flame is pure phoenix fire, which is not comparable to the flame of a bastard like Ma Hongjun.

However, Ma Hongjun didn't listen to his words.

The moment Ma Hongjun's flame was swallowed up by the phoenix fire, he suddenly woke up.

But it is already very difficult to escape at this time. His surroundings were already surrounded by the flames of Lingxiao.

"Impossible, my flame is the fire of the phoenix, how could I be swallowed up by your flame." I don't know whether it was fear or something else, but Ma Hongjun was stunned in place.

"Go home and think about it slowly."

Lingxiao didn't want to keep a scourge like Ma Hongjun. Moreover, the former is Shrek's dog.

Lingxiao might have some concerns about killing people, but she still dared to destroy Ma Hongjun.

"Xiao Wu, we must not reduce our numbers. You have the ability to teleport. Find a way to support Fatty." Tang San shouted.

Ning Rongrong also provided Xiao Wu with an increase at this time.

"Third brother, don't worry." At this time, she and Zhu Zhuqing were still trying to contain each other.

With Tang San's Blue Silver Grass support in place, Xiao Wu quickly rushed to support.

Ma Hongjun was in a deep position. If she rushed over to support her, she would most likely fall into the opponent's encirclement.

However, who said this was arranged by her three giegies? Naturally, she rushed over without hesitation.

"Suffer death." Lingxiao's figure swooped down.

A colorless flame appeared in her palm.

She was planning to use this falling flame palm to eliminate Ma Hongjun.

"Damn fat man, please move." Xiao Wu scolded.

It's a pity that Ma Hongjun didn't hear her words at all. Hit by Lingxiao's palm, his body flew backwards and passed out.

Lingxiao had no intention of letting him go, but Xiao Wu was held back by the two brothers Mo Shi and Shi Mo.

"You bullied Dazhi and spoke rudely to me. You Shrek really don't have a good character. Last time, your Zao Wuji injured my grandfather. This time I want to seek justice from you."

Flanders in the audience suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment, a fiery red flame appeared in Lingxiao's palm. With a slight wave of her little hand, the flame fell on Ma Hongjun's lower body.

"Hongjun!!" Flanders's eyes suddenly turned red, and his whole aura became more and more violent.

"Hold it, Dean, you can't take action. Do you want the little monsters to lose the game, and do you want us to be expelled from the Great Soul Fighting Arena!" Zhao Wuji hurriedly advised.

If an outsider directly interferes with the fighting spirit, not only will the people from the big fighting spirit field come to their door, but the team related to him will also be directly judged to lose, or even expelled from the fighting spirit field.

"But, Hongjun."

"Flanders, mistress will avenge Hongjun." Yu Xiaogang said calmly with his hands behind his back.

After all, Ma Hongjun was not his disciple.

In the spirit fighting arena, Lingxiao threw Ma Hongjun casually.

With his current situation, he can only be a father-in-law in the future. While he is young now, entering the palace is also a good way out.

Seeing this scene, Han Yu couldn't help but gasped, "Is this little girl so irritable? She actually gave Ma Hongjun an eradication."

Unless Ye Lingling takes action, it is impossible for Ma Hongjun to grow back.

Flanders quickly walked to the spirit fighting arena and carried Ma Hongjun back.

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