Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 83 Yu Xiaogang: If you love her, then persuade her to return from the lost way (please subsc

Qin Ming smiled in his heart.

Shrek must win this game. Only in this way, when he went to Meng Shenji and proposed merging Shrek Academy into Tiandou Royal Academy, could the other party agree.

Shrek defeated the strong with the weak. Doesn't this prove their talents? After they entered Tiandou Royal Academy, he allocated resources to them, but no one dared to say no.

"Yufeng, there's something wrong with your mentality, so don't compete in this game."

Yufeng's soul power is as high as level 38. Replacing him will undoubtedly increase Shrek's chances of winning.

"Since the opponent is not strong, then in this game, all three of you, Zhu Zhuqing, Lingxiao, and Zhu Dazhi, will go on the field. Cooperate more with other team members and accumulate experience in team spirit fighting. That is what you should do."

Except for Yu Feng, no one else had any objections to Qin Ming's arrangements.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Qin Ming had no intention of staying, "Since the opponent is not strong, Tianheng will let you lead everyone to discuss tactics. You have also studied with me for a long time, and it's time to have your own ideas. "

After saying that, he turned and left the lounge.

Yu Tianheng picked up the materials and flipped through them casually.

"Yanzi, Lingling, you should also come up with some ideas."

The usual team command is done by Dugu Yan, the vice-captain. And his main task is to be responsible for the team's frontcourt.

"Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit, is she from the Qibao Glazed Sect?" Ye Lingling said in surprise when looking at the information in the document.

Fortunately, she didn't fight souls these past few days, otherwise she might be in trouble if the other party saw her martial soul.

But in fact, she was overthinking it.

As Ning Fengzhi's appointed successor, Ning Rongrong had absolutely no way of knowing the dark side of these sects.

You know, Ning Rongrong is the future sect leader, and exposing her to these dark sides from an early age will only distort her psychology and even make her extremely paranoid. When the day comes that she becomes the sect leader, the Qibao Glazed Sect will be finished.

Yu Tianheng looked at the name on the information and said with a smile: "Rong Rong, I know her, she is the daughter of Sect Master Ning. The amplification effect of Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial spirit is very strong, Da Zhi, when you face them, Pay attention to the impact of the increase.”

Zhu Dazhi, like him, was at the front of the team.

If Zhu Dazhi is eliminated prematurely, he will be under great pressure.

"Tian Heng, the opponent has control system, auxiliary system and food system soul masters. But we, Lingling and I, are not on the field. You should not fight a protracted battle with them." After reading the information, Dugu Yan analyzed.

"That's exactly what I mean. Lingxiao, I'll leave the evil fire phoenix soul master to you. Zhu Zhuqing, I'll leave the soft-bone rabbit soul master to you."

Yu Tianheng adopted a man-to-man tactic, while the two brothers Shi Mo and Shi Mo covered Oslo and rushed into Shrek's back row. Once Oscar and Ning Rongrong were eliminated, they could win without any pressure.

"Oscar? Oslo, isn't this your long-lost brother?" After the tactical discussion, Yufeng couldn't help but joke.

"Stinky bird, don't talk nonsense. There are too many people with the same name, not to mention this person's name is only slightly similar to mine." Oslo laughed and scolded.

Yufeng is actually a fun-loving person and a live treasure in the team. In terms of strength, he may not be good, but in terms of creating atmosphere, he is the strongest.

"However, if we are injured this time, Lingling, you have to treat us." Yu Tianheng said with a smile.

Ye Lingling smiled and nodded.

This time against Shrek, she really wanted to go and meet Tang San, but it was a pity that she couldn't play.

Han Yu had a panoramic view of it all.

Zhu Zhuqing and the other three were trained by him personally, so their strength was naturally not inferior to that of Tang San and others.

However, he didn't remind them that Tang San had a hidden weapon. In a real life-and-death fight, it is impossible to know the opponent's trump card in advance. It is very necessary to cultivate their vigilance in battle.

Otherwise, they will only be vases in the future.

On the other side, Yu Xiaogang told the story after returning to the hotel.

"The strength of the Imperial Battle Team is so strong." Ma Hongjun exclaimed after looking at the soul power levels of Yu Tianheng and others on the data.

He had only broken through to level twenty-seven a few days ago. Facing the Imperial Fighting Team with all Soul Masters, he could only take a beating.

"Fat man, look at this information and see what they are missing." Tang San smiled confidently.

After reading the information, he understood that today's fighting spirit was stable.

Ma Hongjun scratched his head and looked through it for a long time but found nothing.

"Third brother, are you talking about the opponent's personnel configuration? They only have power attack and agility attack type soul masters." Xiao Wu, who was observing carefully, said with a smile.

"Haha, yes, it's not easy for you to see this, mistress." Yu Xiaogang took over the words with a smile, "The auxiliary soul master is the key to the team's recovery and offensive again. In this regard, we have absolute The advantages."

"Control-type soul masters can effectively slow down the opponent's attack rhythm. In this battle of souls, you only need to use them up to win."

Although Tang San's Bluesilver Grass was extremely mushy, his ability to seize the opportunity had not weakened.

Moreover, the consumption of soul power by Bluesilver Grass is very low. Even if it will be torn apart by the opponent in an instant, Tang San is confident that he can hold his opponent back.

"Teacher is right, we need to fight a tug of war." As he said that, Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang, "Teacher, isn't the team member we recruited here?"

"Xiaosan, just inform him after you have discussed the tactics. This Ao Feng is a seasoned veteran of the Great Soul Fighting Arena. There will be no problems in cooperation."

When Tang San heard this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss Dai, you and Ao Feng should be in the front row to resist their attack. I guess that this bloodthirsty porcupine martial spirit should form a double front row lineup with the blue electric overlord dragon soul master."

Having said that, he did not wait for Dai Mubai's reply.

Sharp-eyed Yu Xiaogang saw Dai Mubai staring at the names on the materials and couldn't help asking, "Mubai, do you know anyone?"

"This Zhu Zhuqing is my fiancée!" Dai Mubai gritted his teeth.

He and Zhu Zhuqing were both from the Star Luo Empire. Others may not know that Dai Mubai was from a high school, so this Imperial Battle was clearly a team from the Tiandou Royal Academy.

A man from the Xingluo Empire actually joined the official academy of the Tiandou Empire. Isn't this a surrender to the enemy?

Yu Xiaogang followed Dai Mubai's gaze and said, "Zhu Zhuqing, is he from the Xingluo Zhu family?"

Suddenly, he thought of something, "Mubai, do you have martial soul fusion skills with her?"

Dai Mubai nodded.

Yu Xiaogang suddenly smiled, "Haha, Mubai, there are only six people in our Shrek Academy now, and she is fully qualified to become our Shrek's seventh monster. If you love her, then persuade her to return from her lost ways."

Yu Xiaogang knew only too well the power of martial soul fusion skills.

As long as they have this trump card, their chances of winning the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition in the future will undoubtedly be much greater.

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