Han Yu didn't know what Qin Ming was doing behind his back, but the keen Prince Xuexing would not let go of such a good opportunity.

"Uncle Emperor, Qin Ming and Han Yu are actually at odds with each other. Should we fight against each other and take the opportunity to drive them both out of the academy?" Xue Beng said sadly.

Qin Ming is the person valued by the three education committee members, and behind the three education committee members is Xue Qinghe. It is obvious that the three education committee members are developing talents for Xue Qinghe.

"God help me." Xuexing laughed and said, "Beng'er, let your people withdraw first. We don't need to take action in this kind of thing."

"You know, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. They are both geniuses, and they are in competition with each other. Over time, conflicts will arise. Beng'er, let your people spread some rumors in secret. Let everyone know, God Two genius teachers from Dou Royal Academy have different opinions!”

"It's still a loss, uncle, I"

Before he finished speaking, Xuexing gave him a kick and cursed angrily: "This is called someone who makes big things happen by not sticking to trivial matters. Do you understand?"

"What the emperor said is true, what the emperor said is true."

Han Yu wouldn't care about the little actions of these people behind his back.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is illusory. With his own strength, it will be useless even if Qin Ming and Prince Snow Star get into trouble.

Early in the morning, Ye Lingling brought Dugu Yan to Han Yu's courtyard.

This courtyard is the teachers' dormitory assigned by the college. Unlike students, teachers can leave the college at will. Therefore, teachers’ dormitories with gardens are particularly important. At least, it makes people feel like home.

"Zhuqing broke through level 30 yesterday and has already gone to hunt for souls. Xiaoxiao, you and Dazhi have taken the time to practice recently and don't fall too far behind." Han Yu said when everyone gathered.

Yesterday, Ye Lingling had already told Dugu Yan about Zhu Zhuqing and others.

Seeing Han Yu finish speaking, she said in a familiar manner, "Hello everyone, my name is Dugu Yan, and I am your senior. We will practice together in the future."

"Hello, senior sister." Lingxiao and Zhu Dazhi said in unison.

In fact, Dugu Yan was the first student whose name they knew in the past two days.

In their class, they were all a bunch of uneducated guys. During class, only a few people in the class were in attendance, and it was still unknown whether they would listen to the class or not.

"Lingling, you should practice on your own first, and Duguyan, follow me first."

Compared to Fallen Heart Flame, Han Yu felt that Nether Poison Fire was more suitable for Dugu Yan.

However, the snake venom in her body is a thorny problem.

Completely removing the snake venom will affect Dugu Yan's combat effectiveness and even remove her entire cultivation.

After thinking about it, Han Yu felt that it would be safer to check it first.

"Dugu Yan"

"Teacher Han, just call me Yanzi."

"Okay, Yanzi, sit down first, I want to feel the flow of your soul power."

After a pause, Han Yu explained: "You should have seen the flames on Lingling and the others. They are the sub-fires separated from my second martial soul, and they will help the soul masters practice."

"Teacher Han, you are actually a twin martial soul." Dugu Yan was surprised.

Just now, when Ye Lingling and others were practicing, there was a colorless flame in each of their palms. At first she didn't care, but when she walked past Ye Lingling, she felt an opportunity for a breakthrough.

After Han Yu's explanation, Dugu Yan finally understood what was going on.

"Teacher Han, I finally understand why Lingling and the others' soul power improved so quickly." Dugu Yan said with a wry smile.

The world is so big that it is full of wonders. Although the effect of Han Yu's second martial spirit is extraordinary, it is not completely unacceptable to her.

After all, her grandfather was a titled Douluo, and his knowledge was far beyond what ordinary people could match.

"If you are willing to practice with me, I can give you a piece of fire as a gift." Han Yu said with a smile.

Dugu Yan is not a fool, there is no reason to refuse such a good thing.

Moreover, Han Yu's appearance is not inferior to Yu Tianheng's, and his conduct is much more generous than Qin Ming's.

"Teacher Han, I am willing to be your student."

After a pause, Dugu Yan said with some embarrassment: "Teacher Han, Tianheng is my friend. I wonder if I can let him also become your student."

Good guy, you haven’t even started yet, and you’re already thinking about others?

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is the force behind Yu Xiaogang. No matter how stupid he is, he will never go to the enemy.

Han Yu shook his head seriously, "Dugu Yan, you have to understand that Zi Huo's affairs are confidential. You can't mention it to anyone without my permission. As for Yu Tianheng, I will check his performance in the future. If it meets my expectations, everything will be fine.”

He didn't mean to say anything. God knows what a woman in love will do.

And Han Yu had to contact Dugu Bo through her, and he didn't want to cause any complications.

"I understand, thank you Teacher Han."

After saying that, Dugu Yan sat down cross-legged. Han Yu put his hand on her arm and felt the flow of soul power in her body.

After a while, Han Yu frowned and said, "Yanzi, you are poisoned."

"Teacher Han, don't make trouble. I am a poison-type soul master. How could I be poisoned myself?" Dugu Yan didn't believe it at all.

Han Yu knew that Dugu Bo would not tell her about this, and he also deliberately used the method of sensing soul power to elicit this sentence. Even if Dugu Bo knew it, it would be justified.

It's completely bullshit to tell someone is poisoned at a glance.

For example, Bone Douluo is as skinny as wood and has a withered face. Just looking at his face, it would be an exaggeration to say that he is dead.

"Yanzi, please listen to me first. Your poison is the poison of the martial soul. The soul master of the beast martial soul has a high degree of integration between the body and the martial soul. While the martial soul strengthens itself, its negative effects will also affect itself. Weapon soul masters are just the opposite. They fight with their souls separated from the body. Even if there are poisons in their souls, it will not affect themselves. "

Of course, this is not very rigorous. Just like Yu Xiaogang, his Zhuyang martial spirit is separated from the body. Otherwise, Yu Xiaogang would be affected by pig habits and would fart all the time.

It's just that Yu Xiaogang has studied so many advanced theories, but he doesn't know how to study his own martial spirit. The mere fact that the beast martial soul left the body was enough to amaze many scholars, and Yu Xiaogang also had an advantage that no one else could replace, that is, he himself was a living example.

After hearing Han Yu's explanation, Dugu Yan's face turned gloomy.

Her grandfather never said this, but during the period after she first awakened her martial soul, her body would be itchy and unbearable almost every night. This situation only eased a lot after she obtained her first soul ring. .

Although her condition is mild, she has lived with her grandfather for so long. Whenever it's cloudy and rainy, the uncomfortable look his grandfather shows is not just an act.

"Yanzi, this should be the inherited toxin of the Jade Phosphorous Snake Martial Spirit. I have a way to treat it, but it depends on your choice."

Han Yu thought for a while and said: "First, I can use flames to remove all the toxins in your body, but in this way, your cultivation will also be removed, and you will not be able to practice in the future."

"Second, fuse my sub-fire with your toxin"

There will be another chapter later, please read it.

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