"I have long heard that Tiandou Royal Academy is in the mountains, but I didn't expect that the environment here is even more beautiful than I imagined." Lingxiao looked around with curiosity on his face.

Han Yu smiled inwardly.

There are many lakes near Tiandou Royal Academy. The environment is indeed beautiful, but if people live in such a humid environment for a long time, they may get rheumatism at a young age.

Fortunately, there are soul masters here, otherwise there would have to be several medical clinics nearby.

"I can be safer here." Ye Lingling thought in his heart.

It's just that this sense of security is very weak, not even as strong as being by Han Yu's side.

"Let's go. These steps are no longer accessible to ordinary people. Cheer up and don't embarrass me." Han Yu warned.

They set out early in the morning and wandered leisurely. It was already noon when they arrived at the foot of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

It is the hottest time of the day, and everyone has not eaten even a drop of rice from morning to now. Climbing up such a high ladder in one go is really a challenge.

"Come on~" With Lingxiao taking the lead, the others quickly followed.

Lingxiao was a bad guy. She could fly. When she was exhausted, relying on her soul power, she quickly flew into the sky, leaving everyone behind.

"Ah~ Sister Xiaoxiao is so bad." Zhu Dazhi said with a look of resentment.

He was a defensive soul master, and speed was not his strong point. In addition, Ye Lingling's soul power level was higher than his, so she was naturally faster than him.

"The teacher said, whoever comes last will get extra training tonight." Ye Lingling said with a naughty look.

"Sisters, wait for me."

Seeing the banter among several people, Han Yu couldn't help but smile.

Not long after, a middle-aged man appeared in front of the gate of the college, waiting here for a long time.

"Everyone, I am Sun Buyu, a teacher of the college." As he said that, he looked at Han Yu and remembered what the three education committee members had explained in the morning, "You must be students of senior Han Yu. I wonder where senior Han Yu is? ?”

In Douluo Continent, the strong are respected. Even if he knew that the other party was younger than himself, the other party's cultivation level was enough for Sun Buyu to willingly call him "senior".

Han Yu took a few steps forward and said with a smile: "Teacher Sun, I am Han Yu. His Royal Highness must have made arrangements. These are my students and they will join the academy with me."

When Sun Buyu heard this, he subconsciously took a step back, his eyes were a little dull and said, "Oh my God, you are Senior Han, you are too young!"

Han Yu smiled and said nothing. He simply released his soul pressure, and Sun Buyu believed it.

The latter was a level 53 soul king, who could make him feel irresistible soul pressure. There was no doubt about the other party's identity.

Suddenly, he changed his previous expression and said with a smile: "Senior Han, and fellow students, hurry up, the three education committee members are waiting for you."

"Teacher Sun, please call me Teacher Han from now on. I cannot bear the term "senior".

Sun Buyu was a good person. He slapped his forehead and said: "Oh, look at my memory, we will all be teachers from now on. Teacher Han, please take good care of me in the future."

At such an age, Sun Buyu is still only a level 53 Soul King. He also knows that relying on his own talent, he will be a Soul Emperor at most in his life. But if you can curry favor with some powerful people and get some resources, there is hope for Soul Saint.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person, so Han Yu had no reason to refuse his advances. Moreover, as a new arrival, he still needs help with many things.

"Teacher Han, let me tell you something on the way. There are about five hundred students in our college, basically all noble children from the empire and various affiliated kingdoms. As for your students, His Highness the Crown Prince has made arrangements , enter the academy as the prince’s disciple.”

The number of customers in Xueqinghe is very few. Everyone knows that he is the future emperor of the Tiandou Empire. It is not easy to become his disciple, which also leads to the noble status of the disciple. If you put it in Tiandou City, you can also get the treatment of ordinary nobles.

"However, Teacher Han, the students in the academy are divided into three levels. Those who have just entered the school and whose strength is less than level 25 are Tianwei level students; those who are from level 25 to 30 are Tianzhi level students; the third level is Tianzhi level students. Those who are above level 10 are Tiandou level students.”

"I think your students cover these three levels; if possible, I would be willing to be the teacher of the Tianzhi-level students among them."

Zhu Zhuqing and Lingxiao are exactly at this level.

As for Zhu Dazhi, he currently has level 24 soul power and can only go to the lowest level.

Seeing that Han Yu did not speak, Sun Buyu added: "Teacher Han, it's like this. Teachers in the college are also divided into levels. Tianwei-level teachers are from level 40 to level 50; Tianzhi-level teachers are from level 5 to level 50. Levels ten to sixty; Tiandou level is above level sixty. Moreover, each level has a corresponding teacher and a corresponding age.”

"Teacher Han, there are currently no teachers of level 70 in the college. I think the three education committees will have other arrangements for you."

That's right, who would choose to be a teacher if he could become a Soul Saint? He was born in Tiandou Royal Academy and was a Soul Saint. It was more than enough for him to become the dean of other high-level soul master academies.

"Teacher Han, as for the daily study and life of the students. I suggest that those at the Tianwei level should be taught by the college's veteran teacher Huang Min. Those at the Tiandou level should be taught by Teacher Qin Ming."

"And, this year, I heard that Teacher Qin Ming will lead the college to participate in the Soul Master Competition. As your students, you are fully qualified to join."

Sun Buyu said a lot in one breath. Han Yu was not in a hurry to express his position.

The academy's appointment to him has not been finalized yet, and the subsequent training arrangements for Ye Lingling and others will have to be made based on the situation.

Soon after, several people came to a building.

This is the largest building in the entire college and is also the seat of the Education Committee.

"In front of you is the Education Committee. Hey~, that's Teacher Qin."

Speaking of Qin Ming, Sun Buyu laughed, "Teacher Han, before you arrived, Teacher Qin had always been the second youngest soul emperor on the mainland, but now it seems that he can only be ranked third. ”

Seeing Sun Buyu coming here with a stranger, Qin Ming immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Teacher Sun, is this the Teacher Han mentioned by the three education committee members?"

Qin Ming naturally wants to make friends with people who are more talented than himself.

"Haha, let me introduce you. This is Teacher Han Yuhan. The young people behind you are Teacher Han's disciples."

Qin Ming quickly shook hands with Han Yu, "Teacher Han, my name is Qin Ming. Just call me Teacher Qin. If you need help, just ask."

Han Yu responded with a smile: "Okay, Teacher Qin."

Qin Ming is indeed a good person, but it's a pity that he is Shrek's lackey, so he can't be kept.

"Teacher Han, this student of yours has a very high soul power. I am currently forming a Tiandou Royal Academy team. I wonder if your student can join the team."

The person Qin Ming wanted was naturally Ye Lingling.

Han Yu smiled and said, "Please introduce yourselves."

"Teacher Qin, my name is Ye Lingling, I am sixteen years old this year, my martial soul is Begonia Flower, and I am a level 38 healing soul master."

"My name is Zhu Zhuqing"

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