Not surprisingly, everyone cooperated very cooperatively to give Ning Fengzhi this face.

In the end, the auction item was sold for one million gold soul coins.

"It's boring." Han Yu lay lazily on the sofa.

The next lot was relatively ordinary, and Han Yu was no longer interested.

Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye, it was time for the final auction.

In the meantime, Han Yu also took action several times and took some reasonably useful items.

Xue Qinghe originally wanted to help pay, but Han Yu refused.

The auction house is the property of the royal family. The so-called payment is just a matter of left hand and right hand. Han Yu does not want to owe favors for no reason.

Moreover, before he left, Linghai gave him a lot of money to fund his activities.

"The next auction item is good news for the majority of female VIPs. This item is called a beauty elixir. As the name suggests, taking this elixir has the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin. Moreover, it has been certified by many masters in the auction house that this item is real and effective. The starting price is 500,000 gold soul coins, and each bid increase must not be less than 50,000 gold soul coins.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar in the auction house.

No matter where you place it on beauty and beauty, this effect will explode.

Many of the people present are over seventy years old. And their married wives have long since faded. If they could regain their youthful appearance, who would think of finding a lover.

And today, most of these people came with their wives.

"One million gold soul coins." The old man at the black VIP seat came to his senses and made a quick offer.

"Fuck you, who are you looking down on? I want two million gold soul coins."

"Sure enough, women's spending power is always stronger than men's." Looking at this scene, Han Yu couldn't help but shake his head.

At the same time, this can be regarded as finding a way for him to make money. With systematic help and the many kinds of strange fires he currently has at his disposal, it is possible to refine a beauty elixir.

"Brother Han, do you have someone you like, why not compete with him?" Xue Qinghe said with a smile.

As a peerless genius, Qian Renxue naturally doesn't worry about her appearance under the mask. If nothing else, Bibi Dong, now in her fifties, still maintains the skin of a twenty-year-old.

"I don't have anything, but Brother Xue, why don't you buy one and try it? Although it is useful for women, it doesn't mean it is useless for men." Han Yu said with a cold smile.

According to Xue Qinghe's character, his cultivation talent is not very good. It will not take him more than a few decades to show the old look of Xue Ye. With this beauty pill, your appearance will age slower.

Of course, this presupposes that he must be the real Xue Qinghe.

In the end, Ning Fengzhi bought this beauty pill for 2.2 million gold soul coins.

Should I say it or not, Ning Fengzhi still knows how to play. He only has one pill and he has more than one wife. The final ownership rights will naturally be decided by Ning Fengzhi. Ning Fengzhi may not be happy these days.

"The penultimate lot is a five-thousand-year-old right arm soul bone from the Flying Lightning Dragon. This soul bone was not taken from the soul master as a trophy. In addition, the seller kept it properly, so the completeness reaches One hundred percent.”

After the soul bone is absorbed by the soul master, it is then peeled off by others. If the bone peeling technique is not precise during this process, it will cause certain damage to the soul bone. This is why some families let the deceased bring their soul bones to the cemetery.

The soul bones are attached to the bones. Without exquisite skills, peeling them off will cause serious damage to the soul bones and the body. Rather than doing this, it is better to have a good reputation of respecting the family elders and let them take the soul bones into the tomb.

"The starting price is 700,000 gold soul coins, and each bid increase must not be less than 100,000 gold soul coins."

As the auctioneer finished speaking, many people started bidding.

"Forget it, five thousand years of thunder-attributed soul bones, there's no need to sell them." Han Yu made a judgment in his mind.

The age has not exceeded 10,000 years, and the attributes are not suitable; Han Yu does not have a big family behind him, so after buying it back, he can only keep it in his hands to gather dust.

"Luo Mian, this soul bone is quite suitable for my Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. Please bid." In a red private room, Yu Yuanzhen said slowly.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family doesn't have much property. Ning Fengzhi was able to dance so happily in the past mainly because they had a limited budget and would not fight over meaningless things.

Yuluo Mian nodded and said, "Two million gold soul coins."

"Oh? It's Lao Long. Sect Master, do we still want to increase the price?" Chen Xin asked.

Ning Fengzhi started thinking. He had proposed it a long time ago that the three sects were united to fight against the Spirit Hall.

Unfortunately, as the Haotian Sect closed the mountain and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family remained neutral, this proposal could not be implemented.

"Uncle Jian, Wuhun Palace's actions over the years have put everyone in the soul master world in danger. I think they may be brewing some conspiracy. Let's forget about this soul bone. Give Lao Long a face and deal with Wuhun Palace in the future. We also need to cooperate with Laolong.”

After hearing what the other party said, Chen Xin nodded with deep understanding and immediately put down the sign in his hand.

Seeing this, Yu Yuanzhen smiled faintly, "It seems that Ning Fengzhi is still willing to sell me this face. Anyway, if the value of the last soul bone does not meet our expectations, let's give it to them."

The auction list only contains a list of items, and detailed information will only be known after the items are taken out. This is also a method used by auction houses to allow guests to have a certain amount of suspense about the auction items.

"Dear guests, I believe that many of you are here for this last lot, which is the finale. So, I won't hold back."

As he spoke, the female staff member of the auction house stood behind the auctioneer, holding a delicate tray in both hands.

As the golden silk cloth covering the soul bone was lifted, the colorful light emitted from the soul bone instantly attracted everyone's attention.

At the same time, the guards in the auction house filed in from the small doors on both sides of the auction house and blocked the auction table.

"Haha, distinguished guests, don't worry, these guards are here to ensure that the auction goes smoothly." The auctioneer explained with a smile.

It is essential to be on guard against others. If the soul bone is snatched away in front of everyone, it will be a loss to the Tiandou royal family.

"This is a 30,000-year-old left arm soul bone from the Thousand Jun Ants. It is in perfect condition. Not much to say, the starting price is two million gold soul coins, and each increase in price must not be less than 200,000 gold soul coins. "

"Three million!" This time the bidding started directly from the red VIP area.

Previously, they all started with white seats and gradually moved to red VIPs. From now on, the red VIPs bid directly, which means that except for the red VIPs, others have almost no way to bid.

In this kind of auction, there is no such thing as pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. If you are really capable, sit in the corresponding seat. If you mess with the rules, you will offend everyone at once.

Even Ning Fengzhi was sitting at the VIP table, so the benefits and disadvantages of this can be imagined.

There is another chapter tonight, please look forward to it

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