"Teacher Han, except for Sister Lingling who did not participate in the competition tonight, we all achieved a complete victory. Do you want to reward us?" Late at night, after Lingxiao and others returned from the spirit fighting arena, they quickly approached Han Yu to claim credit.

Han Yu smiled evilly and said, "How about I reward you with winning ten games in a row?"

"No, no, no, no, teacher Han, I just said it casually." After saying that, Lingxiao closed her mouth angrily.

Although the two of them had not been in contact for long, she knew that Han Yu would do whatever he said.

She just barely managed to win today. When her opponents become stronger and stronger, her twenty-fifth level soul power will magnify her disadvantage in the field of great soul masters.

Zhu Zhuqing, on the other hand, has been on a winning streak from the beginning to now.

Currently at level twenty-nine, her soul power is in a crushing state in the Great Soul Master Field.

"Go to rest early. I will give you a big opportunity in a while. If you don't perform well, I won't give it to you." Han Yu said half threatening, half joking.

And the opportunity he mentioned was naturally referring to the fairy grass in Dugu Bo's place. Han Yu was not monopolistic like Tang San. He would at least find a suitable fairy grass for Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan.

Moreover, Dugu Bo is a person worth getting to know deeply.

"Ah~ Teacher, how big of an opportunity are you talking about?" Lingxiao whispered.

Han Yu heard this and smiled: "I can improve your talents, and also increase your soul power by several levels without affecting your foundation. Is this a great opportunity?"

Thinking of Lingxiao's martial soul, he felt that if Lingxiao absorbed the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, the martial soul might be able to evolve.

Putting their thoughts away, Ye Lingling and others returned to their respective rooms at Han Yu's urging.

Speechless all night.

Early the next morning, Han Yu told the students to stay in the hotel to practice while he went to the Tiandou Auction House alone.

Before arriving at the auction house, Han Yu found that Xue Qinghe had arrived here early.

Not only that, a lot of people have gathered in front of the auction square.

"Brother Han, I didn't expect you to come so early." After She Long secretly sent the message, Xue Qinghe came over quickly.

People of the younger generation may not know She Long and Zhang Xue, but in the eyes of the older generation, they are the geniuses of their era; if they get together with Xue Qinghe, it will be a political disaster.

Han Yu responded with a smile: "I didn't expect that Brother Xue would come so early."

As he said that, he looked at the huge crowd and sighed: "However, we still didn't come early enough. It will probably be almost noon when we wait in line."

Xue Qinghe came so early, firstly to wait for Han Yu, and secondly, because he wanted to take advantage of the lack of people to see people he shouldn't see.

"Brother Han is joking. Of course I won't let Brother Han line up." As he said that, he led Han Yu into a side passage surrounded by a group of guards.

"Brother Han, these people in line are just ordinary guests at the auction house. This auction feast is unprecedentedly grand, and there are many people who want to come here to watch. However, the ordinary seats in the auction house are limited and cannot accommodate so many people."

If Han Yu stayed in an ordinary hotel, he would definitely know that there had been an influx of people in Tiandou City recently. But he stayed at the Tiandou Royal Hotel. As a place to entertain foreign guests and important guests, he couldn't stay at the hotel without a certain status.

The irony is that if ordinary guests want to enter the auction house, in addition to capital verification, they also need to undergo strict security inspections. Those who have a soul guide need to submit the soul guide to a designated person for inspection. As for the VIP channel, you can enter directly by just showing your ID card.

You know, although most of the ordinary guests are soul masters, none of these people have soul powers above level 50. And sitting in the VIP seats, many are powerful people above Soul Saint.

When did a soul master below the soul king become more of a threat than a powerful person above the soul saint?

Entering the hall of the auction house, Xue Qinghe acted as a tour guide, introducing some of the conditions of the Tiandou Auction House to Han Yu.

"The seats in the auction house are roughly divided into white, yellow, purple, black, and red. The status of the distinguished guest is determined based on the color of the soul ring."

Needless to say, Xue Qinghe represents the Tiandou royal family, and his private room is naturally the most noble red private room No. 1.

This private room, if not Xue Ye or Xue Qinghe, is always used by Prince Xue Xing.

As for the items that can enter the auction house, they are naturally selected by the Tiandou royal family; when Xue Qinghe comes to the scene, it plays more of a role in cheering.

After entering the private room, Xue Qinghe dismissed the guards.

"Brother Han, if you want anything, you can take a photo of it and treat it as a meeting gift." Xue Qinghe said with a smile while sitting on the sofa.

Han Yu nodded slightly, then bent down and picked up the auction list on the coffee table.

For ordinary guests, the items on the lot are unknown, but for VIPs, the list of items is almost everyone's copy.

"As expected of the privileged class." Han Yu sighed quietly.

Half an hour later, someone knocked on the door outside the VIP table, and immediately handed a letter in through the mail slot on the door.

After opening the letter and checking it out, Xue Qinghe looked at Han Yu and said with a smile, "Brother Han, can you go with me to meet someone?"

"I have long heard that Sect Master Ning of Qibao Glazed Sect is Brother Xue's teacher. I wonder if I am going to see Sect Master Ning?" Han Yu asked.

Xue Qinghe shook his head and did not explain the identity of the person. He just said that the identity of the other person was higher than Ning Fengzhi.

There are only a few people with a higher status than Ning Fengzhi on the mainland. For example, the emperors of the two empires, as well as the respective leaders of the Pope Hall and the Enshrinement Hall of Wuhun Hall.

If Han Yu had to guess, he thought it was more likely to be Xue Ye.

The two soon arrived at a private room. Before knocking on the door, Xue Qinghe warned: "Brother Han, don't be afraid of each other later, just relax."

After saying that, before they could knock on the door, the door to the room opened automatically.

Han Yu could sense that no one opened the door, but someone pulled the door open with soul power, and that person's strength was at least a Titled Douluo.

Bibi Dong!

After entering the door, Han Yu quickly recognized the woman sitting on the sofa.

Beside her, two figures, one black and one yellow, stood.

Han Yu couldn't sense any masculinity in the man with the yellow figure, but on the contrary, he had a strong femininity. If it weren't for the Adam's apple on his throat, Han Yu would have thought he was a woman.

With such an appearance and the strength of a titled Douluo, he didn't need to think too much to know that this person was Ju Douluo Yueguan.

The black figure is naturally Ghost Douluo Ghost, but this person's hall is darkened, and he looks like someone who is about to suffer a disaster.

On the other hand, Bibi Dong only wore a simple lavender dress, but her noble and elegant temperament was not covered by this simple dress.

"Han Yu, I have met His Majesty the Pope."

Bibi Dong can issue appointment documents to herself, how can she not know who she is?

Moreover, her mood fluctuates greatly. Once she is angry, she will not be able to leave the room.

As usual, there will be an update at 6pm.

It's the beginning of the month, the monthly tickets have grown out, right? The traffic is coming.

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