Dai Mubai vaguely felt that this matter might have something to do with his second brother, but it was difficult for him to speak out about such unspeakable things.

Ma Hongjun looked mournful and said: "I was attacked by them, damn Canghui Academy."

"There are many students in Canghui Academy who major in the spiritual department. Mubai and Hongjun are probably affected by their soul skills." Zhao Wuji touched his chin and analyzed.

Tang San was still a little confused at first, but after listening to Zhao Wuji's explanation, he also felt that this was the case.

Yu Xiaogang had told him at the beginning that unless the soul master with a beast martial soul was a spiritual beast martial soul, his mental power would be weaker than that of a weapon soul master of the same level.

It is not impossible for some powerful spiritual soul skills to transcend levels and affect the enemy.

In addition, this time, Xiao Wu was not injured, and Tang San did not label the people in Canghui Academy as seeking death.

"Mu Bai, what's the conflict between you and Rongrong? She actually refused to treat you." Zhao Wuji frowned.

Although the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit is an amplifying auxiliary martial spirit, its amplifying effect contains some healing effects. Now that the hunt for souls is about to begin, it is always a good thing to recover more from the injuries.

Before Dai Mubai could say anything, Tang San said, "Teacher Zhao, Ning Rongrong is used to being willful. It's probably because she had some quarrels with Boss Dai a few days ago and she got angry."

Fortunately, Ning Rongrong was not in the room, otherwise she would definitely refute Tang San.

Zhao Wuji frowned with a headache, but he couldn't say much. Ning Rongrong's identity was not something he could offend, so he would let Flanders handle the relationship between the students.

The next morning, as soon as the sky turned white, Han Yu led everyone into the Star Forest.

"This is the third time I have entered the Star Dou Forest this year." The upgrade was too fast, which was a bit annoying.

The first two times, he entered the forest from here, and he was familiar with the first half of the road.

"Dazhi's martial spirit is a bloodthirsty porcupine, so a defensive spirit beast will be the best choice. Dazhi, do you have any ideas?" Han Yu asked.

"Teacher Han, a porcupine-type soul ring is enough." Zhu Dazhi said timidly.

Find a soul hunting team to hunt for souls. They both have 700-year-old soul rings, but the charging standards for rare types and common types are different. What Zhu Dazhi said was just the most mediocre choice.

"Too ordinary." Linghai shook his head and rejected this choice.

Zhu Dazhi will be his granddaughter's teammate in the future, so the stronger he is, the more help he will have to his granddaughter. He will not be stingy in this kind of thing.

Han Yu answered: "Lingling, last time we came out of the forest, you still remember that there was an armored dragon. A dragon-like soul beast and a defensive type, it is just suitable for ambition."

Ye Lingling said: "Teacher Han, I seem to remember that not far ahead is the territory of the armored dragon."

"Dragon soul beast, Teacher Han, can I really do it?" Zhu Dazhi said timidly.

Han Yu held his forehead. Zhu Dazhi was good at everything, but he smelled of poverty. It was fine when facing his peers, but when facing nobles like Linghai, he was too groveling.

Han Yu didn't mean to blame him. This was caused by his family environment.

"Dazhi, you are my student. The armored dragon's soul ring is nothing, but you have to remember that you don't have to please anyone, you understand!"

Zhu Dazhi nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice.

Han Yu didn't know if he could listen. In the future, if he wins a few more games in the Soul Fighting Arena, maybe this situation will get better.

A few people could have speeded up, but at the request of Han Yu and Ling Hai, Ye Lingling and others still had to walk the rest of the way on their own.

As a sensitive attack spirit master, Zhu Zhuqing was scouting ahead; Lingxiao, as a powerful attack spirit master, had the functions of protecting Ye Lingling and clearing the way for his teammates.

"Their performance is pretty good and they have a sense of teamwork. Teacher Han, have you decided to go to Tiandou Royal Academy to look for the other teammates?" Linghai asked.

Han Yu thought for a while and said: "The situation of Tiandou Royal Academy is unknown. If possible, I still think it would be better to form a brand new team. Senior, you have also seen the situation of Dazhi. It cannot be changed overnight. Yes, it would not be a good thing for him to mix with noble students."


As he spoke, Han Yu's expression suddenly became wary.

In his perception, a group of three people were approaching, and one of the three people was very strong.

"Linghai, I didn't expect it to be an old guy like you." A loud voice sounded in front of them. Ye Lingling and others heard the words and stopped quickly.

The visitors were none other than the peerless Dragon Snake couple and their granddaughter Meng Yiran. Through perception, Han Yu discovered that Meng Yiran had exceeded level 31.

Come to think of it, without Shrek's interference, the crested snake would never have been able to escape from their grasp.

"Meng Shu, Chao Tianxiang, it's you two old guys. Why, this time you are here to get the soul ring for your granddaughter." Linghai greeted with a smile.

Meng Shu was older than Ling Hai, but Ling Hai was a generous man and had a good relationship with Meng Shu.

"Grandpa Meng Shu, Grandma Chao Tianxiang, and Sister Yiran." Lingxiao came over and said hello.

After a while of pleasantries, Meng Shu also knew the purpose of Linghai's trip.

"Little friend Han Yu is very promising at a young age, haha."

"Senior Long Gong is ridiculous." Han Yu responded with a chuckle.

Meng Shu also had the idea of ​​recruiting Han Yu, but after seeing the Linghai, the idea passed quickly.

Linghai's eldest sister is an elder of Wuhun Hall, and Han Yu is a fire attribute soul master. The relationship between them seems self-evident.

"I won't disturb you anymore. I want to take Yi Yi back to consolidate his cultivation. Say goodbye."

Duke Long hugged his fists and said goodbye to Ling Hai and others.

"It's a pity that Meng is still an offensive type soul master. If he is an auxiliary type or a control type, there is still a need to recruit him." Han Yu sighed.

It's not impossible to recruit Meng Yiran, but Meng Shu has an impure mind, and Han Yu doesn't want to have too much contact with him.

"Teacher Han, aren't you short of people? Meng Yiran is quite good. How about I come forward to talk to Meng Shu?" Linghai asked proactively,

Han Yu shook his head, "Senior Linghai, with Meng Yiran's cultivation, he must have joined the Advanced Soul Master Academy. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to poach corners from other academies."

Seeing that the other party did not consider this aspect, Linghai smiled and changed the topic.

On Shrek's side, although he didn't meet the matchless dragon-snake couple, Oscar still found the crested snake.

However, this time they got into the nest of the cockscomb snake.

"Mubai, take everyone out and leave this place to me." Zhao Wuji shouted and took the initiative to block in front of everyone.

There are quite a few phoenix-crested snakes around, but they are all thousand-year-old.

Zhao Wuji seized the opportunity, injured one of them, and immediately retreated.

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