"Senior, my name is Zhu Dazhi. Are you a teacher at the Advanced Soul Master Academy?" The young man bowed and asked.

For those of them living at the bottom, there is only one chance to rise to the top, and it is fleeting.

Even though he knew that Shrek Academy's reputation was not very good, enrolling in Shrek would allow him to get the coveted second soul ring, which was an urgent need for him.

Unfortunately, his soul power did not reach Level 21 and he was eliminated in the first round.

"Senior, my son's innate soul power has reached level seven. It's a pity that as parents, we are not able to help him obtain the second soul ring." Zhu Dazhi's father, Zhu Chongtian, said helplessly.

Han Yu nodded and said: "It doesn't matter. I think your son's martial spirit is a bloodthirsty porcupine. This is a rare defensive martial spirit. If you trust me, I have the confidence to train him into a top powerhouse." ”

That's right, Han Yu took a fancy to his martial spirit. Bloodthirsty Porcupine Although Wuhun is a pig, the bloodthirsty porcupine cannot be compared with Yu Xiaogang's pig. The defensive power of this martial spirit is second only to the Black Tortoise. More importantly, this little guy has no background and will not have any interests entangled in the future.

"Thank you, senior, thank you so much, senior." Zhu Zhongtian said with excitement: "Senior, my martial spirit is a pig, my child's martial spirit is a hedgehog, and Dazhi's martial spirit is a mutated martial spirit?"

"Yes, and it is a benign mutation. In the future, his achievement will be at least Soul Saint." Han Yu said.

When he talks about Titled Douluo, others will think that he is bragging. Soul Saint is also a powerful person in the mainland, and with innate seventh-level soul power, he is fully qualified to reach this height.

Zhu Dazhi quickly knelt down and said, "Teacher Han, I am willing to go to your academy."

Zhu Chongtian and his wife also agreed with their son's decision. Their family was ordinary people, but Zhu Dazhi was a seventh-level innate genius, which gave them hope of class transcendence.

Although they didn't know Han Yu, the soul ring under Han Yu's feet couldn't be fake. As long as Zhu Dazhi can become the Soul Saint, their family will be considered prosperous.

Han Yu agreed with a smile.

The team currently lacks a front rower. Zhu Dazhi should be trained properly. In the future, when fighting souls, he alone can withstand Dai Mubai's offensive.

Soon after, Han Yu brought Zhu Dazhi back to Lingfu.

After everyone got to know each other, Han Yu asked them to start today's practice.

"Our goal is the next Soul Master Competition. The Soul Master Competition adopts a seven-person team to fight souls, and the cooperation between them is particularly important. Today, Senior Linghai arranged for a strong Soul King to compete with you. Sparring.”

"Zhu Dazhi now needs to obtain the second soul ring. After that, I will take you to the Star Dou Forest to practice. Do you understand?"

This time, Linghai will also go to the Star Dou Forest. Moreover, the Star Dou Forest held Tang San's most important opportunity, and Han Yu had no reason not to intercept Hu.

"Yes, Teacher Han!"

The sparring started soon, and Han Yu sat aside and observed.

[The Ten Thousand Fire System releases a new mission to plunder the eight spider soul bones. The mission is completed and a strange fire is rewarded. 】

Han Yu frowned. The system's mission this time coincided with his thoughts. It's just that the Eight Spider Soul Bones were absorbed into the body along with Tang San. Moreover, it was an important part of the spinal cord. If he tried to pull it out, Tang San would probably die immediately.

[Host, please rest assured, as long as the host appears near Tang San in time, this system will assist the host in taking out the soul bone. And this process will not be noticed by anyone. 】

"Haha, with systematic help, Tang Xiaosan, I will remove all the 'teeth' on your body one by one."

The Eight Spider Soul Bones are very useful, but it's a pity that Han Yu already has an external soul bone on his back and may not be able to absorb it. But he can use it to train disciples.

After one stick of incense, the sparring session was over.

Overall, the performance of Ye Lingling and others was in line with expectations. And the Soul King didn't deliberately let things go. It was pretty good that they could last so long together for the first time.

"Your biggest problem is that you don't have a suitable commander."

Ye Lingling is only an auxiliary soul master, so she does not have strong control over the overall situation. If there is someone from the control system who is good at command, the cooperation between them can be improved.

Shrek Academy here.

Ning Rongrong was still the same, having a quarrel because she was dissatisfied with Flanders' arrangements.

That night, when Dai Mubai and his party came back, because the second brother couldn't get up, as expected he was dumped by the wealthy businessman's daughter.

Dai Mubai, who was worried and had nowhere to vent his anger, happened to hear Ning Rongrong's laughter, and he rushed directly into the girls' dormitory.

"Ning Rongrong, you bitch, why are you laughing!" Dai Mubai scolded angrily.

Oscar happened to be there, and Ning Rongrong's laughter just now was also because of Oscar's joke.

"Boss Dai, what's wrong?"

"Ning Rongrong, let me tell you, others are afraid of you, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, but I am not afraid. If you dare to smile again, see how I kill you." Dai Mubai's voice was loud, and he was still sending Xiao Wu back to the dormitory. On the way, Tang San and the two heard it.

"Boss Dai, Rongrong didn't offend you. What's wrong with you?" Oscar asked without knowing why.

Ning Rongrong was obviously not afraid of Dai Mubai. She sneered and said, "I just laughed. Kill me. I'm so scared."

As the apple of the eye of the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, no one dared to speak to her like this since she was a child.

It was okay for Flanders to teach her a lesson, but how could she bear it when Dai Mubai was making trouble for no reason.

"Boss Dai, what's wrong? We are all classmates, so don't be so angry." Tang San walked in and asked.

"Okay, Tang San, I'll give you this face. Ning Rongrong, remember this. If you dare to laugh in front of me again, don't blame me for tearing your mouth apart." After saying that, Dai Mubai slammed the door and left. .

His inability to be strong resulted in him being abandoned by many of his girlfriends, which dealt a huge blow to Dai Mubai's psychology. Therefore, when he hears female laughter, he naturally draws himself into it, thinking that others are laughing at his weakness.

"Rong Rong, what happened?" Tang San asked in confusion.

Oscar took the initiative to reply: "Miss, Rongrong didn't offend Boss Dai. I don't know why, but Boss Dai rushed in and scolded Rongrong."

When Ning Rongrong saw someone speaking up for herself, Ning Rongrong was also very adamant, "He is just mentally ill, don't pay attention to him."

Tang San frowned when he heard this.

Ning Rongrong made Tang San feel unhappy with her because of what happened in the afternoon. In addition, Tang San had a good sense of Dai Mubai, so he thought that Ning Rongrong was at fault in this matter.

"Rongrong, if you still treat us as classmates, go and apologize to Boss Dai. Although I don't know what happened, but I understand Boss Dai's character. He will not trouble you for no reason."

"Tang San, you..." Ning Rongrong's eyes widened in anger.

She did nothing wrong, why should she apologize.

"Mistress, Rongrong is indeed not to blame for this matter." Oscar said quickly.

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