In the Douluo Continent, strength is respected. Even though this guard is much older than Han Yu, his attitude has to change in the face of absolute strength.

Han Yu didn't say much, but waited quietly at the door.

The guards didn't know him. If they were looking for trouble and brought Han Yu into the house, ten lives would not be enough to kill him.

"Master, there is a soul emperor outside who calls himself Han Yu, and I think he is very young. He may be from the Wuhun Palace." The housekeeper received the news and hurriedly reported it.

"Could it be someone sent by eldest sister?" Linghai touched his chin, "Let him come in. I don't know if he was sent by eldest sister."

Soon after, Han Yu came to the reception room under the leadership of the guards.

Although Linghai didn't know him, a soul emperor of such an age was worthy of his friendship.

"This must be little friend Han Yu. Old man, I am Ling Hai. I wonder what the reason for your visit is?"

Han Yu cupped his hands and said, "I've heard about Senior Linghai's name for a long time, so I'm here to visit you rashly. I hope Haihan will do it."

Such a young Soul Emperor must have unlimited potential, and Linghai would not be displeased over such a trivial matter. After all, geniuses and strong men are treated differently.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Han Yu went straight to the point, "Senior Linghai, let me tell you the truth, this junior came here because he took a fancy to your grandson's talent and wants to recruit her into my team."

After a brief introduction, Linghai understood that Han Yu had the idea of ​​forming a team for the soul master competition.

At the same time, he was also sure that Han Yu was not the person sent by his eldest sister.

"So, little friend Han Yu is a teacher at the college?"

It just so happened that his granddaughter needed to enter the Advanced Soul Master Academy, and he couldn't find a suitable one after searching around. It would be of great benefit to his granddaughter if a talented person like Han Yu could personally guide her in her cultivation.

"To be honest, I have not joined any high-level soul master academy. If seniors believe in me, I guarantee that your granddaughter will be the starter in the next soul master competition and achieve good results."

Sincerity is always a must-win, and besides, for a straightforward person like Ling Hai, telling him that those twists and turns will arouse his disgust.

Linghai really couldn't resist the sincere young man in front of him. He said: "Little friend Han Yu, I can feel the majestic flame breath in your body. It's great, old man. My eldest sister is a martial spirit." Elder of the Hall, if you are willing, I can ask my eldest sister to accept you as a disciple. Besides, you don’t need to look for other colleges, just go to Wuhun Hall Academy to join.”

Hearing this, Han Yu understood.

Originally, he just speculated that the martial soul of this Linghai was very similar to Lingyuan Douluo. After what the other party said, he could be sure that the person Linghai was talking about was Lingyuan Douluo.

You must know that as an extremely rare female titled Douluo in the Douluo Continent, Lingyuan Douluo must be the emperor's favored one.

But Lingyuan Douluo was Bibi Dong's man, and he had no intention of joining Bibi Dong's command.

"Senior Linghai's kindness is appreciated by this junior. However, this junior has his own plans. If senior can trust me, please feel free to let me teach your granddaughter."

Han Yu vaguely guessed that Linghai did not allow his granddaughter to enroll in Wuhundian Academy, most likely because of the factional disputes within Wuhundian.

Lingyuan Douluo cannot interfere in the affairs of Wuhundian Academy. If his granddaughter enters it, the training resources will inevitably be deducted by someone with ulterior motives. He wanted to introduce Han Yu to the academy. Firstly, with Han Yu's talent, Wuhun Palace will not target him too much. Secondly, it will use this favor to let him take care of his granddaughter.

"Excuse me, which college do you plan to join?" Linghai thought for a while and asked.

Han Yu said: "I am destined to be the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, so I should go to the Tiandou Royal Academy."

This does not mean that he will work for Qian Renxue or join the Tiandou Empire. But for Qin Ming, a guy who is trying to get in and out, he has long wanted to deal with this guy.

Linghai didn't know Wuhundian's plan, but he had a good relationship with the Balak royal family, so going to Tiandou Royal Academy was a good choice.

However, he did not rush to make a decision, but said: "Little friend Han Yu, didn't you say that you have two more students? So you can bring them over and let me see if their talents are really what you said. That way, I can safely leave my granddaughter to you."

Linghai is not stupid, and will not trust someone easily, even if he has good sense for Han Yu.

"Senior, please wait a moment."

Han Yu had already anticipated what the other party would say, and Ye Lingling had been waiting outside for a long time.

Not long after, Ling Hai walked out with her granddaughter in the martial arts arena of Ling Mansion.

Since we want to see the genius that Han Yu has taught, it would be a good choice to let his granddaughter compete with him.

"Junior Ye Lingling, sixteen years old, martial soul Begonia Flower (requested by Han Yu), level 38 healing soul master."

"Junior Zhu Zhuqing, twelve years old, martial soul Nether Civet Cat, twenty-eighth level agility attack type battle soul master."

"Netherworld Civet, surnamed Zhu" How could Linghai not know the origin of Zhu Zhuqing? He was surprised how Han Yu got involved with people from the Zhu family.

Hey, hey, some people from the Xingluo Zhu family will be unable to sit still when they join Huangdou Academy.

"Lingxiao, twelve years old, martial soul flame black eagle, twenty-fourth level attack type battle soul master." Lingxiao said.

There were very few people of her age who had more soul power than hers, and she also had a different view of Teacher Han as her grandfather said.

"Little friend Han Yu, you really surprise me. An auxiliary soul master can practice so fast?" Linghai couldn't help but admire him.

Ye Lingling said: "Senior, this is all the credit of the teacher."

Han Yu smiled and nodded.

Lingxiao's martial soul is of the fire attribute. Compared with Zhu Zhuqing and the others, if the Zihuo is given to her, the training effect will definitely be much better.

"Zhuqing, you and Lingxiao spar, so I can see how you fight." Han Yu suggested.

In the past few days, he had not had time to teach Zhu Zhuqing fighting skills, so he might as well take this opportunity to touch her.

Linghai laughed and said: "Haha, Xiaoxiao, go and compete with your future classmates."

The moment he heard about Zhu Zhuqing's strength, he already acquiesced that Han Yu was his granddaughter's teacher. After all, the opponent's two students are so powerful, and the opponent is a fire attribute soul master, so the effect of teaching his granddaughter will only be better.

"Classmate Zhuqing, please give me some advice." Lingxiao assumed a fighting stance.

Everyone also retreated and gave up the place.

"Classmate Xiaoxiao, please give me some advice."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them activated their martial spirits at the same time.

"It really is a ghost cat." Linghai touched his chin, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Classmate Xiaoxiao, be careful. The first soul skill is Netherworld Thrust."

"Classmate Zhuqing, look at the move. The first soul skill, Black Eagle's Fire."

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