"Why did the teacher ask us to carry out a sneak attack at the rear of the Star Luo Empire's army? With our strength, we can completely defeat the Tiandou Empire's army from the front." Tian Yue rubbed her fists with a somewhat dissatisfied look on her face.

With the blessing of the Divine Examination, the three of them have become titled Douluo. With such strength, it is like a deserted place on the frontal battlefield, and shuttling among hundreds of thousands of troops is as easy as drinking water.

How many enemies can be killed by conducting a sneak attack behind the enemy's rear?

Dugu Yan glanced at her helplessly. Ever since her strength improved, Tianyue has been looking for someone to fight. For this reason, she and Zhu Zhuqing were often dragged into discussions with each other.

But during the sparring session, he couldn't use his full strength and the fight was boring. Tianyue quickly turned his attention to Haotian Sect.

If Golden Crocodile hadn't stopped her, she would have reached the top of the Haotian Sect's mountain this time.

Zhu Zhuqing explained: "Killing people was not the teacher's original intention. These soldiers were originally bewitched by Dai Mubai and became invaders. Except for some murderous people, most of the soldiers are not bad in nature."

Most of the soldiers were either drafted or their families were exploited so much by the nobles that they could no longer survive. When you join the army, at least you can eat enough at every meal.

Of course, there are also some people who reveal their true nature in the army and start killing civilians.

What they need to do is to kill these pests and slow down the attack of the Star Luo Empire.

Dugu Yan added: "Tian Yue, you are from Wuhun Palace. Wuhun Palace has not joined the battlefield yet. If you wantonly slaughter the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire, you will definitely be in trouble."

"And the teacher said that the Star Luo Empire has the support of Haotian Sect and Huxin Island, so we do not rule out the possibility of Extreme Douluo participating in the battle. Although we have some strength now, we will not be our opponents against Extreme Douluo."

Of course, this is only a short-term defeat. After they complete the nine tests, they become gods. Then, in their eyes, Extreme Douluo is stronger than ordinary people.

Tianyue curled her lips angrily. She just wanted to rush into the Xingluo Palace and tear Dai Mubai to pieces.

"Be vigilant. According to intelligence, the Star Luo Empire's army is getting closer and closer. And the teacher said that in the battle of Izumo City, the Star Luo Empire is likely to send an army of close to 100,000 people." Zhu Zhuqing reminded.

"That's not good, let's see how I tear them apart!" Tianyue's eyes lit up, and she waved her fist and was about to rush forward.

Dugu Yan had no choice but to hold her back, "Don't mess around. We don't need to help the Tiandou Empire defend the city. Just cut off their logistics supplies and let them waste their time."

Tianyue felt unhappy, but she had to hold her temper.

Defeating the Xingluo Empire's army now will only affect Han Yu's plan, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Soon after, they arrived near Izumo Castle. Looking around, Izumo City has long been under martial law, and the city has been surrounded by the Star Luo Empire's army.

"Do they want to besiege Izumo City and force them to surrender?" Looking at the strategic deployment of the Star Luo Empire, it was not difficult for Tianyue to guess.

Zhu Zhuqing said: "After all, the Xingluo Empire's army is outside the city, and they can get a steady stream of supplies from the rear. But Izumo City cannot. Once the food in the city is exhausted, the city will collapse without attack. Tianyue, as long as we can Disrupting the Star Luo Empire's logistical supplies can slow down their offensive pace to a great extent."

After all, it is impossible for the troops sent by the Star Luo Empire to fight with food and grass.

This is also the reason why they cannot directly cross Izumo City.

If food and grass were not considered, they could completely bypass Izumo City and all the cities behind them and reach Jialing Pass directly. But the battle cannot be fought like this. Not only is it easy to get dumped if you go deep behind enemy lines, it is impossible for your own supplies to cross these cities and reach the frontline soldiers.

In these cities captured by the Star Luo Empire, many soldiers and horses will be left to defend the city to consolidate the logistics and transportation lines in the rear.

"Then why don't we go to their rear and directly harass the city they occupy?" Tian Yue suddenly thought.

Zhu Zhuqing had a look of helplessness on his face, "Can you think of this, the teacher can't think of it? The generals of the Star Luo Empire can't think of it? In a normal war, the front line will not be completely elite. The strong men in the Star Luo Empire's army, and more elites The power must still be in the city on the supply line."

"The three of us rushed over, almost to death."

After all, Zhu Zhuqing was born in the Zhu family, and he knew a lot about military matters.

Tianyue shrugged her shoulders and closed her mouth angrily.

Their primary target was not the soldiers attacking the city at the front, but the convoys transporting grain and grass from the rear.

After figuring out the logistics supply route of the Xingluo army, Tianyue and the others quickly rushed to the rear of the Xingluo army.

"Hey, let them see how powerful I am!"

The entire army's logistics supply line only has a thousand soldiers arranged by Ge Hang. However, it was Feng Xiaotian who led these armies.

Tianyue suddenly rushed into the military formation, her powerful soul pressure undisguised. Although she didn't reveal her soul ring, she could kill several of these ordinary people with one swing of her claw.

Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan also rushed into the military formation. Their first goal was to kill the enemy general.

When Feng Xiaotian walked out of the camp, he happened to bump into them.

"Xiaotian?" Zhu Zhuqing and the two men quickly stopped.

Seeing that no one noticed them, Feng Xiaotian quickly pulled the two people into the camp.

"Why are you here?" Feng Xiaotian asked quickly.

Dugu Yan said angrily: "We still want to ask you, how did you become the general of the Star Luo Empire? Isn't this helping the evil?"

Feng Xiaotian didn't want to do this, but in order to find out the power of the island in the middle of the lake, he could only stay here.

After some explanation, Zhu Zhuqing and the two finally understood.

"What should we do now? We can't really fight Xiaotian to the death." Dugu Yan spread his hands and was not optimistic about this idea.

Feng Xiaotian didn't care, "It's okay. As long as I don't show up, the people outside will lose their command and sooner or later they will be killed by Tianyue and be defeated."

"However, don't steal food and grass from me. Follow the road south, and you should see a convoy transporting food and grass. The rear has been captured by the Star Luo Empire, and they are progressing too smoothly these days. The food and grass are not protected, so you can take this opportunity to steal the food and grass."

After a pause, Feng Xiaotian thought of a good idea, "Since we want to delay the Xingluo army, you might as well send the food and grass to Izumo City. If the soul guides are not enough, I can give mine to you."

With that said, he took off the soul guidance necklace around his neck.

Zhu Zhuqing smiled lightly, "We really want to go together. However, the teacher prepared a lot of soul tools for me before leaving. The total space is two thousand cubic meters, which is enough."

Only then did Feng Xiaotian notice that Zhu Zhuqing had more than twenty soul bracelets on one of his arms, which together looked like an arm guard.

"You guys go quickly, I will pretend to be defeated later and go to the front to ask for help. Especially Zhuqing, there are people from the Zhu family in the army, don't let them find you." Feng Xiaotian reminded.

The two nodded in agreement.

Soon, they overturned the tent they were in, and Feng Xiaotian was thrown out casually by them. After all, Feng Xiaotian's disguised identity is just an ordinary person with some supernatural powers. Facing a soul master's attack, it's normal to be thrown away.

As for the front, Tianyue had already killed these soldiers, throwing off their armor and fleeing in all directions.

"Your general has been killed by us. If you don't want to die, get out!" Dugu Yan said loudly.

These soldiers had already lost their fighting spirit. After being told this, they even ran away desperately.

Tianyue found them, curled her lips and said, "These guys are too inexperienced, they ran away after just a few hits. By the way, I seemed to have seen Feng Xiaotian just now, was it an illusion?"

"It's not an illusion, he was the one we threw out just now!" Zhu Zhuqing said.

After some explanations from the two of them, Tianyue finally understood the reason.

"Why don't teachers let us join the army? It would be quite interesting to lead troops to fight!"

Hearing this, Dugu Yan's eyelids jumped.

Except for the existence of female soul masters in the soul master legion, there will be no women in the normal army. Even if there were, they were taken as condolences.

"Don't stay here too long. Let's follow Xiaotian's instructions and hijack the grain truck!"

At this moment, Ge Hang was leading his soldiers to attack the city without noticing anything strange behind them.

It wasn't until Feng Xiaotian rushed into the camp with the few remaining soldiers that Ge Hang realized that the logistics had been cut off.

"What's going on!" Ge Hang's expression turned extremely ugly.

Without logistical supplies, the rations carried by these soldiers could only last for five days at most.

After five days, wouldn’t they have to drink from the northwest wind? Moreover, soldiers who are not well fed have no combat effectiveness.

Feng Xiaotian immediately put his acting skills into action, "General, this subordinate deserves death. Those soul saints rushed into our military formation, and we had no power to resist. That's why..."

"Soul Saint!" Ge Hang's expression froze.

The generals leading the troops are only at the Soul Saint level. Where did the enemy get the three soul saints?

However, after hearing Feng Xiaotian's report, he finally understood what was going on. These three soul saints were clearly the team sent by the Tiandou Empire to delay their attack.

Feng Xiaotian took the opportunity to suggest: "General, please write to Your Majesty to ask the soul master army to assist us in the battle. Even if they do not go to the front line, they must protect our food and grass supplies from threats."

If he could take the opportunity to lure out the soul master legion from Lake Center Island, it would not be in vain for the good opportunity Zhu Zhuqing and the others created for him.

"This." Ge Hang hesitated.

The army of soul masters came to their aid, and their battle would certainly be easy to fight. But if he writes the letter, wouldn't it prove that he is extremely incompetent?

When the time comes, regardless of whether the soul master army will be sent out, he will definitely be removed from his position as general.

"General, why don't we retreat first? Without the food and grass supplies, the city will definitely not be able to be conquered. Once the food and grass supplies catch up, it won't be too late for us to attack again." Xiao Se quickly came up with an idea.

Anyone who knows something about military affairs knows that it is impossible to fight a war without food and grass. Ge Hang must not agree with this matter. The morale of the army will definitely be unstable before they can wait for food and fodder.

"Pass my order and the army retreats ten miles. In addition, Xiao Se, go to the rear in person and report to the general that the Tiandou Empire has sent a small group of guerrillas to pose a threat to our food and grass transportation. Ask them to send more security personnel."

When Xiao Se heard that he had been transferred from the front line, he didn't care so much. He got on his horse and ran towards the rear.

Originally, Ge Hang's army had prepared all siege equipment. Even if he fails to attack this time, he will still affect the morale of the defenders. But now, they have to call it quits.

The other seven armies attacking from different directions had no choice but to retreat when they saw Ge Hang's actions.

After all, it is difficult to pose a threat to Izumo Castle's defense when people are divided.

The three Zhu Zhuqings on the other side, following Feng Xiaotian's prompts, soon ran into the Star Luo Empire's food transport convoy.

As Feng Xiaotian said, there were not many soldiers guarding the Star Luo Empire's grain transport convoy.

After all, in previous battles, no one from the Tiandou Empire had sneaked into the rear and affected the grain and grass convoy. As for the general of the frontline army, the second elder of the Haotian Sect, he himself did not have much military ability.

Since he had no idea of ​​​​taking food and grass, he naturally sent more soldiers to the front line.

The three titled Douluo took action at the same time, and the transportation team, which totaled less than a hundred people, was quickly wiped out by them.

Of course, this is just the beginning. The teams formed by Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire have all set off and will arrive at the front line soon.

Zhu Zhuqing and the others quickly loaded the food into the soul guide.

With the three of them behind them, no one would notice them even if they entered the heavily guarded Izumo Castle.

At night, the two generals guarding the city in Izumo City were sitting in the military tent, very distressed.

"Although His Majesty said he doesn't care whether we fail, if we can't hold on for even a month, even if most of the troops are withdrawn, Your Majesty probably won't care about us." General Chen Li looked sad.

The Lord of Ouyang Jia beside him was also helpless, "General Chen, the food in the city can only last for half a month at most. After ten days, we will retreat no matter what."

The Star Luo Empire army was originally going to attack the city today, but they suddenly withdrew, which made the two generals very distressed.

If the Xingluo army completely surrounded Izumo City, not only would they be besieged, it would be difficult for them to even break out of the siege.

Xue Qinghe allowed them to abandon the city and retreat. After all, the people in the city had already been evacuated.

But Xue Qinghe did not allow them to become surrendered generals.

Once they surrender, even if they are rescued later, their careers will probably be over. You may even be labeled as a collaborator.

Just when the two of them looked melancholy, a soldier suddenly ran over excitedly and reported, "Report to the general and city lord, a large amount of food has mysteriously appeared in the city, enough for us to eat for more than a month."

The food shipped by the Star Luo Empire is enough to feed the 80,000-strong army for half a month, and since they only have 30,000 people, they can naturally eat for much longer.

The steady Chen Li asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Could it be that the Xingluo Empire deliberately sent poisonous food?"

The soldier explained: "General, we have checked everything and the food is not poisonous."

"What!" Ouyang Jia and Chen Li looked horrified.

Could it be that this is a gift from nature? (End of chapter)

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