Inside the city of Canaan.

The Davises and Ning Rongrong were in a confrontation. The guards patrolling the city received the report and rushed to the scene quickly.

However, when they learned what happened from Davis, they didn't know whether to stop it or not.

The identity of the Qibao Glazed Sect as a traitor has been announced by the Star Luo Empire some time ago. As for Davis, it is easy to identify him by comparing the portrait in the newspaper.

It can be said that if it were not for the obstruction of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Davis would be the Xingluo Emperor now. But now, he was forced to flee. In this situation, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a feud.

Finally, the guard captain suggested: "There is a large spirit fighting arena in the city. If the conflict between you is irreconcilable, then go to a life-and-death fight. Don't do anything in the city. If you damage other people's property, you must compensate."

The life-and-death battle in the Great Soul Fighting Arena was the only legal way to kill an opponent in Canaan City.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis are both fighting soul masters, and both are high-level soul emperors. Oscar and Ning Rongrong were only mid-level soul emperors in strength, and they were both auxiliary soul masters.

As long as they dare to take on this life-and-death fight, the only way out is to die in the ring.

Oscar's sixth soul skill can indeed copy other people's martial arts and soul skills, but he himself does not have much combat experience and cannot defeat opponents of the same level, let alone challenge Davis beyond his level.

In the original time and space, although Oscar could copy Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer, the Clear Sky Hammer's own weight was very heavy, and with his physical quality, he couldn't lift it at all.

Generally speaking, Oscar's sixth soul skill is very abstract and even strong, but his physical fitness is still at the level of an auxiliary soul master, and is not comparable to an ordinary battle soul master at all.

"Oscar, this matter has nothing to do with you. You can get out of here. Do you dare Ning Rongrong to enter the life and death arena?" Davis said angrily.

Ning Rongrong put her hands on her hips and said, "I am an auxiliary soul master. It's embarrassing for you to let an auxiliary soul master enter the ring."

She didn't know anything about the palace change, so Davis put the blame on her. Coupled with the recent experiences of the Qibao Glazed Sect, her temper quickly rose.

The two stood on the street and started a shouting match.

As long as they don't take action, the guards can't do anything to them.

Davis really didn't dare to kill someone directly on the street. Without the protection of Canaan City, he would most likely be captured by Dai Mubai.

As for Ning Rongrong, they didn't have much relationship with Han Yu, and they were wanted by the two major empires on the mainland. She had already made plans to break the pot.

If Davis wants to break up, she'll drag him down.

After all, the Davises were only wanted by the Star Luo Empire, and the laws of the Star Luo Empire would not take effect in the Tiandou Empire. In other words, they still have a way to survive. As for Ning Rongrong and the others, there was no way for them to survive.

Not long after, Dugu Bo arrived at the scene. He never expected that people from the Qibao Glazed Sect would actually escape to Canaan City.

However, scolding in the street would seriously affect the security of the city. He shouted: "That's enough, let's all disperse!"

Regarding Davis's identity, only the guards knew about it, and the onlookers didn't hear it just now.

After Dugubo told the guards to keep it secret, he asked them to take Davis down, and he wanted to meet the Qibao Glazed Sect in person.

Davis had already said the specific inside story of the palace coup, so why on earth did Dai Mubai portray the Qibao Glazed Sect as a traitor? This made him very curious.

"Senior Dugu, we came to Canaan City to take refuge. Don't worry, we will definitely abide by the rules in the city." Oscar said quickly.

They didn't know if Han Yu was in the city, but with Dugu Bo's status, he could easily drive them out of the city. In order to take refuge here, Oscar must show his attitude.

"Where is Ning Fengzhi!" Dugu Bo ignored the other party and turned to Ning Rongrong and asked.

Ning Rongrong was a little nervous. After all, when the Qibao Glazed Sect was still there, they were still in a competitive relationship. Moreover, the Qibao Glazed Sect has used shameful tactics against the Canaan Chamber of Commerce many times.

Dugu Bo's reputation on the mainland is very bad, and no one knows whether he will take action against Ning Fengzhi.

"Dad, he."

"Senior Dugu, Uncle Ning has settled in the city. I will take you there right now." Oscar said with a respectful expression.

"Oscar!" Ning Rongrong was a little confused.

With the way they dressed when they entered the city, it was not difficult for Dugu Bo to find out where they lived from the guards. Rather than being found by the other party, it is better to be proactive and honest, and maybe there will be a glimmer of hope.

Davis on the other side received a stern warning from the city guard.

As for the grievances between them and the Qibao Glazed Sect, they can only wait for Han Yu to come back and then find a way to resolve it.

Ning Fengzhi was sitting on the balcony basking in the sun at the moment, and he still looked as hopeless as ever.

When Dugu Bo saw him, he couldn't help but feel a burst of sadness in his heart.

Once upon a time, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was the number one sect on the mainland, and they were present in all walks of life in the Tiandou Empire. In just a few years, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect has fallen into such decline that only the three of them are left. .

"Ning Fengzhi." Dugu Bo said slowly.

Seeing that the other party did not reply, Oscar stepped forward and reminded: "Uncle Ning, Senior Dugu is here to see you."

"Ang?" Ning Fengzhi finally came back to his senses.

He turned around and looked at Dugu Bo with lifeless eyes.

"What a waste. When I faced the Wuhun Palace's pursuit, I never gave up hope of making a comeback. Now that you are hiding in Canaan City, you are safe. Even so, you still show such a moral character, which is really shocking. Disappointed." Dugu Bo snorted.

Ning Fengzhi looked hopeless, "The Qibao Glazed Tile Sect is dead, and Uncle Bone and Uncle Jian are gone too. What's the point of my life? Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Xue Qinghe all abandoned me. I He is a sinner of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and I don’t have the face to face the sect’s ancestors.”

That is to say, if they don't know what Tang San did, if they knew that Tang San burned down the entire Qibao Glazed Sect's ancestral hall, Ning Fengzhi's emotions would probably collapse even more.

Dugu Bo was not interested in hearing him complain like a resentful woman, and snorted coldly: "I want to ask you, why did Dai Mubai attack the Qibao Glazed Sect, and who is the person who attacked you!"

"They are from Poseidon Island and Haotian Sect." Oscar said. Ning Fengzhi had told them about this.

"Poseidon Island?" Dugu Bo looked stunned.

He knew that Poseidon Island was very powerful. Even the Spirit Hall suffered heavy losses at their hands back then. Later, Poseidon Island was destroyed by Han Yu, and Han Yu told him about this. But he didn't expect that the remnants of Poseidon Island would actually mix with the Haotian Sect, Dai Mubai and the others.

The current strengths of Dugubo and Litian are level ninety-six and ninety-four respectively. It is simply unrealistic to kill Gu Rong with such strength. Doesn't that mean that the people from Poseidon Island or Haotian Sect are very powerful?

In the past two years, there have been a lot of rumors on the mainland about the power of Huxin Island. Although Wuhun Palace has been suppressing, it has not achieved much results.

The power of Lake Center Island suddenly appeared after the destruction of Poseidon Island. Dugu Bo could vaguely feel that there might be some kind of connection between them.

"How strong is Tang Xiao of the Haotian Sect?" Dugu Bo asked.

Osco didn't know about this matter, and the three of them turned their attention to Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi sighed repeatedly: "Tang Xiao is level ninety-seven, and there is a peerless Douluo who is level ninety-nine on Poseidon Island."

Since they are willing to sacrifice their lives for Dai Mubai, there is a high probability that they will side with the Star Luo Empire if a war breaks out.

A ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo can equal four ninety-eighth level super Douluo. Since breaking through level 95, Dugu Bo has a clear understanding of the improvement of each subsequent level.

A ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo can destroy a city with just one move. It would be absolutely disastrous for such a strong man to join the battle.

After learning this important news, Dugu Bo had no desire to ask further.

Before leaving, he said: "You can stay in the city for the time being, but I still say the same thing, don't cause trouble!"

After breaking through to the god level, Han Yu's speed increased tremendously. In just a few days, he crossed half of the Sun and Moon Continent and the entire ocean.

This time, he did not stay in the port city and flew straight towards the city of Canaan.

Along the way, he could feel that the situation on the mainland had become very tense. He even saw Haotian Sect disciples building military fortresses at the two borders.

Entering Canaan City, Han Yu did not announce his return in a high-profile manner.

Dugu Bo reported all the recent events to him.

"According to my speculation, the Star Luo Empire will indeed undergo palace changes in the near future. What about Davis, that guy is an important trump card for us in the future." Han Yu asked.

Dugu Bo said: "The Davises had a confrontation with Ning Rongrong and Osco from the Qibao Glazed Sect in the city earlier. Little monster, you decide who to meet first, but I think it is best to keep the relationship between them Conflicts should be handled well so as not to affect the security of the city."

Han Yu shook his head, "Don't worry, I gained a lot this time. Let's call Director Lou Gao here first. I have something important to give to him."

"Little monster, I can feel that your strength has been qualitatively improved compared to before. But the Peerless Douluo on Poseidon Island is not that easy to deal with. You must be careful." Before leaving, Dugu Bo reminded.

Bo Saixi was no match for Han Yu before, but now that Han Yu has broken through to the god level, it will be absolutely easy to kill her. However, if you kill one Bo Saixi, there will be thousands of Bo Saixi. Only by getting rid of Bo Saidong can everything be over.

With his current strength, he can completely open a space channel to the God Realm. But according to the rules of the God Realm, it will be very difficult for him to go to the lower realm in the future. Poseidong, an old dog, can only wait until the end to solve this problem.

The soul guidance device production blueprints and study manuals that Han Yu brought back this time were of great help to Lou Gao's soul guidance device research.

You know, in these years, Lou Gao could only cross the river by feeling the stones while studying the fifth-level soul guidance device. Even if it is researched, its effect will only be an upgraded version of a third-level soul guide, and cannot be regarded as a true fifth-level soul guide.

Looking at the study materials in his hands, Lou Gao felt as if he was enlightened. Many problems that had not been solved at this stage were all solved.

Han Yu reminded: "Director Lou Gao, we can only get so many at the moment. I'm afraid I won't be able to get soul guidance devices above the seventh level."

Lou Gao laughed and said: "Dean, you really flatter me. With this manual, I still need to re-learn the theory of fourth-level soul guidance devices. As for seventh-level soul guidance devices, I estimate that I can break through the sixth-level soul guidance device in ten years." It’s quite difficult to reach level 7, let alone level 7.”

He is taking a wild path now. Now that he has formal information, all the things he accumulated before have to be overthrown and started over.

Finally, Han Yu said, "Director Lou Gao, don't let the soul guide technology be lost. You should bring out some direct disciples as soon as possible."

Lou Gao is very old, and he is only a Soul Saint, and his lifespan is no different from that of ordinary people. If he didn't teach an outstanding disciple through words and deeds before he left, it would be a great loss.

You know, Silong and Siyu are very talented in blacksmithing, but that doesn't mean they are equally talented in researching soul tools. At present, although they are third-level soul guides, they are still far away from the fourth level. Even some inconspicuous guys from the original Blacksmith Association are now moving towards the fourth level.

The soul guidance department will be the core department of Canaan College in the future, and it must devote a lot of energy to make a good start for future generations.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door of the dean's office.

The person who came was none other than Feng Xiaotian, who had made the fastest progress in the divine test and had already completed the eighth test.

Although Han Yu has never experienced the divine test, according to his memory, the ninth test must require him to break through the ninety-ninth level and pass the gate of inheritance before it can be truly completed.

The artifact provided by the God of Wind for him is the Claw of the God of Wind, which fits his martial spirit very well.

"Not bad. In the past few years since I left, you have become a titled Douluo." Han Yu patted his shoulder and said with a satisfied look on his face.

Feng Xiaotian said: "At the beginning, if it weren't for the teacher's guidance to me, I'm afraid I would still have to take many detours. Without the teacher, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Han Yu smiled faintly, "My teachings to you took the least time among all people. What you are today is the result of your own efforts."

Next, he has a lot of things to do, and it will be much easier with Feng Xiaotian as a helper. Feng Xiaotian now has level 93 soul power. With the blessing of the divine test, his soul rings are currently eight black and one red. When he breaks through to the god level, the life of his soul ring will increase.

But in god-level battles, soul skills basically lose their usefulness. For a god who is proficient in divine power, it is very simple to upgrade all of his soul rings to a hundred thousand years.

In god-level battles, most of them use artifacts and magical skills to fight against each other. And Han Yu's artifacts are naturally Emperor Yan and Fire Cloud Stick.

The Fire Cloud Stick has now been separated from the martial soul sequence by him, and it is an independent artifact.

"The mainland war will start soon, Xiaotian, when the time comes, I will need you to carry out interspersed operations."

"It all depends on the teacher's instructions."

Xue Qinghe is a puppet. If there is a war, the battle plan will most likely be drawn up by Han Yu.

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